pea soup with shank


  • Pea soup with fresh (raw) shank
  • Pea soup with smoked shank

The recipe for pea soup with shank can be called a classic. How to cook a pea soup in theory everyone knows. However, not all have an accurate idea of ​​what is a knuckle. A knuckle - is nothing but a part of the pork leg from the knee to the "foot." If we draw an analogy with the human anatomy, it's part of the leg from the knee to the ankle. Shank - enough meat of the pig carcasses, but while still not the fat. Therefore, the first and second courses are obtained from it delicious, nourishing and satisfying. And pea soup ...

It can be prepared from fresh or smoked shank, add the spices and fragrant roots, and you can do the traditional set of products and get amazingly delicious pea soup. So let's quickly learn the recipe of this soup.

Pea soup with fresh (raw) shank

This gives a very nourishing soup, but with a pronounced odor of pork. To mute the smell, put the soup herbs and spices. We will cook the soup with parsley or celery root, with bay leaves and dill.


  • Raw pork knuckle - 1 piece;
  • Dry peas - 1 cup;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Parsley root (celeriac) - 1 piece;
  • Onions - 2 heads;
  • Bay leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • Dill, salt and pepper - at your discretion.


To start promoem peas, fill it with a glass of cold water and leave soak. Pork knuckle, too, we shall wash up, put it in a large pot and fill with water. The amount of water depends on the size of the pan: knuckle should completely "sink", and from it to the surface of the water should stay another five centimeters. Put the pan on the fire, put it washed parsley root (celeriac) and one whole carrots (washed, too), let the water boil and leave to cook our soup and a half to two hours.

During this time, knuckle fully seethe, and the meat is easily separated from bone. That's what we do, taking a half hour shin from the broth. However, while remaining a pan on the fire, we shall take out from the broth roots, but put it peas, which we cook until half. Waiting for the peas almost cooked, will wash the roots, clean them, and we shall cut slices of potato and carrot - thin cubes. Onion finely nashinkuem.

When the peas will be almost ready, season with onion soup first, reduce the heat and let the broth boil. After that, we send a carrot in a saucepan, boil again, wait and put the broth in a potato. Now cook the soup until soft potatoes. Once the potatoes are cooked, season the soup with chopped pieces of meat, salt and pepper and put in a bay leaf and dill. Pea soup will taste even better if you give him a brew.


You may meet a recipe, which recommends carrots and onions (and sometimes meat) for this soup fry in vegetable oil. However, pork - quite fatty meat, so the excess oil in the pea soup with shank is really odd.

 pea soup with shank

Pea soup with smoked shank

Smoked knuckle itself is very fragrant. Therefore, this soup is best not to use a special seasoning: as they say, the best - the enemy of good. So, soup recipe smoked shank includes the traditional set of products.


  • Small cooked smoked knuckle - 1 piece;
  • Peas - 1 cup;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Salt and pepper - to your taste.


Peas for this soup soaked in advance (preferably overnight) then he will cook much faster. Shank is washed put into a saucepan and fill with water as well as in the first case, add to the broth peas and boil for about an hour. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables: peel the potatoes and my and carrot, clean and chop the onion shinkuem. Potatoes cut into cubes, carrots - semicircles.

After an hour take out the meat from the pan, put in the onions and carrot soup, give it a boil and add potatoes. While the stew vegetables, sliced ​​meat and add it to the pan for five minutes until cooked soup. Adding meat, do not forget to spice up our pea soup with salt and black pepper.


The degree of boiled peas can be varied to your taste: someone loves soup with peas, boiled almost puree, and someone like when peas boiled soft flakes. Density of soup can also be adjusted by pouring water into the pan. By the way, pea soup with smoked shank can be cooked without potatoes.

In fact, a cook pea soup is very easy (but long enough). Therefore, if you have the time and desire to try the recipe of pea soup with shank in practice. The result should please you!

 Pea soup with shank - it's very, very tasty!

 Pea soup with pork


  • Pea soup with pork ribs
  • Pea soup with pork

Pea soup with pork - great food for all seasons, but the most in demand this soup in the autumn-winter period. With the onset of the cool season soups in general are on the "cheers", and even more so nourishing and hearty, like pea soup on a meat broth.

Plant and animal protein, combined in one dish, contributes to the saturation, and even the taste of this soup has canceled. We will offer you several variants of pea soup, and you select the recipe that you feel the most successful.

Pea soup with pork ribs


  • 500 grams of pork ribs
  • 300 grams of peas
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 100 grams of bacon
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf

Cooking method:

Peas rinse thoroughly in several waters, cover with cold water and leave for a few hours.

Meat wash, cover with cold water, put in a pan the onion, carrots, black pepper and allspice (peas), a couple lavrushek and put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the temperature and cook until cooked meat, periodically removing the foam to form.

Meat, onions, carrots and spices remove from broth and omit to swollen peas. Cook until the peas will not be quite soft. Then put it in a pot peeled and sliced ​​potatoes.

Onions, carrots and bacon cut into cubes and fry until golden brown. Add it all in a pot of soup and boil for 10 minutes, add salt to taste.

Before serving in each plate to put on a pair of ribs.

The recipe is simple and accessible, and the soup is very hearty and tasty.

 pea soup with pork

Pea soup with pork


  • 500 grams of pork knuckle
  • 300 grams of peas
  • 150 grams of bacon or pork loin
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • tablespoon vegetable oil
  • white roots (celery, parsley, parsnip)
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf
  • parsley

Cooking method:

Peas rinse, cover with cold water and leave for a few hours for the swelling.

Shin wash, add water and put on a slow fire. When the meat is cooked, it is necessary to take out and put it in a pot soaked peas, which must first be cast away on a sieve to water glass. Continue to cook over medium heat until until peas are tender.

Onions and loin cut into cubes, carrots and grate the roots. Vegetable oil lightly fry the bay leaf and peppercorns (black and allspice), add the bacon, then onions, carrots and roots.

In a pan with peas drop peeled and diced potatoes and bring to a boil, then add zazharku. Add salt to taste.

Before serving, put in each plate a piece of meat and sprinkle with chopped parsley. This is a classic recipe for pea soup with pork.

Note. This recipe involves the use of a part of the pig carcasses as knuckle. Shank is adjacent to the knee joint, it is fleshy, juicy and gives a very good fat. For those who prefer a strong, rich broth, the meat is perfect for cooking soups.

 recipe for pea soup with pork

And the first recipe, and second do not require special skills. By following them, you can always cook a delicious and hearty pea soup.

Bon Appetit!

 Hearty meal: pea soup with pork

We recommend that read: Pea soup: recipe with ribs
