child nutrition after a year


  • What to eat and when
  • Breast milk: to remove or leave
  • Vegetables and fruit on the table
  • Meat, fish and egg
  • Cereals and bread in the diet
  • Add a drink and sweets

Your baby has grown up and is celebrating its very first anniversary in life. He turned one. For a family it is a great event, because now your grudnichok turned one year old crumbs. He is going through a transitional period of his life in many of its fields. Change habits, daily routine, and there are new physical abilities. Kid actively crawling and trying to walk.

The more movement, the more calories are burned in the body of the child, and as a result, changed its need for food.

By the year of its life the baby will be trying new and unusual products for themselves, and such changes take time and patience from parents. In the body of the little guy has seen some significant changes. He already has teeth, and he improves his ability to chew. The child tries to try it for the first time in the "tooth". So baby checks whether he can cope with hard objects. Grudnichok is accustomed, frayed and eats only liquid food, so his interest in the new concept. In the stomach, the crumbs appeared sufficient number of new enzymes that help digest food complex.

The new style of power should not only be based on an increase in satiety products but also give the little one a new taste experience. If your child at this age consume breast milk, it is not a hindrance for a new phase in the transition to an unfamiliar food, and even considered a "plus" for his health. Suppose that such a change would be gradual and comfortable for your child. Power change, increases its caloric content, so you need to start properly to make changes in the life of his child.
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What to eat and when

Every mother knows the usual diet of his child and all its features. It is possible to leave 2 years 5 tirazovy meal. It is worth paying attention to how the desire to eat the baby. If he does not want to eat in the last 5-feeding, boldly cutting regime to 4 hrazovoe as adults. Doctors believe that the optimal interval between meals is 4 hours during which time the food is digested, and the children are willing to eat with pleasure. During the period of transition to a new way of life try to strictly adhere to the feeding schedule. The kid has to develop a reflex, which works best when the whole digestive system and time appears appetite.

When promiscuous mode is bad secrete enzymes and food practically not absorbed. Stop to feed a child between meals, especially sweet.

At the age of 1 year, significantly increased the demand for energy, that it was enough to increase the diet of 1200-1300 kcal. The amount of food closer to 1100-1300 ml.

Baby should eat evenly throughout the day. In the morning and evening accounted for about a quarter of the diet for dinner - about 35-40%, in the afternoon - only 10-15% of the daily volume. Products that are useful child should be balanced and natural, contain per kg of body weight of the child: protein and fat about 4 grams, and carbohydrates - about '15

 Food rules
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Breast milk: to remove or leave

One-year life of the baby over, you change his diet, and how to be breast feeding of? Though no longer a pipsqueak grudnichok, but his mother's milk need still remains. Pediatricians believe that even at this age the baby gets a lot of vitamins and substances that contribute to the proper development of the nervous system and antibodies to fight infection from breast milk, which he continues to eat.

In most cases, one's mother stops breast-feed your baby as a baby. But it is worth remembering that a large and important place in the diet given to dairy products. They provide the body with B vitamins, calcium enriched bones and provide a natural protein and fat. Try to offer to the child yogurt (from 100 ml per day), a delicious yogurt (200 ml). Watch the amount excessive amounts of dairy products can overload the stomach and cause the baby diarrhea. Choose foods specifically designed for children. They do not contain much fat and eliminates the ingress of harmful chemicals into the body remains.

Buy "live" yoghurt, they have a special live cultures that support a useful medium in the intestine. Add in the diet and curd cheese. After a year of life, increase the amount of cheese and 60 grams daily. If a kid like cheese without additives - excellent. Otherwise, prepare light meals from it. Casseroles, for example. Cheese - a very useful product for kids of all ages. It simply must be included in the diet. This product can be used as an additive to ready-made meals, and in its pure form. Offer your child a piece of cheese, even if he chews his teeth. Gradually enter the low-fat sour cream. Cream choose the lowest calorie and offer very little crumbs, but rather as part of meals.

 vegetables and fruits are important for child nutrition after a year
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Vegetables and fruit on the table

After one year there comes a time when kids can learn about new delicious berries and fruits. Mom needs to understand that new products can cause allergies. Observe how the child perceives the new food. Suggest crumbs cherries, strawberries, cherries, peaches, kiwi, gooseberries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries. Citrus also can give your baby. But do not overdo it - in such a lot of fruit acids, and they can harm the baby's stomach, causing allergies.

Let the kid eats berries in the form of puree. The peel them tight, and the crumbs will be difficult to swallow them, they can choke. If soft fruit (apricot and kiwi fruit), cut into slices. Grapes doctors advise giving a little each year. It is hard to digest and increases peristalsis, causes fermentation, and abdominal pain. The optimal amount of fruit in the diet would be 200 grams daily. Teach crumbs to the natural juice (preferably sugar-free), a day to drink 80-100 ml.

Menu vegetables should be extended with useful products: tomatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, beans, green peas. Remember that beans should be subjected to a heat treatment, because they cause flatulence and colic, and children will suffer from pain. Vegetables is most often used as a first course. A cooked and frayed to the slurry can be used for delicious side dishes. In the diet, add the vegetable oil, better at the end of cooking vegetables.
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Meat, fish and egg

An essential product for the kids in one year is a meat - about 100 grams per day of admission. It is rich in protein and essential amino acids to the growing organism. Add to the new regime cutlets, meatballs, meatballs and casseroles for a couple. Use the meats that contain a minimum of cholesterol: veal, beef, occasionally lean pork, chicken, turkey. Very useful for the crumbs of the liver, heart, tongue. Do not abuse the meat goose and duck and lamb. Such products are in abundance is very difficult to digest.

In drawing up the proper mode of feeding fish - an indispensable and valuable element. Let's take it to 30 grams, replacing meat dish. Twice during the 7 days is sufficient. Cooking it is required for a couple, and croquettes, cutlets or fillets easy to extinguish.

For the first year of life should be present in foods like chicken eggs and quail. They are well digested, and contain nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. At this age, children allowed to cook and bake eggs. Cook them 3-4 times a week, serving - half a chicken or an egg quail.

 correct diet
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Cereals and bread in the diet

Year-old kid cereals are needed. Useful food will buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet and others. Cook porridge that is well boiled soft, they are easier to chew and swallow. Pasta use as a dressing for soup or a side dish. Too often, they do not need to cook. 1 times a week is sufficient to receive the carbohydrates of these products. Add to nutritious food, bread, preferably white (1, 5 years), it is perfectly digestible and provides energy to the body. Optimal servings a day of -100
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Add a drink and sweets

It is not necessary to monitor fluid intake. Requirements for each child is unique. This may be due to the heat, abundant food, or just a habit. Offer him water (best for baby food), juices (vegetable or fruit), fruit drinks, fruit drinks (preferably without sugar), herbal tea (chamomile, Melissa). Mineral water and soda to drink absolutely contraindicated to 3 years!

Instead of sugar, use fructose, natural and healthy. Add it to sweeten cooked dishes and compotes. It is perfectly absorbed and does not overload the pancreas. Rarely can treat crumbs sweets fructose: jelly, marshmallow. If he does not have allergies, tasty and healthy product becomes honey. Observe the total amount of sugar: the day of no more than 25-30 g Stick new and useful mode and be healthy!

 Eating baby after a year of life
