Soups, main, desserts - many useful and delicious rich cooking. Soup with dumplings is the most popular worldwide.
How to make soup with dumplings? There are many recipes for soup with dumplings. Every cuisine has its own recipe for soup with dumplings. Prepare the soup as you can with cheese dumplings and a meat or flour. It will please the male half of its satiety recipe soup with meatballs and dumplings. In cooking soup with dumplings can be cooked like chicken broth and milk. Therefore soup with dumplings is likely to appeal to both adults and children.
For those who believe in calorie foods: soup with dumplings made from vegetables, it contains 421 calories. Nutritional values per serving of chicken soup with dumplings is 566 calories. The average serving of soup with noodles contains 800 calories.
Soup with dumplings, photos and the recipe of which are described below, is a favorite dish in the family circle!
Soup with meatballs and dumplings
- 3, 5-4 l broth
- 400 grams of minced meat
- 350 g of potatoes
- 100 g flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 PC. onion
- 1 PC. carrots
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons breadcrumbs
- vegetable oil
- Bay leaf
- dill and parsley
- black pepper, salt - to taste
Cooking method:
In a saucepan pour the broth. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips and put in a pot. Bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes.
The ground beef to drive an egg, add the breadcrumbs, pepper, salt and knead thoroughly until smooth. Sformovat meatballs, lightly fry in vegetable oil. Ready-made meatballs remove to a plate.
Separately for cooking dumplings in flour to drive an egg, salt, stir until smooth. The dough should have a thick.
Onions and carrots cleaned, cut, fry in vegetable oil. In a pot of soup to put meatballs, onions and carrots, bring to a boil over moderate heat. Put the bay leaf, pepper and salt. Cook for 10 minutes. Then, soaking in cold water a teaspoon, put the dumplings into the boiling soup. Simmer until cooked dumplings.
Soup with meatballs and dumplings bring to the table hot and garnish with chopped herbs dish dill and parsley.
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Armenian soup with meat dumplings (Kyufta)
Soup with dumpling recipe is written below refers to the Armenian cuisine, and called kyufta.
- 2 liters of broth
- 500 g of mutton
- 3/4 Art. rice
- 3 eggs
- 1 PC. onion
- 1 tbsp. tablespoon butter
- milk
- parsley, cilantro and dill
- pepper, salt - to taste
Cooking method:
For the Armenian soup with meat dumplings is necessary mutton or pork.
Figure bust and rinse. Onions clean, chop finely and fry in butter. In the broth to put the rice and fried onions.
Meat mince, add egg, finely chopped herbs and pepper. When the rice reaches the half-state, about 3 tablespoons. spoons recline on a sieve and add to the stuffing. From the prepared minced meat formed into dumplings, omit them in the soup. Simmer soup with dumplings simmered until cooked. Mix with milk 2 eggs and slowly stir, put in soup with dumplings.
Armenian soup with dumplings sprinkled with chopped herbs and serve hot.
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Italian soup with chicken dumplings
How to cook soup with dumplings in Italian? It takes a variety of chicken and fresh vegetables.
- 2 pcs. fillet of chicken
- 200 g of broccoli
- 100 g fresh green beans
- 5 pcs. maize (mini)
- 2 pcs. Potato
- 1 egg
- 1 bell pepper
- 1 tomato
- 1 PC. onion
- 1 carrot
- 2 tbsp. spoon of ground white crackers
- vegetable oil
- fresh herbs
Cooking method:
Italian soup prepared with chicken dumplings. First you need to make stuffing for dumplings. To do this, mince chicken, add the breadcrumbs, half the chopped herbs and egg. Onions and carrots to clean, onion finely chopped, carrots cut into strips, fry in vegetable oil all. In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil a teaspoon of molded dumplings cooked minced meat and put it in the pan. When the chicken dumplings float, drop into the soup fried onion and carrot.
Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes, put in soup with dumplings. Tomato rifling pieces and add to the soup. Broccoli divided into florets, beans and maize peel, pepper cut into half rings, and when the potatoes are cooked, put everything into the soup with dumplings. Season with salt and cook until vegetables are tender.
Serve Italian soup with dumplings, seasoned with herbs.
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Tomato soup with cheese dumplings
- 1 liter of tomato juice
- 125ml milk
- 50 g semolina
- 1 egg
- 2 sprigs thyme
- 1 bunch basil
- 1 tbsp. tablespoon butter
- 4 tsp. Parmesan cheese (grated)
- nutmeg
- pepper, salt - to taste
Cooking method:
For tomato soup with cheese dumplings better use of parmesan cheese.
In a saucepan pour the milk, put the butter and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, add the spices. Carefully pour the semolina, stirring constantly, and beat until smooth mass. Cheese grate. Munk heated for 1 minute, add the egg and cheese. Separately, in a saucepan to boil water, and forming a teaspoon of cheese gnocchi, cook them until they emerge. Then remove the dumplings from the water.
Prepare soup. Heat the tomato juice. Fresh herbs finely chopped. The tomato juice is put dumplings and herbs. Soup dumplings with cheese and pepper and salt to taste.
Tomato soup with dumplings ready! Serve hot.
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Fish soup with dumplings mannymi
To prepare the soup with dumplings Czech require several kinds of fresh fish, such as grouper, cod, catfish, carp and so on. A dumpling soup prepared with semolina or flour.
- 1, 5 liters of fish broth
- 45 ml of milk
- 600 g of fresh fish of different varieties
- 75 g of semolina or flour
- 3 strips of bacon
- 4 potatoes
- 3 tomatoes
- 1 egg
- 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons paprika
- 1-2 tsp. Marjoram (chopped)
- fresh parsley
- salt
Cooking method:
To cook the soup with dumplings mannymi Czech, first of all, you need to prepare the fish: clean the bones, cut into pieces. The broth is prepared in advance or use plain water.
Bacon chop. In a large fry without oil scorodite bacon, then add the fish. Fry, stirring gently, for another 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle with paprika, pour the fish stock over moderate heat and bring to a boil. Boil for about 10 minutes.
Tomatoes peel and chop. Peel the potatoes and grate on a medium grater. In a saucepan with the fish soup, add the tomatoes, potatoes and oregano, and cook, stirring occasionally, 10 minutes.
Cook the dumplings. Mix the semolina with milk, to drive an egg, add a pinch of salt and finely chopped parsley. Knead a stiff dough, cover with cling film and leave to stand for 5-10 minutes. Put the soup semolina dumpling teaspoon, simmer for 10 minutes. Serve fish soup with dumplings hot, flavored with paprika and fresh marjoram.
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Vegetable soup with dumplings
- 200g minced chicken
- 50 g semolina
- 2 carrots
- 1 egg
- fresh parsley
- flavoring for soup
- ground black pepper, salt - to taste
Cooking method:
For the preparation of vegetable soup with dumplings take 30 minutes.
In a saucepan pour the water, bring to a boil, add seasoning to the soup, season with salt. Carrot peel and cut into thin slices, lightly fried and put in boiling water. The minced chicken to drive an egg, add semolina, pepper and knead thoroughly.
Sformovat dumpling tablespoon dipped in cold water, and drop into boiling water. Cook for about 15 minutes until tender.
At the end of cooking in a vegetable soup with dumplings add chopped parsley.
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Milk soup with dumplings
- 1 liter of milk
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons flour
- butter
- salt
Cooking method:
To prepare milk soup with dumplings take 20 minutes. First of all, it is necessary to boil the milk. Separately, mix the flour with the beaten egg. Dumplings mold teaspoon dipped in milk, and throw in a pot of boiling milk. Put the dumplings into the soup must be very fast, and cook for 10 minutes until cooked, add salt.
Milk soup with dumplings served hot, seasoned with a piece of butter.
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Mushroom soup with dumplings
- 700 ml water
- 150ml milk
- 100 g semolina
- 50 g of dried mushrooms
- 1 egg
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter
- 1 parsley root
- 4 things. sprigs of parsley
- salt - to taste
Cooking method:
To prepare the soup with semolina dumplings and mushrooms, it can be used both fresh and dried mushrooms.
Dried mushrooms washed and left in cold water for 3 hours. Then take out the mushrooms, water without shaking gently to drain into the container. Put the pan on the fire and boil the mushrooms until tender. Then take out the mushrooms, cool and cut into slices, mushroom broth through cheesecloth.
Onions, carrots and parsley root clean, rinse and crumble into strips. All fry in 1 tbsp. spoon butter on low heat for about 5 minutes. Put in a mushroom broth and mushrooms sauteed vegetables, salt and bring to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Cook the dumplings for mushroom soup. Milk bring to the boil slowly enter the semolina and cook, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes. Cool. Add semolina egg and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, mix until smooth. Boil salted water, formed into dumplings teaspoon and cook until tender. Then fold the dumplings in a sieve or colander and put in a bowl of soup before serving.
Decorate mushroom soup with dumplings chopped parsley.
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Chicken soup with dumplings
Soup with dumplings, cooked in chicken broth, has more than a dozen recipes. Since ancient times, chicken soup is considered a tasty and nutritious food necessary to restore the body with severe illnesses. Chicken soup with dumplings, a recipe which is described below, relates to the Jewish cuisine and dumplings called kneydlah.
- 3-4 liters of water
- 1-1, 5 kg of chicken meat
- 175 g flour matzo middle ground
- 3-5 carrots
- 3-4 onions
- 2 eggs
- 2 cloves garlic
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 parsnip
- 1 bouillon cube
- 3-5 stalks of celery petiolar
- ground turmeric
- parsley and dill
- ground pepper, salt - to taste
Cooking method:
Prepare all products for the dish Chicken soup with dumplings: chicken chop pieces and put in a pot.
Not cleaned, onions crosswise incision in the lower part. Celery and carrots cut into circles, parsnips - cut in half. Vegetables to put chicken meat, add turmeric and parsley. Dill Mince one part put in the pot to the chicken and vegetables. All pepper and salt to taste. Pour water into the pot, the lid bring to a boil, then reduce the fire. During cooking, remove the chicken broth with foam, crumbled stock cube in the pan and cook over low heat for 2-2, 5 hours. At the end of cooking, remove the fat from the surface of chicken soup.
To prepare gnocchi (kneydlah) must be minced 1 clove garlic, onion grate, lightly beaten eggs. In a bowl pour the flour and matzo enter the eggs, add the vegetable oil, garlic, chopped parsley (about 2-3 tbsp. Tablespoons) and onions. Pepper and salt. Pour a little water to form a dough consistency of thick cream. Leave the dough, covered to infuse in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
Separately, in a saucepan to boil water and prepare a bowl of cold water.
Lower the water a tablespoon, collect it the dough for dumplings. Moisten hands with water, roll dough balls and dipped in boiling water. Simmer, covered on low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Ready-made dumplings with a slotted spoon to remove from the water and put on a plate for 15-20 minutes, so that they become dense.
Before serving, reheat the soup, put in a bowl 3-4 dumpling, pour hot soup. Put the soup dumplings with finely chopped garlic, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley.
Chicken soup with dumplings ready!
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Soup with potato dumplings
- 2 l of water
- 600 g of potatoes
- 500 g beef
- 500 grams of fresh green peas in the pod
- 2-3 handfuls of wheat flour
- 3 carrots
- 1-2 eggs
- 1 celery root
- 1 bay leaf
- butter
- krupchatka (the best variety of white wheat flour)
- black pepper peas
- salt
Cooking method:
To prepare the soup with potato dumplings need to beef broth. To do this, pour water into the pan, put the beef, salt and bring to a boil. Remove the foam, add the bay leaf, 2-3 peppercorns and cook over moderate heat for 1, 5-2 hours, then remove the meat, broth, meat cut into cubes.
Carrot and celery cleaned, rinsed. Carrots cut into slices, root - cubes. Vyluschit peas, rinse. Peel the potatoes, boil, cool, grate. In a large bowl put grated potatoes, add the flour, eggs, salt. Butter fry. Table sprinkle with flour, roll out a thin layer of potato dough, spread with roasted butter, sprinkle with semolina dough roll in roll and cut into pieces about 1 cm in width.
In the finished soup put the vegetables, bring to a boil, cook beef soup for about 10 minutes. Then put the dumplings, bring to a boil again and cook until tender.
Beef soup with dumplings ready! Before serving, decorate the soup with potato dumplings with fresh chopped parsley and dill.
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Milk soup with potato dumplings
- 800 g - 1 kg of potatoes
- 1, 5 liters of milk
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter
- salt
Cooking method:
Cooking soup with dumplings Lithuanian takes 30 minutes.
Potatoes are divided into two equal parts: one boiled in their skins, peel and grate or mince; the second - to clean and raw grate, squeeze through cheesecloth and connect with boiled potatoes. Thoroughly knead the potato mixture.
From the resulting mass of molded small dumplings. In a saucepan, boil water, put in her gnocchi and cook for 5 minutes. Separately, in a pan of salted milk bring to a boil. Potato dumplings with a slotted spoon to shift into the boiling milk, cook milk soup until cooked.
Ready milk soup with potato dumplings fill butter.
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Soup with dumplings mannymi
- 2, 5 l water
- 2 chicken ham
- 100 g semolina
- 50 g butter
- 1 egg
- 1 carrot
- 1 stalk leek (white part)
- 1 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil
- 2 bay leaves
- fresh parsley and dill
- allspice pepper
- salt
Cooking method:
How to cook soup with dumplings mannymi? First of all, it is necessary to cook the chicken broth. To do this, pour water into the pan, put the ham and bring to a boil, remove the foam, cook on low heat for 1, 5 hours. Then, remove the ham, broth. From hams separate the meat, cut into pieces and put into the broth.
Carrots and leeks cleaned, washed, cut into slices. In a frying pan heat the olive oil and lightly fry the onion and carrot for 5 minutes.
Separately in 150 ml of broth put the butter, salt and bring to a boil. Slowly, stirring constantly broth enter semolina and immediately remove from heat. A thick porridge. Semolina cool, drive an egg, knead the dough. The board roll out a thin layer of dough, cut the dumplings.
In the remaining chicken broth with meat bring to a boil, put the chopped vegetables, bay leaf, peas allspice and semolina gnocchi. Simmer soup with dumplings 5 minutes, then remove the bay leaf.
Before serving soup with semolina dumplings decorate with chopped greens.
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Soup dumplings with custard meatless
To learn how to cook the soup with dumplings in the post, there are many recipes based on chicken broth, and the vegetable. The soup can be prepared with custard dumpling or mannymi.
- 2 L + 250 mL water
- 100 g butter
- 1 tbsp. flour
- 1/2 Art. beans
- 2 eggs
- 1 PC. onion
- 1 carrot
- 1 celery root
- allspice pepper
- fresh herbs
- pepper, paprika, salt - to taste
Cooking method:
Beans eve soak in cold water overnight. In the morning boil, drain and cool.
Onions, carrots and celery cleaned, cut into slices and slices. In a saucepan, boil 2 liters of water, put the vegetables, add salt and cook until done. Then add the cooked beans, bring to a boil.
Separately in 250 ml of salted water to dissolve the butter, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Enter the flour, mixing thoroughly and boil on low heat for 2-3 minutes. Cool and put the eggs one at a time and pepper.
Tea or coffee spoon dumplings and lower gain in lean soup. Cook custard soup with dumplings until cooked.
Before serving, decorate the soup with dumplings lean fresh chopped herbs.
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