Today, we'll show you how to make pizza at home, the pizza really was delicious with a little crunchy, but at the same time a soft dough, hot sauce and aromatic stuffing. In short, home-cooking challenge pizzeria.
Pizza has long evolved from the Italian brand in the international. Prepare this simple and very delicious food on every continent, and everywhere there are highlights. But the basic ingredients - dough, tomatoes, cheese - remain unchanged components.
Can we call pizza junk food? Maybe, yes. But this is the most harmless fast food - just a burrito. Note dough, in which something can be wrapped present in the kitchens of all nations.
How to cook a delicious pizza? It is important to make the right dough. Each has its own pizza dough recipe, which is kept secret. We have no secrets, and we want to offer you several options for pizza, to give the opportunity to choose the only recipe that will become your chip.
So, the recipe the first.
Home pizza with mozzarella
Ingredients for the dough:
2 cups flour
tablespoon dry yeast
50 ml of olive oil
300 ml of warm water
teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
How to prepare the dough:
In the sifted flour add the yeast, salt, sugar and mix well. Then, slowly pour in the water, olive oil and knead the dough. It should be flexible enough to keep up with, and hands. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and leave in a warm place for an hour and a half. The dough should increase in volume approximately two times. We punched and allowed to rise even at same time. Ingredients for the filling:
200 grams of mozzarella cheese
Bank of tomatoes, canned in own juice
teaspoon of spicy chili sauce
2 bell peppers
Italian herbs
A method for preparing a pizza:
The dough is spread on a baking sheet, put tomatoes mixed with spicy sauce, slicing thin strips pepper, sprinkle with shredded mozzarella and Italian herbs. Bake in preheated oven until done.
Pizza with tuna
Ingredients for the dough:
500 grams of flour
350ml milk
tablespoon dry yeast
4 tablespoons olive oil
teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
How to prepare the dough:
The Pour the sifted flour, salt, sugar, yeast and stir. Pour the warm milk and olive oil and knead the dough tender. Put in a warm place to climb. Obmyat and leave the heat for another hour. Ingredients for the filling:
Bank of canned tuna
salad onion
150 grams of spicy tomato sauce
200 grams of cherry tomatoes
100 grams of parmesan
fresh basil
A method for preparing a pizza:
The dough is stretched by the size baking dish, spread with spicy sauce, put the pieces of tuna, chopped onion, halved tomatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 230 degrees until done. Before serving, decorate with basil leaves. And another recipe - pizza dough thin.
Thin pizza with ham and salami
Ingredients for the dough:
350 grams of flour
250 ml of warm water
tablespoon dry yeast
teaspoon salt
tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
How to prepare the dough:
Mix the sugar, yeast and 4 tablespoons of warm water. Put in a warm place to start foaming mixture. Sift flour and mix it with salt and make the center recess in which to pour olive oil, diluted in water and yeast remaining water. Knead the dough and put in a warm place, it is up to. Dough knead well again and spread a thin layer on a baking sheet. Ingredients for the filling:
100 grams of ham
50 grams of salami
100 grams of hot sauce
100 grams of cherry tomatoes
50 grams of Parmesan cheese
A method for preparing a pizza:
The dough is stretched to the size of the baking dish, brush with sauce, spread mixed sliced ham and salami, halved cherry tomatoes, chopped garlic. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 230 degrees until done.
Another important component of a good pizza, we want to bake at home, it's the sauce that lubricates tortilla before stuffing it fits. Of course, you can use ready-made sauces that are sold in stores. Through trial and error it is quite possible to pick up a perfectly acceptable option. But we advise you to pay attention to the home sauce, the recipe of which is available below.
Pizza Sauce
4-5 tomatoes
4 tablespoons olive oil
hot pepper chili
3 garlic cloves
green basil
Italian herbs
salt and pepper to taste
Cooking method:
Tomatoes release from skin and finely chop. Heat the oil, add chili pepper and chopped garlic, a little later. Send tomatoes to the pan and cook, covered until all ingredients are transformed into a homogeneous mass. Add chopped basil, Italian herbs, salt and pepper to taste. If the tomatoes are sour, you can balance the taste using sugar.
In winter, when tomatoes are not different taste, it is best to use the tomatoes, canned in their own juice. Optimal use fresh basil, out of season you can use dried Italian herbs. And a few words about the hardware. There is truly a great variety of options. As already noted, the main thing - it's the basic components of each pizza (no matter what recipe you choose the filling): tomatoes and cheese. But to them, you can add anything you like olives, sausage, ham, chicken, fish and seafood - the list is endless.
Summarizing, we can say the following: the pizza is really wonderful invention unknown bakers who demand not only in catering - home cooking is also not far behind. Select the appropriate dough recipe from those we offer, prepare the sauce (recipe is also available) pofantaziruet rolls and try to bake a pizza. Rest assured, you will succeed, even the first time.
Just to further improve the skills you may make adjustments to the recipe for the dough and sauce recipe, decide to favorite stuffing and will delight your loved ones this ancient dish - Burrito, which the world calls the Italian word "pizza".
Bon Appetit!
We recommend that read: Cooking Italian pizza
Tricks for Beginners petstsollo
Basis for thin pizza
The basis for lush pizza
The basis for the usual pizza
Basis for the pizza with honey
Crispy pizza bases
Basis for the pizza on sourdough
Basis for the pizza sea salt
Basis for the pizza on kefir
Basis for the pizza on eggs
Basis for the pizza on milk
Spicy pizza bases
Basis for the pizza mayonnaise
Cheese pizza bases
Unleavened basis for pizza
Basis for the pizza with sour cream
Some tips for cooking pizza bases
Subject pizza inexhaustible - is it possible to speak and write for hours, because the number of prescriptions just rolls over. With fillings easier to understand. There is what is called a classic of the genre - Margherita, Marinara, Napoli and several others. But everything else - is incalculable number of possible variations, which every woman comes up based on their preferences, creative imagination and, of course, what is in the refrigerator. But the basis for the preparation of pizzas - a stumbling block, the subject of heated debate in the forums cooking: how to cook some of the flour to the yeast, and so what
It is understandable - how many people, so many opinions. Someone who likes to cook a thin, crispy base, and someone Give prescription only lush and soft. Be sure that this recipe is good here, and that - so yourself, senseless occupation. You do not like it, but your neighbor is crazy on this basis that you have rejected.
In our paper, we propose a framework for pizza recipe - good and different. And we do it with one purpose: so that everyone can choose their sole basis for pizza, which will be the favorite in the bank and prescribe the most cherished recipes. The recipe for which you will cook a pizza for her family and friends, improving their skills.
A pre-share some general considerations relating to the preparation of this wonderful Italian cuisine.
Tricks for Beginners petstsollo
Cooking delicious pizza depends on several factors. A very important role is played by the yeast. The real Italian pizza made cooking on fresh yeast. But what if you did not have them? Fresh yeast is a perishable product, so buy them for the future is not necessary. But good dry yeast (keyword - good) should always be at hand. They also can be prepared entirely Italian cake. Currently on the market a large selection of products, select your yeast, and success was not long in coming.
Let's talk about the flour. Preparation requires good basis of quality of flour. Most suitable so-called bread flour, the main difference between her large percentage of protein (gluten) - more than 12 percent.
Sometimes it is necessary to cook the dough in advance. What to do? In this case, it is necessary to cook the dough according to the recipe, and then send it in the fridge. There it will go up, but very slowly, since the rapid rise of the heat it needs. Taking out the dough for the base of the refrigerator, Punch it again and let rise at room temperature. Basis for the pizza is ready for baking.
And if A dough was too much, it can be rolled to the desired size and send in the freezer. There's pizza bases can be stored for about 3 months.
Go to the recipes.
Basis for thin pizza
200 grams of flour
a pinch of salt
tablespoon dry yeast
half a cup of warm water
tablespoon olive oil
Prepare all the ingredients to be at hand. Mix the flour, yeast and salt, add water and olive oil and knead the dough. Coat it with olive oil and leave in a warm place to rise - this will take about 40 minutes.
The basis for lush pizza
300 grams of flour
a pinch of salt
packet of dry yeast
250 grams of warm water
2 tablespoons olive oil
Preparation: See above.
The basis for the usual pizza
400 grams of flour
a pinch of salt
25 grams of fresh yeast (10 grams or dry)
6 tablespoons olive oil
glass of warm water
Yeast dissolved in a small amount of warm water. Mix the sifted flour and yeast with salt (if used dry), add water and olive oil. Knead the dough and leave in a warm place to rise.
Basis for the pizza with honey
3 cups flour
packet of dry yeast
glass of warm water
tablespoon honey
teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
Honey and dissolve the yeast in half a glass of warm water. Sift flour and add salt, yeast mixture, the remaining water and olive oil. Knead the dough. It should be smooth, elastic and keep up with the rest. Cover the bowl with the dough with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
Divide the dough coming up into four parts (of this amount will 4 thin pizza). 4 Roll the ball and leave to rise for 15-20 minutes. The base is ready for baking.
Crispy pizza bases
350 grams of flour
250 ml of warm water
tablespoon dry yeast
teaspoon sugar
30 ml of olive oil
a pinch of salt
Yeast and sugar dissolve in water. Sift the flour mixed with salt, make a well and pour back the water with the yeast and olive oil. Knead the dough and put in a warm place to rise. Obmyat coming up the dough and divide into two parts - get two bases for a medium-sized pizza.
Basis for the pizza on sourdough
400 grams of flour
200 ml of warm water
5 tablespoons olive oil
packet of dry yeast
tablespoon sugar
teaspoon salt
The yeast dissolve in water, add sugar, a spoonful of flour and leave for 20-30 minutes, the yeast earned.
Sift flour into a bowl, make a well and gradually pour in the yeast mixture. Knead the dough, add the olive oil. The dough should be soft enough. Leave to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes obmyat coming up the dough, divide into two parts and repel each. Basis for the pizza is ready.
Basis for the pizza sea salt
500 grams of flour
250 ml water
packet of dry yeast
teaspoon sea salt
tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
Sift the flour mixed with salt, sugar and yeast, make a well and pour warm water, add the oil and replace the dough. Knead until until it becomes elastic. Leave in a warm place to rise.
And now try to prepare the groundwork for a pizza is not quite in the traditional format.
Basis for the pizza on kefir
a cup of yogurt
1.5-2 cups flour
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
Prepare a mixture of yogurt, olive oil and salt. All the lightly beaten to liquid acquired a uniform consistency. Sift flour into a bowl, add yogurt and knead the dough. It should be smooth and elastic.
Basis for the pizza on eggs
500 grams of flour
pack of margarine for baking
100 grams of sour cream
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
Cooking the dough is easy. Sift flour and mix with sugar, add the cooled margarine, cut into pieces and chop everything into crumbs. Pour sour cream mixed with egg and salt and knead the dough. Wrap in foil or plastic wrap and stored in a refrigerator using, as necessary.
Basis for the pizza on milk
400 grams of flour
100g chilled butter
Half a cup of warm milk
20 grams of fresh yeast (or dry packet)
Tablespoons sugar pinch of salt
It is necessary to prepare the yeast mixture: Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of milk, add sugar and a spoonful of flour. Leave in a warm place to ferment the mixture.
In the sifted flour pour the yeast, add salt and butter and knead the dough, which should be good to recapture. The base is ready for baking.
Spicy pizza bases
600 grams of flour
300 ml water
20 grams of fresh yeast
tablespoon sugar
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
3-4 tablespoons spicy tomato sauce
a pinch of salt
Yeast, sugar, two tablespoons flour and one hundred milliliters of water to prepare a brew. Leave in a warm place to ferment it.
Mix 100 ml of warm water with olive oil and tomato sauce, lightly beaten.
In the sifted flour pour the brew, tomato-oil mixture and begin to knead the dough. If the fluid is small, small portions add water.
The dough is left in a warm place to rise.
Basis for the pizza mayonnaise
200 grams of flour
1 egg
a cup of yogurt
tablespoon mayonnaise
tablespoon of sour cream
teaspoon of baking powder or baking soda, vinegar extinguished
tablespoon sugar
a pinch of salt
This dough must be prepared as follows: Beat egg, add mayonnaise, sour cream, and once again beat all. Add baking powder (repayment soda), yogurt and mix well. By adding small portions of flour, knead the dough. Form it into a ball and leave in a warm place for 20-30 minutes, covered with a damp cloth. Obmyat and split up, prepare the groundwork for a pizza.
Cheese pizza bases
250 grams of flour
100 grams of cottage cheese
1 egg
2 tablespoons olive oil
15 grams of fresh yeast
half a cup of water
tablespoon sugar
a pinch of salt
Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water and leave in a warm place to ferment the mixture. Sift flour into a bowl, add the cheese, egg, salt, olive oil and yeast mixture. Dough knead well and let rise.
Unleavened basis for pizza
a glass of flour
pack of cottage cheese
2 eggs
tablespoon sugar
a pinch of baking powder
a pinch of salt
This dough can be prepared in every: cheese rub, to drive the egg and mix well. Add all remaining ingredients and knead a soft dough - the foundation is ready.
Basis for the pizza with sour cream
2 cups flour
50 grams of margarine
1 egg
tablespoon of sour cream
packet of dry yeast
salt and pepper to taste
tablespoon Italian herbs
Sugar and yeast dissolve in warm water and let them ferment. Sift flour, add soft margarine, sour cream, egg, herbs, salt and pepper, yeast solution and prepare the dough. Knead it well and leave in a warm place to approach. Obmyat again hybrids. The dough is ready for baking.
Some tips for cooking pizza bases
Italians in the preparation of foundations do not use any processor, or with a rolling pin for rolling dough - all done by hand.
By spreading the dough on a baking sheet or in the form, try to stretch it so that the edge of it was a little thicker than the middle - so you build a side.
The pizza is baked at a high temperature, therefore, the process is fast enough. It is important not to overdo it in the oven, otherwise instead of crispy biscuit bases get inedible.
Do not overload the pizza filling, especially if it is a fine basis.
Before you put the pizza pan in the oven, brush with olive oil rim - get a nice golden color.
The amount of flour, cited in recipes can vary, it all depends on the quality of flour and its dryness and many other parameters. So watch out for a test - if it turns watery, then flour Mixing should add a little more.
Do not put a lot of salt, it will prevent the dough to rise properly, a pinch is enough.