His first kiss with the guy every girl remembers forever. His warm and soft lips, the touch of the hands, shortness of breath ... And inside butterflies and something tickling the abdomen. Time seemed to stop around all the stops, and the pair becomes one.
But how to achieve heavenly bliss of those girls who do not have even a presentation on how to kiss? Tomatoes in the study, as did our mothers and grandmothers. Of course, there is no clear instructions on how to prepare for such a delicate situation. But it is better to be aware in advance about all the subtleties and nuances, so you do not get trapped.
How to prepare for the first kiss moral
First, do not look for a miracle, too overstate their expectations. Many young beauties, posing as their favorite kisses guy paint rosy pictures. Well, if the young man experienced in this matter. It will help the girl to relax and forgive when she does something wrong. But what a disappointment young members of the fairer sex, if instead of a gentle touch and flirt lips there is something resembling a kiss with camel.
Secondly, the fight against complexes and fears. If you know that your appointment will end with a kiss, do not be afraid. If you tremble, move away, look away, nothing good is not over. Your young man thinks that he is indifferent to you or, worse, disgusted. Smile and make eye contact. And do not think that you popped a pimple on his nose, too cold hands or chapped lips. Hardly the guy at this point is to think about such things.
What should be done before a kiss
Get rid of the bad smell
Before you go on a date, be sure to brush your teeth. Fresh breath - the key to success. When you are together, try not to smoke, not to eat food with a specific smell of onions and garlic. Believe me, even chewing gum does not help to get rid of such an aggressive flavor. A kiss a girl who smells bad, to put it mildly, not very nice.
If you do go into a cafe to have a meal there, use the following salads or coffee chewing gum or a special spray. But picking his teeth with a toothpick is not necessary. It looks ugly. As a result, the guy just does not want to kiss a girl uncultured.
Take advantage of hygienic lipstick
If you have a rough or chapped lips, before you leave home put on them a small amount of chapstick. The main thing - do not overdo it with the amount that your face was not bold. By the way, today there are such cosmetics with different exotic flavors and aromas.
With regard to conventional lipsticks and glosses, it should be exercised. You do not want to come home with smeared makeup. Plus, the guys do not really like kissing Painted Woman, because they are afraid smeared. So young men are the future this too seriously.
Remove the gum out of his mouth
If your mouth is chewing gum, candy, etc., try to quietly get rid of it. Not very pleasant when in a kiss in the mouth get these things. At best, it will confuse Man, at worst - will cause disgust. Therefore it is not necessary to test his stamina.
What you should not do the first time
Kissing you need only the person that you really like. Do not do it with the first comer. This action should be considered, rather than impulsive. Since in such a young age is difficult to understand whether it is love, your decision may be wrong. The first evening is better to walk on the handle, cute poulybatsya and say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. And next time it will be possible to do it in French.
The first step is to be kissed, choose a quiet place. Not very aesthetically pleasing look of a couple who are engaged in it at all. Small children and the elderly do not need to look at things like that. Some people will even unpleasant. Of course, not necessarily to go to the entrance or to hide in the bushes. But you can find a courtyard where there is no one.
Secondly, do not gang up on a guy trying to swallow it. Everything must be done slowly, as if in a movie. First - a touch of lips. Then, if the young man answers, you can spend a little tongue over his teeth. If you just go to the French kiss, all the charm disappears.
And, most importantly: do not need to move to more serious action. Jumps from the first kiss to sex - it is wrong. And let you feel dizzy and trembling knees, my heart skips a beat, but that is no reason to decide on such a desperate step. All in good time. Plus, then you can greatly regret this.
Also, do not bring the guy to the point of excitation, when it will be difficult to restrain yourself. Unfortunately, young people in similar situations may be aggressive, not while controlling their actions. Therefore it is necessary to stop in time. For the first kiss is enough for thirty seconds. On average, it should leave no more than a minute. And watch out for, so that the other half did not dismiss his hands. The more you allow, the more insolent men would behave.
How to kiss for the first time
Today, there are many techniques kiss, starting with gentle and affectionate touches, finishing with a passionate and exciting manner. But remember that everything has its time and place. Do not try to be too enthusiastic on the first date and embarrassed to play the damsel in tenth.
Tender kiss
You go right up to the partner, gently hug his neck, looking in the eyes. Approaching the boy, slowly lower eyelids, slightly tilt your head and touch her lips to his mouth. Once, touch, and then move over a little bit like playing with him. You can lightly touch it with his tongue. We do everything without pressure or aggression.
Exciting kiss
This kind of kiss symbolizes passion, ardor feelings. They move better on the second or third time. So hugged partner, forced against his breast. During a kiss to make circular movements of the tongue, gently sucking lips partner. The manifestation of fantasy welcome. Just do not make a tornado or a mill. Guys do not like the excessive pressure and restlessness.
A passionate kiss
Learn to combine the two previous kiss. First, a little flirt with his lips, then go to the offensive. Surrender to the will of the senses, act boldly and decisively. The only thing you should not dig into the young man like a vampire. Otherwise, the skin will bruise or a bruise.
Stinging Kiss
At first, the girl gently sucking mouth sweet guy, then quickly holding the tip of his tongue at him like a bee sting his throws. Then again it goes to the affectionate kiss. Please note: all the poking tongue to reach the glands, it is not necessary.
Soft Kiss
Soft kiss is different from the others in that during the process of uchuvstvuyut teeth and partners. But be careful not to hit the second half and did not knock his jaw. So, kissing, slightly stroking his tongue teeth, occasionally touching her.
Romantic kiss
Commit light touch his tongue to the sky Man, moving gently from side to side, up and down. But do not press too hard, as this may cause discomfort.
Fears in the first kiss
And boys and girls are afraid of the first kiss, like fire. At their head is spinning a lot of extraneous thoughts, they are afraid to take the first step. And, if one of the partners does not persevere, even the tenth date may result in the usual "While" good-bye.
The most common fear is linked to the fact that she just does not know how to kiss. But one of our mothers and grandmothers did not teach it. And the older girls, who have long met with the guys, too, were once young and inexperienced in this matter. And, as they say, learning is never too early and never too late. This is the first time to sit on the bike. Yes, it is terrible, but do not know how to control the wheel and pedal. But quite a bit of practice and you will become a master of it.
The second is directly proportional to the fear associated with the first. She is afraid that a guy will understand everything and will start laughing at the fact that she does not know how to kiss. But let's get in this situation. Adequate young man react normally, or will prompt the movement will go in the right direction. Plus, it will even be proud that your teacher is. After all, the sense of possessiveness has not been canceled.
If the guy would react violently and release would be ironic joke, why do you need one? The second half should be a support, a person you can rely on in any situation. By the way, becoming more mature, such a person would understand his mistake. But it will be too late, because you will be more worthy partner.
Also, girls are afraid of being rejected. What could be worse if you kiss a guy, and he does not reciprocate. Everything is simple. See how he behaves with you. When holding the handle, looking into his eyes, does not interact with other males, mean - he likes you. Perhaps he is afraid to take the first step, does not want to rush things or do not know how to kiss.
Still not convinced? What do you lose if you decide on that? Go up to him, look into his eyes and kiss. Gently, without tongue and biting. Then step back a bit and smile to him. Wait for twenty to thirty seconds. This time the guy will need to ensure that he could come to his senses.
The young of the fair sex are worried about the fact that they may not like the kiss. If this procedure does not have to taste, nobody forces continue. Of course, it is not necessary to declare the second half that the reason for that - bad breath or your disgust. Just try to shift his attention to another topic.
By the way, there is a category of people who are simply unpleasant to kiss. Did you just get one of them. So I do not worry much, think you that something is wrong. Perhaps you more like hugging partner, holding his hand, and similar kinds of caresses.
How to choose the moment for a kiss
That meeting comes to an end, it is nice goodbye and going away. Do you want to be the guy hugged and kissed her. That will not do, it's time to act! The main thing - do not miss the moment. So, make sure that next to no one. A curious neighbor or mother can flush out of your fan. And if you feel the mutual sympathy, boldly take the first step.
You can say nice compliment: "You have such soft lips, I want to touch them ..." This is the very moment you have been waiting for. Another pretty interesting trick - taking away from the shoulders of the partner invisible speck of dust at the same time adjusting his shirt or sweater.
Now that you know all about how the first time to kiss a guy that you like. The main thing - do not be afraid, you're not first, you're not the last. And after a couple of minutes after that you even with humor will remember about their fears and experiences.