Recipe for apple charlotte is known to many. That - cake, which is very simple to prepare, but has a delicious taste. It is baked and on holidays and weekdays. He rescued the mistress and the moment when, as they say, the guests were on the doorstep.
There are several theories about the name of this pie. Among them - the story of a chef who was hopelessly in love with a girl. And it was her devoted lover chef invented them dessert. As you might guess, the name of this girl - Charlotte. Another version claims that this delicious cake is named after Queen Charlotte, which is in the XVIII century was the wife of King George III. Such "rewards" the Queen has been awarded, through its active support of the breeding of apple orchards. Therefore, in old cookbooks can be found spelling of "Charlotte" from the English word Charlotte. While Charlotte was prepared without heat treatment and has been one of the varieties of English bread pudding.
According to an ancient recipe slices of bread soaked in apple syrup or syrup made from pears, apricots, plums. Thus prepared bread stacked layers, which is located between the filling of fruits. The uppermost layer of the dessert - bread.
On the basis of this recipe, our mothers and grandmothers, in the last century, have created an excellent recipe charlotte with apples - a simple and cost-cake with amazing taste. The news of this quickly shattered, and in many cities of our country mistresses began oven the pie. And we offer it to you to try and ensure exceptional taste mouth-watering apple pie.
Apple charlotte
To prepare Charlotte with apples, you can use any recipe for sponge cake: classic, oil on soda. with sour cream. We suggest you use a simplified recipe for preparing biscuit dough.
1 kg of solid and sour apples (better - grade "Antonovka")
4 eggs
1 cup of sugar,
1 cup flour.
Make the dough. To do this, you first need a very good raw eggs beat with a mixer, gradually adding the sugar in them. Further into the beaten eggs with the sugar and the flour is poured in portions salt (pinch). As a result, you should get a mixture the consistency of sour cream. There is a small caveat: the better will be the whipped mass, the tastier and lush get pie.
To prepare the stuffing should wash the apples, remove them from the core and cut the flesh into small pieces. If desired, they can be cleaned and peeled, but this is not required.
Next, we should take a baking dish and coat it with oil. The bottom and the walls of the mold need to sprinkle with breadcrumbs, flour or semolina. Next you need to lay out the bottom of the form cut sliced apples and fill them with batter evenly. The completed form is placed in the oven, which is already warmed up to 180 degrees. Baking time - about 30-40 minutes. Ready cake checked using a match or a toothpick. If a stick stuck in the cake remains wet dough, so our apple pie is ready!
Charlotte with apples and pears
As already mentioned, charlotte with apples is very easy to prepare. Therefore, to diversify the recipe of this pie is quite difficult. There is, of course, several variations, but at their core is still the usual sponge cake recipe with apples. We offer you a recipe for Charlotte, which is different from the previous one only filling - namely, the presence of pear cake.
3 pears,
3 apples,
3 eggs,
1 cup of sugar,
1 cup flour
1/2 sachet baking powder,
1 sachet of vanillin,
butter, powdered sugar.
We begin with the preparation of the test using the usual sponge cake recipe. So, we need to whisk beat eggs, then gradually vsyp sugar, beat or rub the egg-sugar-hot mass. Further, as in small portions add flour, baking powder and vanilla dough. All this is thoroughly stirred until smooth.
Now we need to take a deep but small diameter non-stick frying pan. On its bottom put a circle cut out of paper for baking. The paper circle and the sides of the pan is necessary to lubricate oil. Because of this, not baked foothills, and it will be easier to get out of the container.
After that, of apples and pears should be cored, cut the flesh into cubes and put an even layer in the pan. The following test fully prepared to fill the entire surface of the pears. Now you need to put the pan in the oven, which is already warmed up to 180 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes charlotte. When charlotte with apples and pears will be ready, it should be removed from the oven, cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Fantasize allowed!
The recipe for apple pie, "Charlotte" has many variations. To help you decide, well, maybe invent a recipe, be sure to try the following:
preparing the dough, add the vanilla or cinnamon, and if you like to experiment, you can pour back poppy or finely crumbled chocolate;
charlotte with apples - a classic, but you can put together with apples in the stuffing and other fruits or completely replace them, such as plums or apricots;
Charlotte tasty and fresh whole or frayed berries: cranberry, cranberries or currants;
in the absence of fresh apples can be cooked apple pie with dried fruit (raisins, prunes or dried apricots), but you can with the walnuts.
Speaking of apple pie apple pie, in addition to his excellent taste, and we note his favor. And all this thanks to the apples, which contain the necessary vitamins for the human body antioxidants, tannins, flavonoids and pectin. Doctors recommend, in necessary order to eat one apple a day. It should be noted that the baked apples are better absorbed by the body, so charlotte with apples - a delicacy irreplaceable! In preparing it, you not only will please their loved ones a delicious cake, but also useful to treat Treat!
The main thing - cook with pleasure, fantasize and invent! Enjoy your appetite and success in the culinary field!
We recommend that read: how to make apple pie from apples
Apple pie like everything and prepare them in almost every family. Species of this wonderful dessert abundance. There is absolutely simple recipes that are easy to be mastered even the inexperienced hostess. Well, who does not know the usual apple pie (or otherwise biscuit with apple and cinnamon)? But along with them, there are very sophisticated in the preparation of rolls with cinnamon and apples, such as, for example, as the Viennese strudel, which requires real skill.
If you ever happen to be in Vienna, try to visit a candy store, where not only served, but also show how to prepare a real Viennese strudel. It's actually very interesting: enterprising crowns made the process of making a conventional roll with raisins, cinnamon and apples into a real show. And the audience sure to cook strudel with apples only by good confectioner.
But what if you confectioner very average, but, nevertheless, roll with apples - your favorite food? That's right, to find simple recipes rolls with apples. If you master them, success is guaranteed.
Cooking curd roll with apple and cinnamon on the most simple recipe.
Products for the test:
pack of cottage cheese
pack a good margarine
about three cups flour
4-5 apples
cup of sugar (less can be who he loves)
jam or marmalade (suitable apricot, peach, plum, cherry)
Cooking method
Cottage cheese mixed with softened margarine, gradually adding the sifted flour dough. It should be tender, elastic and easily keep up with the rest. 4 Roll the ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.
Apples clean, cut, mix with sugar and cinnamon.
Sprinkle with flour and roll out the dough fairly thinly, it rolls easily. Roll the cake grease with jam, spread prepared apples and roll to roll. Rolls with apples lay on a baking sheet, after the laid paper baking pan and grease with beaten egg or a sugar syrup. Bake rolls with apples in the oven, preheated to 170-175 degrees 45-50 minutes.
Ready curd roll with cinnamon apples and grease with butter and cover with a towel. Roll with apple slice, sprinkle with powdered sugar and arrange on a platter.
Roll with jam, cinnamon and apples to be served warm with vanilla sauce and ice cream.
Vanilla sauce
For the preparation we need:
2 egg yolks
100-120 grams of sugar
400ml milk
vanilla (or vanilla sugar)
Cooking method:
Pour the egg yolks in a bowl, add the sugar and beat it all in a water bath, gradually adding warm milk. When the mixture is smooth, add the vanilla and put everything on a small fire, cook until thick. Do not allow to boil the mass.
Notes to the recipe
As a test for the roll with apples depends on a properly sized margarine and cottage cheese. Margarine is chosen by trial and error. By curd presented one very important requirement: it must be uniform. Curd grain structure does not fit categorically.
The stuffing can add raisins, dried apricots. Pre-dried fruits should be soaked in cognac or brandy, rum can be. Before using dry and sprinkle with flour.
Since apple juice is allowed, the roll turns slightly vlazhnovatoy. You can sprinkle a small amount of starch stuffing, which will link moisture.
If all goes well, you should come out tender, melting in the mouth cheese strudel with apple. He concedes nothing tasty, but it is difficult to perform and time consuming Viennese strudel.