baby gift for 5 years


  • To what toys?
  • Buy the "right" gift

Choosing a gift is always difficult, especially if you are going to teach it to your child. It would seem that he already has everything. And albums for drawing, and all kinds of toys (both soft and plastic), and the sea of ​​dresses, pants, zakolochek and gums, and hundreds of other things that are overwhelmed with all the cabinets, chests of drawers and corners. Therefore, in order not to repeat mistakes and do not, go to the selection of a proper training.

In five to seven years, the child begins to develop rapidly. This age is considered pre-school, so in this period of particular importance should be given gifts that are actively "prepare" your child to school. This stage is characterized by the development of children that kids creative thinking prevails, so it's best to focus on toys that promote its development. However, they must be sufficiently hard to understand. Also do not forget about the individual characteristics of the child - consider his interests (predisposition for drawing, sculpting, reading, music and the like). Most children love to role-playing action games. Thanks to them, the kids transform into fictional characters and going through certain situations in their lives, as well as get acquainted with the peculiarities of professions, so it's a wonderful gift to a child 5 years.

 gift to a child 5 years

To what toys?

Gifts should be selected depending on the sex of the child. Naturally, each girl will be thrilled with the doll or PUPS. Today, the shelves are crammed with an abundance of these toys: it's porcelain figurines with curly hair in chic dresses, and traditional Barbie with all kinds of additional sets of them (houses, horses, clothing, etc.). There is a huge doll that can be compared to the growth of your baby. There are more expensive options, there are a bit cheaper. Every parent can choose a gift according to its financial position, as long as it was done with a soul!

In addition to dolls, toy dishes will please the birthday girl, from which it is convenient to drink tea, furniture or children's houses, where your baby can bring girlfriends and in silence to share his secrets and dreams or slightly poprokaznichat. It is also an excellent choice - it is all possible sets (nurses, hairdressers, cooks and the like). Such gifts develop imagination and fantasy: playing with them, the girls "try on" the different social roles and professions.

No woman, even a little, can not resist the beautiful jewelry or cosmetics. Why do not you please his daughter? Today, there is a children's perfumes and lipsticks, gels, shampoos, colored nail polishes that are designed specifically for young fashionistas.

As for the boys, they fit more manly gifts. For example, a robot or a machine with remote control, which not only contributes to the development of abstract thinking, but will learn to supervise the process of movement. An excellent option for small planes can become advocates. There are ready-made model, but you can buy the one that will have to collect their own hands. Surely the kid it will be much more interesting! You can play with the child in the railway or fold puzzles also are thriving game designers considered.

His place in the hands of the creative mind will take special sets: for modeling or manufacture of panels, mosaic or colored mural and stained glass for painting, pictures for the burning, prints and the like. Girls can buy a kit for embroidery, weaving keyrings, belts and more. Good gift should not only guide the irrepressible energy of children in the right direction, but also to promote the development of their inclinations.

 gifts for children 5 years

Buy the "right" gift

Buying a gift for children, which is not a year or two, but five, you should consider some of the features of this period in the development of the baby. You want to toy was not only loved, but also useful and relevant? Then remember a few simple rules of "proper" purchase:

  • In order not to make the wrong choice, always pay attention to what age is indicated on the packaging, and read the description of this product. It may happen that the child simply will not be able to master such a toy.
  • In order to present in the near future has not lost its relevance, take it to the "age-reserve."
  • Consider not only the toddler years, but also his character, interests, tendencies, features of development, as well as individual needs and desires. It is useful to recall what at the moment a child is interested in (what looks cartoons on which characters equals, reading, drawing and so on), and to take into account buying a toy for a long time dream.
  • Many parents fixated on continuous learning of his child, so they focus on intellectual games, such as the alphabet, bingo, puzzles, dominoes, puzzles and the like. But do not forget that children as young as five years old are still mischievous and restless. They still remains a need for cars and dolls.
  • The development of perseverance, attention, imagination, imagery, spatial and logical thinking, coordination and accuracy of movements "working" all sorts of designers. Excellent assistant in teaching can become interactive and electronic games.

For mobile fidgets better to choose a scooter, football, cycling, badminton, table tennis or hockey - all of these items and games aimed at improving the responsiveness and accuracy of movements. Sport is health! Therefore, buying such gifts, you can teach your child to a sedentary life, instill in him a love of outdoor activities. The main thing is that the baby is injured. To do this, acquiring, for example, rollers, take care and additional protection (helmet, knee pads).

If you are a parent assiduous, quiet kid, it would be appropriate to such a gift, like bingo, mosaics, puzzles, ABC, and the like. Also suitable educational board games, such as the little nerd or a mathematician, which can be enjoyed with the whole family. They contribute to the development of logical and creative thinking, ingenuity, learn to recognize objects and classify them on similar grounds. In addition, the game can be a wonderful occasion to spend time with his child.

Today, for many children, the computer - this is the best one. They know about it and understand the device in such machines are better than their parents. Computer games help develop motor skills, intelligence, concentration and ability to react quickly to changing events. One of the games can be a great gift. Boys suit military strategy or "shooter", and the girls - games with characters from cartoons, princesses and the like. Just consider the age limit and do not let their child spend at the computer too long. Whatever it was, but moving outdoor recreation is much more useful!

Do you want to grow a genius? Then in early childhood develop horizons baby. This will help audio books and children's encyclopedia. The information in them is served in an entertaining and understandable form for the five children. This is facilitated by the bright, sometimes three-dimensional images, as well as music. If you plan to send their child to school, start preparing for this in advance. Not all children easily and happily accept such changes, so your task - to adapt to the baby, to nullify his negative attitude. Present a bright and colorful felt-tip pens, pencils, pens with toys on the cap, notebooks with their favorite characters, convenient portfolio - they "stoke" the child's curiosity and interest to help him.

Of course, everyone who comes to the supermarket, from the abundance of toys scatter eyes. But do not hurry with the choice, study the product description on the packaging, read the composition of the materials from which it is made, check with the manufacturer. Do not buy an active child a stuffed toy or a conventional machine. Surely such a gift will not cause huge excitement and in a few days will be postponed to the farthest corner of the nursery. Based on the individual characteristics of the character and interests of the child. Who else but you, the parent, better than anyone aware of this? It is not necessary to purchase a very expensive thing. After all, the price does not always mean quality, and a good gift, first of all, to be relevant, useful and interesting.

 Gift for a child of 5 years

We recommend that read: Gift of the child for a year

 beer party


  • We organize a party: the basics of a successful beer party
  • The venue can not be changed: where to hold an outdoor party
  • How to organize a party
  • Decorate the room: keep the style of the party
  • We lay on the table: Stored snack
  • Beer Entertainment: how to provoke visitors

"Invite your friends for a beer - you spend the day is beautiful! "- Says the contemporary folk wisdom. Beer gatherings with salted fish and croutons - is, of course, mentally, but somehow ordinary. I do not find that such a scenario is boring? Vaughn and Europeans know a lot about beer and drinking it can, and even beer festivals have not quite normal. Foreigners passing entire celebrations and festivals!

And we? Well, buy a bottle (or a bottle) of beer, well drink at bedtime, well sat in the garage or in the country with fish or crackers ... A feast of something which our soul asks where? But the fun is always there, where his know how to organize! And it's time to take it all in their hands, and another will sit on the bench with seeds, while rewashing bone friends.

We organize a party: the basics of a successful beer party

How to organize a celebration or a friendly party in the beer style? It would be naive to believe that any beer party has a standard script. Of course, there will be a special drink and appetizer. But the same things are not limited to, right? Always and everywhere there are little tricks that can help make a variety of homemade beer festival. First, consider the generally accepted rules and at the same time find the answers to the standard questions.

The venue can not be changed: where to hold an outdoor party

Perhaps the most important question in this case. Not knowing where to draw the beer party, we start going over in my head conceivable options. But why invent the wheel if someone else has already done to us? So, if the weather allows, and the season, it is best to organize such an event in the country, in a country house, or a picnic in the "wild." No wonder that in Europe arrange beer festivals in the open air. Let us, and we will follow their traditions. But if the weather is not for a beer festival in the open air, in the room he, too, will take place is not bad.

You can, of course, reserve a table or even a room in a restaurant (the bar), but with no less success beer party you will be able to spend at home. Plus, in the latter case you can save a good idea. As you know, this is important is not the territory, and the general atmosphere and mood.

How to organize a party

At first, the script should be prepared, which would describe as a beer party will be held. Not the fact that everything goes according to plan, so you should consider a couple of extra options to help cheer the guests. For the successful implementation of this scheme is necessary to comply with several conditions:

  • should be a lot of beer, and no other alcoholic beverages,
  • Brewer attributes must be present in the design of the table and the room,
  • must be properly selected menu,
  • must be subject (beer) party games.

If you follow the above rules, it is no guarantee that a beer party will certainly get a successful and fun. But this does not mean that guests have come to get drunk before losing momentum to the next day suffer from hangovers, headaches and shame.

 beer party scenario

Decorate the room: keep the style of the party

Thus, answers to common questions "where? " and how? " we got. Now let's take a closer look the rules of the festival titled beer party. So you should understand that the cook on the table, how to decorate the room, than to entertain the guests, which shall consist of a script.

The trappings of the holiday beers - a drawing room, table, clothing participants. Each of these items should be given due space. Agree, it is much more interesting to walk by a place where you can relax, than some boring restaurant.

  • How to make room for a beer party?

You can use balloons in the form of beer mugs, cans and bottles. You can either buy them in specialty stores, or order through the Internet. From colored beer cans can be prepared garlands, which are better placed along the walls and the ceiling. You can write interesting slogans about beer and make their banners (like advertising extensions).

  • How to lay the table for a beer party?

Tablecloths and napkins, it is desirable to choose a Bavarian-style (blue-white cell or diamonds). As the main attributes should be used only special mugs or glasses of beer. And be sure to (a must!) Coasters - beer mats. At the center of the table, it is desirable to put the beer barrel or a large dish with crawfish or shrimp.

  • What to wear for a beer party?

Clothing parties such parties assumes free, youth and sports style. No costumes, evening dresses, ties and polished. Even glamorous girl can throw in the evening on the thin stiletto shoes away in the closet, preferring kedam or sneakers.

 beer party scenario

We lay on the table: Stored snack

It is clear that drinking beer at a party just beer. What to eat? The menu can be varied, plus, it all depends on what you can make at home or buy in the store. Also, do not forget to ask the guests what they can bring to capture. In addition to the usual (and already annoying) crackers and chips, beer party menu can include:

  • Hot (grilled sausages, chicken wings, sausages and hot dogs, sauerkraut with pork shank, fried potatoes);
  • Snacks (crabs, shrimp, cheese, toast, sandwiches, vegetables and fish in batter, meat rolls);
  • Salads (vinaigrettes with fish and herring, salads with seafood);
  • Dough (savory biscuits, strudel with meat, cheese straws).

And as a tribute to the tradition, to add a menu nuts, chips and crackers. For variety, try home made crackers to beer alone. Rye bread cut into small cubes and fry in hot vegetable oil. To add spice pepper, garlic or suitable dry spices.

There are a lot of various recipes of dishes that will go with the beer. You can easily find and choose what you no longer have to taste. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment. Believe me, when the party is in full swing, and at home - all standing upside down, and visitors eat undercooked shrimp and salted crackers.

 beer party at home

Beer Entertainment: how to provoke visitors

Depending on what the company is going to beer parties, to choose interesting for her entertainment. How to prepare a scenario on which to focus the attention of visitors? You can spend the intellectual quiz, fun games and contests. Here are some of them:

  • Quiz "Beer scholar"

Guests are invited to answer questions related to the beer history, geography, traditions. For example: "What is coasters? "," Where we produced the world's largest beer mug? "," The name of the top beer bottle label? "," How much weight the beer cork? ".

  • Competition for Two "Litrbol"

The first contestant makes a sip of beer, the next one - two. Then again, the first - three, the second - four. And so on until one of the members will not give up another competitive beers. But be careful that visitors do not become ill. It is better to use light types of drinks, as there is less contained alcohol. Otherwise, the script parties can go as planned.

  • The contest "ice-cold beer"

Beer pre-frozen in the ice pieces, which must be placed in the mouth, but do not be too small to man choked. Inside each piece - a coin. The problem of participants - sucked the ice and release the coin. The winner is the fastest.

  • The contest "Beer Tasting"

In some bottled beer mugs of different varieties and brands. Participants are asked to identify the taste of what a beer and a circle is. The winner is the one who guesses the most. As a prize you can give a T-shirt with the inscription "The best connoisseur of beer."

And, you can measure their beer bellies (those who have them), to compete in laudatory epithets beer. You can hold a competition for high-speed drinking this beverage. You can make a competition on accuracy, throwing coins into beer mugs or throwing light rings on beer bottles. And the well-known game in the bottle has not been canceled. On the beer party is quite possible to play in anything, the main thing - the presence of the main attributes - beer.

Note: Writing the script of this event, please note that not all guests will want to participate in competitions. So come up with something of such things, what would occupy myself bored people. Houses can be placed large-screen TV in the room (to borrow from friends, if you there is none), scatter cushions on the floor, turn on a movie. By the way, the beer can be a party to coincide with the football match. Then the script to prepare not need, and so will all paddle.

And the ending of the beer festival can be a coronation. Secret or open ballot choose beer king and queen. But whoever was chosen, a queen will be the mistress of the feast, which was able to organize such an interesting, fun and delicious beer vechernika!

 Beer Party: how to organize an unforgettable evening

We recommend that read: fried shrimp with beer
