The need to look well-groomed and attractive natural desire to look as if age had never approached the level of "18", a true female curiosity with which the fair sex apply to all new, played a cruel joke. Misconceptions and prejudices concerning the care of appearance and its many ways, turned into myths, dispel that often makes irrational feminine, and maybe just a desire to succumb to the illusion of the existence of the elixir of eternal youth and beauty of the magic recipe.
Such myths and misconceptions there are many:
All facials homemade helpful
There is a widespread misconception that cosmetic procedures can use any fruit, berries and vegetables. These tips can be found in many women's magazines, under the headings "Tips beautician" I assure you that a face mask or scrub can be prepared in almost the entire contents of the refrigerator.
Unfortunately, not all of the gifts of nature are suitable for use in cosmetics
. Some may be the cause of allergies, especially the well-known mask of strawberry and black currant, for others - some overseas imported fruit at all dosimeter is often necessary, and some are simply useless
. Masks of honey can cause allergies, especially if properly calculate the mask
. Fruit acids definitely useful for purification, power, lifting the skin in its natural form can cause rashes, redness and skin tightening
. Masks of cherries, grapes, apple juice, orange is better not to put, if tomorrow will work day or an important meeting
. It is also worth considering that the effects of radiation, unfavorable environmental conditions, call into question the benefit of many imported products, the season which is yet to come
. In some cases, the dosimeter radioktivnym will not be superfluous to test the product in doubt
. Unfortunately, the above misconceptions are prevalent widely, and dispersed only when, as they say, the result of "the face"
Natural - means Helpful
Masks and scrubs based on natural clay - quite an effective tool for skin care. But not always. The selected type of clay, which there are many, is of great value - perfect for combination and oily skin type mask of green clay, deposited on 20 minutes, but the feeling of constriction, redness, and sometimes even peeling, dry skin possessor do no good. It is necessary to pay close attention to the origin of the clay, that the natural radioactivity of the area where was made, ie, This wonderful product is packaged, it is also important. Clay is a natural sorbent strongest, literally absorbing harmful components of the soil and the atmosphere.
Scrubs homemade - as moot
The notion that the scrub, for example, on the basis of apricot kernels, cooked at home are better than bought, quite controversial. Large abrasive particles irritate sensitive skin hurt, and in the summer, in the heat, can cause inflammation.
Scrub coarse salt - another common home recipe. If the salt as a body scrub in combination with softening components may still have some exfoliating and toning effect, the skin on your face will not stand such torture - it is much gentler. French women say about this method as follows: "To salt can be anything, except the face."
And again on clay and scrubs
Natural scrubs are made of clay rich in salts and trace elements, perfectly nourishes the skin, deep cleans pores having a bactericidal effect are extremely useful
. However, you should pay attention to what and where this product has been made
. Clay is a dry powder, white, blue, green and other colors, it is very easy to fake, offering lovers of natural cosmetics in the best colored chalk or other types of clay, having no value, being only a waste of the mining industry and construction: the red clay, yellow earth
. Often, these types are positioned some unscrupulous producers and the market as there are types of cosmetic clay, but it is not
. Even when we face natural clay and the effects of radiation the area where it was produced, does not manifest itself, it does not bring benefits, ie
. to
. mineral composition is extremely poor, and they just pulled and will dry the skin
. Of particular interest is the pink clay
. In nature, it does not exist, it's just mixed enterprising manufacturers of red and white clays
. If the white clay or kaolin - a useful product that cleans, dries the skin and a little tonic, the same red clay is just a "nice" useless makeweight in a bag, and natural dyes
. Beware of imitations!
Frequently cleaning their own homes, for many women it becomes heavy and burdensome. This is especially true apartments with a large area. However, if you come to restore the purity of the mind, the time spent on this activity will be reduced by half, and the result will exceed all expectations.
There are three types of removal of dust and dirt. This is a forced, current and quick cleaning.
Forced restoring order is carried out after a long and disorderly relations to housing or objects of everyday use. One example is the freezer, which ceased to be closed because of the huge amount of a frozen ice. But there are other accidents of this type when cleaning just can not get away. This is a breakthrough water pipe or a leaking roof in the rain.
With the help of current events cleanliness in the house is maintained regularly, but not necessarily daily, the struggle with the mud. To comply with the order, you can create a schedule for implementation of such procedures. For example, wash curtains and curtains twice a year (spring and before the New Year), clean the toilet, the bathroom and the sink - once every seven days, and wash the floors and wet cleaning of furniture - two times a week.
Ideally, of course, cleaning takes much more efficient and faster if the hostess comes to the aid of specialized appliances. Washing vacuum cleaner robot, for example, will help keep a woman perfect manicure and save her from crawling on the floor with a wet rag in her hands.
Urgent cleaning a timely elimination of clutter and getting rid of the dirt. This process should be carried out every day to avoid the accumulation of serious "problems." Every day should do the dishes after meals, wipe the stove after cooking, clean the room after the game the kids. By the way, it should be noted that to teach the child to keep clean is necessary at an early age. Toddler usually with great pleasure to perform their assigned tasks. But do not worry if the baby protest against the aid. Just think of the game is an option. For example, ask your child away in his room, and that you perform and articulate it with the help of radio nanny. The kid will be interesting to hear coming from the speakers, my mother's voice, and this - fun to execute the instructions.
Faced with dust and dirt - never discouraged. Motivate yourself that you are the best hostess, and only depends on you, what will be clean and shiny apartment after cleaning.
Every woman wants to have beautiful breasts. How else? After all, the chest is able to draw attention to its possessor many men. But, unfortunately, nature would have it, not everyone is happy with the shape and size of pride. Therefore, women and try to find a way that would eliminate the shortcomings of his chest. The most common drawback is size. For some, it is too large, but for someone the size is not enough. As for breast reduction, as they say here, eliminated superfluous, and everything is fine. And get eliminated surgically. But as the shortage of forms, then here it is more difficult. There are many ways and methods that promise to increase your breast size. However, not all work effectively. Let's talk about some ways to increase breast.
According to experts, make breasts more volume obtained only thanks to plastic surgery. Using special implants can get exactly the size that you want. However, not all agree to put a foreign object, therefore, all the forces trying to find some folk remedies. One such tool is the cabbage. This method probably heard, even those who have breast augmentation is required. And for good reason. In fact, kale actually promotes the growth of the bust, but only at the time when the body is formed, ie, during adolescence. Therefore, if such a period you've outgrown, the sprouts will not mate.
The second way, which would like to talk, it's hop cones. Of these, it is necessary to prepare a decoction. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of cones, pour them a glass of boiling water and cook on the pore-bath for about 15 minutes. Cool, strain and drink a third cup three times a day. This method is based on the content in the cones of hormones, so it is necessary to be careful.
Probably the most harmless and fun way to increase your breast is the birth of a child. During pregnancy the breast really increases and becomes even more until the baby breast feeding mother. But once this process is over, many size remains, while others returned to their previous settings, and at the third and at all becomes smaller.
There is also a method for lotions. Various extracts prepared and applied to the chest. Experts believe that such a method can not lead to an increase in breast size, but to care skin, it is possible.
There is still a large number of folk methods. This is eating the dough, which can lead to digestive problems, and eating bread crusts, eating large quantities of dairy products, many others. Of course you can try them, but it is necessary first of all do not hurt yourself in different ways.