How to teach a child to read by syllables? Ten years ago, this issue was not particularly worried parents who rightly believed that the child will go to school and learn there. However, to date, according to unofficial tradition, the child must go to school already knowing how to read. Of course, require the parents of the teacher is not right, but the vast majority of children come to the first class, having a specific reading skills.
And if your pipsqueak go to school, it is not knowing how to read, it is very likely that it will be uncomfortable. But the trip to the school itself for any child is strong enough stress. Not what it is exacerbated by the feeling of inferiority, is not it? That is why parents must take on the task to teach your child to read.
And in addition to preparation for school the ability to read a very positive influence on the intellectual development of the child. Experience shows that children who have reading skills, outperform their peers in the development of about two times. Agree - very decent price for the time spent on teaching the child to read.
When to start training?
So - you decide for yourself what your child should learn to read as soon as possible. Only here at what age should a child start learning to read? In principle, child psychologists and educators have come to a consensus - the sooner the kid learns to read, the better. But, of course, should be guided by the principles of rationality always - completely useless force learning to read two - three year old crumbs. But five years - optimally suitable age.
Although teachers often hear the question of how to quickly teach the crumbs to read. And the crumbs - is only three years old. Of course, this right of parents to decide whether to start teaching a child to read so early. In principle, the same way there is nothing wrong - and if the parents are proponents of early development, nothing prevents them to start teaching a child to read almost from the cradle.
In any case, whenever you began to teach a child to read, do not expect that your child will immediately begin to spend long hours reading. Be prepared for the fact that no matter how old your child is, the first time for him to book a fascinating and colorful toy. Basically, teachers are advised to read the child with the book still in infancy. Now on sale, you can find a lot of variety of books intended for the youngest. There are even special books for swimming, which is waterproof rubberized page.
Around one year of age should begin to teach a child to read directly. To do this, stock up on children's books with bright pictures and short quatrains. Read to your child every day, even for 15 minutes a day. As a rule, all children, without exception, are very fond of these "gatherings" with a book.
But even if your pipsqueak for some - any reason not withstand 15 minutes of reading - do not insist on this. Often, parents are almost forced to keep the child, believing that by doing so they instill in him a love of reading. However, this is not so - the effect will be the opposite. For any child's book should be associated with pleasant emotions, not with violence and boredom. Therefore, in no case is unacceptable to force a child to read. And this is true in relation to children of all ages.
Getting to learn the alphabet
Of course, parents initially interested in how to teach a child to read by syllables. However, before you begin this task, you must learn the alphabet with your child. After all the letters are the basis, so do not try to just learn to read until the child learns how to not all the letters of the alphabet.
And you begin to learn the alphabet can be both arbitrarily early. This can be done in many different ways - and with the help of cards, and children's notebooks and talking alphabet. However, teachers are still considered the most effective good old cubes painted on them letters and pictures.
Be sure to pay attention to the fact, how do you pronounce certain letters - the baby is completely useless to know how to properly called characters. Pronounces them just as they will sound when reading. It would seem - quite insignificant nuance. However, it can greatly facilitate learning to read, or, on the contrary, to complicate it.
In no case do not make a class with the child into some boring compulsory procedure - exercises shall take place in a relaxed form of a game. You should not rush things and try to get the child to learn the alphabet in record time. Hurry absolutely nowhere. On average, teachers recommend to take on the study of a single letter two days. But do not forget that all passed the letter must be constantly repeated.
However, even after the child has learned by heart all the letters of the alphabet, parents too early to relax. Almost one hundred percent of the letters of the crumbs firmly associated with images in the pictures. And it is unlikely your baby will be able to correctly identify the letters without pictures. Therefore, you have to the next stage of education - to change the cubes start to have other pictures.
After the child has successfully mastered and this visual aid, you can try and completely abandon any - any images. As a rule, the child needs a little time to learn the letters without pictures. In most cases, this process consumes no more than one week.
And finally, the final stage of the study of the letters - magnetic alphabet. Magnetic alphabet - the letters with magnetic mount that can be attached to the board or the refrigerator. Once the child begins to confidently distinguish between these diseases and the study of the letters can be considered complete. You can move to the next stage of learning.
Learn to put syllables
So, we have gradually come to the most important question - how to teach a child to read by syllables. Typically, from about the age of three, this science has the power of almost any child. We hasten to please the parents - usually the teaching of reading in syllables is much easier than the study of the alphabet, and takes much less time.
All you need to start with the same, already familiar to the child, visual aids - cubes with pictures, plates and magnetic beeches. Start learning to read must be with the simplest syllables - show your child how to make the two-letter one syllable. For the first lesson, choose the most simple letters - for example, "m" and "a".
Be sure to utter these syllables in a singsong voice, drawing out the vowels is particularly strong, thus focusing the child's attention to them. Once the child has mastered the principle of drawing up simple syllables, which include consonants and vowels, is a bit more difficult task. Show him how to make the syllables of the consonant and two vowels or two consonants and one vowel.
Once the child has mastered the addition of syllables cubes or magnetic letters, is to buy special books designed to teach a child to read. In these books, the syllables are grouped in a special way, the groups - starting with the same letter. This construction greatly facilitates the task of the child, accelerating the learning process.
Of course, at this stage, the child lying in wait for a variety of difficulty - and not always the baby everything turns out right the first time. A very common mistake many parents - the loss of patience. But in any case unacceptable to lose patience, and even more so, take it out on a shout. Remember that to understand exactly how the letters are formed into syllables - for the child rather difficult task. It is we adults are doing it on the machine, without regard for the mechanism, which is not so simple.
Teach a child to read the book
So at first glance it may seem that the child already knows how to read, and the mission of parents on this has been completed. However, in reality, the most important task of parents is still ahead - teach your baby to read books. In order to inculcate a child the love of reading, parents will have to make considerable efforts.
First, do not force your child to be taken immediately for reading books - this should be done gradually in order not to discourage forever the child the love of reading. At first, the baby is worth buying books that make up the bulk of the pictures and the text is divided into syllables. These books like a child much more than the book, the text is too congested. This is no accident - a large amount of text only frighten the child, discouraging to read at all. This is no accident - it is for a child that has read every word - this is a real serious work.
Another problem that can lead to a reluctance of a child to read the book - is blamed parents. If your child does not want to read, do not force him to do it by force. It is much wiser to turn reading into a fascinating lesson for a child, not an act of punishment. There are many ways to do this - if you show a little imagination and patience, you are sure to find the ideal is a way for your child.
You can try to read aloud with your child what - a fascinating tale. But the most interesting place parents can cheat a little bit - tell your child that you are very tired, but you really want to know what it will end the tale. Ask your kid to read you a story. Let him read at least a few sentences - and then praise him heartily and continue reading for yourself. After some time with the baby again to change the roles of reader and listener.
And each time, gradually increase the number of proposals that will be read by a child. Once he learns to cope with the tale, you can give the child a responsible job. In that case, if the family has younger children, ask your child to read them bedtime story. Surely a child very seriously treat this behalf, happy reading fairy tale little brother or sister. But do not do it regularly, thereby transforming the responsibility of the child.
If your child reads very badly
In some cases, despite the best efforts of the parents and the right actions, the child reads very badly, often - very slowly. There are several major reasons that can provoke the development of such a problem:
- The scattered attention and poor memory. In that case, if the child is too distracted attention and impaired memory, reading to him it becomes a real problem. For example, the child is difficult to read even one sentence - before reaching the third word, he forgets the first one. To solve this problem, you must seek help from a child psychologist, who will start working with the child.
- Low active field of view of the child. In the event that your child is inherent in such a feature as the low active field of view, it is to cope with the reading will also be extremely difficult. When such a problem child can read a short speech, as in the field of view he can hold only three - four letters. To correct this problem requires a serious work of experts.
- Lean vocabulary. In that case, if the child is too small vocabulary, its read speed can also be slowed down, because the child will spontaneously reduce the pace of reading, trying to comprehend read. This problem is not too scary - because your child's vocabulary will grow steadily. And by the way, the reading in this case is the best solution.
- Speech therapy problems. In that case, if the child does not utter any - any sounds, it would be naive to expect them to good reading. Therefore, before starting to teach these children to read, it is necessary to pay special attention to employment with a speech therapist.
Protect the health of your child!
Starting to teach a child to read, do not forget one simple but very important truth - the development of children's visual apparatus continues until about the age of seven. Therefore, be sure to observe some safety rules:
- Class times. A child should not engage in more than an hour in a row. It is much wiser to split into several sessions, the duration of each of which shall not exceed fifteen minutes.
- The position of the child. No less important is the correct position of the child in the classroom. The kid is too early to lie on the couch with a book, so it should be properly equipped its place. The child should sit comfortably - make sure that the child was holding his back straight, his feet had a good focus on the floor, and the distance between the eyes and the book should be at least 30 centimeters.
- The lighting in the room. It is important to pay due attention to lighting. Ideally, it should be natural, but you can do with your baby and artificial - most importantly, that it is quite bright, but not glaring. The light should fall on the left side. These measures will help reduce the burden on the child's eyes.