Missing child ... Tragically, these media reports are not uncommon. Dry the statistics show that in Moscow alone annually lost over two thousand children. But these figures are real tragedies of every family. But, fortunately, in most cases, lost children fall into the arms of their mothers rather quickly.
As a rule, most of the children are lost in those places where a very large concentration of people - on city celebrations, shopping malls, theme parks, train stations. This is quite surprising, because usually in these places scattered adult attention - it has to focus not only on the child, and even on some action - the choice of the goods, their payment at the cash register, and the like. And children do not doze - many kids will not miss the chance to use my mother's embarrassment and go explore the area. Remember the song: "terribly interesting, everything that is not known! "? The child will run something to watch, and parents will panic - lost child!
And, besides, very often, many children run away from my mother especially, is that only the release of his baby's hand. For a child it all - a fun and exciting game - it is not yet able to assess the danger of what is happening. And this innocent prank may be worth a considerable amount of nerves - both your and the children, because the baby will certainly be scared, realizing that got lost.
Safety baby
But in most cases you can avoid these troubles, you only need to take certain precautions. And most important of them is at the same time the easiest - just in areas with large concentrations of people hold the child by the hand, or even carry it on your hands. You should feel the baby continuously, without losing the tactile contact with him.
In large shopping centers and supermarkets, a good option would be to put the crumbs on a special seat in the food truck. As a rule, children are extremely like this way of traveling, and the chance where - or run away from their parents, or simply get lost, they will not. But in such places can often hear about that missing child.
In the same case, if the child is older, the safest option would be special playroom where children are under constant supervision of teachers and are not able to leave it. Typically, these playrooms are almost all large shopping centers and supermarkets.
If this is not possible, parents should try to make every effort to ensure that the child is not bored. Turn banal quest for food in a fun game - invited him to participate in the choice of purchases at the box office offer to help him to put all of the bags and packages. Always maintain a conversation with the child, try to get it is not bored and did not go in search of adventure.
And remember that even a child of three is quite able to memorize their name, surname and age - always make sure that your child and to know them. To do this regularly pronounces aloud with your child. However, reliance on such crumbs are actually at least lightly.
Always make sure that the clothing of the child, in an easily accessible place, was a business card with your contact details. In addition, be sure to make indelible marks on the clothes of the child - it will duplicate the data on the case, if the child will lose your card.
A child older
In that case, if your child is old enough to adequately perceive your words and respond to them, you will need to carefully plan your actions to work on the case, if a child is lost. This will not panic you or him, and make the right decision - because panic is not the best assistant.
First, specify in advance with your child how he will behave in the event that it will fall behind you. This will help prevent panic as your part and on the part of the child - because panic is not the best assistant. Tell your child about the intended route, show him the so-called "control points" route - a place where you will meet in the event, if you lose. These places can be cash, fountains and other notable sites.
Agree with your child about the fact that in case if you lose, you do not try to catch up and find each other, and immediately go to the agreed-upon place. This will help you save energy, time and nerves. By the way, explain to your child that he can always seek help from anyone in uniform - the cashier, security guard, doctor seller.
This will help prevent unwanted meetings with people who may have bad intentions towards the lost child. By the way, another category of people to whom the child can fearlessly ask for assistance if he lost - are parents with small children, for example, on the playground. Believe me, no mother would not leave a child in trouble, and let someone else.
Rules of behavior of parents
I would like to remind parents about the safety rules for a walk. After walking the children lost even more than in the various shopping malls. Special care must be parents of children over three years old. In younger children much less likely to get lost, because, you see, can hardly let an adult hand year-old remains.
But three years have a chance to lose the crumbs fly repeatedly. And mostly the fault of the parents, who are suddenly discovering that their baby is already quite consciously follow them, trying to keep up, understands the presence of hazards. And as a result of the vigilance of the parents a little dull. However, it is naive to believe that the child is old enough and wise independent.
Remember that up to 7 years to leave the child in the street one - extremely rash and unwise! In no case do not let him out alone. And after 7 years, when the child is able to walk on their own, be sure to keep up with his life outside the home - interest with whom the child is walking, who his friends are. And, of course, that the child has to walk only in the area of your sight - in the yard.
In the courtyard would be nice to get acquainted with local grandmothers or men constantly going around garages. This will greatly increase the chances of your child to complete safety - hardly grown allow your child to leave the confines of your yard. And in case someone tries to forcibly take away your child, the most grandmothers will work better than any riot.
Terms of the child's behavior
Before my parents is a very important task - to teach a child the rules of behavior and protection in extraordinary situations. And the most important thing to keep in mind - this is the age of your baby. Kids in the age of five should tell about the danger of the example of fairy-tale characters, such as the fairy tale "Geese - swans."
But around the age of six can be straight, without equivocation, tell the child about the dangers can trap a child without the presence of parents. Explain to your child that people are different - not only good but also bad. And tell that even an adult is not so easy to distinguish good people from bad.
Tell your child about how he should behave in some unusual situations. Teach your child to scream if someone tries to steal a child somewhere by force. And pay special attention to - the child should not just scream, because in this case the incident passers-by can find a simple family scenes. That is why the child should scream "you're not my mother - not my dad! ". This will make passers-guard and take immediate action.
If misfortune should happen
And if all precautions still did not help, and the child was lost? You searched every square centimeter of the shopping center or yard area, but nowhere your crumbs? What do you do in this situation?
In no case do not waste precious time and immediately contact the nearest police station or call the police patrol to the scene. In the event that a child is missing, operative - search measures to be initiated immediately, without wasting time.
Parents must give details of all the police, even the most minor details - in a kindergarten a child is, which route, where his friends, the places where you usually walk. Sometimes these items can help find the child as soon as possible.
Try as much as possible to describe in detail the child's appearance, his manner of speaking, his gait. Pay attention, and clothing - are important for the police all the details, right down to the color of socks and underwear. It will be available the way you picture yourself at the child - put it in your wallet or passport. Be prepared for the fact that in the coming hours to your home will be visiting expert - criminalist - give him the most recent photo of the child, his stuff. Missing children are rarely searched using dogs.
And remember that it does not matter, the child went missing in Moscow or in a small town, works very effectively following rule - the more people know about the incident, the more efficient the search baby. Ask for help MOE, nearby military units, canine clubs, acquaintances. And certainly your pipsqueak there very soon - "because it does not happen in the world, that were lost children! ".