How to enlarge breasts without surgery, many people are interested in today's girls aspiring to be attractive, trying to achieve the ideal form all parts of the body. If one of us has generously endowed nature, then over another sometimes has to work himself, putting in this effort is not enough. Tighten and firm breasts beautiful shape - is a source of pride and an object of admiration of women men.
It is not necessary to think, of course, that men are primarily interested in the chest, but its importance should not be underestimated, because it is an important component of an attractive female figure. Elastic shape, albeit small, guarantee attention of the opposite sex, but most importantly - a female self-esteem, which will undoubtedly be higher when a woman sees and knows that she is irresistible.
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Natural tightened his chest - it is fashionable!
Some of the girls on the nature of the small size of the breast, so some of them, trying to figure and seductive appearance, dare to go under the surgeon's knife. Today surgery, including plastic, has reached unprecedented heights, but reached the same heights and the prices for these services, and the risks associated with them. There are cases when the girl, trying to improve himself, as a result experienced a bitter disappointment, do not get the expected results.
Some time later, after breast surgery can be asymmetrical, does not take the form that promised the surgeons and the patient wanted. There have been precedents when silicone implants are rejected by the body, there is a severe allergic reaction and had to remove them, making a second operation. This article answers the question of how to enlarge breasts without surgery.
To breast increased, there are many proven methods.
There are entire systems and complexes of various physical exercises aimed at strengthening and developing the pectoral muscles, the regular performance of which always gives a positive trend. The result, of course, not be the same in its inflated silicone typically increase ranges from 3, 5 to 5 cm, but these changes will be of natural origin. There is a technique of breast augmentation through meditation.
Both a big plus, given that now in fashion came in the cult of natural and natural beauty, at least makeup, natural hair color, refusal to build and silicone. It became fashionable to follow the right diet and attend gyms or just work on improving his body home.
Enlarge your breasts, making it firm and taut help gradually painted technique and tips.
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Breast augmentation in meditation
Breast enlargement without surgery is possible to achieve if the master the technique of meditation. This is a difficult process, it needs to learn gradually and stock up with the patient. The benefits of meditation for the body proved doctors have long observed significant improvements in the nervous, immune, digestive system, improves sleep and anxiety go away. There is a clinically tested method through which you can enlarge your breasts without the intervention of the surgeon. Gradual application of this technique will help you learn to control your body, causing breast growth, namely breast, of which it is composed.
Explanation of how to enlarge breasts without surgery through meditation, is as follows. When meditation releases a hormone responsible for breast growth. In a hypnotic trance is activated by the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the circulation of blood and fluids, temperature and body weight within the specified parameters. The hypothalamus releases neurotransmitters that stimulate the pituitary gland, which in turn, promotes the production of growth hormone.
In adolescence, this hormone is released, and mammary glands increased, this process was in the "memory" of the body, only the process, but not the parameters achieved in the breast growth. Therefore, this memory can "revive" through meditation, entering into a state of trance and stimulating hormone.
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Step-by-step instruction
To enter into a state of absolute rest, you should not interfere with anybody, otherwise it will be impossible to concentrate, because we are talking about the power of thought. It is necessary to meditate in a place where you can be alone with him in a room where there are no distracting noise, the atmosphere, the temperature it should be as comfortable as possible. You can meditate while sitting, taking the lotus position, with the back straight, but the body and the muscles relaxed.
Hands decided to keep his hands up to the flow of your energy to circulate. You can meditate while lying on a hard surface or just on the floor, using a special mat. This leg should be together, arms close to the body, palms up, under the neck, you can put a small cushion.
Get rid of all the thoughts that you might disturb. This stage of meditation Some come to study for a long time, but the result is stunning. And every time there is a desire to improve this ability. All other thoughts will only detract from the visualization of the desired result and stop focusing on it. Some time clearly visualize your mind in a clean white sheet on which you are going to draw what you want.
It is necessary to cause a rush of blood to the breast, imagining the warmth fills your body, then his chest, heartbeat quickens, and the breathing should be smooth and quiet. Breathe in deeply through your nose. We need to see in your imagination as growing breasts, increasing in volume, and the real you will learn how to present its growth and feelings associated with it, the greater will be the result.
Visualize the image of the breast is very clear, if you are considering it in the mirror from all sides, touching, wiggle it, try how to securely attach the image to life in mind.
Exit from this state, slowly opened his eyes. Some time is necessary to be in a state of tranquility and not to shoot down the correct breathing. Then, even after the state of meditation you will experience a feeling of warmth and tingling in the chest. This is the result. You have to understand that at the first session, you likely will not notice any changes, but over time, when you learn how to do it right, feel your body and to control thoughts, it will have an effect.
We must not stop lessons, motivate yourself by what you strive for. It is important not only visualization during meditation, but also confidence in the reality of the result which you wish to achieve.
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The increase by the physical exertion
Because the breast is composed of mammary glands, fat and connective tissue, then pump it into the gym to the desired size you can not. But it is possible to pull up, make it more flexible and attractive. Working to strengthen the pectoral muscles, which are located at the bottom of the ore cells can visually enlarge the breasts, lifting her.
Exercise will help avoid ugly sagging breasts, which with age are not insured even holders is not too lush forms. There are whole sets of exercises aimed at maintaining and improving the appearance and health of the breast that can be performed not only on special training in the gym, but also at home in familiar surroundings. You should perform 2-3 sets of three times a week, and the result will not take long.
Clenching hands
This exercise should be done in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart and keep your hands in front of you at chest level. Fold hands together, and on three strongly push their bases at each other while holding a hand position for at least 5 seconds, then slowly lower your arms. Repeat 10 times is necessary.
In the same position, wherein the gripping palms, hook the fingers and force them to try to dissolve the sides. Keep hands in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly lower them. Repeat the exercise 10 times is necessary.
Dips in the supine position
This exercise is taken from yoga, it works fine, strengthening the pectoral muscles. Lie down on your stomach, pulling the feet and toes, hands, put his hands on the floor while bending at the elbows so that his hands remained at the level of the shoulders. Carry the weight on his hands and slowly lift your upper body, looking at the ceiling. In this position, the thigh should slightly up from the floor, you will rely solely on the hands and toes. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then sank to the floor. Exercise needs to be repeated 10 times.
The wall
This exercise should be performed while standing near a wall. It should rest against the wall of a wide grip, his arms, and press on it with force. Hold the position for 15 seconds, do 10 reps.
This exercise gives especially difficult for beginners to perform it must be properly, there will be noticeable results. Push-ups correctly should be based only on the feet and hands, keeping the body straight. But you can start, and leaning on his knees. It is necessary to do 15 reps.
Dumbbells should be taken with a weight of 0, 5 and 2 kg, depending on your physical fitness. Lie on your back, raise your arms perpendicular to the floor and plant in hand. Do 15 repetitions, alternating with exercise in a standing position. But it is necessary to raise his hands in front of you until they are parallel to the floor.
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Training at the gym
Very effective set of exercises performed in the gym, has increased the volume of pectoral muscles all those who faithfully and correctly implement it. The gym is the main place where to do it - it's the simulator Cheast-press, which with the help of the weight bench swing pectoral muscles and hand muscles. The important point is that doing in the gym, doing static exercises you need a special sports bra, especially if you want to pull up the chest. This underwear is sold in specialty sports stores. For workouts, choose bras with strong support, and for running, dancing or yoga to stay on the middle support.
In addition to the classes in the hall at the gym, an ideal workout for all muscle groups, including infants, will be swimming. Training in the pool, you can start with two or three heats and then usually increase the number to five. Especially developed muscles under the breast, arm, and at the exit you get a chest that you will be proud of.
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Breast augmentation with massage
There are several effective breast massage techniques to increase it. The fact is that during the massage stimulation occurs breast, blood flows to the chest, and in the case of meditation, induces the production of growth hormone. In addition, regular breast massage significantly reduced the risk of her tumor, the skin is tightened, the breast becomes firmer.
Very useful water massage. To do this, you must direct a jet shower in the chest and making a circular motion. It should be alternated with cold warm water at intervals of 5-10 seconds, check it is necessary to douche with cold water. Douches - the best assistant in the fight for the elasticity of the skin, getting rid of spider veins, stretch marks and sagging. Massage should last at least 5 minutes. It is important not to make too strong jet to avoid injury to the chest, and give up too much hot water, because it contributes to the weakening of the connective tissue.
Sitting in the bathroom, you can perform massage hands. To do this, gently lather your hands and perform a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise. Then, stroking the chest upwards. Avoid the nipples and perform stroking about 5 minutes. Perform this massage can also use the cream for breast enhancement.
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Apparatus and method drugs
Pharmacies sell a variety of gels and creams to help with an increase in breast volume. It contains phytoestrogens, accelerate metabolism and blood flow to the breast. But to use such creams should be regularly since effect of volume is kept only in this case. Before using, apply a small amount of cream on a small patch of skin and leave on for a couple of hours. This kind of test for allergies, since breast skin is very sensitive. On many forums also allow "smart" tips, which states that iodine mesh or mustard will help increase the bust. It is not, you will only get irritated and burned skin.
Very popular among women who want to enlarge breasts, hardware method. His practice in almost all beauty salons. Special vacuum cups, worn on the chest, stimulate powerful blood flow and an increase in breast volume, which lasts about a month. The procedure is absolutely painless, even enjoyable, useful when you want to show off a perfect cleavage at the party. Vacuum massage makes the breast more taut and lifts it.
There is a great variety of hormone pills containing estrogen, which stimulates breast growth. The drug is very effective, its action is directed to the fact that the female figure regained feminine features curvaceous. But prescribe such a drug you must be a doctor after you pass all the tests, including hormones, because the side effects can have serious consequences.
To have a beautiful natural breasts, you just make an effort and work on your body, and you'll not only trim the elastic bust, but also burn calories and strengthen other muscles of the body.