baby food allergies


  • Hypoallergenic diet for a child - what is its essence?
  • Three product groups
  • How can manifest allergies?

If your child suffers from allergies, you have to try and be vigilant, because an innocent child's desire to eat something tasty can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, there is a special hypoallergenic diet, a good way to deal with allergies. Its purpose - to find hidden food intolerances or allergies the child to any meal. Hypoallergenic diet for a child mainly includes products that do not cause allergic reactions.

Parents need strict control over the child's diet to prevent the body baby of forbidden products.

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Hypoallergenic diet for a child - what is its essence?

Conventionally, pediatricians hypoallergenic diet divide into two phases: removal and the introduction of possible allergens. It is necessary to find out which of them the child has allergies or hypersensitivity.

The first phase is to be removed from the child's diet all products that can cause the symptoms of allergy. The duration of the first phase of 3 to 6 weeks, for a child who eats only food allowed.

In the second phase of the diet in the diet of the child's return products previously excluded, but strictly on one and controlled by the body's reaction to the food introduced. Next welcome new dishes for the child is only allowed at least 36 hours if there were no manifestations of allergy. If you have symptoms, you should stop taking this product in the food and again wait for recovery. Thus, the two phases are alternated until until all possible identified allergens to which the child has a higher sensitivity.

Do not forget that those products that are identified allergy, should be excluded from the diet for life, as the allergy will not disappear over time. For example, if increased sensitivity is detected on tomatoes, then the child can not eat them either at an early age or when he grows up.

There is a second embodiment of detecting allergen in children. You need to make a list of three groups of products. The first group - food, which are safe and should not bring harm to the baby. The second group - foods with moderate effect on the baby. A third group - dangerous vysokoallergichnye products which should be completely excluded from the diet. So you turn to child nutrition products in the first group, with caution and in the absence of allergy products in the second group and the third group is completely excluded.

 permitted food allergies
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Three product groups

Foods that should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • eggs;
  • whole milk, dairy products;
  • Citrus;
  • pickles;
  • canned foods;
  • red fruits and vegetables, exotic vegetables, celery, cabbage;
  • raisins;
  • dates;
  • seafood;
  • sausages;
  • smoked;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • Some varieties of fish;
  • chicken;
  • honey and its derivatives;
  • cocoa, coffee.

As part of the group sredneallergennuyu power?

The use of these products should be introduced gradually and limit. This group includes meat products: horse meat, pork, lamb, poultry (turkey), rabbit meat. Because fruits and vegetables can be listed bananas, beans, corn, potatoes. From cereals should pay attention to wheat and rye.

Products which are a group of low-allergenic:

  • meat is low-fat varieties boiled;
  • homemade yogurt, dairy products;
  • offal (liver, kidney, tongue);
  • cod, sea bass;
  • buckwheat, rice, barley, oatmeal;
  • courgettes, cucumbers, turnips;
  • vegetable oil, sunflower oil and olive oil;
  • dried fruits (apples, prunes);
  • dull berries and fruit drinks from them;
  • tea.

But remember that sometimes there is an allergic reaction to the product in this group, so if you do not celebrate the positive effects of a diet, it is necessary to turn to remove from the diet and these products.

 allergenic food
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How can manifest allergies?

  1. Atopic dermatitis. If your child suffers from this disease, you should take care not only about the hypoallergenic diet, but also to establish a hypoallergenic life. Vividly disease is manifested in the cold season. The main symptoms - is the emergence in the natural folds of skin on the cheeks and flaky skin rash;
  2. Hives. Most often this form of allergy occurs when increased sensitivity to any food in the diet of children. The symptom is that the advent of widespread rashes on the body of a baby on her back, arms and legs in the form of "burns from nettle," all of us are familiar with childhood;
  3. Eczema. Its symptoms - is the appearance of various parts of the body (back, neck, arms, legs) bubbles with clear content that can burst and covered with a crust, accompanied by itching.

Very often, hypoallergenic diet for children is used in acute manifestations of the disease and in remission allergists can assign your children conduct allergy tests. To do this, the inside of the forearm and shoulder are sometimes applied to the allergen, and then goes observation. The appearance of the skin swelling, redness and itching indicates hypersensitivity to any product.

What else can you recommend?

Being on such a diet, children can not overeat. It is not necessary to repeat the same foods day after day, it is best to alternate them. If your child is longing for sweets, prefer apples or dried fruit, but do not give your child candy, chocolate. Not always the allergen causes a reaction on its entry into the body immediately, sometimes it accumulates, and only upon reaching a certain concentration manifests itself symptomatically.

If allergic reactions are revealed the baby who is breastfed, then stick to hypoallergenic diet is its nursing mom. If you notice any symptoms you need to contact the experts, who will make an individual program and diet for your baby.

 Diet for a child with allergies

 hypoallergenic diet


  • Hypoallergenic diet for Ado
  • Diet for Ado for children and its basic principles

Recently the problem of allergies in children is becoming more common. Students preschoolers, infants and newborns suffer different kinds of allergies. In the first year of life in children is most common food allergy after the first year of life increased the frequency and other types of allergic reactions to pollen allergy, house dust, fur and animal skin particles, drug allergies, and more. Compliance with hypoallergenic diet is one of the basic principles of treatment for all types of allergies.
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Hypoallergenic diet for Ado

Hypoallergenic diet plays a particularly important role in the elimination of food allergies.

The general non-specific hypoallergenic diet is a diet of Academician AD Ado for children. It was built on the exclusion from the diet foods that have a high allergenic capacity. Diet for Ado does not account for the individual characteristics of a child who is sick allergy (can occur in rare cases, allergic reactions, and those products that are permitted diet). Ado diets for children, the presence of any type of allergic reaction in a child is recommended for all age groups. General principles you need to follow a diet for children with infants up to 3 years of age, inclusive, especially when there is a family history of allergies.

 in a hypoallergenic period prohibited the use of strawberries
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Diet for Ado for children and its basic principles

During an exacerbation of allergy and for the next 1-2 weeks after the improvement is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet of baby foods that have a high allergenic capacity. These products include:

  • fish (both river and sea), seafood and fish products (caviar, crab sticks, canned);
  • all citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, lime);
  • nuts;
  • cocoa and products containing cocoa (candy, chocolate, confectionery);
  • coffee;
  • Meat and poultry products prepared therefrom (including soups);
  • all kinds of meats;
  • spices and condiments (including mayonnaise, mustard, hot and sweet peppers, vinegar);
  • mushrooms;
  • sharp vegetables (horseradish, radishes, radish, daikon);
  • eggs and egg products with a high content of eggs (protein creams, pastry, homemade cakes);
  • tomatoes and eggplant;
  • honey;
  • strawberries, strawberry, pineapple, melon;
  • whole milk;
  • alcoholic beverages (and confectionery products that contain alcohol).

After the arrest the aggravation of allergies may be the gradual introduction of (small portions of the 1st) these products if their child is not bad moves. But even in the absence of acute allergies and tolerability vysokoallergennyh products frequency of their inclusion in the child's diet should not exceed 1 second per week. All products with a high allergenic capacity quite undesirable to eat for children up to 3 years.

If a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions during acute allergies, according to the diet of children Ado recommended limit, and some other products. They are brightly colored fruits, vegetables and berries (red - pomegranate, raspberries, beets, cherry, black - blackberry, black currant, orange - carrots, pumpkin), as well as fruit drinks and juices from them.

The following products are allowed for use in food in and out of aggravation:

  • Boiled lean beef;
  • cereals and vegetable soups, cooked in beef broth secondary (mostly vegetarian);
  • vegetable oil and butter (vegetable: sunflower oil and olive oil);
  • Fresh milk products (cheese, yogurt, yogurt with no colors or flavors, yogurt);
  • dairy and dairy-free cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice);
  • cucumbers;
  • baked apples, stewed apples, plums, currants, cherries, dried fruits;
  • watermelon;
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • herbs - dill, parsley;
  • nesdobnoe white bread;
  • tea;
  • sugar.

Groundlessly prolonged use of a hypoallergenic diet for children, especially after 3 years, can lead to micronutrient and protein-energy malnutrition, and, subsequently, to a violation of the physical development of the child. Because severely restrictive diet should be considered as starting. Further, depending on the cause and the identified range of significant products and results of the survey formed the individual hypoallergenic diet. In the period of partial or complete remission diet for children should gradually expand through personalized assessment of sensitivity to one or the other foods indispensable recording appeared allergic reactions in a food diary.

 Diet for children academician A.D.Ado
