the causes of the rash in a child


  • Banal sudamen
  • Allergic reaction
  • Viral diseases
  • Bacterial infections
  • Your actions upon detection

Every parent, of course, a concern any deviations in the health of the child. One of the reasons for concern parents are various skin rashes. Often the rash appears after the high temperature or with her. Any cause for concern should be shown rash pediatrician. In some cases, you can not rush, and within a few days quietly walk to the doctor (if the rash itself does not take place). In other cases, it is extremely dangerous and the score is not on the days and at the clock. In this issue you need to understand and remember what to look for.
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Banal sudamen

The most secure rash that occurs after heavy sweating of the body at an elevated temperature, a heat rash. Sudamen - a skin irritation that develops after heavy sweating and lack of sweat evaporation. Often seen in infants and young children. It contributes to the development of overheating and excessive wrap the child.

Sudamen appears as a skin rash in the form of small bubbles with transparent watery contents in closed areas of skin (arms, legs, back, neck, buttocks). It may cause a child's itching and anxiety. Treatment is to take air baths and water treatments with a light solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of oak bark or succession. Admission antihistamines in this case is inappropriate.

For the prevention of urticaria, as well as to alleviate the patient's condition with an increase in body temperature, adults must provide the cool, moist air in the room and did not coddle children. If you do not, the likelihood of prickly heat will be several times higher.

 examination by a pediatrician
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Allergic reaction

At high temperature, most parents are beginning to antipyretics and in some cases also other drugs. Each of the components of these medicines could be an allergen is for your child and cause a rash. You also can not exclude contact allergies (you put a child something new or made the bed clean linen).

It manifests an allergic rash rather quickly after contact with an allergen, and a variety of itchy skin rashes. Often accompanied by a strong allergic rhinitis. If you experience a rash parents necessarily have to analyze what they were giving your child a new recently (medicines, food, clothing) and, on this basis, to draw a conclusion - can be manifested rash of allergic reaction.

The treatment is the removal of allergens from the environment of the child (to change medicine, clothing, bedding), reception of sorbents (for a more rapid withdrawal of the allergen from the body) and taking antihistamines, prescribed by your doctor. In case of suspected allergy should consult a doctor because during the second manifestation of even the most minor allergies can experience severe complications, in particular - angioedema. Mosquito bites also cause an allergic skin reaction, a large number of bites can sometimes be mistaken for a rash.
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Viral diseases

Herpes type 6 and 7

The virus most often causes infection in young children (often up to two years), which is called sudden rash (roseola). Sometimes it is called psevdokrasnuhoy.

Developing the disease with high fever. Any other symptoms. At 3-4 day from onset temperature falls, and after 9-20 hours after the temperature point appears pink rash. Eruptions are located throughout the body. Thereafter, the temperature no longer rises. It is often mistaken for a rash, an allergic reaction of the body to the fever, which for those days when I was a high fever, had to give the child's parents. However, the rash goes away on its own in a couple of days without the use of any medication.

When roseola any special treatment is needed, the disease is not dangerous and provides no complications.


At the beginning of the disease with fever, cough and runny nose are present. The rash appears on the child 3-4 days after the onset of illness. Small red spots (which can merge, becoming great spots) appear on the head and face, and slowly sinking down, a couple of days to reach the feet. The disease is serious and quite poorly tolerated. In our country, thanks to vaccination, is rare.


When rubella temperature and a rash appear at the same time, accompanied by symptoms of acute respiratory infections and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and head. The rash is fine, pale pink in color. Distributed as measles, from head to toe, but more quickly - within a few hours and disappear within 3-4 days. Contagious child is considered to be the day before the rash appears, and 5 days after. Particular attention should be given to pregnant women, the isolation of a patient with rubella due to the extremely adverse impact of the virus on the fetus (regardless of whether a woman gets sick after contact with sick or not).

Chicken pox

Rash comes amid rising temperatures and deterioration of overall health. The rash appears as red spots on the entire surface of the body. After a couple of hours, these spots turn into blisters filled with a colorless liquid, and begin to itch. On the second day of the liquid in the vial is cloudy, and the pimple shrinks, dries up and covered with a crust that falls away in a week. Within 3-7 days the child's body will be new pimples. Contagious child is considered to be the day before the onset of the disease throughout the disease and 5 days after the last eruption of the fragments. Most easily this disease carry children under 12 years of age, older children tolerate it more difficult, but for adults it is a serious threat, and often leads to complications.

 bacterial infection
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Bacterial infections

Scarlet fever

An infectious disease with severe reaction to eritrotoksin - a toxic substance that produces some of the bacteria streptococcus. Getting the disease is characterized by a sharp jump in temperature to 39-40 ° C. At the same time, a child may be headache, nausea, and swallowing, severe sore throat. If you look in the child's mouth during the first hours after the onset of illness, you will see that the tongue is coated with white bloom. Later, language will be shiny and bright red and white patches appear on the tonsils.

By the end of the first day there are small rash of pink. It covers the whole body and concentrated in the skin folds. At the touch of the skin is dry and rough, like sandpaper, and reddish in appearance, with many more bright red dots. Another characteristic feature of scarlet fever is that the area around the mouth (nasolabial triangle) remains clean from scars and pale.

A week after the disappearance of the rash starts very strong peeling skin (especially on the palms) - is dying lost during illness cells of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin.

With timely treatment of scarlet fever with antibiotics clinical outcome of well-being, and in case of failure of them - almost always severe complications. Quarantine child in scarlet fever (3 weeks from the onset of the disease) does not act for the child is not infected anyone, and to a time until the immune system is not yet fully grown, not to run again with streptococcus bacteria, as this can lead to complications and allergic reactions.

Meningococcal disease

The most serious and deadly disease in which the disease by the time before treatment is not for days, and the clock - meningococcal meningitis. When injected into the blood through the bloodstream infection penetrates into the brain. Sometimes this form of meningococcal meningitis when meningitis is an infection of the blood. Symptoms of this form of meningitis are:

  • high body temperature,
  • rash of bleeding under the skin in the form of stars (perhaps only a few elements), which when pressure is applied with a finger, does not disappear,
  • vomiting.

At high body temperature, vomiting and rash in the form of subcutaneous hemorrhage (shaped like a star), which does not disappear when pressed with a finger, it is required urgently to bring the child to a medical facility. With timely treatment and use of antibiotics the disease is treated and does not cause complications. For the prevention of meningococcal infections is vaccination.

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Your actions upon detection

If you notice a rash in a child your first task is to analyze the past few days to determine - if the rash is allergic in nature. If it is an allergy - the removal of the allergen. If you suspect the child has meningococcal infection - immediately call an ambulance. If you suspect an infectious disease caused by a doctor's home (to avoid contamination of the surrounding transport and the clinic) and isolate the child from the maternity (until you are sure that the disease - no rubella).

Prior to joining the doctor should not be lubricated by any rash agents, especially dyes. Still, diagnosis, and treatment assignment should be made by your doctor. Only he can determine: a child viral or bacterial disease, and if bacterial, and then assign the appropriate antibiotic. To prevent some of the above diseases vaccination. Vaccination according to the vaccination schedule, strengthens the immune system of the child, try to avoid the allergens and be healthy!

 Eruptions on the skin after the child's temperature
