Some parents are faced with a situation where the child has a rash appears on the back.
The child almost always complains that the back is scratched badly. In any case, with such symptoms should contact their pediatrician, but every parent should know what can be linked to a rash on the back of the child and what it might mean.
The disease, which may be accompanied by a rash on the back of a child can be quite a lot. But there is a list of the most common diseases that tend to carry it in childhood. These diseases can be divided into several groups: infectious diseases; skin diseases; allergic reaction.
The article will help you at least roughly a preliminary diagnosis (although this is - the problem of the doctor!), To determine the possible causes of the rash and assess the severity of the child's condition.
This knowledge can help you, on the one hand, not to lose vigilance in the case of serious illness, and on the other, do not be alarmed early. But remember: do not self-medicate a child and be sure to call the doctor!
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Diseases of the skin of the child
Let's start with the most harmless group of diseases. These include the prickly heat. Particularly susceptible to this disease infants. Symptoms of the disease are: the body of the child (in particular on the back, chest, neck, and other areas where there are sweat glands) produce fine pinkish rash. The cause of the disease can be either a lack of care for the child, too tight swaddling, overheating.
Coping with the heat rash can be on their own. First of all, you need a good wash with soap and baby, change linen and clothes and ensure that the baby is not lying in wet diapers a long time did not sweat. One can use baby powder in places where there is a rash. From now on you need to follow a number of rules: give the baby's skin to breathe, use creams with low-fat texture. If suddenly the child sweat, should immediately rinse it and change: it will help prevent prickly heat. To be afraid of this disease should not be - it is not an infectious disease and usually passes quickly.
The following disease is not fully applicable to diseases of the skin, but many parents are afraid it is not less - is the insect bites. Often mosquitoes attacking the child at the time of the year when anything else about them, or do not think, in late autumn or early spring. Bites on the child's body in the form of spots appear pink or red color. They appear in the open areas of the body, including the back, if the child was sleeping on her side. By themselves, mosquito bites are not dangerous, unless the child has an allergy to them.
The general mood and condition of the child remains the same: he is cheerful and active. The bites are accompanied by a slight itching, which does not disturb the baby. If the child has a severe allergic reaction to the bites, which is accompanied by severe redness, swelling and itching, you can give a child an antihistamine (eg, suprastin) and handle themselves bites special creams (Fenistil gel, psilobalzam).
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Allergic reactions
Due to various factors, a child may have an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by a rash. Unfavorable environment, the products, the same insect bites, detergents and other hygiene products, bedding and fillers (feather, down), vitamins, medication - can be allergic to anything. An allergic rash in children - a very common phenomenon.
An allergic reaction is manifested on the skin with red spots of irregular shape, itching. Spots like the sting and occur very quickly after exposure to the allergen. And stains can appear anywhere, but often they observed a rash on the back of it. All this may be accompanied by indigestion, scabies, lethargy, or conversely, the excitation. Generally rashes are not dangerous in themselves and harm the child does not bring, but on the condition that will be detected and eliminated allergens. Otherwise, from a fairly benign condition can go into a really dangerous phase: swelling of the soft tissues (lips, eyes, neck), strangulation. This requires urgent hospitalization of the child.
If you find a child's allergic reaction, give it a sorbent (the simplest - activated charcoal, smectite, filtrum) and antihistamines (eg Phencarolum, suprastin). Skin can be applied fenistil gel and moisturizer. If possible, limit your child's contact with the allergen. Do not pull on a visit to a dermatologist, pediatrician or allergist.
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Children's infectious diseases
That infectious diseases are the most dangerous of the three groups of diseases associated with skin rash in children. These include chicken pox, measles, rubella and others. Let us consider in more detail each of these ailments.
Varicella (chickenpox)
Chickenpox is manifested in the form of small spots, which a few hours later transferred to the stage of vesicles filled with clear liquid. Small bubbles are located on the back, chest, neck, abdomen and legs. A few days later they burst, formed crust. Treatment consists in the fact that burst bubbles must be lubricated green paint or potassium permanganate (solution saturated color) up until the crust fall off. Pluck they can not - they should fall yourself. They do not leave traces.
Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease, so contact with the sick almost guarantee 100% that a child who has not had chickenpox, the infection. The good news is that chickenpox sick once in a lifetime and it is better if it is the child been ill in childhood: adults carry it extremely difficult, until death.
In this disease, the rash appears not only on the back, but also throughout the body. Although it is on the back it is most pronounced. The rash is a small spot of light pink color, almost the same size, are flush with each other. For 4 days, it usually goes unnoticed. Rubella is also accompanied by an increase in the lymph nodes in the back of the head and gently symptoms of ARI. Children under 1 year is recommended to be vaccinated against rubella, and special treatment in case of infection is not assigned. Note, however, that the rash when rubella similar to measles, an infectious disease is therefore necessary to intervene in order to properly diagnose.
This disease is also called "sudden exanthema" or "sixth disease." It is accompanied by a high fever that lasts 4-5 days, and the overall health of the child is normal. The temperature then falls and is distributed throughout the body rash. It has a pale pink color. Once the rash has appeared, the child is not a threat to infect other children. At a temperature of a child give antipyretic drugs, so take the rash of allergic reaction to the medication.
The disease is manifested rash pustular pimples small. They appear mainly on the back, as well as affected and of course, the baby's head. Pimples are filled with liquid inside. When they burst, then infect the skin, which are close by. It is a vicious circle. It is therefore important to prevent secondary infection, when the bubble bursts, it is necessary to immediately treat the brilliant green or potassium permanganate. Around pimples the skin can be treated with alcohol to prevent secondary infection. When the disease the child can not swim.
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Dangerous infectious diseases
There are some medical conditions that require immediate intervention of a physician, medical treatment and compulsory hospitalization of the child.
Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever sick once in a lifetime. The disease is highly contagious, so if you know that your baby is surrounded by someone ill with scarlet fever, beware the next 7-10 days - this time by a number of manifest illness. It begins with a very high temperature and sore throat, sore throat. Language by first thickly coated with white bloom, then it becomes shiny and red. The rash appears after a few hours of onset of the disease, and is located on the back, legs and folds in the skin it is generally more dense. The rash is fine, has the form of points. It takes a week and a half, and then begin to peel off the feet and hands, the skin is rough and dry. The disease is considered serious because it can give complications in the kidneys and heart. Treated only with medication with antibiotics. Furthermore, hospitalization is assigned.
The first sign of measles - a rash of large size and bright colors. She appears a few days after the baby is infected. At first, the rash appears on the neck and face, and applies 2-3 days on the back and other parts of the body. Measles is accompanied by high fever, sudden cough, runny nose, red eyes and sharp pain, sometimes photophobia. At the beginning of the disease in the buccal mucosa rash appears, similar to the semolina.
Until then, until the body of a child has a rash, it is dangerous to others. Usually the rash 4 day passes and the child danger to others is not. The risk of measles is, of course, not only in a rash, and that it can lead to serious complications: pneumonia, measles and bronchitis, in extreme cases - meningoencephalitis.