It has long been left behind the times blind conservatism when red shoes priori correlated with vulgarity and bad manners. To the feet of the modern woman is given an extravagant product deliberately emphasizes the seductive and sexy female creatures.
The symbol of a bright personality and explosive nature became red high-heeled shoes - the woman who strives for self-expression, simply must have this juicy piece toilet in her wardrobe
Popularity shoes so flashy colors recently gaining great momentum. They enjoyed the widest demand in the crazy 80s and gradually lost its relevance to the 90 th year. But now that the modern woman is able to dictate the terms of itself, and is endowed with great activity, she puts on red stilettos to demonstrate his "I".
In favor of the expressive color says a number of studies conducted by scientists. For example, the University of Rochester experts proved that a woman dressed in red or using in the form of bright red accent, are more attractive to the male than the other ladies. This effect produces physiological changes in the male body, and increases the production of adrenaline, instantly provokes a proactive as synonymous with passion and desire. The lady that adorns his legs in red shoes, must be ready to relentless scrutiny and the stronger sex.
It is worth to mention that this product is capable of extravagant set the tone for the female form, and does not tolerate additional accents and competing parts of clothing. Beautiful red shoes - it's authentic footwear, self-sufficient and very aggressive, so imposes strict rules for his socks. The lady, who prefer this style and tone shoes with heels, to be a model of elegance and sophistication, not to fall into the category of vulgarity and vulgarity of the caller, and should be aware of the relevance. In general, the relevance - the most important condition, which is required to submit to wearing red shoes with high heels.
Red shoes for women - the latest news from the designers
As noted above in passing, red shoes women gain new popularity, and actively penetrate into the wardrobes of the fair sex, transforming their graceful legs
. This trend began to be celebrated in the spring of last season and continues to gain momentum in the summer of this, because nothing can have a bright expression of individuality and expressiveness are better than the summer heat and relaxation
. Traditional classic red shoes have changed their style and gained an extraordinary transformation in the hands of the world izvestnogoValentino
. It shone in his shows aggressive model of red patent leather shoes, by the way, for current opinion the fashion critics, these styles do not impress vulgar bad taste
. Many women's magazines have placed on their pages options lacquer red shoes, photo with these products received high marks on the scale of "elegance" by fashion critics
Valentino used a conceptually new method for its latest line, using a hidden platform, extremely high heel and high quality leather. This explosive mixture created a furor among fashionable catalogs that rushed to place on the pages of red high-heeled shoes, a photo of this product have positioned them as a colorful and unique shoes. However, the collection of this master gives women a choice, because the range of the color palette of the last shoe line range from rich red to fuchsia-colored cold, and also includes the romantic shades of coral colors.
Very fresh and gently looked styles of red shoes on the heels of CristianDior, shows with these models differed pomp decor, in addition to the brightness of colors. The presented models of modern fashionistas shock bold combination of finishes, which could include a variety of drapery, the presence of the inserts, and recesses. Beautiful red leather shoes from CristianDior had a particular kind of imprint and repeated pattern python skin. In short, the critics have unanimously noted that under the heel of a shoe is not a sin to be a man.
Red high-heeled shoes: what to wear right?
Due to great originality red shoes female common problem with a successful combination of this product with other elements of the ladies' toilet. Not an easy combination, and that would represent a unique blend of elegance and sex appeal, not rolling in a frank appeal. In fact, the specificity of flashy brightness puts a lot of "taboo" and even more nuances that must be considered when the front of the girl raises the question of what to wear red shoes. Below are some general guidelines and basic rules of selection of clothes that will accentuate seductive feminine nature and legs.
- Red and all its derivatives - a loud statement in itself, so the model of classic red shoes or a style with open toe, exposing fingers suggest the ideal state of a pedicure, and overall well-groomed ladies' feet, because they will be under constant and close scrutiny, regardless of whether with what will be combined.
- The best option for everyday, everyday wear is considered to be a combination of denim with scarlet tones shoes. An additional lure can be achieved by wearing jeans narrowed model trousers with high heels, but the way to achieve a la perky 80 easily by combining the free mini skirts and overalls with shoes red seed pans. Delicious may have the effect of light, flowing sundresses summer maxi length with similar coloring shoes. However, you should beware of the congestion of the image and not to use along with the red shoes catchy shades of outerwear.
- Stylists in one voice say that the optimal color solution will be a combination of shades of black, white and beige, the color range is a classic and is at odds with screaming scarlet and magenta. But the most traditional color duo deservedly considered the combination of deep gray with fiery hues. Women's fashion magazines office included in its review of red shoes in 2011, showed a photo of a colorful mix of models of shoes with muted colorings business suits, so even business lady could dilute the dry and conservative working uniform catchy shades pins.
- Shoes red pumps can create a divine tandem, combined with corporate, office attire, such as a black pencil skirt. It is very important the use of elongated blouses with jabot monochromatic color schemes, shades of gray, it is desirable in the ensemble with high heels.
- In order to get rid of excessive aggression, which simply radiates fire color, can be shifted a little emphasis on the floral print. This stylistic decision should be carried out carefully, it is important to make sure that the pattern or abstraction composed of smaller elements. Women's fashion catalogs posted on their pages abundance of red shoes, photo shoes exhibited in conjunction with patterns and shows how you can combine the advantageous print with bright color.
- The stereotype that the shoes should be in harmony of design and color performance with a bag has long outlived its usefulness. On the contrary, classical red shoes with red bag at least create unnecessarily overloaded image, smash its overall integrity and bring a sense of vulgar blatancy that is contrary to good manners. And if it is also a red patent-leather shoes, or even possible to put an end to the good style.
- Trend of the season for bright individualistok is the use of clothing with animalistic pattern in conjunction with the red shoes with heels prodigious length. Women reviews hurriedly put the information in his column on the red shoes 2011 photos with the latest design innovations demonstrated that the combination of red shoes with animalism - quite a winning combination, but using it is only on the thematic, cocktail evenings, otherwise the woman shocking and confuse others.
From all it is obvious that the red shoes, especially if it includes a heel or made in lacquered version has a lot of nuances that need to be strictly followed, creating a winning image and a good style.
What you can not wear bright shoes: basic mistakes
If previously we determine the moments that have contributed to the creation of a harmonious, feminine and a good image, but now tell you about the most common mistake made by the fair sex, clumsily handling such wayward article of clothing, like red shoes. One women's fashion publications posted on the pages of the top 10 most egregious error about what women wear red shoes, photo selection blunders furor and forced to change the idea of the "beautiful".
- Stylists say in unison, that you can not wear a lot of bright scarlet items at a time, this error will simply make way overloaded and at the same time impersonal. Simply place the emphasis of fine accessories with the help of, for example, a massive bracelet or coral beads: fine, fashionable and tasteful.
- In no case can not be combined with colorful tights, combined with similar models of shoes, more monstrous is the use of tights with prints or abstract pattern. In case no tights can not do, or etiquette demands their immediate inclusion in the image, you can do bodily option nylon. By the way, lingerie catalogs are often placed in their reviews of a combination of women's stockings from top brands and red patent leather shoes, a photo with similar stylistic solutions characterized by high erotic, it donated shoes.
- Stopping the choice on footwear so expressive tones refuse models on the platform, such products a reputation for bad taste, but their owners probably establish itself with a bad hand. It is better to give preference to a classic, restrained leather shoes produced by the best traditions and marked the highest quality. For example, the graceful boats that will serve as a worthy setting for delicate ladies foot - this style will never create unjustified feeling of massiveness. Or often women directories offer a model of red high heels, a photo with the shoes prove that the articles are not necessarily bright vulgar, as long as the heel was visually elegant.
Red shoes - bright symbol of female identity that can instantly transform a lady reshivshuyusya decorate your table legs colorful piece of clothing. Extravagance and exuberant colors allow deserved to enjoy all the attention, the main thing - the ability to combine and create a solid, harmonious way, which would be immediately brought success and showed only the winning charm of women. Shoes red shades - a powerful weapon in the arsenal of women in the struggle for the admiring glances of boys, getting so causing the product, every woman dooms itself to inevitable success.