Whatever important event is not scheduled, sooner or later, in the head of every woman of this emerges the question of the wardrobe, and the opening of the beach season in this plan has never been an exception. The most important element of our beach ensemble and the biggest "headache" is often a leotard. Today we'll talk about the main fashion trend of the summer season - knitted swimsuits 2011 - photos show them. We will discuss what they are good, which models the leading designers in the world have chosen favorites, let's talk about the opportunity to create their own hands this trend a curious little thing.
Fashion trends
The designers of leading fashion houses all over the world have long been discovered and learned to emphasize basic features and highlight knitted swimsuit - a deep and incredibly feminine eroticism of this garment. And this fashion season will not refuting: the most relevant models recognized as the most candid, unobtrusive covering the private parts of our bodies, separate knitted swimsuits 2011 - photos that we see, illustrate this. This kind of bathing suit perfectly in tune with the trends of the year - the lace of various modifications, fringe and reticulated, floral ornaments and strip all variations - to them we shall be guided.
As for color, it is worth to pay attention to white (especially considering that the white knitted swimwear almost the only ones in which it is possible not only to sunbathe, but also easy to enter the water, as opposed to synthetic made in this color). Also at the height of fashion are all shades of blue, pink, gray and yellow colors like knitted swimsuits 2011 - photo show is the best possible way - incredibly sexy and his playfulness can overcome any melancholy.
The special grace of the leading fashion designers of the planet got a model with topom strapless trikini and type, which is very convenient for the girls gravitating postoperative scars or stretch marks on the stomach, not to mention the showiness and originality of these swimsuits.
Unseemly myths and pleasant truth
When it comes to knitting swimsuit anyway we all are faced with one unpleasant stereotypes over the years: it will be dry for a long time. Often, it is this idea becomes the cause of failure of this beautiful model, and because I want to say at once that today the rumors about this are a serious exaggeration: Modern knitted swimsuits are made of strands with a high content of viscose, so dry is not much longer than usual. Now let us discuss and unconditionally recognized the advantages of knitted swimsuits 2011 summer season:
- Suspicions about the fact that in knitted swimsuit hot, we will not have any basis. Bound of cotton yarn, it is better suited to the heat of summer than in the model of synthetic fabric.
- In a knitted swimsuit we are much less likely to face unpleasant allergic reactions, given that similar options bathing suits are made predominantly from natural materials.
- Care Knitted swimwear is pretty simple: just an ordinary cotton items should be washed by hand, and if you can, then rinsed in a weak vinegar solution. Through the use of our viscose yarn swimsuit will not stretch, and the addition of cotton fibers makes it possible to iron it while maintaining the shape of the product in the desired condition or changing it according to our desire.
- Durability Knitted swimwear, especially if we stick to take care of him, much higher than that of conventional synthetic models.
- Models knitted swimsuits 2011 - photos submitted to our attention, they say this is better than any words - are more original and unique than their synthetic counterparts.
And one more important detail that we have decided to discuss the details: the difference in the amount of clothes in terms of breast and thighs. Often we are certainly happy owner appetizing forms and everything is good, but come summer, and the choice of the ideal swimsuit becomes akin to a feat scout: what you want to donate, but do. And we sacrifice: gain model that sits on the "4", buy two sets of different sizes or after a shopping run in sewing workshops.
And here I would like to say that the beautiful crocheted swimwear 2011 can get us to cost-effectively nerves and money only on the condition that we associate them with their own hands.
Fashion trend with their own hands
Knitted swimwear 2011 are not all equally extravagant, many models are quite simple in decor and performance, and not inferior in pleasantness expressive brothers produced impressions. On the contrary, they fascinate elegance is his intelligence, and treating them could not help think that it is not too difficult - to link such interesting items beach wardrobe, doubling the impression produced by the exclusivity. Today, we propose to consider two popular embodiment of such blissful thoughts.
Swimsuit "high spirits"
- Size presented in this example: 46.
We will need 70 grams (or 240 m) section-dyed yarn (yarn is best suited to the ratio of cotton and elastane content of 98% -2%), slightly more than 2 m hat gum, needles number 3 and the hook number 3 or number 5.
We will implement the interweaving "garter", ie in all ranks of the facial loops, "rachim step" polustolbikami with nakida.
"Fragment №1»
: The thread is wound on the finger in two turns and the end of the leave. Ring Tie 30th columns with two nakida (this is the first row); second row - 7 stitches, 1 polustolbik in the third column of the previous row, 3 air loop, 1 polustolbik in the second column of the previous row, and now the entire process of creating a second row will repeat five more times.
"Fragment №2»
: Again the thread wound on the finger in two turns and the end of the leave. The resulting ring Tie 20th columns without nakida. The density of knitting in garter stitch should be equal to 40 loops on the number 54, or 10/10 cm.
Cups bodice
. Dial on the spokes 32 loops and knit in garter stitch. When knit 20 rows, begin to knit rows shorter, ie Right in every second row of the account we will not dovyazyvat two loops twelve times. After all the loops bind straight 36 rows and right in every second of the account number will be seven times to remove two loops. We will be 18 loops, each of which we connect straight 36 rows and close all the loops. After the hook number 3 on the so-called closed loops "on the laces" knit five "arches" of five air loops. Now, on top of the cup bodice, in the area from one and up to another point "B" marked on the circuit type on the spokes of 36 loops, and will knit "garter" provyazyvaya in each of the rows of the middle two loops (a total of 25 times ). The remaining eleven loops close.
Knitting right cup bodice will be a mirror image of the left.
Now we collect the items together. With the hook knit twice "Fragment №1», after connecting them together and cups bodice. Then knit four times "Fragment №2» and two of them are attached to the base strapless. To produce strapless we need two pieces of thread hat-gum, a length of 80 cm and one segment, which we use for lacing, 50 cm. With the hook we tie stretches the thread-gum polustolbikami. The ends of the straps will process your liking.
Bathing trunks
. Dial on the spokes 23 loops, and knit 240 rows of garter stitch, and then close the loop. Dial the 38 loops of the side hinge on the vertical side and starting with 84 series, they will knit in garter stitch and finish in the 156 series, provyazyvaya together by two central loop every second row. Knit so ryadochka 64 from a set of loops on the remaining seven loops we associate the two rows directly. Thereafter, in every second row of the central loop 35 times vyvyazhem two loops. When knit 70 rows from where we started to add, close ten loops located in the middle and loose parts knit separately, taking away their inner sides by a loop in each of the rows.
Again collect items. Primarily connect circuit point marked at "A". With the hook knit three times "Fragment №1» and six times "Fragment №2». All available "Fragments №1», posting up the base, connect the triangle. "Fragments №2» join pairs and place respectively to availability. According to the stepper circuit lines, with a hook number 3 or number 5, we need to perform a weaving harness elements "rachy step," and then connect with the threads of yarn hat gum.
Classic "
French bikini
- Size presented in this example: 46.
We will need 50 grams (or 170 m) section-dyed yarn (best suited as a ratio of yarn of cotton and elastane content of 98% -2%), needles number 3 and the hook number 3 or number 5 and slightly more than 2 m hat gum.
We will implement the interweaving "sirloin grid" (ie alternating one bar with two nakida and two air loops) and polustolbikom with nakida.
The density of knitting needles on the front embroidery number 3 should be equal to 27 loops on the number 32, or 10/10 cm.
Cups bodice
. Dial on the spokes 9 loops and knit in garter embroidery. When knit 26 rows, you need to dial 21 to the left loop and begin to knit rows shorter, ie we need to link the four facial loops to turn our work, tie four backstitches loop again flip-eight tie loop, turn, etc. Similarly provyazyvaya four longer loops in each second row, we get 12 truncated series.
After that, all the loops (30 pcs.) Must link the front 30 rows of satin stitch and close the loop.
Knitting right cup bodice will be a mirror image of the left.
Now we collect the items together. Knit "sirloin grid" four rows on the hinge side edge and one row - the other two parties. To divide a hat straps elastic thread three parts: two segments with a length of 60 cm and one - meter. The segments of the thread-gum we polustolbikom tie using the hook at the bottom of prodenem meter segment, and the segments shorter - at the side of, securing them in the corners. The ends of the straps will process your liking.
Bathing trunks
. Dial needles on loop 46, and in each second row on both sides knit with third and fourth loop 16 times. On 14 loops that we will remain, knit 40 rows straight. Now will knit, adding in each second row on both sides of 23 times one loop for that of the edge of the third hinge will vyvyazyvayut two loops. When knit 46 rows from where we started to add, close all the loops.
Again collect items. At the upper edge of the front and rear knit four rows of "sirloin grid." According stepper lines circuits via hook number 3 or number 5 we need to perform a weaving harness elements "rachy step." To produce zavyazochek we need to be folded in half strands of yarn to tie a chain of four stitches on 60 cm. Now we fix the corners zavyazochki heats and process ends, decorated to your liking.
By making the described model, do not limit your imagination and experimentation wary when choosing the pattern and in the details. Knitted swimsuit 2011, we see it in the photo, is enriched with additional notes of charm, if decorated with metal fittings, stones and other decorative elements. Today we present to you the only patterns, but how will the product - it depends only on you.
Summing up the discussions, I would like to tell you that not so long ago (a couple of decades ago) the opportunity to have in her wardrobe knitted swimsuit and wear it with joy was questionable. To the great displeasure of many fashionistas, the materials that are available to women at the time, making the process of wearing this model is not too pleasant. Whether it is now - the choice of ready-made models is enormous, and the yarn quality, suitable for the manufacture of fashionable garment purchase easier than kitchen towels. So really we'll miss the chance to look fashionable, impressive and incredibly feminine.