Newcomer to accustom the road is not easy, especially women. It seems all of the major problems is over, and driving school is over, and bought a car, but .. How to behave on the road, when the hands are not accustomed to the steering wheel, and the legs and strive to confuse the pedals? What about if all seemingly learned the rules completely messed up in the head, and at the next crossroads suddenly appeared as signs that their value is lost make sense to you?
The answer to these questions is difficult, because each car road lady appears in a certain light. And each in his own way solves the problems. However, several of experienced motorists still worth considering.
Pupil at the wheel
Some argue that the shaped as letters "y" on the glass of the car does not mean anything. It is possible that it simply will not notice, and will not draw attention, thinking about something else. Yet many experienced drivers pay attention to the student behind the wheel and try to give way or simply to drive up close.
Putting such a badge on your car's up to you, but if you have already set, it is necessary to remember some things:
Never can be sure that everyone can see the designation "student behind the wheel," and no one close to you do not drive up. This sign makes absolutely no privileges. He just tells other drivers of your inexperience.
Do not panic if you find the so-called "joker" that seeing your position may provoke you, zooming, cut. It is best to just skip it forward, and if it does not try to park and wait until he leaves.
No need to add to the sign of the student different female symbols and inscriptions, for example, at one time was a popular icon "shoe." What to focus on attention? Believe me, you will notice and so, as you are not just regret.
Caught in a traffic jam? Be polite, as traffic congestion affect all drivers, not just you. Try to go to, and they'll tell you the same.
While you are a pupil, try not to go on the highway. There you still early. Everything will come in due time.
Rule UDD
And this is usually called by the people is simple - give way to the fool, you need to follow even for experienced drivers. Seeing that someone behaves inappropriately, and violates the rules, do not try to listen to his conscience and to learn something. Better to skip ahead - and let himself goes to seek adventure, but not with you.
In the first week of your acquaintance with the city roads, ask more experienced friend to ride with you on the most difficult places. So you will learn how to cope with the intractable at first glance, tasks.
Force Majeure
On the lit light or unclear with smoke under the hood? Or maybe the clutch pedal is not behaving as they should? Do not panic, turn on emergency lights, and immediately pressed against the side of the road and stop.
No need to immediately blame yourself, your favorite. It's not in you. Machines tend to break down and they can not choose between novice and experienced drivers. Calm down and wait for help.
By the way, stupor and panic - the most vicious enemies on the road. Before long trip, try to dismiss all the problems and emotions. And if it so happened that this is impossible, it is better not sit behind the wheel. According to statistics, even from a simple lack of sleep and occur most terrible accident.
SDA - as ABC
As corny as it may sound, but at the end of a driving school, many newcomers do not assimilate well all the rules. After all, the actual road is much more serious and complicated than the picture and in matters of tickets. And even if you passed the exam with flying colors - it does not excuse you from the periodic repetition. Now you have to understand the way and always know the "right answer."
Especially you must understand the points that are associated with the movement: roundabouts, overtaking, parking, location rules cars on the road. Here you do not just pull the ticket - I think - is responsible. Here it's different. Eat - think fast - even faster react.
Let your car becomes your friend
In order to understand how to behave as a driver on the road, often practicing on quiet streets, but always in the daytime. So you learn to better understand your car and learn to feel it.
The more you practice, the more confident will feel themselves, and cars under your leadership, will get under way, braking and overtaking confident. Over time you develop into a reflex memory for all machine controls, and you can pay more attention to the situation on the road.
Learn to look in the mirror
This advice is one of the main drivers for beginners. Because if you learn it and learn how to control the situation on the road - success in driving is provided to you.
Experts recommend acquaintance with mirrors in the vehicle is stationary. Look forward as if you are moving, but do not forget every few seconds glancing at the mirror. The first mirror, then right and then left. And do not forget to follow some highlights:
When you look in the mirror do not turn your head, it should be fixed.
When you look in the mirrors turn of the head should be minimal.
Try for a while, you look in the mirror to fully study the situation, not to be distracted again.
When looks at the mirror, do not leave without attention and the situation ahead. Learn how to control her peripheral vision.
Do not forget about the road signs
Well, you learn a little bit of control over the road and become more confident. Now it is small, to learn to see and read signs.
Try to look at the movement not only on the roadway, but also look to notice the things that control the traffic: traffic lights, markings, signs. But it never hold your attention on billboards and banners.
There also will be an ideal option practices with a more experienced driver in the passenger seat. Very good help pronunciation of all, see that out loud. For example, "I see the car on the right," "We're going on the main road", "at the crossroads allowed straight and to the right" and so on.
You stopped the traffic police inspector ...
Often, problems with traffic police arise due to the elementary ignorance of their rights by the driver. In this case, you feel helpless and obviously guilty. In order to understand how to deal with the traffic police on the road, you need to remember some of the nuances:
Firstly - stop every car is a legal act which can lead to different consequences, both for you and for the police employee. It is necessary to remember that you have no reason to stop the inspector has the right, but he will always be able to explain their actions checking documents or performing any operation.
By the way, on the road there are places where even the traffic police do not have the right to stop you: a site with poor visibility, the site before or after the turn, the railway crossing, a pedestrian crossing.
Traffic police is obliged to compulsorily introduce you. If not, you can safely ask for his papers. Out of the car, you also do not have to. Inspector himself will come to you.
If the stop is held according to the rules, always try to talk politely and with restraint, even if you think that the inspector is wrong. Thus, you create if not confidential, then a neutral atmosphere.
Oppose the employee DPS you can only when completely confident. But at the same time to prove his innocence should be tactful and give good arguments. And if you took something to prove, always go to the end.
Never argue, if you really break the rules. First of all - it is dishonorable. And if the inspector witnessed a violation, you still have nothing to prove. But denying their guilt at obvious evidence to the contrary - the maximum punishment would be.
Of course, you can argue with a precision that is not on our roads of drivers who never break the rules. You just need to achieve in order to be in the group of motorists, which makes it only in extreme situations.
We recommend that read: Tips novice driver
Parking. This is probably one of the most difficult moments of driving. And this maneuver causes difficulties not only "green" beginners, but sometimes have enough experienced drivers. And, of course, not only for women - it's just a stereotype. No less experience difficulty in parking and some men. Simply, they are less willing to admit it. How to learn how to park? This issue is certainly not once asked ourselves almost all young drivers.
Errors and Solutions
Unfortunately, driving courses do not pay enough time and attention to the car park. Why it is considered that the time you are more or less learned to ride, it really put the car somehow manage to. However, here is where the trouble starts. The problem lies in the fact that you want to or not, you have to park the car several times a day. And if every car park for you - it is stress, then what kind of driving pleasure you can talk!
One of the most common mistakes in the parking lot - it's incorrect assessment of the size of a parking space. This happens because not all drivers have learned to feel the size of their vehicle. But do not worry - this "knowledge" is not given to anyone "from above". All you need to "get" it - is patience and training. Even if you're not the first day behind the wheel and drive the car with confidence, do not take the time to hone this particular maneuver.
Of course, it is best to train on a specially prepared for this site. First we need to learn how to ride confidently backing. Just the train on the platform, turning it into one or the other side. It is necessary to stop to make mistakes and automatically turn the steering wheel to the right place.
To make it less confusing, you just have to remember that the steering wheel turns in the direction in which you want to direct the back of your machine. You work out? Now you can move on to more complicated maneuvers. Portray a car can stand or pegs. The distance between them should be two times greater than the length of your vehicle. Well, you can start:
Step one. In the context of the city, as a rule, have long to seek out a suitable parking space. So nice to develop the habit of carefully examine the whole street in front of him. Then you do not have to brake abruptly. You can work out and on-site - a pre-mark the place out and "look" of his. Turn on the turn signal. Stay right behind the parking place. At the same time your car should be flush with the front kolyshkom- "machine." The distance between them should be about one meter.
Step Two. Once again estimate the size of a parking space, considering that you need to maneuver 35-45 centimeters back and front. Look back, looking over her shoulder, which is closer to the curb, and carefully turn in back. Cool, turn the steering wheel toward the curb. This maneuver should be performed at the minimum speed. "Sliding the" half car, stop.
Step Three. Standing in place, turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction from the curb side. Start gently take back carefully making sure not to touch the "bumper" standing behind or ahead of the "machine" - training racks. In order to better control the situation, it is necessary not only to turn his head back, and use mirrors. Of course, turning around, you'll see a lot more, but the review will be limited to glass. What is below will be in the "dead zone." Using a mirror will help you more accurately drive up to the barrier.
Thinking over the trajectory of the need not only to feel the size of the machine, but also know all its features. For example, the rear-wheel drive cars with a minimum turning radius, while the all-wheel drive vehicles - the largest. Unfortunately, many things are just hard practice. So try to work out the maneuver as often as possible whenever possible. Soon enough you will have a "sense of the car", and all movements reach automaticity. Then you realize that the car park - it's not hard.
Secure parking
Of course, to learn the technical aspects is essential. And a little earlier or later is required to get you. And that still need to know to parking was safe? Heed to the choice of parking places. Of course, all the drivers know that there are places where parking is prohibited. But do all follow this rule? So often it seems that nothing bad will happen if you leave the car "just a couple of minutes." For example, when you need to drop into the shop. But sometimes it is enough even these few minutes to then slowly and painfully disembarrass your car with a car pound. Is it worth the risk?
Another serious danger - standing next to cars. When choosing a place to park, be sure to pay attention to the "neighbors". For example, do not put the car near the truck - they have a very different trajectory of movement and, when leaving your car can "hurt." Also, it does not need to be parked near public transport or near the exit / entry of various companies. Make sure that the railings or curbs will not prevent you to open the door of his car. By the way, this is conveniently done by using mirrors. Just looking around border may not be noticed.
Leaving the car, "outdoors" must carefully look around and make sure that she is not in danger. What should I look for? Next there should be suspicious inclined trees or rusty, loose "on one nail" billboards. If it happens in the winter, and the machine is in the house - Check that the roof had no icicles or "hanging" snow visor.
Be attentive to the people around you. Always try to park so that no one interfere. Firstly, this requires a simple courtesy. Second, you can take revenge. Not exactly you and your car. And she had precisely nothing to blame - it's you put it so. Therefore, it is better to regret not partitioned, for example, out of the entrance or exit of the garage. Try not to "lock up" other people's cars, and if there is no alternative - be sure to leave a piece of paper under glass with the number of your mobile. Then you can always be contacted.
About the car taken care of? Now think about himself, his beloved. If you have to pick up the car late at night, when it gets dark, do not leave it to the courts of strangers and other "sheltered" places. In this case, it is much wiser to "splurge" on paid parking - your life and health is worth much more than these few pieces of paper. And this is not something on which should save.
As you can see, it's not so difficult. A little exercise, a little self-confidence, and diligence, and the question of how to learn to park, will not be for you a constant "headache". Believe me, you all must succeed!
We strongly recommend to read: How to learn to drive a car