Early in the morning you go out into the yard to her car and realize that something is wrong ... Carefully inspect the car and, to his horror, he finds that it does not have license plates. But they were last night! Do you remember exactly. And "escape" they themselves could not. Rooms with stolen car - what to do in such a situation?
To whom it may be necessary? To this there are several answers. Conventionally, all the thieves of car numbers can be divided into four groups. The first group - "amateur collectors." These thieves "hunt" for the unusual, rare, usually older, license plate. Take off is usually only one room, and do it very carefully, trying not to damage it.
"Going to work", collectors clearly imagine the further destiny of your license plate. Most likely, he will join the collection of the "collector". However, there are other options - it can be resold or exchanged for another copy. The bottom line is that this type of thieves will not return your room under any circumstances.
The second group - "bad neighbors". You have the habit of putting your car in any free space in the yard without worrying that someone has long considered it "his"? Or maybe you've recently sprayed someone passing by and did not even apologize? Or his car blocked the entrance to the staircase? Maybe wash it next to the playground?
Well ... then it is likely that the cause of your troubles in it. Quite often stolen car numbers - it is simply an "act of revenge" on the part of your favorite neighbors. As a rule, "The Avengers" still unscrew one or two rooms. And with the car they have not much ado - may damage and scratch.
What kind of fate awaits your registration number in that case? Here are possible options. Someone might leave room on your memory, and long winter evenings will be looking at them, remember his "noble" act softly rubbing her hands with joy that you are so cool "Uel." Others - donesut them to the nearest dumpster. In any case, hardly anyone recognized in the act and return them to you. So in this case, the chance to get them back, virtually none.
Third group - "criminals." These removed, usually both numbers. Unscrew very professionally and carefully. Rooms used for criminal purposes - a car with stolen numbers can be, for example, rob a bank or knock a person. You can hang them on the stolen car and try to overtake, and then sell it, etc. It is clear that they are unlikely to feel the pangs of conscience and decide to return the stolen back.
Group Four - last. "Extortioners." Perhaps this is the only option that you have every chance to get their registration numbers ago. Actually, for the sake of all and afoot. The removed number plates you will find a note with the terms of repayment. Its amount and the method of transmission rates and money, depending on the imagination and greed scam. To go or not in the wake of the extortionists - you decide.
Driving without license plates
What happens if both numbers stolen? Driving without registration plates - quite a serious offense. And the punishment for it is appropriate. More recently, a trip without a license plate "cost" hapless driver only 500 rubles. This is precisely the amount of the fine has been provided by the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation.
Recently, however, the Plenum of the Supreme Court issued a ruling, according to which it does not matter, one or both of the registration number you have available. For driving without license plates fined 5,000 rubles. And under unfortunate circumstances may right away. For a period of one to three months. But this is serious. What to do?
Perhaps you first need to understand what to do. Definitely not worth tempted tempting offers on the Internet, promising to rid you of this problem "quickly and not expensive at all." It must be remembered that the production of duplicate license plates is the action illegal. And the punishment for such a "cute trick" is serious enough. Only for the installation of "fake" characters, according to the same Code, may be fined 2,500 rubles.
Well, if you decide to travel by car with false number plates, - but why, then, to install them? - You are likely to lose a driver's license. And well, if only for six months! But that's not all. Hapless car owner could face and criminal liability. According to article 326, part 1 of the Criminal Code, forgery of state registration license is punishable by "a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles or restriction of freedom for up to two years, or imprisonment for the same period." Well, so is it worth the risk?
What to do if your number plates are stolen?
Step one. You must contact the police and write a statement about the theft of license plates. A police officer will report the incident and will give you a ticket alert. Within 10 days of your application will be considered, and then it will make a ruling. What's in this resolution? There are two options. In the first case - a decision to institute criminal proceedings. In the second - the refusal to institute criminal proceedings. With a very high probability, is it you, and get your hands on.
Step Two. Having received the ticket alert, wasting no time, call the registration authority - Interdistrict Registration-Ezkamenatsionny traffic police department. It was there that involved replacing registration plates. Check with the members of the organization need to bring to your decision not to initiate criminal proceedings. In some departments simply present a ticket alert. If a judgment is still required, will have to wait 10 days - if not, you can go directly to the registration authority.
What do I need to bring?
You will need:
- passport;
- the application of the standard sample (you can write on the spot);
- Passport vehicle - TCP;
- a copy of the TCP;
- certificate of registration of the vehicle;
- MTPL policy;
- driver's license;
- pass inspection;
- a medical certificate;
- money - they will go to pay state fees for changing rooms and a replacement ticket TRP.
In any case, make a few photocopies of all documents.
If you drive by proxy - and do not forget to take it. And there must be a point according to which you are entitled to make changes to the registration data. If you have one of the rooms, it will be necessary to pass. About two hours after submitting the documents you will be given a new number and car documents, as amended by the changes.
Step Three. Now you need to change the pass inspection. To do this, go to the service station. By the way, here are something you may need medical help. Do not worry, go through the entire procedure of inspection you do not have. You will need to write an application, pay a state fee and just pick up a new ticket. The validity period of the new ticket will be the same as the old one. And finally - you need to replace an insurance policy. Here it all depends on your insurance company. Some simply make changes to existing policies, others - give new evidence.
How to protect yourself from theft numbers?
As a rule, taught by bitter experience, motorists prefer to take some precautions and take care of is to reverse a number of their car was not easy. What will this be done? Firstly, you should not rely on the number of plastic frames. Pull out one number - simple. And the tool is not required, and the time it will take only a few seconds. Why so simplify life criminals?
It is much safer if your license plate will be attached with bolts or screws. Here, at least, require a screwdriver. And such a procedure is time-consuming slightly more. It often takes just something that "is bad" - that is, those numbers that are easier to remove. Perhaps the surest way to keep rooms - is to fix them with special rivets. Then in order to remove their need to hand drill or screwdriver. And work with the tool near the machine is sure to attract attention.
That's it. All the suffering behind, and you - happy owner of a new room. Now you know exactly what to do if the car was stolen from the room. With luck, all the "walking through Hell" takes one day. If it is not ... a few. But all is not so scary, is not it? Although, of course, it is better to make sure that this history does not repeat itself again.