For most women, all means are good, if it is a fierce fight against excess weight. But many admit that they are afraid of any diet is not so much the need to minimize the portion of the (female patrons often maloezhki sites), but the rejection of, for example, sweet love that almost all women, and not only them. Because we all know that the most stringent diets involve eating foods that are high taste no different: rice, buckwheat, low-fat yogurt.
It is in this way will have fruit diet for weight loss, which will not only satisfy very demanding gourmets, but can be quite effective if properly pick up the fruits and try to help them to bring your body in shape.
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Features of diet on fruits
It should be noted that there is a single fruit diet, provide for the use of the fruit, but in most cases, nutritionists unanimously favor a mixed-fruit diet, because each fruit brings the body to his advantage, and together they will bring her much more. We should not forget that the unlimited use of the "right" gifts of nature provides the simultaneous failure of the recognized enemies slim waist: sweet, flour, fatty and smoked foods. And another very important point: the fruit is best consumed raw, or at least allowed the use of dried fruit, but not all of them can be handled in this way. But do not worry too much if you have to replace a handful of dried apricots fresh apricots - is quite equivalent replacement. In any case, the main thing - do not overdo it.
It is important to consult with your doctor when it is planned fruit diet to lose weight, especially if you have chronic diseases of the digestive system, because acid contained in fruit juice can only exacerbate the situation and aggravate chronic diseases.
In addition, caution should drink plenty of raw fruits for those who have problems with tooth enamel, but this problem is not so significant in comparison with the previous one, because the mouth can always be rinsed with water after meals. In any case, it remains the trump card in favor of fruit diet: it is delicious and you will not have to go in a bad mood to be seen from far away, that you decided to lose weight.
With proper selection of the components can achieve good results, up to 3 kg per week.
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Choose the right fruits and Lose Weight
Everyone knows that the problems with being overweight cause metabolic disorders in the body. No diet will not take effect if you do not bring them back to normal. Then come to the aid of citrus. That's where true gourmets can turn around, because someone prefers exotic bitterness of grapefruit, but someone to taste sweet mandarin.
It should be noted that the grapefruit diet is the most popular among Hollywood stars. This popularity is obliged grapefruit flavonoids - plant substances, burn fat. Yet they contain large amounts of fiber, which has a unique ability to accelerate the metabolism and increase the production of gastric juice, which is important when we lose weight. Without exception, all citrus fruits are able to withdraw excess fluid from the body's cells. These are the three components that are required for fast and effective weight loss.
An inexpensive way to reduce their forms - use all your favorite apples. They are low in calories and provide satiety. Apples are very useful to those who try not to eat in the afternoon, one or two of ripe fruit, and you forget about the missed dinner. Apples can be eaten in unlimited quantities, but after their use should rinse your mouth, because the acid contained in apples, destroys tooth enamel.
Pears, on the contrary, does not harm the teeth, but they are very effective in case of poisoning, because they can remove toxins from the body. And they can be dried for winter.
But the most popular fighter with excess weight is considered to be a pineapple. Hood from it is the basis for expensive drugs that offer global brands. If other fruits are able to cleanse the body and normalize metabolic processes, the pineapple binds fats and stimulates their resorption. Such efficiency pineapple diet due to the presence in it of bromelain - a substance that is able to quickly break down fatty acids. But we should remember that the visible result will be noticeable not so soon, unless you decide on a strict diet pineapple.
Fruit diet for weight loss and provides for the use of other fruits as exotic and domestic mango, kiwi, plums, watermelon. It contains a lot of calories, such as grapes, bananas, so they should be postponed until better times.
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Estimated fruit diet menu
Best option - to begin summer fruit diet and follow it as far as the appearance on the market a variety of vegetables. The gifts of exotic countries present on the shelves all year round, so if you want to combine them with domestic problems, too, will not. The principle unlimited use of fresh fruits is that they have to saturation, but does not overeat, as is the case with any other food. Fruit diet very well with vegetables, especially for those who are not very fond of sladkoe.Ne should also forget the berries.
First day. Breakfast may consist of oatmeal with fruit salad. All you can drink a cup of coffee without sugar, but it is better to give preference to green tea with honey, which will only exacerbate the effects of fruit. At lunch, eat one medium pineapple, and for dinner, treat yourself to 150 grams of lean turkey or chicken, drink a glass of orange juice.
The second day should begin with a slice of melon and a cup of low-fat yogurt. At lunch, eat lean vegetable soup and a handful of apricots. Your dinner - salad of honey.
Third day. Have breakfast a glass of low-fat yogurt and a few slices of watermelon. At dinner, treat yourself to a vegetable casserole, and cook for dessert strawberry puree. Dinner should consist of 180 g of low-fat baked fish and steamed cauliflower.
In the following days, the menu can be varied, but if such a diet you do not have the strength, can initially added to the diet one boiled egg a day or a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese. They serve as an additional source of protein, which the body does not receive during fruit diet. In this particular attention should be paid to men to weight loss did not occur due muscle. Another important point: Even healthy people nutritionists do not recommend eating some fruit for longer than three days, and those who have problems with digestion, and even less.
It is very important and where you buy the products. Diet not only will not bring the desired result, but it can harm the body if you eat one chemistry, so try to negotiate with the villagers in order to provide themselves with organic fruit and vegetables. This moment can not be controlled if we are talking about exotic fruits. That is why preference is better to give the gifts of our gardens.
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Contraindications for the use of fruits
Like any other diet, fruit, not all spelled out. We have already mentioned about losing weight with gastrointestinal diseases, but they need to be careful when choosing what kind whatsoever diet. Fruits are contraindicated and those who exist or have been seen in childhood allergic reactions. The fact is that the citrus fruits, red berries - strong allergens, and even if you have long forgotten about these troubles, eating only fruits and vegetables can remind myself rashes on the skin, shortness of breath.
It should be careful when planning a strict fruit diet, in which the use is allowed only for one type of fruit a day and drinking water. Even quite healthy people should consult with your doctor before such a desperate step, because the balance of the body needs nutrients such diet is no different.
In any case, it is only three or four days to the body with the help of fruits rid of harmful accumulations, cleansed and rested on junk food.
After the diet, it is important to gradually return to normal diet, otherwise you can end up in the hospital. In the early days, choose cereals, dairy products, vegetable dishes, if adhered exclusively fruit diet. Food better cook for a couple and do not salt too much (again, let the salt in the liquid cell). And of flour and sweet dishes in the first week out of the question. Lose weight for the benefit of the body with a fruit diet!