How to calculate the basic metabolism individually?
The main metabolism
Main menu at a protein diet
Losing weight with the help of protein diet for 4 months
What do people just not to bring your body in shape. Among these tools can be found not only already traditional diet (protein diet, the diet of astronauts), but also all sorts of medicines, teas, coffees and smoothies, reduce your appetite and help you lose weight alleged. Of course, if you intend to get rid of a pair of kilos, you will only have a fasting day, and a small exercise. But if you so much run itself, without further intervention did not help, be sure to go to the hospital.
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Protein diet. Two opposing views
Quite a number of people are constantly dieting, and they do it without any training. However, not all point to the fact that in most cases, the diet must be approved by a health worker. So, what is the protein diet? Not everyone who has been through it, be able to give a clear answer on what exactly is and how much you can eat.
There are two basic approaches. According to the first, there is only a low-fat chicken, veal and fish. Drinks are only permitted without sugar. Second embodiment - is a diet in which the protein product along with a small amount of allowed usage of carbohydrates. The first plan is considered to be very unbalanced and does not allow to feel comfortable in any conditions. Protein diet is observed for at least 10-14 days.
C one hand, many diets authors believe that it is impossible to feed only protein food, as in the organism that may occur an excessive accumulation of the products of protein breakdown into amino acids - ketones. Severe food affects also on the stomach, and even a change in eating behavior. Most often after consuming a food that is rich in amino acids, hunger assuaged quickly and then for a long time the feeling is not refundable. However, the finding that when such a balance weight almost no power increase, many start is without restrictions, even when they have the feeling of hunger occurs. As a result, patients come back to the problem of excess weight.
Another group, by contrast, sees in this menu only positive quality. The most important of their argument is that the lack of carbohydrates the body will have nowhere to take energy and he starts to get her out of the fat. This suggests that the protein diet for weight loss for people with a very large mass of fat. Despite all this, some scientists, nutritionists still converge in the same opinion that the protein diet for weight loss should be calculated for each individual who wants to lose weight, as well as the menu, it must be based on the calculation of the average daily caloric, what is the carbohydrates consumed, and how much pure proteins consumed daily per kg of patient weight.
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Proper diet menu using protein diet
Numerous recipes that allow a delicious and hearty meal at any time of the day, will have to forget, because no one has yet canceled the theory of a balanced diet separately. This is not only beneficial to the inner world, but is vividly reflected in your appearance. So, as already mentioned, it is the protein diet for weight loss allows for the shortest possible time to bring your body into the desired state.
Here it is necessary to adhere to the principle that your body has to be in a state of energy deficiency. This is where all the fat deposited in the different parts of your body will start to break down, since, apart from him, the body nothing can replace carbohydrates.
At the same time, no constant hunger, as in all other diets, you will not feel. This is because it is the products that contain proteins are digested to amino acids, so enrich the body, a feeling of fullness that will be with you always.
However, this does not mean that you can eat lean chicken, veal, or fish-meat in unlimited quantities. In most cases, it can lead to the opposite result, as with a lot of ingested food small stomach can not handle, it starts to stretch and require even greater amounts of food. So after a quick weight loss weight can come back.
Yet diet and menus should be prepared on the basis of its own weight.
To do this, you will need to also measure its core metabolism. If everything is correctly calculated, you can ensure your body vigorous state and, at the same time, allowing him to break down fats purchased.
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How to calculate the basic metabolism individually?
In order to calculate how your body will react to a particular diet, you need to know the main indicator of its own metabolism. This figure will determine the number of calories the body spends at rest.
In other words, it is the amount of energy that is released during respiration of the blood flow of the nervous activity and regeneration and other vital processes. To these must be added the amount of calories that your body needs to be spent, and the amount received will indicate the daily requirement of your body's energy. According to these data, you can make your own menu, and according to it, and come up with original recipes.
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The main metabolism
The daily menu should be as balanced by the number of proteins. After the usual fasting, though, and can lead to immaterial burn fat, on the contrary, enters the body rather misleading. It is expressed in the fact that as a result each meal, which usually occur very rarely, the body will be some amount of it to break down, and some still put off "in reserve". Do about it nothing is impossible, so cleverly arranged by the human body.
Over time this leads to depletion of the body, as caloric food intake is below the main metabolic that categorically unacceptable. For example, your basal metabolism is 1500 calories. This means that the daily diet should include food, energy value is equal to the indicator. After a certain period of your weight will begin to change. Accordingly, the daily menu, too, will need to change, reducing calorie intake.
Calculation of the bulk materials may be done depending on the weight of the person. In this case, weight in kilograms multiplied by 0, 9 (in women) or 1 (males) and multiplied by 24. The displayed number shows how many calories you just enough for bulk materials.
Also, this indicator can be calculated, given the growth rate, weight, and even age. In this case, using the Harris-Benedict formula. Neither the first nor the second option does not include indicator of muscle mass, since this requires a full analysis of the composition of your body. But this is possible through the intervention of medical staff and specialized equipment.
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Main menu at a protein diet
To fiber diet went in your favor, you must clearly understand and follow all its rules. First of all it concerns the number of meals daily. So, it is better not to resort to such a diet, if you fail to pay proper attention to nutrition. Remember that necessarily every day you will have 4 to 6 times to eat. And it should not be any kind of snacks and full meals. Therefore, experts advise to start an active struggle against excess weight only in their free time, such as during holidays or vacations.
The main rules protein diet
So, for all stages of the meal you need to have one of the following products are included in the new, healthy menu. Recipes of your meals should be rich in protein food. Some of these products include: seafood, skinless chicken breasts, veal or beef, lean fish, tofu, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites 4-6. All products, except the egg whites should not exceed 200-300 g
It is strictly forbidden to add hot spices and spices, sauces and other flavor enhancers, as well as to consider recipes that all fried or baked with cheese and mayonnaise. But do not sift through recipes that you can use products such as: natural soy sauce, herbs, garlic, balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. For other foods should be taken into account during their use. Thus, up to 14 hours is permitted to use protein products 1-2 servings of complex carbohydrates. These include buckwheat, brown rice or oatmeal.
It all boiled water without unnecessary additives. This short list of carbohydrates end allowed in your menu foods. After 14 hours it is possible to use a non-starchy vegetable proteins: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce. As for fruits, besides savory apples and citrus fruit, can not eat anything, and in the first half of the day.
The first portion of food intake should be half an hour after getting up, and the last - for 3-4 hours before bedtime. Animal fats should not be on the table, in the extreme case, they should not be more than 30-40 g vegetable oil can not be used for cooking, you can add it as a condiment for salads.
Another expert advice nutritionists is that, embodying these or other recipes, in any case can not taste the food, and has much less abuse techniques beverages with sugar substitutes and any fast food in between meals.
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Losing weight with the help of protein diet for 4 months
Protein diet for weight loss and weight stabilization is the following method. According to him, to achieve the desired effect requires 4 months, 2 of which go to the first implementation of rapid weight loss, and the remaining 2 - to consolidate and retain the acquired weight. Nutritionists have identified 72 foods rich in protein, which can be consumed in unlimited quantities as long as you feel full.
It is this "crisis" in some sense, the way (the protein diet) activates the process of losing weight. When the weight begins to decrease, it can be incorporated into the interspaces between pure protein days days with food and protein and vegetable diets. For this doctors identified 28 types of vegetables that can be combined with the protein products.
The next stage, which lasts for two months, starting with the fact that gradually entered recipes in which there are products with a higher calorific value, but only during the holidays. Thursday is the traditional day-only protein.
This ensures that the patient is produced by certain eating behavior and adjusted the correct weight.
Then comes the stage which is characterized in that the time allowed for the use of a variety of products irrespective of the energy value and the amount that is a part of your new menu. But Thursday still only eat protein products. A further condition is that you are doing a brisk walk every day for at least 20 minutes and Eat 3 tablespoons oat bran.
So, through the joint work of doctors and nutritionists, it has been created a unique way of effective diet that allows you to not only lose weight, but to bring their weight back to normal thanks to the unlimited power supply. Of course the amount of food that can be consumed, is already talking about the fact that you will not starve, and accordingly, the mood you will always be good, you will be full of strength and energy for new achievements. Instead, the body will thank you good appearance and health.
Those products, which come in numerous recipes in all countries, cultures and generations eaten since time immemorial, so this diet will be transported much easier to rest. Do not forget that, together, even with minimal physical activity result will exceed all expectations.