cucumber diet


  • What is the efficiency of a cucumber diet?
  • Basic principles and rules of diet cucumber
  • Options cucumber salad
  • The diet for 3 days - a classic cucumber diet
  • Things to remember while respecting cucumber diet?

To put himself in order, it is better to choose the summer. Cucumber diet for quick weight loss - an ideal option. Cucumbers in the garden - it is mandatory for each vegetable gardener, and also the cucumbers are not difficult to vegetables and delicacies. This simple and useful product, cheap and tasty, may help for a short period to solve a lot of health problems and figure.

The summer period - is the perfect time to bring the body in order:

  • Lose weight.
  • Improve the intestine.
  • To give strength to.
  • Build muscle.
  • Add strength throughout the body.
  • Improve mood.

In summer you can see all the shortcomings of the body because of the open dress. Since under the clothes can not hide anything, we have to restrict your diet and engage in active physical activities. This, of course, a lot of stress for the body, because not everyone can be on a diet and keep yourself in shape. To do this, first of all we need willpower and a great desire to look beautiful.

Almost all vegetables and fruits are good for the human body, but to use them you need to properly and wisely.

Any diet requires the prior consultation of a doctor, as it can not only be a waste of time, but also dangerous.

Currently cucumber diet for quick weight loss is very popular all over the world.
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What is the efficiency of a cucumber diet?

  • Cucumbers are composed of 95% water, and the remaining 5% - this tissue. It is very useful to the body for proper digestion and excretion of toxins and harmful substances, toxins. Water also helps removes harmful substances from the body, so there is no need to drink 2 liters of fluid daily. Water can be easily replaced by eating the 2 kg of cucumbers every day.
  • Cucumber help to maintain the skin in perfect condition.
  • Cucumber as a mask for the face and give it a fresh kind of pull, eliminate fatigue and swelling.
  • Displays the body of excess fluid, as they are diuretic, besides natural.
  • Diet cucumbers - this is a quick way to lose weight. In addition to water and fiber, cucumber in a lot of vitamins and trace elements beneficial to human health. In cucumber contains vitamins B1, B2, C, PP. All of them revitalizes and rejuvenates the body.
  • Cucumber help to establish the body's metabolism and fast as possible remove extra kilos. When a person feels cucumber diet ease and comfort.

 Salad with cucumbers

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Basic principles and rules of diet cucumber

Every day a person to obtain a positive result should eat half a kilogram of cucumbers, but without salt.   Cucumbers must be fresh and raw.

Cucumber can prepare salads. Apart from these, you can drink water in unlimited quantities, but water should be boiled or mineral water without gas.

For breakfast you can drink tea or coffee without sugar. There are some cucumbers week without anything - it is very difficult and also wrong. The body can be drained and lethargic. If you are working or studying, the lack of energy will not lead to good results, but only will harm and annoy you and others. Therefore, the diet can eat other foods, but those that do no harm. Just better to eliminate all harmful products:

  • Fatty, fried, smoked, salted.
  • Sweets, sugar in tea and coffee.
  • Flour products.
  • Fizzy drinks.
  • Alcohol.

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Options cucumber salad

Option №1. 3 kg of cucumbers cut into cubes, season with mayonnaise (low-calorie), you can add pepper, but no salt! Add a variety of fresh herbs: parsley, dill, onions and garlic. You can use dry seasonings. Review salad divided into five stages. Salad should be enough for the day. Portions should be smaller, but more frequent. If you eat all the salad at once, it will be worse.

Option salad № 2. 2 kg of cucumbers cut into slices and sour cream or yogurt low calorie. You can add boiled eggs to salad was not too simple and bland. It is also allowed to add pepper and dried herbs.

Option salad № 3. Cucumber slices cut, add tomatoes. The ratio of cucumbers and tomatoes 2: 1. Fill the can with sunflower or olive oil. For the salad you can add cooked meat, but not fat.

It is important to remember three iron rules:

  • you need to have small portions frequently;
  • food not salt;
  • not to burden the body at night.

Thank cucumbers because thanks to them, namely their physiology, body after cucumber diet feel better, healthier and more energetic.

In the normal approach, the diet has no contraindications. But if a person is prone to some chronic diseases or in the application of age, you should not risk the health and consult with a specialist - a nutritionist and therapist.

What you need to cucumber diet

  • every day should be 2 to 3 kg of fresh cucumbers,
  • water
  • great desire, willpower and desire to win,
  • healthy body

What are the pros cucumber diet

  • thanks cucumbers food is excellent moves through the intestines,
  • improve metabolism,
  • derive water from the body,
  • normalize the water-salt balance,
  • make the skin clean, smooth, healthy, young,
  • They are non-allergenic products

Embodiments of the diet may be different. There are diet for 3 days, and there for a week.

 losing weight on a diet of cucumber
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The diet for 3 days - a classic cucumber diet

Eating a diet based only on cucumber, without the addition of salt and other products. You can only prevent a large number of spices and greens: onion, parsley, lettuce, etc.

For people with a great force of will have a diet of cucumber, calculated for the week:

With this diet, a person should eat daily 2-3 kg of cucumbers. Diet by day:

On the first day:

  • Breakfast: a couple of cucumbers, a slice of rye bread.
  • Lunch: soup of vegetables: cucumber, carrot, radish, apple.
  • Dinner: salad of cucumber and herbs with the addition of sunflower oil.

On the second day:

  • Breakfast: cucumber, slice of rye bread.
  • Lunch: salad of cucumber and boiled beef.
  • Dinner: salad of cucumber, herbs and vegetable oil.

On the third day:

  • Breakfast: a couple of cucumber and rye bread.
  • Lunch: a little boiled rice, boiled fish and pickled cucumber (200 g).
  • Dinner: cucumber salad with the addition of herbs and vegetable oil.

On the fourth day:

  • Breakfast: cucumber and a piece of rye bread.
  • Lunch: cucumber, boiled rice, cheese varieties.
  • Dinner: salad of cucumber, herbs and sunflower oil.

On the fifth day:

  • Breakfast: a couple of cucumber and rye bread.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad from vegetables, orange.
  • Dinner: salad greens, cucumbers, vegetable oil with the addition of hard cheese varieties.

On the sixth day:

  • Breakfast: cucumber and rye bread.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled egg, pear.
  • Dinner: salad of cucumber and herbs with the addition of sunflower oil.

On the seventh day:

  • Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers.
  • Lunch: soup of fresh vegetables such as cucumber, carrots, radishes, greens, apple.
  • Dinner: salad of cucumber, herbs and sunflower oil.

As a result of the diet improves health, people lose an average of 7 kg, normal water-salt balance, skin is cleansed.

For best results, better to combine diet with exercise. Sports activities in the open air - a great charge the body with energy.

 A three-day diet cucumber
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Things to remember while respecting cucumber diet?

  • The main part of the diet - it is only cucumbers fresh.
  • Seasonings such as Mivina should not be present in the diet because they contain salt and other unwanted components.
  • It is better to take vitamins in the complex, because some of cucumbers not enough to fill the body with sufficient vitamins.
  • No need to go to extremes and eat alone cucumbers. It is not enough - the body needs proteins and fats.
  • If a person suffers from gastritis, you should not start a diet.

Not all people manage to drop the extra weight through diet. It is necessary to include the sport mode of the day, walking in the fresh air, to eliminate bad habits and nervous stress.

Sometimes just a change of scenery helps to live in a new way and to drop weight gradually. To try the cucumber diet and try it on your body, and to understand whether it will help to lose weight, you need to spend fasting day. After the first results it is safe to paint the entire week by the above process.

Food in the fasting day should consist of cucumbers, tomatoes, vegetable oil, and boiled eggs. Vegetable oil helps the body to get enough of, and egg brings variety to the diet. Consequently, such a diet should help the body to unload.

 A great way to get in shape
