- Pros and cons of diet
- How to prepare for a diet
- Recipes banana dairy diet
- A smooth transition from the diet
It turns out that the banana - not only delicious and hearty fruit, but also an effective tool for weight loss. Even though the content of a large number of calories, and even in combination with dairy products, this diet is very effective, and that is not unimportant that gives fast results. Basically banana-milk diet is used when rapid weight loss or a smooth exit from another, more rigid diet.
Please note: The proposed diet is considered to be mono-diet, ie the body during this period receives only those substances which are rich bananas and milk. But in addition to these needs, and other useful components for the full functioning of your body. Therefore, the duration of the diet should not exceed five to seven days, and in some cases it is sufficient and three days.
Pros and cons of diet
Bold plus banana dairy diet can put a variety of it contains vitamins and minerals. For example, banana rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. Contains glucose, sucrose and pectin. No need to remind you how useful such micro and macro elements such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. You probably noticed that when you ate only one banana leaves you feeling hungry. And all because the fruit is rich in starch. The banana also contains a lot of fiber.
This diet is perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and a favorable effect on the bowels. A potassium contained in bananas stimulates metabolism, which in turn favorably affects the skin. At the same time we can not agree that bananas have nicer than, for example, sit on the rice mono-diet. However, there is a significant individual factor.
Like many fruits, bananas have medicinal properties. For example, include a daily banana milk shake useful in your diet is recommended for people who have heart disease. In addition, bananas are an enormous source of energy and essential for athletes, children and just active people.
The myth that bananas are too high-calorie fruit, easy to dispel. Take, for example, an apple, which is a priori considered a low-calorie product. Maybe you did not know, but one apple (large) contains 100 calories. A one banana (depending on size) - from 72 to 135 calories. As you can see, not much different from an apple! So do not be afraid to get better, including in your diet exotic fruit. As regards milk, the large variety of the elements contained therein can highlight magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. They promote strong bones and teeth, and with regular use can relieve joint pain.
The main disadvantage in the use of this diet is the scarcity of diet. Not all have the willpower to eat only bananas, milk, cheese or yogurt. During such monodiets body does not receive the necessary amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and other useful items.
And, of course, it is certainly worth a mention contraindications:
- idiosyncrasy products;
- presence of chronic diseases, diabetes;
- digestive diseases, kidney or liver disease, diabetes;
- pregnancy, lactation.
If you doubt the correctness of the choice of diet, it is best to consult a dietician. And do not get carried away banana dairy diet more often than once a quarter.
How to prepare for a diet
How to choose bananas
An important condition for when choosing a diet of bananas is its maturity. Do not buy unripe fruit, they are worse than digested and can cause accumulation of gases and flatulence. Absolutely can not be used instead of the dried fresh bananas, which contain five or six times more calories. Especially in our time, bananas - and affordable all-season fruit.
For effective weight loss, it is desirable to buy bananas from the "fruit" varieties of medium length. They usually yellow and thin-skinned. "Vegetable" thick skinned bananas are different, they are green and long.
Preparation of the body to diet
According to general recommendations, any diet requires preparation. It would be wrong to start immediately absorb kilograms of bananas and drink liters of milk. Arrange to start fasting day: tea, yogurt, non-carbonated mineral water. Try to drink at least two liters of water per day (liquid, namely water). On the morning of the next day you can begin to banana-milk diet.
Recipes banana dairy diet
So, go directly to the banana-milk diet. As the name suggests, it is easy to understand that the diet consists of bananas and dairy products. You can use either milk or yogurt, or yogurt. Most preferably choose dairy products with a low fat content.
Emergency three-day diet
Every day you can eat no more than three bananas and drink no more than three glasses of milk. It is necessary to divide the proper amount of food for six meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, dinner and late dinner (no later than 20.00). Thus, receiving half a banana and drink half a glass of milk at each meal. Always between meals, drink plenty of fluids: herbal tea, water, non-carbonated mineral water. With such a rapid method can lose up to four kilos overweight.
A good way to diversify the menu will be a few cocktails from bananas and milk. Mix the required dose in a blender to get a delicious and nutritious drink.
- On the basis of kefir or yogurt
This option is also designed diet for three days, and differs only in the use of low-fat yogurt instead of milk or yogurt. Number of bananas remains the same - the whole day three bananas. Ingredients should be divided and taken fractionally at each meal.
- Variants based on the alternation of products
The number remains the same ingredients. The main difference - in the alternation of products. It should take at each meal for one product: for breakfast - a banana for lunch - a glass (full) milk for lunch - a banana for lunch - a glass (full) milk for dinner - a banana for a late dinner - glass (full) milk.
- Diet with a gradual decrease in food
Recommended milky banana diet involves a gradual decrease in the number of products in each subsequent day. Here, too, do not forget to distribute the products at several stages.
The first day - 9 3litra bananas and milk, the second day - 6 bananas and 2 liters of milk,
third day - 3 and 1 banana liter of milk.
The seven-day diet
It is a simple version of the banana diet, with the help of which you can also lose up to a kilogram of weight per day. Every day you need to eat half a kilogram of bananas and at least two liters of water or tea. Remember: in the long banana-milk diet it is necessary to add to the diet of eggs. Suffice it to use half the eggs every day.
Banana-milk diet with cheese
Dietary milk product - cheese - perfectly with bananas. At the same time it contains vitamins contribute to effective weight loss. And that did not weaken the immune system, nutritionists recommend taking vitamins during dieting. This option provides the alternation of banana and cheesecake days. For example, on odd days of your diet will consist of 300 g of cottage cheese and grapefruit (or melon), and in even - three bananas and three glasses of milk.
If you want to increase the duration of the diet, to fill in missing elements, add in even-numbered days, one egg and 200g of meat.
Long banana-milk diet
The duration of the classical version of the banana diet can be from one to three months. Then you need to take a break and repeat the proposed diet. Such a light diet will not harm the body and contribute to a smooth weight loss.
The main rules of diet:
- Breakfast always consists of bananas and water.
- Should be excluded from receiving sweets, cakes, candy, chocolate. If you really want a snack, then choose for that banana.
- The latest evening meal should not be later than 20.00 pm, and it is advisable to go to bed no later than twenty-four hours.
- Later after lunch meals must include foods rich in protein: chicken breast, fish, eggs and others.
- In order to effectively achieve the result you must do to eliminate alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, canned food, meats, fast foods.
- Daily intake of bananas must be at least five or six pieces.
A smooth transition from the diet
Not all understand how important to get out of the diet. You just plunged your body in a certain state of stress he experienced a sharp decline in nutrients, low intake of calories. Your body is redistributed accumulated fats necessary for him energy and food. And if again "into the furnace to cast aside" whatever you eat normally, work protection system for the future - the body again postponed fats in reserve!
Start with a lean food. And, of course, it is not necessary to lean on marinades, pickles, smoked meats and sweets. By the way, on its own banana-milk diet a great way to get out of another, more rigid diet. It is necessary to gradually increase the intake of bananas and add to the diet of one useful product. So you gradually and moderately go to a balanced diet.
Reviews of banana-milk diet are completely different. For some it's a good way for a short time to lose weight before an important event. And someone will never in my life will not eat bananas. Always remember that any rigid monodiet the abuse and misuse is fraught with hidden dangers. So be wise, and you will always be healthy and beautiful!