It turns fast and safe weight loss - is not a myth, but a reality! Lose those extra pounds in two weeks, while not starving, and not "killing" your body will buckwheat diet. This method of weight loss is one of the most effective. And, in spite of its hardness, it has a number of advantages that are inherent in not every diet.
Buckwheat diet lasts a week or two, depending on your weight loss. A plumb line is 10-12 kg! With this you also clean your body of toxins, and give "holiday" to the stomach, which is undoubtedly already too tired to digest high-calorie foods.
The benefits of buckwheat
So why buckwheat is so useful? It contains folic acid, which stimulates the circulation and strengthens blood vessels and heart. A presence in the buckwheat vitamins B1, B2, B6, P, calcium, iron helps to strengthen the immune system.
Buckwheat diet is one of the few recommended by nutritionists. After all, its main advantage is not only to achieve results quickly, but also sparing effect on the body. By the way, for busy people buckwheat diet has an additional advantage - no need to constantly go to the store and think what to cook today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow Just make porridge.
Nuances buckwheat fasting
Eating buckwheat without salt and any spices you draw excess water and detoxify the body. However, the lack of salt in the diet may then cause depression, weakness, lethargy, headaches and even reduce the pressure. So trim the amount of salt gradually at the beginning of the diet still prisalivaem food.
If you feel weak, or you will be actively engaged in mental work, eat a spoonful of honey, without swallowing, and dissolving in the mouth. Moreover, this can be diluted in a glass of honey with water and then drink a beverage. This retreat will take a diet without loss - the whole brain get glucose.
Diet with buckwheat is not fasting, so you should not feel hunger. If buckwheat you so tired that not fit in your mouth, you can add the onions or garlic, herbs or soy sauce (at your discretion).
At the beginning of buckwheat diet is aimed at eliminating excess water from the body, which is why plumb, respectively, are higher than in the remaining days of the diet. However, throughout the whole cycle of the organism will leave unwanted and hated fat reserves. You also should just be patient, do not further trim your diet - it can lead to serious consequences.
It also happens that the first diet does not bring results. The reason for this may be the following nuances:
If you have switched to this diet after the release of the other low-calorie, low-salt diet;
If you will soon begin menstruating. During this time your body is water, since its delay;
If you add soy sauce often. Indeed, in its composition contains a salt, as it is known, does not leave the water;
Maybe buckwheat diet just does not suit you. So, choose a different way to lose weight.
Sample menu buckwheat diet
Of course, to eat every day only buckwheat pretty hard. Therefore, you can add a bit of variety in the diet. Foods that are recommended for buckwheat diet, will help you to survive the hunger and not hate buckwheat porridge in the future.
For breakfast: boiled in water buckwheat porridge without salt and spices. The choice can be further eat: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, a bit of cheese;
Lunch: green vegetables, 100 grams of cooked lean beef;
At mid-morning snack: an apple or low-fat yogurt;
For dinner: buckwheat boiled in water, you can add vegetables and a small amount of soy sauce.
As you can see, the diet is a diet that allows you to lose weight effectively, while providing the body with vitamins and protein.
In addition, you can safely use these products and, just do not overdo it - choose one of the days of dietary and allow yourself a little bit away from the menu:
Few dried apricots or prunes can be eaten either alone or together with porridge. Buckwheat porridge with dried fruits help provide the body with essential vitamins, natural sugars, which are useful for brain power. As well as plant fiber that promotes normal bowel habits;
A bit of fruit, preferably unsweetened;
Cabbage salad;
You can add a spoonful of buckwheat honey;
During the diet the body lacks vitamins, and herbs can help you partially cope with this problem.
During the diet (2 weeks) to do a fasting day. On this day you can eat only buckwheat porridge, steamed or boiled water. You can also add a bit of roasted buckwheat porridge with butter onions (no more than 1 tablespoon of oil).
The next time you add a teaspoon of honey. Behind you is the right to drink the water in any amount, drink tea or compote of dried fruits (without sugar). Discharge day helps to cleanse the bowel, the removal of excess water from the body.
Diet buckwheat and kefir
Buckwheat diet, combined with yogurt - is another way to lose weight, which will be useful for people who have problems with the pancreas.
The first three days of the first week:
Breakfast buckwheat, cooked with water and a glass of low-fat yogurt can afford 1-2 buckwheat bread;
Lunch buckwheat patties and two cups of yogurt. To prepare the cutlets need to boil the rump so that it is a viscous mass. Few prisalivaem and sculpt small patties. Put in the oven for 20-25 minutes;
Dinner buckwheat gratin. Greek cook until half cooked, spread on a baking sheet, pre-greased with olive oil. Top add carrots and tomatoes. Bake for about 15-20 minutes.
The next three days of the first week:
For breakfast, buckwheat bread and two cups of yogurt;
For lunch we prepare pancakes made from buckwheat. It boiled rump add a little flour, egg and yogurt. Mix until a mass in the normal pancakes. Fry in olive oil. Wash down with two glasses of buttermilk pancakes;
For dinner only yogurt - 1 cup.
The diet involves fasting day - the seventh. Prepare pudding as follows: a glass of cereal or yogurt pour boiling water and leave overnight in a warm place. Eat small meals - 5-6 times a day.
The first three for the second week:
At breakfast of buckwheat pancakes and a cup of yogurt;
At lunch on the water and porridge without salt, two cups of yogurt, not more than two loaves;
At dinner, too porridge, you can eat any vegetable salad, such as cabbage. Drink a glass of buttermilk.
The next three days of the second week:
Breakfast cereal, boiled egg and a glass of yogurt;
Lunch - salad of cabbage, porridge, yogurt;
Dinner cereal and yogurt.
The seventh day of the same discharge. Cooking porridge, as described above.
How to get out of the diet
So, two weeks diet came to an end. Remember - stick to the rules it is necessary to exit, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain!
Try not to stretch the stomach diverse products, because it significantly reduced in volume for all of the diet. Do not overeat and do not eat four hours before going to bed;
Do not make "holiday stomach" immediately after the diet, the more fatty and sugary foods;
Get out of the buckwheat diet gradually. For example, as a breakfast eat a boiled egg with grain bread and low-fat cottage cheese. Lunch can be made from low-fat soup or a small amount of meat or fish salad. And for dinner, prepare the same buckwheat;
Add vegetables to your diet, chicken breast, fish, turkey, fruits, too, should be gradual.
Consult with your doctor before diet required - autonomy can lead to health problems. A particular care should be taken to buckwheat diet to those who suffer from low hemoglobin or low pressure. Pregnant or nursing mothers all mono-diet completely contraindicated.
Result of buckwheat diet, in addition to getting rid of excess weight - normalize the stomach, get rid of toxins and cleansing the liver. Be sure to take a multivitamin, so the body does not suffer from a lack of minerals.
After the release of the diet, try to maintain the shape, work out, dance or simply start a morning jog. Remember - the diet does not solve all the problems. To always be slim and attractive, comprehensive approach to weight loss, do not give up walking. And most importantly, always smile and enjoy themselves. It's no wonder they say that inner beauty is more important than the outside.