Dukan Diet Menu


  • Basic principles of diet
  • General requirements for methods Ducane
  • The first stage - ruthlessly attack overweight
  • The second step - learning to alternate products
  • Step Three - anchoring achievements
  • The fourth stage - we try to stabilize the weight
  • The menu for the day with protein five meals
  • The menu for the day mixed with five meals

Dukan Diet is quite common and popular method of weight loss. The founder of this technique became known dietician from France Pierre Duc. Diet and continue to be used and the common people and celebrities are known to the whole world. For example, it Dukan Diet has helped the bride of Prince William - Kate Middleton look at the wedding ceremony simply stunning.

Basic principles of diet

Losing weight by the method of the French nutritionist involves eating mainly protein products and minimizing fats and carbohydrates. By following all the requirements of Dukan Diet, you are overweight and discharges, and health recovered, and the body is clean.

Adhering to diet menu can achieve effective results in a relatively short period of time and later your weight will always remain stable. Dukan Diet does not have any particular period, weight reduction becomes noticeable after a week of application. However, to achieve stability, you must follow the requirements of the method at least 2-3 months. In the future, you can also continue to eat according to the principles of this technique because it involves quite a varied diet, so your body will get everything you need for a stable operation.

General requirements for methods Ducane

  • Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid;
  • Every day, eat bran from oats - 2 tablespoons, carefully washing them down with water. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines;
  • Obligatory daily walk at least half an hour;
  • Be sure to use vitamin supplements during the first two phases of the diet.

 Dukan Diet Menu

The first stage - ruthlessly attack overweight

The duration of the first phase will depend on how many kilos you're going to lose weight.

  • If up to 10 kilograms - 3 days;
  • If more than 10 kg - 5 days;
  • If more than 20 kilograms - the stage can last up to 10 days.

Products for the first phase

This phase of Dukan Diet involves eating only protein foods. During the "attack" you lose from 2 to 6 pounds of excess weight, and eat the following products can be in any amount, until you feel full. Optimal products for the first phase are:

  • The kidneys, liver, tongue - veal or beef;
  • Poultry meat, skinless, lean pork and beef - steam or boiled;
  • Boiled fish;
  • It is all seafood;
  • Eggs - raw or cooked;
  • Low-fat dairy products.

You can also include in the diet of pickles, lemon and various spices in moderation. At the first stage the menu diet doctor Ducane involves eating plenty of fluids, and it can be not only water, but also juices, green tea, herbal tea, coffee and even Diet Coke. The daily fluid intake should be neither as no less than 2 liters, it is possible and more.

The second step - learning to alternate products

At this stage, nutritionists recommend to alternate protein products with vegetables. Here, the power supply circuit also whistle from your overweight - 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, and so on. The more kilograms want to lose, the longer should be the days of protein and vegetables, respectively. The duration of "alternation" is not limited to, that is, keep a diet should be as long as necessary to achieve the desired effect.

During the second phase allowed to eat cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, beans in pods. And zucchini, peppers, any cabbage, eggplant, celery. You can vary the menu of carrots and beets, but in very moderate amounts. You can not eat potatoes and legumes. Cooking vegetables should be steamed or baked.

In addition to these products may be added to the menu:

  • Cream - no more than 2 tablespoons;
  • Lean cheese -30-40 grams;
  • The wine is dry - 50 grams;
  • Ketchup and starch - a tablespoon.

The main thing to remember, these products can not be mixed, that is, one day can sprinkle the meat with ketchup on the second day - a cup of coffee with cream, on the third day - the meat to marinate in wine and so on.

 good menu Dukan Diet

Step Three - anchoring achievements

It's time to "fixing" your weight. Depending on how many pounds you lost in the first two phases, calculated third - the most important phase of Dukan Diet. For every kilogram of lost accounts 10 days "secure."

Features Stage

  • Do not forget to eat oat bran every day;
  • Choose any day of the week, which only allow ourselves to protein products;
  • Twice a week, say Tuesday and Saturday, you can treat yourself to any dish, even the high-calorie;
  • Now, in the daily diet, you can make and fruit. Prohibited: grapes, bananas, cherries;
  • You can vary the menu of cheese - not more than 40 grams and a couple of slices of bread;
  • You can afford a little bit of rice, potatoes, pasta and dishes with beans or peas, but not more than 2 times a week.

The fourth stage - we try to stabilize the weight

Here we come to the last stage technique Duc. At the moment, the result of weight loss has to be the way you expected it to see. The main challenge now is to stabilize the weight. You are no longer limited to food, but at least once a week, try to arrange a day of protein, and do not give up eating bran, they bring only benefit the body.

The menu for the day with protein five meals

  • Omelette of protein eggs, milk and greens, any small piece of boiled fish, any drink;
  • Bran from oats - and 2 tablespoons low-fat yogurt;
  • Portion of boiled beef or baked chicken with lemon and garlic;
  • Boiled shrimp;
  • Fish or steak, grilled, low-fat yogurt.

The menu for the day mixed with five meals

  • Fritters of zucchini and carrots, or scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Oat bran with yogurt, one of the allowed fruits;
  • Soup of vegetables (no potatoes only), lean fish for a couple of coffee;
  • Vegetable Salad. You can use any allowed for diet, low-fat yogurt;
  • Grilled beef, cabbage, stewed with tomatoes, dill and cumin.

By following all the recommendations, you are sure will find an ideal figure. Let the path to it will be a long and at times difficult, but, as you know, the beauty demands victims. And those sacrifices are nothing compared with ease, you will feel freed at last from the extra kilos, so long prevents you from living a full life.

 Dukan Diet - menu that allows you to look always perfect

We recommend that read: Diet Pierre Ducane

 lose weight quickly and efficiently


  • The diet of Angelina Jolie: a healthy diet every day
  • Anna Semenovich: quick fix to obesity
  • Potato Diet by Julia Roberts
  • Larisa Dolina: 24 kg in six months
  • How to fix the result

Favorite jeans you are small, but not coat buttons fastened at the waist? "It is urgent to lose weight! "- You think, in your head while climbing the terrible and frightening thought of starvation, exhausting training and fainting, which will follow. Do not worry and rush to extremes as to get rid of a couple of extra kilos can be less than a month, if you follow the already proven stellar performers and actors diets. Not all celebrities spend in the gym day and night, or do plastic surgery, but they have learned to eat properly and adhere to a certain regime which allows them to keep themselves in good shape without much effort.

The diet of Angelina Jolie: a healthy diet every day

Despite the fact that the girl was under forty, she was invited to the role of the twenty or thirty characters. Popular worldwide actress, sex symbol of the planet, volunteer and mother of six children (three receiving) always look your best and be able to easily give odds to the young the fair sex. The secret of this great woman is a normal diet, which helps her to throw off excess weight before filming the next film. On the question of how quickly and effectively lose weight, celebrity says that you need to eat little and often to the stomach time to process the food, but did not work in idle.

Day One - discharge

Angelina Jolie gets up very early, so she has breakfast at seven in the morning porridge of crushed wheat and drinks her glass of skim milk. By ten, when the body is awake and hungry, but dinner is still far, the actress uses mashed bananas, strawberries, pancakes and the usual egg in a bag. These nutritional products saturate the body and allow you to hold out until the moment when it will be able to fully eat. Those who work and can not leave on a symbolic lunch should take food out of the house, otherwise the effectiveness of the diet will not.

In the hour of the day - salmon, grilled, peas and watercress (lettuce, horseradish-like flavor), at lunch menu celebrities - granola bars and fruit juice from oranges. Angelina Jolie does not follow the advice on what not to eat after six, because he knows that the night fasting is detrimental to the stomach, also because of her busy schedule, she is not always time to time to eat. Usually she has dinner at seven o'clock in the evening, with a pretty tight. By the time her home on the table baked in foil chicken breast (130-200 gr.) And vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, lemon), rice pudding for dessert and currants.

Day Two - nutrient

The next day, Angelina uses for breakfast muesli with grated apple and milk for lunch - a bagel, cream cheese and tomatoes, grilled. She dines fried in tomato sauce, filet of flounder and half a grapefruit, an afternoon snack - a roll with cream cheese and honey. As for dinner, then this time, she prefers to lean steak (again on the grill), potatoes, salad, vegetables and fruit. According to the diet if at night you want to eat dramatically, eat cucumber, tomatoes, but do not eat fried, starchy foods and sugary foods.

Day three - saturated

The morning begins not with coffee, and with cereal and skim milk. At lunchtime you can enjoy grain bread (a slice) with sardines (up to 75 g), and the fresh and juicy grapes. Lunch - dietary chicken meat, fried potatoes (less oil, the better), steamed broccoli and canned mandarins. During an afternoon snack, you can have a snack of crackers and cream cheese (as much as 115 grams). For dinner, you have to fish (halibut), baked potatoes and salad (cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, watercress).

Eating well two weeks in a row, you will throw off about seven kilograms, while, thanks to vegetables, fish and meat, vitamin deficiency and exhaustion you will not be exact. Note that all of these products are available in almost every inhabitant of the country, so this diet does not hit your budget. Of course, every woman adapts the menu for yourself, because someone does not like flounder, halibut which can be replaced, someone does not drink milk, but prefers green tea without sugar.

 how to lose weight quickly and efficiently

Anna Semenovich: quick fix to obesity

If you do not have time to wait, and when kgs leave your body, use the express diet, which will allow you to get in shape for the week. The main feature of this method is that losing weight is only the waist and hips, breasts remain the same size, that many of the fair sex is important. So you need to stock up on apples and shrimp to eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner during all this time. No other products can not be there, even if strongly want. At best, you can drink unsweetened tea or white wine, since it is considered to be low-calorie. However, to resort to this kind of diet can be no more than once a year, and only those who have no health problems.

Potato Diet by Julia Roberts

Pretty claims that the fastest and most effective way to lose weight - it's therapeutic diet based on the use of potatoes. Film star three times a week, breakfast only vegetables, a sandwich of bread (wholemeal necessarily) and cottage cheese, yogurt lunch seasoned potato salad, which also includes tomatoes and onions, and boiled potatoes (you can lightly fry in oil and add the spices non-acute). Julia Roberts modest dinner consists of three baked potatoes. If all the same to you after such small servings want to eat, snack carrots, radish or apple. On other days, you can eat any food that is naturally in a limited number.

Larisa Dolina: 24 kg in six months

"When I want to lose weight quickly and effectively, I sit down on kefir diet" - says the singer constantly. Indeed, this useful fermented milk product, if alternate it with a normal diet will help you get in shape for the shortest possible time and without harm to health. It removes toxins, cleanses the intestines, causes the stomach faster, quenches hunger and energizes the whole day. Thus, you do not have to limit myself in certain products, quite a few times a week to do the fasting days.

 how to quickly and effectively lose weight

How to fix the result

Finally, you lost weight, but what's next? Suddenly lost weight again arise out of nowhere? It is necessary to do everything possible not to go back to the old forms, and remains the same slender and graceful. Everyone remembers the famous folk wisdom about what should eat breakfast myself, share dinner with a friend, but the dinner is better to give to the enemy. Of course, there is a grain of truth, which can be taken as a basis for proper nutrition, but not so simple as it seems at first glance.

A full breakfast - the guarantee of health

As the statistics, the majority of modern women do not eat breakfast, the best - hot drinks and strong coffee or tea on an empty stomach. As a result, at ten o'clock in the fair sex appetite appears that they are trying to drown out the buns, biscuits, that just adds to the very weight, which you'll see at his waist. If you do not want the evening the scales pointed to a pound more than yesterday, have breakfast gruel on the water, without oil buckwheat, oatmeal. Such products do not contain many calories, but you'll feel satiated until at least lunch. If you still want to eat, better to take an apple or an orange, drink green tea with honey.

Right lunch

In our country it is customary at this time to use the first, second and compote and a bun, with the result that there is a nasty stomach heaviness. In spite of this menu, the evening want to eat crazy. This is due to the fact that the stomach has the ability to stretch. To be filled in the next time, it will need a much larger amount of food than in the previous one. Therefore at lunchtime eat only liquid that is beneficial effect on the body as a whole. This can be a soup with chicken broth and without zazharki, ear, low-fat soup. On the pork, beef and mutton is better to forget.

Why do I need for dinner

To refuse the use of food in the evening in any case not worth it. If you eat, and hunger has not left you, it is recommended to eat a light salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, seasoned with a little olive oil or just a drink kefir. Do not eat at night fried, spicy, eating meat, which is considered severe, as the stomach is difficult to digest it, and again in the morning you do not want to eat breakfast. If you start following the diet to eat, you can not be afraid that after a while you're going to have to search the Internet for new recipes to lose weight.

 Lose weight quickly and efficiently: Tips celebrities

We recommend that read: Kefir diet of Larisa Dolina
