quickly lose weight by 20 kg

  • Diet "Minus 20 kg"
  • Two basic rules of diet
  • A set of products for the diet "Minus 20 kg"
  • Diet regime
  • Physical exercise

Approaching the New Year holidays, and, of course, every woman wants to look great. New Year - is a kind of a milestone in everyone's life, and, of course, in the next year everyone wants to join the beautiful and updated. Ahead - a month before the holiday, which means that it will be necessary to try to bring themselves into the desired shape. Especially if you want to lose weight quickly in the 20 kg, you will need to combine all the ways: both diet and exercise. However, this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, you only need to want and how to tune in to the job and the desired result.

Diet "Minus 20 kg"

So how do you lose weight by 20kg in a week? Difficult question, because in such a short time to reduce the weight of 20 kg or more is unlikely to succeed without apparent harm to the body. However, you can try, and thus give a boost to our body, to which it is required to react to prolonged weight loss. The first thing to go on a diet or take proper diet - it's as you wish. As much as possible to reduce the weight in a week, tell Diet "-20 kg", the most well-balanced and well thought-out.

Very rapid weight loss can lead to undesirable results. This will upset the entire digestive system and nervous system depression. Complete rejection of the most essential body nutrients often leads to the opposite result. The brain perceives starvation as a lot of stress, and by all means strive to protect our body. The body starts to lay even the smallest excess fat grams, as if defending himself from starvation. And, voila, we have quite the result that waiting for!

 how quickly lose weight 20 kg

Two basic rules of diet

Therefore, a diet or a power supply system that is guaranteed to lead us to the desired loss of kilograms should be balanced, delivering all the necessary nutrients like cells of the body and the brain. This is ensured by the two most important rules.

  1. The first rule: the alternation. The alternation is performed as follows: the first four days (1-4 days) you waive dinner 5-8 days - from dinner, 9-12 days - from breakfast, then repeat. During this diet approach will help reduce the gastric volume by as much as 20% and reduce the appetite. What is very important in a system of alternation - is guaranteed not to return discarded kilograms after leaving the diet.
  2. The second rule: a minimum of calories. It is simple and clear: during the diet you eat the necessary products with a complete set of useful vitamins and minerals, which, however, contain a minimum amount of calories.

  A set of products for the diet "Minus 20 kg"

Diet "-20 Kg" includes foods which have very low caloric content, however, should include all the required nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Thus, the products help stop the growth of fatty deposits in the body to speed up weight loss and fat breakdown. The list of these "magic" products include:

  • Vegetables, such as: broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs. These vegetables contain a list of the body needs vitamins and minerals. Cabbage, also an effective cleaner and an effective fat burner body, due to contained therein vegetable fibers. Cucumber is 90% water. Tomatoes reduce an appetite. Greens contains chlorophyll, promotes weight loss.
  • Legumes, namely beans. It contains a set of essential amino acids, which are cleaned and removal of residues, decomposed body fat, and even protect the brain from stress during prolonged diet. Protein like beans "diet" soy protein, but much more useful, contains vitamins C, B, E, F, and others.
  • Cereals, namely rice and buckwheat. The usefulness and low calorie buckwheat everyone knows, it is very effective in combating obesity. But the figure will protect our digestive tract from the disorder.
  • Proteins, such as: chicken, eggs, sea fish. Chicken meat - most diet is the best source of animal protein. Chicken eggs contribute to a strong decrease in appetite. Marine fish, namely cod - the low-fat and rich in omega acids.
  • Dairy products, namely, cheese and milk. They are indispensable as a source of calcium for the body. According to recent research scientists, diets that are accompanied by increased intake of calcium were 2-3 times more effective than others.
  • Fruit, namely apples and sugar substitute - fructose. Apples are effective discharge of the body, rich in vitamins. Natural fruit sugar gives our brain power and energy throughout the body.
  • Green tea - the final product rich in powerful antioxidants that have a positive impact not only on the breakdown of fat in the body, but also on the exterior as a whole.

 very quickly lose weight by 20 to 30 kg

  Diet regime

As mentioned above, the basic principle of the diet is based on a system of alternating skipping meals. Therefore, the diet menu is made in the above products, and has a breakdown of the four days.

  • The first four of the day: Breakfast - 150 grams of fat-free yogurt, 4 apples, a cup of green tea; Dinner - 200 grams of chicken, 100 grams of boiled rice, salad 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, fresh herbs; Dinner - missing or drink a glass of green tea.
  • The second four days: breakfast - skipping, or drink a glass of green tea; Dinner - 200 grams of cooked cod fillets, 100 g of buckwheat, 1 boiled egg; dinner - salad of 150 g tomatoes, 1 cabbage, green tea.
  • Others four days: 3 cucumber salad, green tea; lunch - skipping or drink a glass of green tea; Dinner - boiled beans, chicken fillet.
  • Fourth four days: Breakfast - 150 grams of cottage cheese, a cup of green tea; Dinner - 200 grams of boiled broccoli; Dinner - missing or drink a glass of green tea.
  • Fifth four days: breakfast - skipping, or drink a glass of green tea; lunch - boiled cod fillet, salad with cucumbers and tomatoes; Dinner - 200 grams of cooked rice, tomato salad.

When skipping a meal, if you are tormented by a severe famine, it is possible, in addition to green tea with the addition of fructose, drink and a glass of warm (not cold!) Milk. For a week you will throw off about 5-7 kg. Total, on the menu, you will spend on a diet "-20 kg" just 20 days, you are guaranteed to lose weight 20 kilograms or more without any harm to the body.

Physical exercise

In principle, lower weight per 20 kg via the described just diet possible. However, if you prefer sports or even basic physical activity during dieting, the number dropped kilogram you can increase considerably.

The most effective physical exercises for women is training with hoop hula hoop, which tightens the abdomen, waist and hips. Squats and abdominal exercises are also effective. And the New Year you will look simply stunning!

 How fast to lose weight 20 kg without harm to health?

We strongly recommend to read: How green tea helps to lose weight

 apple diet minus 10 kg

  • What is the diet on apples
  • Weekly menu with the apple diet
  • Custom apple diet

Oh, those women - that they do not like the color of a person, the wrong nails make up, the hair repainted, then decided to lose weight .... It all comes from the fickle nature, the desire to always look amazing, which is not surprising - the nature made us so. Diet - is generally a separate topic for discussion. What did not have to chew on for the sake of a woman losing weight - oatmeal and undercooked rice, drink tea and not even smell sweet. Have you ever tried to lose weight and it does not suffer from the infinite hunger? Try the elegant, efficient and very pleasant diet on apples.

What is the diet on apples

"Diet apples minus 10 kg," - that is the name given to the diet is officially on apples .  Why is minus 10 kg? Because it was for so many extra kilos you will lose weight in 7 days! It seems a miracle, is not it? And in fact, proven by many ladies, this diet has become a hit .  In fact, this pectin diet, and, as we all know, the biggest amount of pectin (which it burns fat) found in apples .  Pectin regulates the functional properties of the intestine, it helps improve the absorption of nutrients from food through the bowel wall and promotes burning of fat .  Before you make such a conclusion, the properties of pectin scrutinized and subjected to tests by scientists - it can be considered an official statement .  Pectins adsorb toxic substances, fat, cholesterol and removes radionuclides .  Due to these unique properties of pectin facilitated the whole process of losing weight .

Be aware that the apple diet can cope with any fat. After all such here deposits accumulate in the woman for months and years, and they are hard "reset", and pectin breaks down easily, even long-standing deposits. A surprising property of apple attracts many ladies all over the world - a diet "is sweeping the planet." Studies have shown that only 25 grams of apple fiber is digested and burned 300 grams of fat - is a day minus a pound of excess weight. It is only to comply with a clear menu for the week.

 apple diet non-standard

Weekly menu with the apple diet


  • Breakfast: 2-3 apples rub and mix with nuts (walnuts);
  • Lunch: apple, green onions and parsley - all rubbed or finely chopped, pour on top of grated boiled egg (preferably take a quail);
  • Dinner: 2-3 large apples - you can rub on a grater, bake in the oven or make a puree of cooked apples.


  • Breakfast: 2 apples and one plate (dessert or dish) cooked rice;
  • Lunch: cook applesauce (apple boil and grind through a sieve) and mix it with rice. Volume - dessert plate;
  • Dinner: rice dish (without butter and salt, crumbly).


  • Breakfast: 2-3 medium apples and saucer nonfat cottage cheese (dietary, you can buy in the store - the village will be too bold);
  • Lunch: cheese mix with honey and crushed walnuts. Add the chopped apple julienne (sprinkle with lemon juice) - dessert plate;
  • Dinner: a little cottage cheese (half a saucer).


  • Breakfast: one grated apple mixed with two carrots (also rub, is possible on a small grater) - saucer;
  • Lunch: same as breakfast - freshly prepared;
  • Dinner: bake in the oven (microwave), 2 apples and flavor of a teaspoon of honey. Before eating remove their peel and clean the core.


  • Breakfast: cook on one piece of carrot and beets grate;
  • Lunch: one boiled egg, a boiled beet and medium-sized dish of oatmeal, cooked in water. Beets to take only the red, no white streaks;
  • Dinner: grated carrots (1-2 pieces) with the addition of honey or sugar.

Saturday and Sunday - eat as well as Monday and Tuesday, respectively. If you feel hungry during the day, you can have a snack of apples.

At first glance, the menu seems a tough and just unreal, but in fact will be hard to just the first two days. During the weekly diet do not forget to drink plenty of fluids - green tea, mineral water without gas, weak coffee (you can even milk) - just do not add sugar to drinks. In addition, you must know what to eat the apples to you personally. For example, if you have reduced the acidity of gastric juice, choose varieties of sour if increased - sweet. If your health is not complaining, you can use a variety of grades, changing almost every day. In the presence of cardiovascular disease necessarily with each meal drink apple 1 teaspoon of sugar.

 non-standard apple diet

Custom apple diet

You can experiment, before sitting down for a week apple diet - 10 kg to lose all want, but that's all it help? You will be held at least three days in the apple the other day - the day you can eat from one to one and a half kg of apples and drink no more than 3 liters of fluid. It's hard, but you can see how much you will lose these days. Usually, it is about 3 kg! You can arrange a one fasting day per week - eat apples all day in any form: fresh, grated, mashed and baked. Only apples and all - minus 800 grams. Before you carry out an apple fasting day, drink a laxative, and try to be at home that day - still in office hard to resist a cup or two of coffee and a sandwich.

Another option - non-standard apple diet with yogurt. Both of these products can themselves be the basis for the discharge of the day, but their combination is not just losing weight, and capital clearing the body of toxins, and they found the body about 5-6 kg. The only condition - such kefir-apple days is best done at the weekend - a laxative effect may occur. You can improvise - do one day kefir, the next Apple. Just be aware: longer than seven days, such a diet should not last! Otherwise, you can amass a health problem - gastritis, heartburn, a violation of the intestine and stagnation in the stomach. Kefir should drink only 1% fat, the diet can be diluted by the addition of orange (not more than 1 piece per day). No other fruit can not be included in the diet!

Adhering to this method of weight loss, as the non-standard apple diet, you can lose 10 kg with ease, because the diet is known for its results, but consider some of the nuances: people with gastritis so eat impossible, after the apples may appear heartburn, along with apples in the body do not come carbohydrates, fats and proteins - is better after a week of eating apples drink a course of multivitamins. In addition, after completion of the diet should not go for the fatty, spicy and fried food - may violate the intestinal and gastric motility. Apple diet can not be used for pregnant women - there are times when it is not too competent doctors advise future mums to lose weight in this way (if a pregnant gaining weight, more states norm). There are many options apple diet:

  • Discharge day: during the day to eat a half kg of apples, drink plenty of fluids. These days a good hold after a long holiday feasts - alleviate the condition and feel the lightness in the body just get: minus 500-800 m .;
  • The three-day diet: eat only apples, you can drink tea with honey: minus 3-4 kg;
  • Six-day diet: apples, yogurt, honey, drink tea: minus 6-7 kg.

Well, the week apple diet, during which lose 10 kg is not a problem - the most difficult and risky, it is transferred problematic strongly "hit" on the body, but the results are amazing! If you have health problems (especially in the gastrointestinal tract), the Pick other diets. It is better to consult a dietitian, he also will recommend how to spend fasting days. Be reasonable, remember that moderation should be in everything - even in the quest to lose weight.

 Apple diet - minus 10 kg for a week

We strongly recommend to read: How to spend fasting days
