All we've seen Kombucha floating in three-liter glass jars on the windowsills from our grandmothers. In the eighties of the last century was the real boom in the use of Kombucha - he was practically in every home and replaced him kvass and lemonade. He drank all - young and old, for the healing properties of this drink is truly unique. Nowadays he undeservedly forgotten, but in recent times remember about the amazing properties of tea fungus - it cures diseases such as angina, intestinal disorders, heart failure. In addition, many use Kombucha for weight loss, achieving impressive results. So maybe it's time to remember the faithful friend of our grandmothers and experience the amazing healing properties of the beverage prepared using Kombucha?
Kombucha: what it is and where it came from
Externally Kombucha is more reminiscent of a jellyfish floating in a brown clear solution. In fact, nothing to do with the inhabitants of the sea, or even to forest brothers by name Kombucha has not. It is rather unique colony of living microorganisms, living in symbiosis with each other. A fungus called it because the upper part of it really looks like a large hat layered mushroom. However, it should be placed in the living body container triangular or pentagonal shape, as he immediately offered him to take shape.
Where did Kombucha initially, scientists have found so far failed. To it was ripe, require water and sugar special quality. Imagine that Kombucha growing in natural waters, which lie at the bottom deposits of sugar, it is difficult. There is an ancient legend that the appearance of Kombucha predicted a monk, called to heal the sick emperor. The old man said that soon will come to the aid of sick ant, which will bring with him a wonder drug. The next day, the emperor fell into the cup with a small ant tea fungus. Insect explain to the patient how to grow and create a culture of healing drink. The emperor did everything, as was said, drank liquor and recovered.
Many scientists believe that the first Kombucha appeared in Tibet, but so far, this theory has not been proven. There are historical sources, says that this drink has been popular in China in the third century BC, the recipe of its preparation kept in great secrecy. Only high-ranking officials and know could eat a drink of tea fungus, for the other, he was not available.
However, the secret can not last forever, because the glory of Kombucha already spread far beyond China. In 414, one of Chinese doctors was called to the aid of the dying Japanese emperor. As you can imagine, to rouse the head of state has helped it Kombucha. Then he quickly went to Manchuria, Korea, and eastern Siberia. Since then began the triumphant march of tea fungus on the continent.
In Russia Kombucha was in the middle of the nineteenth century, is fast gaining popularity. And it lasted until about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - a period of famine and devastation sugar was in short supply, and it was he responsible for the development of the tea fungus. Therefore, for some time the drink was forgotten in our country, but after the war again became widespread. And now almost every home in the window are the banks with the fungus, healing and young and old from many diseases.
Benefits of Kombucha
From that only cures or kombucha! The list of diseases, which helps to cope with this drink is almost endless. Due to its chemical composition, the solution Kombucha has excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, improves heart function, enhances immunity. For a long time this Kombucha was a panacea for all kinds of ailments, especially in the context of scarcity many drugs in our pharmacies.
Few people know that in addition to treatment, Kombucha can be used as a cosmetic. This is especially true for owners of oily skin prone to acne and pustules. With this yeast culture can create a special lotion; Kombucha insist enough for seven to nine days. Once the solution is ready, you can wipe them skin twice a day - morning and evening. With regular use, this means the skin regains its lipid balance, clears acne and acquires a fresh, youthful appearance.
And, of course, very good use of kombucha diet: it will not only help get rid of the extra kilos but will have significant benefits for health. After all, if properly prepare the infusion, in addition to general curative and restorative action, Kombucha forging operation of metabolic processes in the body. And this is to talk in more detail.
Kombucha slimming
The Kombucha there are special substances - enzymes that help break down fats and proteins. Moreover, this magical drink helps speed up the metabolism, from whose work depends largely on the speed of the drop weight. You may have noticed time and again that around full of girls at a time can eat half the cake and at the same time gaining a single gram of excess weight. And the whole thing just then that the metabolism of the body is not in your example of an active, managing to burn calories until they are deposited in the form of Zhirkov on the sides and waist.
In order to "stir up" its own metabolism, a day to drink at least two to three cups of this delicious drink in the morning and the same evening. And for better results, you can not drink it in its pure form (after all, in the usual infusion of high sugar content), and mixed with a decoction of the useful herbs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. To learn how to prepare kombucha for weight loss, we will talk a little later, and now present to you the recipes of valuable additives which is used to quickly drop weight:
One tablespoon of the roots of dandelion drug, two tablespoons of the roots harrow the field and four tablespoons of buckthorn bark brittle brew a liter of boiling water. Put this mixture on the fire for about half an hour, then strain and cool.
One tablespoon of peppermint leaves, a tablespoon of dandelion roots, one tablespoon of achenes (fruit) garden parsley, one tablespoon of fennel fruit and two tablespoons of buckthorn bark brittle put in boiling water, stir and keep on the heat for thirty minutes. Ready broth to cool and drain.
One tablespoon of yarrow, one tablespoon of corn stigmas, one tablespoon of Viola tricolor, one tablespoon caraway fruits and three tablespoons of buckthorn bark brittle brew a liter of boiling water, half an hour off the heat. Cool and strain.
Each of these broths to mix with a drink of tea fungus in a ratio of 1: 1. If you are within two to three months on a daily basis will consume the beverage, it is not only speed up the metabolic processes in the body, but also establish a system of digestion. And this, in turn, will help to quickly and effectively lose weight and improve the skin, making it smoother and more elastic. Agree to lose weight and to get radiant skin at the same time - very tempting! That is why many women seeking to look your best, choose Kombucha slimming.
How to prepare a drink from the tea fungus
Kombucha is best feeling in clear glass jars. You can take a five- or six-liter containers. Prepare the infusion is a snap: one liter of boiled water at room temperature will need one hundred grams of sugar and three tablespoons of brewed tea (hence the name - Kombucha). Tea does not have to be black - and the green, you can create a drink that meets all our requirements perfectly.
Do not forget that our Kombucha - a living organism, which requires special treatment. Not sypte sugar on top right at him - because you can damage it. In no case do not add to the tea brew until it cools down. And finally, do not close the jar - or Kombucha suffocate and die. It is better to wrap the neck with several layers of cheesecloth, to not hit the inside harmful bacteria or flies.
Putting a jar of tea fungus on the windowsill, too, we do not recommend, since he does not like direct sunlight. Keep it in a well-ventilated place - for example, an open kitchen shelf. Preparing for the infusion of tea fungus, do not pour the liquid up to the top banks, because your fungus will develop and grow, he needs space and access to oxygen.
The most favorable temperature for the normal development of Kombucha - about twenty-five degrees Celsius. If the room is hot, drink it cook for two to three days (about how to brew). If the window for the winter and cool in the apartment, you have to wait five days, at least. Once you will merge the resulting brew, do not forget to add a little water in a jar, tea and sugar. Moreover, it is better if you have a pre-melt the sugar in the tea, after which pour into the jar. Of course, it should be done very carefully, avoiding strong jets directly on the fungus.
If done correctly, then very soon you will be able to begin the process of losing weight with the help of the wonderful drink Kombucha. And when he is a little older, you can share it with friends and acquaintances. To do this, gently peel off from his adult mushroom thin top film and put in a jar with clean water. Sugar and tea on the first day it is not necessary to add, but the wind a good layer of gauze neck banks - is necessary. The fact that the new Kombucha is still very weak, and all the dust, bacteria, insects that can get to it will bring damage to his health.
As soon as the young fungus settles on the bottom of the banks - and this usually occurs on the second day - can be added to tea and sugar. Of course, it is not necessary to put these ingredients in the same proportions as for the adult mushroom - first need a weak solution of tea and quite a bit of sugar. This fungus feeds every two to three days, gradually increasing the "dose." At about the seventh day of the new drink Kombucha is ready for use.
Kombucha: contraindications
Probably, there is no drug in the world, who would not have their contraindications. And Kombucha here - is no exception. Unfortunately, there are people who can not drink this infusion. For example, they include those with gastric hyperacidity. Otherwise, instead of the use and recovery, they will suffer from heartburn and stomach pain.
Due to the fact that in the preparation of Kombucha requires a large amount of sugar, the infusion is contraindicated in persons suffering from diabetes. If you have gastritis or stomach ulcers, low blood pressure, you should be careful with the addition of green tea to drink - it can enhance the disease.
You should also be careful ladies suffering from various fungal diseases: your recommended infusion to stand for at least seven to ten days. Otherwise sugar, in particularly acidic environment, weaken the body's defenses and encourage fungal diseases to the aggravation. After seven days sugar acquires properties that even improve skin condition, helping to cope with the disease.
Another serious threat to dieters using Kombucha - improper preparation. Some girls can take lightly to the conditions of sterility in which the infusion should be prepared. And it is a serious mistake: Did you know that in Russia recorded two deaths from drinking Kombucha prepared the wrong way? Of course, these are isolated cases, but it is better to be careful and accurate to carry out all the recommendations for making beverages.
Yet in any case impossible to prepare an infusion of tea fungus in ceramic ware. In ceramics there is an element such as lead, and he's a very negative effect on human health. Cooking roast at home in ceramic pots, we are not at risk, as the lead firmly "locked up" in his shell. However, the acidic environment created by the infusion of tea fungus, is fully capable to lead you lead in the drink - just that there are serious poisoning.
In addition, you should not drink even completely unready infusions, or vice versa, "over-mature". Well, if you have overdone it and drink ferment, it is best to drink it diluted - it will significantly reduce the possibility of allergic reactions and disorders of the digestive system.
Nowadays shops just overflowing with colored lemonade and similar drinks that contain a huge number of harmful additives and preservatives. Unfortunately, people forget about the delicious and really helpful infusion of tea fungus, which is refreshing and useful for health. However, during the food shortage and a boom in sodas suspicious content long gone, now people are increasingly thinking that it is not necessary to poison the organism in favor of TV advertising. That is why Kombucha returned from oblivion, helping all who wish to improve their health and become beautiful, shapely figure.
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