- Who can lose weight?
- How it works?
- The first stage - discharge day
- The second stage - "wet starvation"
- The third phase - out of hunger
Perhaps any woman had a situation where it is necessary to urgently get rid of the accumulated kilograms. And it must be done as soon as possible. An important date, an unexpected invitation to the anniversary, "had fallen on his head" vacation ... can be a million reasons. And suddenly you realize with horror that the time for long-term diet and exercise is simply not there. Before the event - three days. Lose weight must urgently. But how quickly lose weight in 3 days? And is it possible?
In light of the not so many people who are willing to respond positively to this question. On this occasion, being so many different discussions. It is necessary to tell at once - yes, such an effect is possible. But to believe that this is not fraud, just to understand how these methods work. Due to what a person loses weight?
Who can lose weight?
The method of rapid weight loss is not for everyone. This is understandable - it is associated with dramatic changes and the severe restrictions in the usual diet. So, before you venture into this extremely risky experiment, you should be sure to consult with your doctor. Only a specialist, thoroughly knowing your "medical history" can evaluate the risks and to give correct advice. Unambiguous contraindications for the use of this method are diabetes, gastritis and gastric ulcer. Also, this diet is totally unacceptable for people suffering from bulimia or anorexia.
This method is designed to perfectly healthy people who do have a good reason for a sharp weight loss. For example, such a discharge suit lovers of "fast food" or simply people who are prone to periodic overeating. This diet may well be used after "protracted" holidays. It is also suitable for housewives, tired of shabby dressing gown, worn slippers and a passive lifestyle.
How it works?
The first thing to learn - the technique really allows you to quickly lose weight, but this effect is very short-lived. Why is that? In order to understand this, you must understand that, due to which goes the extra weight. The principle of weight loss is very simple - three days you will be able to clean your body. That is, to bring out all the toxins, waste and sewage that poison him. Besides, the sharp reduction in caloric content and quantity of food, your stomach, intestines and hence considerably reduced in volume.
Perhaps the most important day of this diet - the second. It involves "wet" starvation, during which your body will begin to actively spend "NZ". A large amount of water that you use in this step contributes to the conclusion of the body decay products. Just need to mention that with this method of rapid weight loss should be taken very seriously. Ideally, the whole process will take place under the supervision of experienced medical staff. Or, if this is not possible, under the supervision of someone close to you that, if necessary, be able to provide first aid. Do you still want to try? Then start.
The first stage - discharge day
This day is very important - because you are preparing your body for further tests. To discharge day brought the desired effect, the menu must exclude any animal fats and proteins. You can not use:
- cheese
- cottage cheese
- poultry
- lamb
- pork
- beef
- rabbit meat
- butter
- kefir
- milk
- sour cream
- cream
- fish and seafood
In addition, you should refrain from legumes and cereals, as well as baked goods.
Waking up, have a drink on an empty stomach a glass of mineral water without gas. After 15-20 minutes, then it will be possible "to have breakfast." For breakfast you can choose one of three "food":
- Herbal tea made from nettle, linden and chamomile
- green tea
- Fresh carrot, cucumber, cabbage and beet juice
And, if you choose the juice, the amount should not exceed 300 ml.
The lunch menu should consist of fruits and vegetables. Of course, it is preferable that the vegetables used fresh. However, it is permissible to cook them in the oven for a couple or just put out. If you prefer, you can also use raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds. In the black list are:
- bananas
- braised or boiled carrots
- potatoes
The main rule - do not overeat. The maximum weight of a portion should not exceed 350 grams.
Afternoon snack
For the perfect snack all products from the lunch list. The main thing to remember is that the last "bite" should be not later than seven o'clock in the evening.
"Thank you for dinner, which is not needed." This - the same case. For dinner the same thing for breakfast: tea or vegetable juice. From the juice of fruits and berries have to give - they contain too much fructose and glucose. But these substances are the main enemies of the slim figure. The amount of liquid should not exceed one cup.
Preparing for sleep
In order to properly prepare yourself for the second - the most difficult and responsible - this day express diet, the evening is recommended to take a bath with natural sea salt. Just do not make the water too hot. This procedure will not only help you relax, but also contribute to the excretion of various toxic substances. If you did everything correctly, you should weigh the morning surprise. Plumb is about a kilogram, or maybe even more.
The second stage - "wet starvation"
To this day you must prepare in advance - you need about four liters of sterilized water or melted snow. As you should already become clear from the title of this stage, in this day your menu will consist only of water. It is necessary to drink at least three liters. Better - four. And this should be adhering to a strict schedule. There are two options: you can drink one glass of water every half hour or two glasses every 1, 5 hours. Both methods are acceptable. However, doctors are advised to, if possible, to follow the pattern of the first to use water and smaller portions. The reason is very simple - in this case, your stomach will not be stretched by large amounts of fluid.
Usually, after the first day of a rigid diet, the second stage takes place without any hassles. But in order to move it even easier, it is advisable to follow a few simple rules.
- Agree in advance with your family, that is the day the kitchen for you - the exclusion zone. Try just do not go there and, of course, not to do the cooking - otherwise the temptation would be too great.
- Try to distract yourself from thinking about food. Suitable any activity that is able to completely captivate you. Interesting book series, any game - most importantly, that the time has flown by. You can go for a walk - the main thing that you come across along the way as little as possible and palatochek stores, which sell edible. In an extreme case, if you get rid of the obsessive hunger is not possible, just go to sleep.
- If you smoke - try to this day give up the habit. Smoking triggers hunger pangs and can cause severe cramps in the intestines and stomach.
- By the evening of that day, you may feel a severe headache. Should not be afraid - just your body gets rid of toxins and metabolic products. Try not to take pain pills - the next day the pain will pass by itself.
- Before going to bed, be sure to take a warm bath. It relieve stress, soothe and expand blood vessels.
- Just before bedtime drink energy drink - dissolve in a glass of warm water one small spoonful of lemon juice and half a spoon of honey.
The third phase - out of hunger
To cheer myself up, the courage to withstand the final day of this diet, right from the morning get on the scales. The number you find there, will strengthen you in the decision to continue the experiment. Another positive point - over the past two days, your stomach is significantly reduced in size. So now, in order to be satisfied, there you have to have a lot less. So, we proceed to the final stage of starvation.
The day should begin with a cup of herbal or green tea. But after a couple of hours you can afford a glass of fresh cabbage, beet, cucumber, squash or carrot juice.
Lunch, afternoon tea and dinner
In order to completely clean the intestines, this day should be devoted to the fiber, high-fiber foods. She is like a broom, "sweep" from the gut all that it has accumulated over a long time. Prepare yourself a special "clean" lettuce. He is very simple. Take a large bowl and cut it "hard" vegetables. For example, perfect carrots, beets, cabbage and seaweed. Sbryznete dish lemon and season with a few drops of olive oil. Despite the fact that lettuce get a lot to eat it "in one go", of course, is not necessary. Cooked amount is calculated for the whole day - it's your dinner, afternoon tea and dinner. The last meal should be no later than seven o'clock in the evening. After this time, you can drink only non-carbonated mineral water.
To finish his "anguish" as quickly as possible, try to this day early to go to bed. Tomorrow's weighing you very pleasantly surprised. Plumb could range from three to six kilograms. The exact figure will depend on many factors - the structural features of your body, the initial weight, etc. The greater the excess kilograms - the better the result.
As you can see, with a strong desire to lose weight may well be just a few days. However, you must first make sure that this method will not harm you. If no contraindications - boldly forward. You all must succeed and you will outshine all its beauty and a slim figure.