- Diet "60-90 days"
- Diet "14 days"
- Afterword
Unbelievable but true - obesity, have already recognized a "disease of civilization", for some reason, almost shy away from Asia. Agree, the Chinese are overweight - the picture is rather rare. Of course, we are very different - and appearance, and climate, and philosophy - all different. But perhaps the main difference - a national cuisine and attitude towards food. Remember the old Russian proverb: "The cabbage soup yes porridge - our food?" Exactly.
Asians as staple food is rice, fresh vegetables and seafood. In addition, they are trained from childhood to the moderation in food - well, it is not accepted there is "from the belly." Maybe this is the secret? Try to understand. And help us in the Chinese diet. She has several varieties. Consider the two most popular.
Diet "60 - 90 days»
Option one diet - the most pleasant and enjoyable. However, there is at this diet and one huge drawback - it was "long-playing". That is designed for two or three months. Diet is very well balanced and easy to carry - so do not have to starve. Menu painted by one week.
Then everything is repeated in a circle. The basis of the diet are mainly products of plant origin and saltwater fish. Surprisingly, unlike most other Chinese diet permits the use of potatoes. It is alleged that during this combination of products, it is "for the good."
Particular attention is Asian dietitians give mineral water. It is believed that it helps cleanse the intestines, as well as providing recreation and even a rejuvenating effect. In addition to the amount of fluid which is indicated in the diet, be sure to three times a week, drink two glasses of chilled water immediately after waking, on an empty stomach. To avoid confusion, it is recommended for this procedure take certain days of the week. For example, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In general, throughout the diet should drink mineral water as much as possible and more often.
In the morning, invited to eat about 150 grams of ordinary white cabbage and drink her glass of mineral water. During the day you can afford four large spoons of cooked rice. Incidentally, such a diet for weight loss involves the use of red rice, but if he could not buy, then fit and normal. For rice - 150 grams of carrot salad. Preparing it is very simple - chop carrots and season it with olive oil. Drink all possible mineral water.
At breakfast - carrots with olive oil (150 grams) and one piece of toast. Again mineral water. At lunch - 200 grams of salad from fresh vegetables. For him, it is recommended to use celery, cabbage, carrots and lettuce. You can also eat a toast or a small piece of bread. Instead of water - apple juice. Dinner will consist of 100 grams of rice, four leaves of green salad and a glass of "mineral water".
In the morning, prepare a fruit salad. To do this, you need the pears, bananas, apples and oranges. The weight of the finished dish should not exceed 200 grams. You can drink orange juice. Day - 250 grams of boiled asparagus, toast and cabbage salad, seasoned with lemon juice. Again mineral water. For dinner, fry the mushrooms themselves - 250 grams - and eat them with boiled potatoes. Only tuber should not be too large. Drink it should be "mineral water".
At breakfast - one apple, one orange, toast and apple juice. One glass. For lunch again boil the asparagus and eat it with boiled rice and basil leaves. The total weight of food - no more than 300 grams. A piece of bread or toast. For dessert - big apple, and as usual, mineral water. For dinner should boil 200 grams of marine fish. To her - two small boiled potatoes and toast.
In the morning - 200 grams of cooked rice and mineral water. Day - cabbage salad. Mix 100 grams of sea and cabbage and eat a slice of bread. However, instead of bread, rice cakes can be taken. And, of course, again mineral water. For dinner, cook 200 grams of vegetable salad. To do this, the cabbage, carrots and lettuce season with olive oil. For the salad - rice cakes and mineral water.
At breakfast - rice pudding and apple juice. At lunch - 200 grams of marine fish. Of course, boiled. For dessert - fruit salad. At this time of apples, kiwis and oranges. You can drink mango juice or less exotic orange. No more than one glass. For dinner fry a small piece of beef or veal. Naturally, it is necessary to choose lean meat. Served cut into four-leaf lettuce and season with lemon juice. Eat an orange.
In the morning - fruit salad and a glass of "mineral water". For the salad, take prunes, apricots and apples - not more than 250 grams. Day - 150 grams of rice. Add to it a piece of fruit and a big spoon of honey. Wash down with mineral water. In the evening - 150 grams of marine fish, 200 grams of cabbage, rice cakes and mineral water. After the seventh day of the diet "turns to the second round."
Diet "14 days"
Chinese diet for 14 days transferred to hard enough. Primarily due to the fact that it is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet of salt and sugar. And, of course, under strict prohibition are flour, fat and alcohol. Menu first and second weeks are the same.
In the morning - only a cup of black coffee. At lunch cook hard-boiled two eggs and make a salad of cabbage, fill it with oil. Drink it all can be a glass of tomato juice. If the juice does not want to - just eat fresh tomato.
At breakfast - the same coffee, however, have a toast. Day - cabbage salad and sea fish. The fish can be boiled, but you can fry - whichever you prefer. In the evening - 200 grams of cooked lean beef and a glass of kefir.
Morning again begins with a cup of black coffee. At this time without toast. Day should eat one raw egg - only first make sure that it is fresh. To him - Boil three large carrots and season them with oil. Best olive. At dinner - green apples.
Morning coffee again - is nothing new. But in order to prepare a meal, you will need a large parsnip or parsley root. It is recommended to fry it in vegetable oil. However, if you do not want to fry, then there is another option. Boil it and then grind using a blender. Will soup. For dessert - green apples. In the evening - 200 grams of boiled beef. On a garnish - two hard-boiled eggs and salad of cabbage. Cabbage need to fill with vegetable oil.
In the morning - a surprise. No coffee. Instead of the usual drink is necessary to rub raw carrots and season it with lemon juice. At lunch - boiled or fried fish without garnish. But you can eat 500 grams. To fish - tomato juice. For dinner - the same fish, only this time with coleslaw.
At breakfast - coffee. Day - 500 grams of boiled chicken breast and coleslaw. Tired of cabbage? It is quite possible to replace it with fresh carrots. However, carrots with vegetable oil is provided in the evening menu. Together with two eggs, hard boiled.
In the morning - green tea. Apparently, for a change. Lunch - 200 grams of cooked meat and any fruit. For dinner - the freedom to choose. You can take any of the options of the previous days. Well, almost anyone. The one that was offered on the third day - will not do. This Chinese diet promises that in the allotted two weeks, you will lose weight by 5-10 kg.
Which of the two diets - a quick or long - choose to decide, of course, you. But as you know, the slower you lose weight, the less likely that the extra weight back into place. In the process of long-term diet - and the Chinese diet for weight loss is balanced properly and is not accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger - you just accustom your stomach for moderation in diet. After graduation, you will be much easier to adhere to certain restrictions.
And another important point. Almost all diets have contraindications. And the Chinese diet for weight loss is no exception. Therefore, before "sit down" to any of them need to consult a doctor. You want to not only slim but healthy, right?