

  • Pros and cons monodiets
  • What are monodiets

Do what you like and still lose weight ... I think it is - a dream of many women. And, at first glance, mono-diet is very similar to that dream. You eat a few days only what you love and, as a result, get - from two to four "dropped" kilograms, as well as a sense of legitimate pride and deep satisfaction. The most interesting - products may be almost arbitrary. She loves porridge? Excellent. Potatoes? Perfectly. You can not live a day without chocolate? Well, it is not necessary! What to say about the traditional diet products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, fruits and vegetables? Agree, all this sounds too good ... So I want to ask, what's the catch? Let's deal, if such effective monodiets ?.

"Mono" in Latin - "one." Therefore, as you might guess, the basis of this system is the use of a single product in two or three - days. At least it was originally. At the moment, the situation has changed. In addition to traditional mono-diet, nutritionists have developed many different variations. Now some of them include two or three basic product, alternating them. This made it possible to go beyond three days and increase the duration of the course. Good or bad - judge for yourself.

In any case, monodiets are categorized as hard, and any of them have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, if you do decide on such an experiment, the pre consult a doctor. Otherwise, instead of the desired result, you can cause serious complications and health problems. People suffering from any chronic diseases, vascular dystonia, diabetes or anemia, adhere to such a diet is contraindicated. And, of course, is not suitable mono-diet for pregnant and lactating women.

With great care should be taken to the choice of suitable product. Of course, first of all, he must like you. And these days become for you an ordeal. But that's not all. The main thing that the state of health allows you to use it in sufficient quantities.

For example, almost everyone loves chocolate and oranges - but many of them cause allergies. Or for those who have kidney problems, hardly suitable protein diet. And one more thing - during the diet should be closely monitored for their health. If you noticed that it began to deteriorate, the course should be discontinued. Simply put, in order not to hurt yourself, you must go to all very serious and reasonable.

"Pros" and "cons" monodiets

In mono-diet has its advantages and disadvantages. And before you rush "in the pool with his head," you must all be carefully weighed. Let's start with the good. The main advantage of this method is that it really helps to lose 2-4 kilos in a few days. Effective monodiets allow you to actually lose kilos eyes. The second is a definite plus is that you can choose your favorite product.

This can be almost anything - from meat and eggs to sausage and chocolate. The third important advantage - these days you'll be spared the long and tedious preparation of dietary dishes. Especially it should be happy working women. Well, and now - "fly in the ointment."

Unfortunately, this system has drawbacks, too, quite a lot. The first and most important thing is that on some days you're really "cut" and impoverish their diet. This means that your body does not get all the necessary vitamins and minerals it. Therefore, if, together with the hated kilograms of these days will begin to fade vigor and energy, and to replace them will come weakness, fatigue and bad moods - do not be surprised. Quite often it worsens the condition of hair, nails and skin. Yes, and problems with the digestive system - not a rarity.

The second drawback. After such hard constraints are very few who manage to "control himself" and did not attack the contents of the refrigerator as soon as the diet is over allotted time. Especially as a result of your efforts - on the face. Really do not you deserve a little holiday? Thus, or nearly so, says the vast majority. The result is known - "expelled" kilos happily returned to its rightful place.

Therefore, if you want to save your achievements, no matter how difficult, to leave the mono-diet should be gradual. Well, and the third - even the most favorite product, if there are three consecutive days, will start to cause disgust. On the other hand, it's better than eating six times a day is what you hate ...

 monodiet alternating days

What are the mono-diet?

Today, there are a lot of variety of diets. It seems that anyone with the desire to be able to pick up a mono-diet "to taste." However, before the details of some of them, need to be reminded about another important condition. Dietitians consider absolutely unacceptable sharp reduction in food intake.

It may cause serious harm to your body. Therefore, before "sit" on any of the selected mono-diet, it should be within two or three days to conduct pre-deployment training. These days should gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed. Here you go. And now several different mono-diet.

Perhaps the most popular - a rice diet. And this is understandable. Besides the fact that rice contains a lot of useful minerals and vitamins, it has the ability to remove toxins, salts and other, it is not useful substances. So, on this diet, you can expect a double effect - getting rid of the extra kilos and cleanse the body. It is best suited for a diet of brown rice.

The duration of the diet - no more than three days. Repeat the course can be no earlier than two months. Such limitations relate to the fact that, along with others, are also derived from the organism potassium salts, necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The principle is very simple rice diet. In the morning boil cup of rice and eat it all day long, is divided into six portions. You can wash down with apple juice. If you sustain such a diet is not possible, it is allowed to use two or three small green apples.

  • Protein diet

    This option is for those who can not imagine my life without meat or fish. The problem is that you have to opt for any one product. The ideal way of cooking - boiled without salt. You can add herbs. Calculate the daily ration such that the daily rate does not exceed 1500 calories. Diet is designed for three days.

    These days you need to drink as much as possible zhidkosti.Prekrasno approach still mineral water, green or herbal tea. Coffee is contraindicated. It must be remembered that the protein diet is not suitable for those who have too much excess weight. At certain stages of obesity a diet increases the likelihood of blood clots.

  • Chocolate Diet

    Duration - three days. To her suit dark chocolate without sugar. This, as you know - a very high-calorie product. Therefore, the daily rate is not high. Allowed to eat just one tile. It will have to stretch for a few meals. True, most likely, it will not spoil your mood - because chocolate helps produce endorphins.

    Instead of tiles, you can use chocolate bars. You should know that this food is not recommended for gastritis and other gastrointestinal disease. In general, this diet is not the best - doctors consider it one of the most harmful. And it is - despite the fact that it can effectively get rid of the extra kilos.

  • Watermelon monodiet

    This option is very good for the fall. Watermelon normalizes metabolism and clears the body of toxins, toxins and salts. A diet designed for five days. Varnish at any time of day or night, but not less than six times a day. At 10 kg of your body weight should fall one kilogram of watermelon pulp. If you really want to have, in the daily diet can include two slices of black bread.

  •   Coffee monodiet

    It is just to say that this diet is quite "aggressive" and has a lot of contraindications. So it is not suitable for everyone. At the same time, it is sufficiently effective. Coffee has a diuretic effect, accelerates the body's metabolism and reduces appetite. Course duration - three days.

    I drink a cup of black coffee, no sugar, no more frequently than once every two hours. It is also allowed the use of a small amount of black chocolate. Mineral water without gas - anytime you want.

  • Winter diet

    Unlike previous, this mono-diet - a week. And she built a little differently. Every day you eat any one product. The first day - boiled potatoes. You can eat five large tubers. The second - one kilogram of raw carrots or boiled beets. Recommended grate. The third - a liter of yogurt or sour.

    If desired, you can use drinking yoghurt, but then the amount should be cut to 500 ml. The fourth day - two plates lean vegetable soup without salt. Fifth - half cooked chicken or 300 grams of cooked lean myasa.Esli chose chicken - do not forget to take off her skin. Sixth - one liter of fresh juice. Better apple. The seventh and final day - 500 grammes of any cereal. It must boil water, sugar and salt. Yes, barley is not suitable.

About this method of struggle against excess weight can even tell a very long time. Fairly simple monodiets gaining more and more fans around the world. And, if health allows, but "on the nose" some important event where you have to appear in all its splendor - why not try a mono-diet effective?

 Monodiet - "one is a warrior?"

We recommend that read: mono-diet for 10 days
