striped diet

You urgently need to lose a few kilos, but time is sorely lacking? An important event will take place in a few days, and your favorite dress still does not converge on the plump figure? Do not rush to the store for new clothes. To throw weight will help striped diet. It is designed for 10 days and can get rid of the 5-6 extra kilos. And while you eat three times a day and do not feel hunger. Fantastic? No, the absolute reality, the results of which have repeatedly confirmed.

The essence of the diet of striped

The name itself suggests that in the power supply system in the present life - white and black stripes alternate. But if the human fate of these changes allow us to estimate all the good that surrounds us, and helps to learn to cherish the gifts of life, the dramatic changes in the menu, striped diet help to lose the maximum number of kilograms, and, most importantly, improve their health. The meaning of this system lies in the alternation of power "protein" and "carbohydrate" days. In addition, you should drink at least two liters of water a day, do not eat after seven o'clock in the evening and completely abandon the use of salt, pepper and spices. The rules are simple. Menu too. And the results amaze even seasoned fans of trendy diets.

Diet Diet

"Protein day"

After sleeping you need to drink a glass of warm boiled or filtered water.

  • Breakfast - a green salad (or any green vegetables to choose from), a boiled egg.
  • For lunch and dinner we prepare boiled chicken.

For this raw meat fill with water, bring to a boil. Then a few minutes boil chicken broth merge, wash the meat and then fill with water. Cook until tender. Food on the "protein day" is ready. In total, you can not eat more than 800 grams of chicken, the meat should be divided into several meals. After all, according to nutritionists, it is better to eat less, but more often, then the results will not accumulate on the hips in the form of extra kilos.

"Carbohydrate Day"

He concludes that for the whole day, you can eat a kilo and a half of various vegetables (excluding potatoes). This vegetable can be both raw and cooked. Ideal for "carbohydrate day" is considered a salad "Blade":

  • raw beetroot - 1 Piece
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • cabbage - a few leaves
  • Apple - 0, 25 pc

All finely chop, mix, season with lemon juice. Vitamin salad for a "day of carbohydrate" is ready. They can eat breakfast on, and during the day. The main thing - to divide the carbohydrate food on the maximum number of tricks and do not forget to drink water often, then the results will not keep you waiting.

 striped diet results


Any power system has its contraindications. Striped diet - is no exception. Doctors do not recommend it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as all the people who are banned hunger strike for health reasons. In addition, do not lose weight on a diet of striped over ten days.

As without motivation?

Someone may frighten rather unusual approach to weight loss, someone just did not have the strength to endure monotonous diet. But if you focus on the positive results, if you are familiar with the new weight loss system is not out of curiosity, but with the firm intention to change something in his life, then striped diet - just for you. And let the new system will be a new power, a streak of light in your life!

 Striped diet: a new phase in your life

We recommend that read: Effective vegetable diet

 Diet curd


  • Casserole with bran
  • Baked apples
  • Cottage cheese diet

Cottage cheese - one of the oldest dairy products. The first mentions of it date back to the I century BC. Even then, he was considered "a valuable dish", which should be on the table, and the wealthy and the poor. Modern dietitians fully share this view. The main use of this product is due to a very high content of protein and calcium, which are essential for normal human tooth formation, nails, bones and hair. That is why cheese is very good for children and for pregnant and lactating women.

The unique combination of amino acids, vitamins and minerals make this product practically indispensable for medical and dietetic foods. Very popular with people looking for her figure and leading a healthy lifestyle, cottage cheese diet for weight loss. However, there also needs to know when to stop. Since this product is very concentrated, nutritionists do not recommend to use it more often than two or three times a week. From cottage cheese can be cooked so many delicious and healthy dishes. Cheesecake, cheesecakes, pudding and dumplings - is only a small part of the list. Try, for example, are the recipes:

Casserole with bran

For its preparation will need:

  • 500 gr. low fat cottage cheese
  • three eggs
  • one large spoonful of oat bran and wheat
  • vanilla
  • sweetener
  • lemon
  • baking powder

Separate the yolks from the whites. Yolks pound with sahorozamenitelem, vanilla, baking powder and bran. Protein whisk until stiff peaks, adding a little lemon juice. Gently mix the yolks, whites and cottage cheese, and lay on the shaper. Preparing a casserole in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes.

Baked apples

You will need:

  • 500 gr. curd
  • 150 gr. Hercules
  • egg
  • five apples

Rub the grated apples. Mix all ingredients, adding a little salt and, if desired, sugar. Pour into a mold and sprinkle with a little oatmeal. Put it in the oven. After 30-40 minutes the casserole is ready.

 Cottage cheese diet

Cottage cheese diet - Lose Weight with taste

A varied diet based on cheese and there are so many - and express long, hard and soft, with the addition of certain products - just have to pick one that you like best. However, if you liked tough curd diet to lose weight, be sure to consult with your doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women. After all, they are responsible not only for himself but also for the baby.

Cottage cheese and vegetable diet

One of the most popular. The course is designed for a full week. Daily ration consists of 300 grams of cheese, 500 grams of vegetables and herbs, which you can eat in unlimited quantities. Vegetables can take any, except - as you probably guessed - the potato. Of course, perfect to eat them raw. But you can prepare steamed, boiled or put out without oil.

Vegetable salad is best to fill with lemon juice. There should be five to six times a day, alternating cheese with vegetables. Last meal - at six o'clock in the evening. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Best suited mineral water without gas, green tea without sugar, fresh grapefruit or apple. If you feel that hunger really beat you in the daily diet, you can enter a small piece of cooked lean beef or veal and two small slices of wholemeal bread. Suitable also dietary Casserole - of course, a very small piece. If all the requirements, the result - minus three to six kilograms.

Cottage cheese and fruit

No less popular and cottage cheese and fruit diet. "Works" is not worse. It there are many varieties. You can choose several varieties of fruit, or be limited to one - whichever you prefer. And the duration of the course may vary, depending on the menu. For example, cottage cheese and apple diet is calculated for seven days. During this time, you can get rid of two or three kilograms. If these figures have not "save", then spend this course once a month, until the moment when you reach the desired result. It is legal to use this menu and simple handling days. Diet diversity is no different, and the same for the whole week. Every day you will need:

  • two kilograms of green apples
  • 200 grams of low fat cottage cheese
  • water without gas or green tea

Eat all of the above must be five or six receptions.

Cottage cheese and banana diet

Just four days. Although much more varied menu, the results are about the same - minus two to three kilograms. The first and third days of the diet. Morning and evening - a small grapefruit, and about 120 grams of cheese. For lunch - the same amount of cheese and a slice of melon. The second and fourth days of the diet. In the morning - a glass of skim milk and a banana. Just do not choose the biggest. Day - boiled hard boiled egg and a banana. In the evening - 200 grams of lean meat, and two bananas.

Cottage cheese and yogurt diet

For quite a long and firmly holds one of the first places in the ranking of diets for fast and effective weight loss. A lover of cheese and yogurt, assure that allocated to it six days fly completely unnoticed. Food turns out delicious and hunger hardly visited. The results are quite serious - the day of "go" to 500 grams of extra weight. However, it should be said that professional nutritionists are configured somewhat more skeptical. They believe that the lack of energy value - in the daily diet only about 700 calories - may lead to fainting and dizziness.

This is especially true for pregnant and lactating women - they are from such an experiment is better to abstain. In addition, yogurt and usually contain a lot of sugar and starch, which badly affect skin condition and overall health. Therefore, according to the doctors, this diet should rather be used as fasting days, not to carry out a six-day course. In general, suitable or not cottage cheese and yoghurt diet is right for you - it is difficult to say enough. It all depends on the amount of excess weight and your health. Menu is the same for all days and is very simple.

By the way, for those six days, you will have time to relax from the "kitchen works" - to prepare nothing. On the entire course, you will need three packs of low fat cottage cheese and 30 jars of yogurt. Better to buy natural, without additives. So, for breakfast - two jars of yogurt and three large tablespoons of cottage cheese. In the afternoon the same thing - two or three tablespoons of yogurt and cottage cheese. In the evening you can eat six tablespoons of cottage cheese, yogurt but here you can afford only one. Drinking water is permitted without gas, and green or fruit tea. Of course, it is not necessary to add sugar.

Yogurt and cottage cheese

If you do not like yogurt, but, for example, loves yogurt, it is likely that you will approach another way to lose weight - kefir, cottage cheese diet. Unlike the previous one, it is designed for five days. As a result of its compliance you need to lose four to five kilograms. Every day you can eat no more than 500 grams of 9% curds and drink about a liter of yogurt. Daily allowance should be divided into five or six receptions. In addition to yogurt during the day allowed to drink two cups of herbal tea.

Another important point - after kefir, cottage cheese diet is completed, it is impossible sharply to return to his former diet. Because diet is necessary to leave gradually, or all "lost weight" quickly return to their "legitimate" places. It is believed that this diet is fine for pregnant women, if they have excess weight. However, the number of products and the timing of "abstinence" from other foods, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Egg-curd diet

As if specially invented for the sweet tooth. You do not have to suffer from the lack of the usual taste - it is composed of honey. Calculated this curd diet for 3 days. And, most of all, the feeling of hunger will not torment you. The diet is well balanced and based on high-protein foods - cheese, eggs, low-fat fish. However, there is at this diet, and one very big "minus" - it includes raw eggs. So, there is a chance "to catch" a nasty and dangerous disease like salmonella.

So before you use this technique, you need to properly weigh the "pros" and "cons". And, of course, does not fit this option for pregnant women or nursing mothers. For breakfast, for all three days is necessary to drink a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and eggnog. In order to prepare it is necessary to take two fresh chicken eggs and beat them with a teaspoon of honey.

First day. Day - a small slice of low-fat cheese, and tea without sugar. In the evening - vegetable soup with toast and any fruit. The soup is prepared on water rather than on the broth.

Second day. Lunch - 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese, herbal tea and eggnog. Exactly the same as drinking in the morning. At dinner - 100 grams of lean fish, steamed vegetables and salad without dressing.

Third day. At lunch - vegetable salad, toast and 80 grams of cheese. Before going to bed - steamed vegetables with boiled hard-boiled egg. Another "hard" way to fight obesity - oat cottage cheese diet.

The course lasts for a sufficiently long period - a full two weeks. By the conviction of the supporters of this option, oat curd diet helps to get rid of the 6-8 extra kilos. That, you see, is not enough. Opponents also convinced that a few days after the completion of oat cheese diet weight safely back in place. Apparently, everything is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the organism and of the intensity with which you "pounce" on the sweet and tasty, after its completion.

Menu oat cheese diet is very monotonous. And so it is not suitable for pregnant women. At breakfast - one green apple, oatmeal and herbal or green tea. At lunch - cheese and herb tea. At dinner - vegetable salad and cheese again. In general, if you really set out to lose weight, then choose the "correct" diet - cottage cheese, or any other will not be difficult. Cottage cheese - is not the worst option. The only advice - do not buy it "in reserve". This - a perishable product. And if he lay - even in the refrigerator - there are more than three days, it is not recommended. Although cheesecakes or casserole he is quite amiss. However, perhaps it is you yourself know very well.

 Dieting cottage cheese - Lose Weight with taste

We recommend that read: Banana Diet
