Every girl always wants to look attractive. To do this, there are many cosmetic products, a variety of physical activities, clothes. But above all, perhaps, there is a lady who has never addressed the issue of right or moderate power. For example, green tea diet to help get rid not only of the extra kilos, but also cleanse the body of various toxins, normalize metabolic processes.
Leaves of green tea rich in biologically active enzymes, contain a number of natural antioxidants and vitamins. Enzymes contained in this drink, partially stopped by the action of amylase, which is responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates. Therefore, you instinctively sit on a low-carb "starvation." The antioxidants present in tea, prevent premature aging process, ie contribute to the extension of youth, improving skin condition. In addition to all these advantages, the vitamins that make up the drink, do not allow to appear beriberi, which is often accompanied by diet or starvation.
In order to derive maximum benefit, green tea you need to learn how to store and already after brewing. Immediately after buying it from the pack Pour into a glass container with a lid that is tightly closed. This is very important because the tea leaves pretty quickly absorb odors. And, of course, improper storage lead to the loss of useful properties.
How to brew green tea
Most importantly, what you should always remember - this is what you need to brew hot tea, but in any case, not boiling water. The temperature should be about seventy to eighty degrees. Better, of course, use filtered or defend the water, which only increase the palatability of the beverage.
The second, no less important point: Buy a good tea, not really thinking about its value, after all you only good. Two hundred milliliters of water, add one and a half to two teaspoons of tea. Using a smaller number, you just do not get the desired concentration and, accordingly, will not feel a true taste.
And last, an important aspect in this case is devoted to the fact that the first water, which brewed the leaves need to drain. Drink this drink infused with a second water. The second time the tea is revealed as bud, giving all the useful features and a pleasant aroma. At home, in China, it is brewed in seven approaches. And each time the taste is revealed in a new way, which allows to the end to enjoy all the subtleties of the drink.
Several diets on green tea
The first diet on the tea is quite simple and gentle. Observe it must be within a month. As a result, leaving eight to ten kilograms and comes complete cleaning of the body from various toxins. The main thing you should always remember, starvation - it is not an option, and not the best method.
So, within thirty days you should drink every day about one liter of beverage. Tea is better to choose a large leaf of the highest quality. The most popular types are considered Chinese oolong (oolong), or Puer, which you could not hear. There are generally a few hundred species of this drink, so if you sit on a diet or fasting, then you have an excellent opportunity to try different varieties and find her suitable for the taste you.
Tea can be drunk hot or cold. Cool it better with ice, without waiting until he cools down. When brewing can add some of your favorite herbs, for example, useful soothing fees. Also, do not forget about the liquid that needs to drink about two liters a day. It is better if it is a simple non-carbonated water, defend, boiled or just bought at the store.
Throughout the day you can eat almost everything: fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. But limit yourself to fatty foods, flour and sweets. Most products eat cooked or uncooked. Also try to completely eliminate fried foods. Adding salt and sugar in food, too, is reduced to a minimum or do not apply at all.
Meals and tea party better not to combine. Tea is to drink half an hour before meals or after the same time. This diet is observed quite simple, and it is very effective, so about fasting you can forget once and for all. In addition, this allowed the use of many products, so you will not suffer from monotony.
The most suitable time for a change in the diet, of course, is summer. The heat is not so difficult to survive in the cold tea and a snack in the form of a variety of fruits, berries or vegetables, not himself settling himself exhausting starvation. But, unfortunately, even in such a diet has a number of disadvantages. It is impossible to comply with those with various diseases of the digestive system, such as ulcers, colitis or gastritis. Do not forget about the fact that green tea contains a significant amount of caffeine. Therefore, initially should consult a nutritionist.
The Japanese diet on green tea
Over the past few years, the popularity of Japanese cuisine seriously increased. The reason for this - it is stunning, a special taste, low calorie and great benefit to the body. Now we offer a diet associated with this cuisine, which is based on green tea.
The Japanese diet only lasts just five days. Thanks to her, you will be able to experience the atmosphere and the diet of the rising sun, and three to five kilograms disappear forever. In addition, you will look better and look younger. This happens because all that seafood rich in fatty acids that promote weight loss and slow the aging process. Vitamin E, which is rich in different fish liver, give your skin smoothness, and some wrinkles disappear without a trace, and the purification of the body, "will" figure.
Of course, every day deal with sushi rolls, or we will not, because it is best left to professionals. Below we present you the menus on all five days. All dishes are quite simple and do not require a serious culinary training. So:
First day
Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, one boiled egg, salted red fish and lettuce - two hundred grams.
Lunch: a cup of green tea, fish cooked on any Japanese recipe - two hundred grams, fruit salad with natural yogurt and lemon juice - one hundred and fifty grams, dry white wine - one hundred fifty milliliter.
Afternoon snack: an apple.
Dinner: a cup of green tea, coleslaw, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, cheese, tofu and cooked rice - two hundred grams.
Second day
Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, scrambled eggs with fresh vegetables and shrimp - two hundred grams.
Lunch: a cup of green tea, boiled fish with onions and carrots - one hundred and fifty grams, boiled rice - two hundred grams, one banana.
Afternoon snack: an apple.
Dinner: a cup of green tea, coleslaw, tomato, cucumber and green - one hundred and fifty grams, boiled squid with rice - two hundred and fifty grams.
Third day
Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, red salted fish and tofu - one hundred and fifty grams.
Lunch: a cup of green tea, soup with vegetables and seafood - two hundred grams, one cup of yogurt, dry white wine - one hundred fifty milliliter.
Afternoon snack: an apple.
Dinner: a cup of green tea, boiled rice with green salad - three hundred grams.
Fourth day
Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, one boiled egg, salted red fish - one hundred grams.
Lunch: a cup of green tea, roasted on a grill or griddle with a little sunflower oil red fish and boiled rice - three hundred grams, vegetable salad - one hundred and fifty grams.
Afternoon snack: an apple.
Dinner: a cup of green tea, two baked apple with honey and walnuts.
The fifth day
Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
Second breakfast: a glass of green tea boiled rice - two hundred grams.
Lunch: a cup of green tea boiled rice - two hundred grams, pear or apple.
Afternoon snack: an apple.
Dinner: a cup of green tea, fish cooked on any Japanese recipe - two hundred grams, dry white wine - one hundred fifty milliliter.
But there are some strict rules that you should follow during the diet:
Eliminate from your food flour, meat and juices.
Discard the salt and sugar in a pure form.
This diet allows to use a wide variety of green teas. But if you are always fond of coffee, then as a relief you can afford one cup in the morning. But drink only natural ground, forget about instant.
Eat tea before a meal, not after it.
Now you can forget about fasting. Eat only freshly prepared meals in advance, you can cook rice and pickle fish.
Bland diet
This option is considered to be lax. For those who like tea in general it is easy to comply with. Power, as in the previous diet, five-single. The main thing that you need to limit - it is baking, products from flour, bananas, tomatoes and grapes. Another of its advantages is that you can implement such a diet for a few months, while completely forgetting about starvation. In a month you can get rid of three to seven kilograms.
If you are a gourmet tea you can add to your drink mint, milk, lemon juice, fruit pieces, various spices. For example:
Green tea in Kyrgyz: one cup of hot drink to add a pinch of lemon zest, two or three buds of cloves, a pinch of cinnamon; to insist a few minutes.
Algerian National recipe: half a liter of hot water to take two tablespoons of tea and a small pinch of dried or fresh mint.
Recipe Cuban-tea: One cup of brewed hot drink add the juice orange and lemon to your liking.
And now let's look at a rough schedule for the week, knowing that you no longer need or be interested to read about fashion, but inefficient starvation.
On Monday
Breakfast: One cup of green tea, low-fat cottage cheese with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt.
Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, a boiled egg.
Lunch: cabbage with meat, a slice of whole-wheat bread, a cup of green tea.
Afternoon tea with crackers.
Dinner: a cup of green tea, vegetable salad, macaroni and cheese.
Breakfast: a cup of green tea a few pancakes.
Second breakfast: yogurt.
Lunch: a few boiled potatoes, a slice of black bread, meatball soup, a cup of green tea.
Snack: a glass of green tea, some dried fruit.
Dinner: green tea, vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge with boiled fish.
Breakfast: a cup of green tea, cheese sandwich.
Lunch: green tea, boiled rice.
Lunch: steamed vegetables with meat, a slice of black bread, vegetable soup, green tea.
Snack: a glass of green tea with crackers.
Dinner: green tea, a slice of bread, boiled cauliflower with boiled chicken.
Breakfast: green tea, boiled egg.
Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, fruit salad with yogurt.
Lunch: green tea, boiled potatoes with mushrooms, pickle.
Lunch: green tea, fruit.
Dinner: meat with pasta, salad, green tea.
Breakfast: a cup of green tea, cheese cakes.
Lunch: cheese crackers, green tea.
Lunch: a cup of green tea, boiled fish and rice soup.
Afternoon tea and dried fruits.
Dinner: a cup of green tea, vegetable casserole.
Breakfast: a cup of green tea, cheese souffle.
Lunch: green tea and a cheese sandwich.
Lunch: a cup of green tea, buckwheat porridge with meat, soup with barley.
Afternoon snack: some cookies and tea.
Dinner: green tea, potato casserole, salad vegetables.
Breakfast: a cup of green tea, muffins.
Second breakfast: tea, oatmeal.
Lunch: a cup of green tea, steamed fish, salad, chicken soup.
Lunch: green tea, fruit salad.
Dinner: vegetable salad, macaroni and cheese, a cup of green tea.
Benefits and harms of starvation
Several times mentioned in our article about how bad starvation and diet restrictions or small food much better effect on the body. Still, let us look at this issue in more detail.
Fasting is held under the supervision of doctors, nutritionists, and it is designed to cleanse the body of harmful toxins. In a serious degree of obesity, some doctors are also advised to apply this, in this embodiment, the most effective method. But recently increased "fashion" on fasting for weight loss. This is pure mockery of himself and completely useless, as this method can lead to stress, or worse, to the disruption of metabolic processes. With this diet the body is powered by reserves of fat and vitamins that have previously accumulated in the body, respectively, after the termination of the "power" you gain weight in two or even three times as much.
Be aware of the dangers of starvation and it is best to follow the diet on green tea. Because of this, you can cheer yourself up and feel the lightness throughout the body, heal and rejuvenate the body. Many doctors say that people who drink seven cups of this drink per day, much less suffer other liver diseases. Additionally, green tea contributes to lowering the cholesterol in blood and supports the immune system. Stay fit and healthy!