Many experienced nutritionists have recently reported that buckwheat kefir diet can work wonders. Is this true? We offer a deal. Diet buckwheat with yogurt really makes people feel full, while quickly throwing off excess weight, improving their own health and strengthening the body. This diet is related to treatment, because it helps people to deal with different ailments and stay awake, not to succumb to stress and insomnia. In addition, the diet is useful in the treatment of joint inflammation, anemia, skin diseases, liver and gallbladder.
With therapeutic effect understood. Let us now try to understand how effective the diet on buckwheat and kefir? Without much effort it is possible for one to two weeks to lose weight by 7-10 kg. Importantly, its duration is 1-2 weeks. However, it should be prepared for the fact that during her need to eat buckwheat porridge and drinking yogurt - the only way to achieve weight loss succeed.
Features of diet
Nutritionists believe that buckwheat and kefir can afford to restore the necessary balance of minerals, cleanse the body of toxins, as well as to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Why is that? The fact is that buckwheat and kefir - useful products. Therefore, therapeutic buckwheat diet often is assigned not only for weight loss but also for treatment.
Why buckwheat helpful?
Buckwheat is a wholesome product, which contains a significant amount of nutrients, resulting in marked its beneficial effects on the body. At the same time, Buckwheat is a dietary product, because it contains large amounts of protein and low carbohydrates. Furthermore, in this cereal has vitamins B, P, various amino acids and vitamins, potassium, iodine, iron, fiber. It all helps to make the body of all the toxins derived. Nutritionists claim that you need to eat buckwheat during edema, liver function disorders, hypertension and anemia. And, of course, weight loss.
The yogurt contains a significant amount of protein, calcium, vitamins B, A. In this regard, many people suffering from various diseases, should eat yogurt, because in the end they will celebrate the improvement of health. If you drink kefir, it is possible to cleanse the body of toxins, improve liver function, to suspend the development of allergic reactions, prevent rotting food in the intestines, to stimulate the digestive system, improve the color of the skin.
During the diet on buckwheat and kefir can be seen as both improved digestive system. In this case, the kernel of buckwheat can be scraped from the walls of the intestine all harmful substances and toxins because of kefir are excreted from the body. Buckwheat will give a number of calories required for normal life, and yogurt will allow to fill the balance of fluids and fat.
Why yogurt helpful?
The yogurt contains a significant amount of protein, calcium, vitamins B, A. In this regard, many people suffering from various diseases, should eat yogurt, because in the end they will celebrate the improvement of health. If you drink kefir, it is possible to cleanse the body of toxins, improve liver function, to suspend the development of allergic reactions, prevent rotting food in the intestines, to stimulate the digestive system, improve the color of the skin.
During the diet on buckwheat and kefir can be seen as both improved digestive system. In this case, the kernel of buckwheat can be scraped from the walls of the intestine all harmful substances and toxins because of kefir are excreted from the body. Buckwheat will give a number of calories required for normal life, and yogurt will allow to fill the balance of fluids and fat.
Only dieters should stick kefir, buckwheat diet?
In fact, the only people who are different laziness and unwillingness to take care of their own health, may not adhere to kefir, buckwheat diet. All the products included in the diet are simple enough. If there buckwheat once a day, but in any quantity, the weight loss will be quick and simple at the same time. If you pay attention to the impact of products on the principle of the body, we can understand that the effect in any case. At the same time it must be remembered that the characteristics of the organism of each person affected by the way in which the result will be, and how quickly will be able to achieve weight loss.
In some people, the duration of the diet on kefir may be only four or five days, but it will be enough to normalize the digestive system and lose weight at 10 kilograms. Other people can sit on it for two weeks, but only lose weight 2-3 kg. Doctors note that some people may have gastrointestinal disease. In this case, kefir, buckwheat can not stick to a diet, otherwise the cost of weight loss will be serious health problems, especially liver and pancreas. It is important to take into account - if you eat raw buckwheat, it is possible to achieve a serious disruption of the digestive system.
How to cook buckwheat?
We need to take the buckwheat, pour over boiling water several times. Then you need to remove all the fat, which is oxidized due to the boiling water. Then you have to wait until the cereal is dry, briefly fry in a pan. It is important not to add salt, sugar, butter. Now you need to buckwheat put in a pot, pour boiling water (one cup of cereal - a half cup of water), cover the bowl with a lid, wrap well with a towel. It is necessary to wait for the night, since during this time could well swell buckwheat. Cook grits can not be, otherwise it will be less useful.
However, for those who can not bring himself to eat buckwheat, not heat-treated, it may be advisable to cook buckwheat follows. Pour into a saucepan half a cup of buckwheat, fill it with two cups of water. Bring to a boil, turn off the lid and leave for three hours, wrapped a towel. After that buckwheat will have a taste of cooked, but it will retain the useful properties of raw grains. And for stomach buckwheat, cooked in this way is a more gentle option.
What should be the kefir diet?
A feature of the diet is that any menu is not provided. Slimming can eat when they want. Number eaten buckwheat can be unlimited, but do not add butter, salt and sugar. However, the daily amount drunk yogurt must not exceed one liter. Every day you should drink at least half liters of mineral water or green tea without sugar. Nutritionists and doctors believe that diet on kefir makes it easy to cleanse the body of toxins because buckwheat can absorb any toxins and remove them from the body. The main thing that the porridge was cooked completely dry and crumbly. This will quickly achieve the desired result - weight loss.
However, despite the fact that there are no requirements to the diet is not presented, physicians - nutritionists' offer women more choices of diet for a period of weight loss:
Diet number 1
In the morning a woman should drink one glass of kefir and eat 100 grams of dry crumbly buckwheat. If hunger does not disappear after that, you can add one small apple. If possible, you should give preference to apples grown in your area. Suppose they are not as beautiful as imported, but the benefit is much greater.
At lunch you must eat 200 grams of buckwheat and drink a glass of water. You can also add fresh vegetable salad - no more than 200 grams, one dressed with olive oil.
At dinner the same range as for breakfast - 100 grams of buckwheat cereal, a cup of yogurt and an apple. Try to eat no later than two hours before bedtime. It will also speed up the process of losing weight.
Diet №2
This diet is different only in that the buckwheat is necessary to fill yogurt. In the morning you need to eat 150 grams of this mixture and an apple for dinner - 300 grams and 200 grams of any vegetable salad, and in the evening - 100 grams of a mixture. As a rule, the result of weight loss will not keep you waiting too long.
Diet №3
This diet - the most gentle, as the menu includes quite a number of products. In the morning you need to eat 100 grams of buckwheat, and 100 grams of fat-free yogurt. You can drink a glass of yogurt or skim milk.
At lunch - 150 grams buckwheat, 100 grams of boiled beef and 100 grams of vegetable salad. Of course, not allowed to use any whatsoever sauces. The only solution salad dressing - a teaspoon of olive oil.
For dinner, you can drink a cup of yogurt and eat 100 grams of buckwheat cereal. Do not forget that dinner must be no later than two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, the effect is not so pronounced.
Losing weight tips
If, during the weight loss had the feeling of hunger, the right to eat the cooked buckwheat porridge. This case will withstand diet.
During the diet is required kefir yogurt drink for 30 minutes before it is eaten buckwheat, or 30 minutes after that.
After the last use of cereal before bedtime must be at least four hours. One hour before bedtime is permitted to have a cup of yogurt.
Kefir is important to drink fresh, otherwise it will not be useful, and the desired effect will be difficult to achieve.
If you have a hard, dry cereal, you can add to it a little yogurt.
The benefits of a diet
Buckwheat is an affordable and cheap products, and cereal can be easily and quickly prepared.
Buckwheat is a useful product because it contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, rutin, proteins. As a result, significantly improved the state of health, blood vessels become better blood liquefies.
It is recognized that kefir is a useful fermented milk drink, so drink it in various diseases. Regular drinking kefir allows to cleanse the body of toxins, improve the functioning of the digestive system, skin, prevent rotting food in the gastrointestinal tract to normalize the functioning of the liver.
Usually a week, you can lose weight by 6-10 kg, and 10 days - 11-12 kilograms.
While weight loss is not required to keep records, count calories, think, whether combined with each other products.
The liquid from the body begins to go active because increases in comparison with a conventional amount of fluid intake, and there is only permitted food without added salt.
The diet is very monotonous, because you can only have buckwheat and drinking is permitted only yogurt, water and green tea.
In connection with the monotonous and poor diet can not fully restore the supply of micronutrients. However, due to the short duration of the diet completely destroy the balance of trace elements can not be, because buckwheat contains a lot of vitamins.
Large quantities of buckwheat can have on the body is sufficiently strong laxative effect. It makes more sense to carry out this diet while on vacation. And in connection with this laxative effect there is a risk of dehydration. Therefore, any kind of buckwheat diet extra drink at least one liter of non-carbonated drinking water.
In any case, if you decide to achieve weight loss, you should pre-consult with your doctor - a physician or a nutritionist. It really appreciate your health and help you choose the optimal diet. After all, in any case impossible to achieve weight loss at the expense of their health. Of course, to have a beautiful figure - a dream of any woman, but about the prudence and in any case should not be forgotten.