Japanese diet


  • The essence of the Japanese diet
  • The Japanese diet "for" and "against"
  • Menu Japanese diet
  • Variants of the Japanese diet
  • Useful tips
  • Exiting the Japanese diet

To Japanese cooking Japanese diet has nothing to do. Traditional Japanese cuisine preclude the use of coffee in large quantities and welcomes rice dishes and seafood. The Japanese diet for weight loss involves several different techniques of daily meals. Offers her diet is designed to normalize the metabolism and alterations of the body to another mode. Because of this it reduces body weight and improves health status. And its name, this diet has received thanks to the efforts of Japanese nutritionists, which developed as an effective way to lose weight.

Authentic Japanese diet lasts 13 or 14 days, at which a menu of specific and unchanging set of products, signs in detail. Its developers claim that this is the time and these products are optimal for the best weight loss results. Japanese diet slimming effect is striking! The results are visible from the very first days of the diet, and stay on for two or three years. The most amazing and the most attractive feature of such a diet - the rapid weight loss without the hassle of starvation.

The essence of the Japanese diet

Daily breakfasts are mainly in a cup of black coffee, to which is added the second day of a cracker. On certain days the coffee is replaced by raw carrots with lemon juice and tea without sugar. Daily lunches initially consist of raw eggs, vegetable salads, dressed with vegetable oil, and tomato juice. Then gradually lunch usual boiled or fried fish and boiled chicken. Meat dishes are strictly alternated by leaps and serving strictly ogranicheny.Odnako amount of food is enough to diet while not feel hunger (except the first day or two).

Dinner this diet involves light, consisting of a small portion of fried or boiled fish, boiled beef, eggs, salads. Several days dinner consists entirely of fruit. Until the eighth day of the diet daily diet strictly painted, the eighth day he repeated. The Japanese diet eliminates during its compliance with the use of salt, sugar, alcohol, flour products and sweets. Between meals you can drink unlimited quantities of water.

A variant of the Japanese diet has become the menu for 14 days. This diet adapted to the Europeans, many of whom can not stand too rigid dietary restrictions. It is a soft and gentle, so spoiled gourmet delicacies to comply with this diet easier.

 Japanese Diet

The Japanese diet "for" and "against"

This diet is one of the most enigmatic modern diets and causes a lot of conflicting sects. On the one hand reviews about the Japanese diet just enthusiastic, on the other hand, many regard it with suspicion. This is not surprising: in different information sources, it is often presented in very different ways, and it suggests that a major base for such a diet is not important.

However, it is not. Authentic Japanese diet is based on a wealth of practical experience and various studies that suggest - it is the most effective and virtually harmless. The same part of the people among whom diet had negative reviews, or suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or did not find in themselves enough will to observe strict limits of this diet. However, the disadvantages of the Japanese diet is worth noting.

Diet is one of the low-carbohydrate or carbohydrate-free diets. Therefore, it is possible the appearance of weakness, fatigue, and dizzy spells. The diet is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, it should not coincide with the period of menstruation and do not use this method of weight loss for people engaged in heavy physical labor. Contraindications to the Japanese diet: heart and cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the endocrine system and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order that the results were positive and lasting effect, the Japanese diet should comply with the maximum accuracy, and after graduation continued to carefully monitor your diet. Otherwise worked so hard to lose excess weight begins to recover quickly, and it - another minus as effective for weight loss diets. In general, no harm healthy body this diet will not bring. To start losing weight with its help, you only need to paint the detail menu, stock up on necessary food and tunes in to the positive results.

Menu Japanese diet

Almost all the dishes are prepared and consumed without salt, no sugar and no spice. If you do not like black coffee, then replace it with green tea - it is quite possible. And the menu itself is as the Japanese diet.

First day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee;
  • lunch - two boiled eggs, salad of boiled cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice;
  • evening - grilled, steam, poached or boiled fish.

Second day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee, a piece of bread;
  • lunch - roast, steam, poached or boiled fish, salad from any fresh vegetables or cabbage salad with vegetable oil;
  • evening - a hundred grams of boiled beef, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Third day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee, a piece of bread;
  • lunch - one large zucchini, fried in vegetable oil;
  • vecherom- two boiled eggs, two hundred grams of boiled beef, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.

Fourth day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee;
  • lunch - one egg, three big boiled carrots with vegetable oil, a slice (15 g) unsalted and low-fat hard cheese;
  • night - fresh fruit.

The fifth day

  • in the morning - a salad of raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice;
  • lunch - roast, steam, poached or boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice;
  • night - fresh fruit.

The sixth day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee;
  • lunch - half a boiled chicken, fresh salad or raw carrot (without salt or other filling);
  • evening - two boiled eggs, a cup of grated raw grated carrots with vegetable oil.

The seventh day

  • in the morning - a cup of black or green tea unsweetened;
  • lunch - two hundred grams of boiled beef, fresh fruit;
  • evening - dinner at any of the previous days, except the third.

Eighth Day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee;
  • lunch - half cooked chicken, fresh salad or raw carrots;
  • evening - two boiled eggs, a cup of grated raw carrots with vegetable oil.

Ninth day

  • in the morning - a salad of raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice;
  • lunch - roast, steam, poached or boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice;
  • night - fresh fruit.

Tenth day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee;
  • lunch - one egg, three big boiled carrots with vegetable oil, a slice (15 g) unsalted and low-fat hard cheese;
  • night - fresh fruit.

Eleventh day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee, a piece of bread;
  • lunch - one large zucchini, fried in vegetable oil;
  • evening - two boiled eggs, two hundred grams of boiled beef, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.

The twelfth day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee, a piece of bread;
  • Lunch - fried, boiled, steam or poached fish, vegetable or cabbage salad with vegetable oil;
  • Dinner - one hundred grams of boiled beef, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Thirteenth day

  • in the morning - a cup of black (natural) coffee;
  • Lunch - two boiled eggs, salad of boiled cabbage with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice;
  • dinner - roast, steam, poached or boiled fish.

 Japanese diet menus

Variants of the Japanese diet

A variant of the traditional diet may be trinadtsatidnevnoy diet for two weeks. In this case, the menu signs in detail for seven days, and is exactly the same in the second week. It looks a diet menu as follows.

  1. First day. In the morning - black coffee; Lunch - two hard-boiled eggs, cabbage salad with vegetable oil, a tomato or tomato juice (glass); evening - a piece of boiled or fried fish, coleslaw.
  2. Second day. In the morning - black coffee with rusks; Lunch - a portion of boiled or fried fish and coleslaw; evening - two hundred grams of boiled meat (beef, lamb, veal) and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  3. Third day. In the morning - black coffee; lunch - boiled egg and three boiled carrots with olive oil; evening - one or two apples.
  4. Fourth day. In the morning - black coffee; lunch - two or three apples and one carrot (boiled or fried in vegetable oil); evening - two hard-boiled eggs, two hundred grams of boiled meat and portion of salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.
  5. The fifth day. In the morning - grated carrots (fresh), seasoned with lemon juice; lunch - half a kilo of boiled chicken and a salad of raw carrots or cabbage; night - fried or boiled fish with coleslaw.
  6. The sixth day. In the morning - black coffee; lunch - half a kilo of boiled chicken and a salad of raw carrots or cabbage; evening - two hard-boiled eggs with coleslaw.
  7. The seventh day. In the morning - black or green tea without sugar; lunch - two hundred grams of boiled meat and a bit of fresh fruit; evening - dinner option any day (except for the third).

Useful tips

Strict Japanese diet includes strict adherence to the prescribed menu. In this case, nothing can replace the products. However, as practice shows, black coffee has successfully replaced the green unsweetened tea, and tomato juice with fresh tomatoes. The effectiveness of the diet is not reduced.

Proper Japanese diet - a diet without salt, sugar, spices, sweets and alcohol. Therefore, buying such menu for tomato juice, choose only natural product without salt. Fruits are shown too far for anything. For example, undesirable to eat during a diet of bananas (too starchy fruit) and grapes (very sweet). The best option will be fresh apples, grapefruit and pomegranates. But in the season of fruit it can be and pears, and plums, apricots and peaches. The main thing - do not overdo it and eat a little fruit, not filling their stomach.

From vegetables as you know, the main products in the period of the Japanese diet for you are cabbage and carrot. But on some days you can eat salads and other raw vegetables. So choose them to your liking: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, zucchini, radishes, stemmed celery, lettuce, greens.

The water (without gas, mineral or boiled) can drink between meals in unlimited quantities. In general, when the Japanese diet is recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day. If you really want a hot drink, then allow yourself a cup of green tea is not scheduled. And still useful to do during the Japanese diet breathing exercises - the effect will be much more noticeable.

 Japanese diet menus

Exiting the Japanese diet

After two weeks of strictly painted supply is not necessary immediately to arrange a holiday belly. Firstly, it is harmful to the stomach and intestines. Secondly, you have grown accustomed to do without salt, bread and sweets. Thirdly, the unlimited power immediately after the diet will lead to disastrous results, and will bring all your efforts to nothing. Enter in your diet should be carbohydrates and fats gradually. Period out of the Japanese diet is quite long lasting and lasts for about two weeks. By the way, it is possible that in this period, you will continue to lose weight. Drink milk, yogurt, tea and fresh juices, eat buckwheat, millet, lentils. Allow yourself bananas and grapes (in small amounts), black bread, cereals and dried fruits.

Here's how, for example, can look your way out of the Japanese diet (menu for the week):

  • Early breakfast. Oat or buckwheat porridge, tea with honey.
  • Second breakfast. Three hours after the first breakfast, eat an apple or a handful of dried fruit, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or mineral water without gas.
  • For lunch, eat boiled meat garnished with buckwheat, rice, beans or any other cereals. Not forbidden to light dessert, coffee with milk or milk with honey.
  • Afternoon snack should consist of vegetables or fruit. Eat an apple or a banana, cucumber or carrot and drink a glass of kefir (sour milk, yogurt).
  • Dinner. If you really missed the potatoes and pasta, you cook two potatoes in their skins, or serving spaghetti. From spices using only salt, vegetable oil and fresh herbs. Complete dinner, a glass of milk, cocoa, tea or coffee.

Can vary their menu according to their own tastes, but introduce new foods into your diet gradually. The main condition for a significant and lasting effect of weight loss after the Japanese diet - changes in diet and the usual menu. During this diet is not only the body has time to adjust to the proper food, but also easy to do without sugar, sausages, confectionery products, sweets, chocolate, hot and spicy foods and alcohol. So you will easily do to change your lifestyle, giving up these certainly tasty, but these products are harmful to the figures.

Sometimes, however, treat yourself to harmful goodies still possible: there are no rules without exceptions. Be of good cheer! And all you get!

 The Japanese diet, losing weight, or Miracles

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