Rich and intense lifestyle often leads to various disorders in the body. We are always somewhere to run, not getting enough sleep, eat junk food. First of all, all this is reflected in our face: there are premature wrinkles, skin looks dull and lifeless, "decorated" acne and other eruptions. And no modern means of rejuvenating the face will not help bring in the order, if not careful preparation.
This training is in cleansing the skin of dirt, not only the surface, which can be removed by any cleaning agents, and deeply hidden. Modern facial cleansing - a profound effect on the upper layers of the epidermis, the aim of this procedure is not only a cleansing, but also the reduction of skin pores, in which, in fact, clogged dust and dirt.
In such a procedure periodically, every woman needs. Today, there are several ways to clean the face, let's look at them in detail, and then you can easily choose the right method.
Cleaning with ultrasound
Procedure is conducted by a special unit under the influence of which the person is cleared, removed sebum. Just before the procedure, a specialist applied to the face tonic to hydrate, which is selected according to skin type. Ultrasonic cleaning is painless leaves no injuries, so this method is recommended for women with sensitive skin. The procedure involves the following steps:
Removing make-up, as required;
Applying scrub with a strong pollution;
Applying gel to open the pores;
Next comes the cleaning itself;
Now apply soothes, relieves irritation of the mask;
The final stage - applying the cream according to the skin type.
Ultrasonic cleaning will not only allow your skin to breathe freely, but also strengthen the layers of the epidermis, improve skin texture, activates the recovery process. The procedure is shown in women with aging skin, skin prone to oily and acne, as well as for persons with enlarged pores. However, there are contraindications:
Problems with heart;
Pregnancy and breast;
Severe skin inflammation;
Oncological diseases.
Clear limits on the number of the procedures performed there. Here, experts advise a start it on your skin type. Dry and sensitive - every three months; combination or oily - every two months. The whole procedure takes less than an hour, and its main advantage can be called that then the skin does not require time to recover. So you can safely do such cleaning immediately before any important event.
Mechanical cleaning
Another way to clean the face of dirt, blocked pores and pimples. This method can be used more often than ultrasound, especially people with oily skin. They are encouraged to undergo the process of not less than once every two weeks. Mechanical cleaning will suit you if:
Your skin is prone to acne eruptions;
It has a fat and porous structure;
Predisposed to the appearance of Wen;
It has a lower tone.
This method is divided into two types: manual (manual) and using special brushes (brossazh). Manual cleaning is performed without the use of any tools. Specialist applies only vaporizer which helps to open the pores. Then proceed to clean beautician, soft hand movements eliminating the shortcomings of your face. Then apply a soothing mask. I must say that the procedure is quite painful, but it is considered the best for removal of acne and blackheads.
Brossazh performed using a device equipped move in different directions and at different speeds brushes. The procedure allows to completely clean the face of sebum and dead cells. We do not recommend to owners too dry and sensitive skin.
Vacuum cleaning
This cleaning skin shows the presence of clogged pores, sebaceous plugs and bumpy skin. The procedure is done with a special device with several attachments - all the dirt sucked vacuum. This method gives several positive effects:
It restores blood circulation and metabolism;
It evens skin texture and tightens pores;
It stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
It normalizes the sebaceous glands.
Such a vacuum massage is useful even without the expressed acne diseases because it helps to slow down aging of the skin, restores its healthy look and tone. Just before the procedure, the skin steamed to dirt easier to remove. After the massage is applied soothing and nourishing mask. At vacuum cleaning also has its contraindications:
Too dry, thin and sensitive skin;
Skin with dilated vessels;
Leather with acute inflammation.
Cleaning the "Holy Land» (Holy Land)
This procedure is carried out on the basis of effective cosmetic products, of the same name created by Israeli company. Their application reduces to a minimum the injury during the procedure. What else is good this way of cleaning?
It reduces pores;
Improves overall condition of the skin;
Aligns the texture and complexion;
It can be used for all skin types, at any time of the year and at any age.
Israeli method involves careful preparation to cleanse the face. That is how this training will take place and depends on the future effect. Application of the right cosmetic products (peels) can reveal the pores without mechanical intervention. Process only those areas of the skin that are really in need of purification. As a result - the skin immediately looks perfect time to restore it does not need.
Traditional methods of deep cleaning
Now let's look at traditional medicines, which are used for the cleaning person at home. Not all women (each for their own reasons) can afford treatments in beauty salons. Of course, such a strong effect as from the salon procedures will not. Yet folk remedies can be cleaned to maintain and treat problem skin.
Milkshake face
Dairy products are perfectly clear and brightens the skin. It can be used as milk and yogurt, and kefir. Suitable "milkshakes" for any type of thing to remember: oily skin - certainly dairy products; dry - you can use ordinary milk.
How to carry out cleansing? Just moisten cotton pads in milk (yogurt) and wipe your face. Each additional drive should be more imbued than the previous one. So we act until all the skin is fed with. Remove milk residues can be the same cotton pad (dry). If you have dry skin of the face can be a little pinch, do not worry - just wash with warm water without soap. But if the skin is too oily, you can leave a layer of yogurt at night and in the morning rinse and lubricate the face cream.
The mixture of bran
Oily, acne-prone skin well cleaned bran. They can be from any of the varieties of cereal: oat, wheat and even rice. To prepare such a "gruel" for the person must be a glass of bran mixed with a spoonful of baking soda. The mixture is kept in a glass container.
Before washing Take a tablespoon of the mixture, dilute it with milk and stir. Mush apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm waters. You can even rinse your face with a little salted water at room temperature.
Traditional methods of purifying a lot, and, unlike cosmetic procedures, it is possible, even necessary to use 2-3 times a week. So the effect will be much more noticeable - the person will be cleaner and brighter, fade hated acne and acne. It takes care of the skin you should regularly. Never miss a scheduled procedure, and then you will soon get used to it, become treated as something routine and mandatory. Yes, problem skin will remain, but will not bring you so much inconvenience. And remember, your health and beauty is only in your hands!
Mechanical Impact: Pros and Cons
Brossazh (brushing): pros and cons of the procedure
Vacuum nozzle: indications and contraindications
Ultrasound: what it is and what it eats
Chemical cleaning: dangerous or safe
General information on the procedures
Pimples, blackheads, dark spots and other defects in our time is no longer made to gloss over thick layers of foundation, powder, to hide behind scarves and high collars. Now the girls who look after themselves and their appearance, prefer to use special creams, ointments, and constantly go on cleaning. It's no secret that beauty comes at a price, sometimes not only money, but also their own health, so before you decide to visit a beautician, ask how he plans to rid you of your skin problems. Today, there are quite a lot of cosmetic and medical practices, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.
Mechanical Impact: Pros and Cons
Classic facial cleansing - is quite old and simple method, which was used by our mothers, only slightly modernized. So, first specialist should remove all make-up and good wash our customer to any particles of dust and dirt is left, as this may cause severe irritation or even infection. Then, after the skin to steam, beauticians fingers are wrapped wipes (sterile and bactericidal) and proceeds to the procedure itself. Extras can be used with tools such as Una spoon, needle Vidal, etc. At the end of the client's face smeared with a special mask to narrow pores. This reduces the risk of irritation, redness, rash.
The downside here is that this cleansing is quite painful and dangerous, especially if the person who is engaged in this business is inexperienced or does his work carelessly. Visiting a cosmetologist office, pay attention to the cleanliness and sterility of the institution. If lying around dirty napkins, cotton swabs, and the master of the procedure has not washed his hands, immediately run out of the cabin. Also, do not forget to ask by what means will be handled by your skin. On average, the procedure should not last more than twenty minutes, but during that time if the doctor does not have time to cope with the task, you will have to repeat all over again.
Plus, this cleansing facial is that the treatment of the skin is practically eliminated all the defects, as a specialist does everything by hand, without missing any problem areas. But do not think that one visit to the salon will be enough to forget about the problem once and for all. After the cleansing is complete, Master will examine your skin and tell you the next time you have to come to it. The first few days you will have to use special cosmetics, which not only cleans but also disinfects. In the next twelve clock, you have to give up mascara, powder, a tonal framework, etc., so as not to clog pores.
With regard to the contraindications, the doctor may refuse to perform the procedure, if the client is too thin and delicate skin, visible blood vessels, increased greasiness. It is not recommended to go to the procedure after you've had a viral disease, if you recently have a fungus. Any problems with the skin and health, you should warn a beautician in advance, so he took you to the appropriate cosmetics for the disclosure of long faces. The same applies if you have a sensitivity or allergy to certain medicines or cosmetic agents.
Brossazh (brushing): pros and cons of the procedure
Despite the relatively large number of different tools to peel, few women use them constantly. As a result, the upper layers of the epidermis cornification formed particles which are shelled, preventing regeneration of cells, and do not give creams and masks to penetrate the skin. The procedure itself is quite simple, virtually painless and does not take a lot of time (five to ten minutes). Initially, the master must steam the skin using a conventional warm compress, then the remaining water is removed with a napkin, scrub is applied, followed by a cleaning brush. Resorting to such a method can be no more than twice a week.
The great disadvantage in this case is that the procedure is contraindicated in the girls who have serious defects (scars, scratches, inflammation, rosacea), as well as very sensitive individuals. The specialist will not launch a session, if your goal - the elimination of more serious problems. If the client has a lot of facial wrinkles or age, facial cleansing, in this case does not help to get rid of them. For the rest, there are no restrictions.
Huge and fat plus is that the procedure can be done at any time of the year, while the cost of services of a cosmetologist is not significant. Once your skin specialist will work, it will become soft, smooth and pleasant to the touch. No additional resources for care, other than those you have used before, you do not need. Also, you can not limit yourself to the pleasures such as going to the gym, swimming pools, spas, saunas, etc. institutions. Recommended brushing bundled with other procedures.
Vacuum nozzle: indications and contraindications
Vacuum cleaning - it is one of the most gentle and safe way, resorted to a girl with a problem skin. The principle of operation of the apparatus is quite simple: in a special nozzle which massage the face, the air is circulated so that all contaminants were drawn from the pores. The first stage - a cleansing of the face by means of foams, gels, antibacterial agents. The next step - the expansion of the steam has to achieve greater efficiency. However, in some cases, specialists use for this mask and lotions.
Before the start of the master must rinse nozzle, with which it will work, and he must from time to time to rinse her during the procedure. After vacuum cleaning of the face is finished, apply a means for peeling to remove the horny particles, and in the end becomes a mask to narrow pores. On average, you have to spend ten to twenty minutes for the main part, plus a half-hour for preparation and completion of the process. Used this method should be once a month.
Although the effect on the skin surface, is contraindicated doing vacuum cleaning for those who have observed acute and severe inflammation, a large number of deep acne scars, acne, rosacea, etc. Before you decide on a procedure, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, especially if you have dry or sensitive skin. Also, do not forget to ask you to submit documents and permits, confirming the condition and safety of the device. If such certificates are not available, it is not recommended to use the services of a cosmetologist.
Resorting to a vacuum purification is recommended for those who have oily or combination skin. Note that when the mechanical action on the sebaceous glands such portions begin to work several times faster, which leads to increased fat. This unit, which acts as a sucker, not only removes dirt from the pores, but also stimulates the flow of blood, so that the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Vacuum cleaning person recommended to the girls as adjunctive treatments to get rid of the problems with pimples and blackheads.
Ultrasound: what it is and what it eats
Such service as ultrasonic cleaning person appeared in beauty salons relatively recently, but has already managed to catch the fancy of many of the fair sex. High-frequency sound waves, which are issued by the device, penetrate, deduce the excess sebum, remove horny skin particles and make tissue massage. Through such manipulation cells begin to quickly update, there is a rapid regeneration, eliminates any visible defects. Ultrasonic cleaning will help to cope even with deep acne, but only if there was not a serious aggravation.
Preparation for the procedure takes place in the same way as in previous cases: first - the removal of make-up, purification from impurities and the final step - the application of special funds, which increase the effectiveness of ultrasonic action. Master, begin the process of completely disinfect the nozzle in a special solution, then tip the machine carries on problem areas, and then deletes the long deduced from the dirt. The average cleaning takes about twenty minutes, not less. Visit cabinet beautician in this case, you can start from the age of fourteen, when hormonal changes start.
However, as with any other method, there is also a lot of contraindications. For example, you can not go to the beauty salon, if you have diseases such as eczema, swelling, paralysis or inflammation of the facial nerve, and if you have recently had serious infection or viral infection, you had surgery on your face. It is better to abandon the procedure, if you have recently made chemical peels, as the skin has not yet fully recovered from a previous exposure. Ultrasonic cleaning is not recommended for pregnant women and persons nursing mothers.
In order to achieve visible positive results, you have to go from four to eight sessions a comprehensive cleaning. At first, you will need to visit a beautician once every two weeks, and then - a maximum of twice a month for a rapid procedure. This method - a great option for those who want to always look your best, but very afraid of pain. The only thing that you can confuse - it is quite a high cost that not everyone will be affordable. But if you do decide to clean the ultrasound, you get smooth skin with no scars, acne scars, large pores and other similar problems.
Chemical cleaning: dangerous or safe
In fact, if you do the procedure in specialized institutions, staffed by real professionals, no adverse effects after chemical cleaning will not. At this point in beauty salons can offer you preparatnuyu (for oily skin) or enzymatic cleaning (for dry skin), which are equally useful and effective. In the first case part includes means oleic acid, malic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, which penetrate into the pores and dissolved greasy rod. The second method is based on the use of enzymes of bromelain and papain. After the procedure is applied to the face special soothing mask, preventing irritation, itching, redness, etc.
Chemical cleaning is completely contraindicated in acne, scratches, bruises, and sensitive skin. In no case should not perform the procedure yourself at home, as the reaction to the non-professional agents, which also could be stored properly, it is not predictable. For instance, if you apply the drug on the tender skin around the eyes, you get completely burned. Also, you may not notice some of the problems that can only get worse after the procedure. Inside the master before you start to work, examining the face of his client, and conducts several tests to reveal whether he had some allergy medications.
Speaking of dry cleaners, not to mention a definite plus that for many women play a major role in the selection of a suitable method. Firstly, after a visit to a specialist you will be in the first ten days of looking great. Secondly, you do not have to provide any special skin care, purchase expensive tools and masks. Come to the salon, you will need an average of three times a month, while the cost of the procedure you are unlikely to be confused. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe extra few sessions, especially if you have oily skin.
General information on the procedures
If you have eczema, herpes, epilepsy, you should immediately notify a beautician, as in these cases to carry out any, even the most gentle and safe cleaning strictly prohibited, or you may be an exacerbation of the disease. Even if you trust your face really professional, pre-consult with a dermatologist and your doctor. Do not forget that for the good work and good results will have to pay, so play it safe and do not use the services of the underground stores. If you decide to call the master at home, pay attention to his appearance, make sure to it that he washed his hands and his camera in a special solution.
With regard to the frequency of such procedures, in this case, it all depends on your skin condition. Those who are heavily polluted pores have to attend a specialist once a week and a half, at least, and the rest - once or twice a month. Too often do cleaning is not recommended, since the upper layers of the epidermis do not have time to recover, which leads to serious violations. After all the manipulations do not forget to apply for your skin type mask, use creams, tonics and other cleansers. About what can and can not do in the next twenty-four hours you have to tell the master himself.