whether you can make money online


  • Cheating on the Internet to unsuspecting newbies
  • The most common myths about the Internet
  • This is the magic word "freelance"
  • Earnings on viewing advertising
  • Pay profiles, file sharing, comments and reviews
  • How to make a website or blog?
  • Affiliate programs are notorious Forex and Investment

Can I make money online? This question is of concern to many people associated with a particular need to be at home, and so they try to realize their potential in the network. This category includes young mothers who are raising young children and housewives who are tired of endless trouble in the kitchen, and just those of us who do not want to be tied to a clear schedule and working regime. The fact that a person who has unlimited access to the Internet, eventually ceases to feel the satisfaction of participating in various forums, visit any sites, daily movies and online games.

Sooner or later you are thinking about how much free time goes nowhere. But instead of sitting in front of aimless computer monitor could actually make money. Especially that the network is full of banners, promising all who wish to pay fabulous sums of money without any cost on their part. It is here that naive beginners and lurking danger become the main easy prey cunning fraudsters. Different kinds of pyramids, casino and other dubious businesses with the development of computer technology instantly moved to the Internet.

Cheating on the Internet to unsuspecting newbies

It is in the network, you can often meet Ads remote workers to build pens or jewelry, manufacture of envelopes, packaging CDs, digital photo processing, cutting labels, sort, video and so on. Ghost employer promises a very decent earnings on these seemingly quite simple activities. How can you not be tempted, for example, a young mother, desperately in need of additional sources of income?

Newbie, first doubter, craps to the specified e-mail a request to which the answer comes instantly. Typically, its meaning is to assure got on human bait in the absolute reality of such a method of earnings. Questions doubters counteracted so competently composed spitchami that are not really hard to believe. Like, labels are made of some special material to be cut by hand, and the packing wheels with special equipment is too expensive and so on.

All these arguments are set out competently and in this way to easily fool unsuspecting person. And sometimes it is easy to do this, because most people respond to this kind of low-skilled labor, often in advance ready to believe the fraudsters. So when next we are asked to send a letter to the specified address of the insurance premium for the materials or pay their delivery, it does not cause suspicion, after all, money is, in fact, small.

And we, the naive, inspired to start really earning prospects, and even in the comfort of your home, happy to send these fraudsters amounts already anticipating the future bright prospects. But as a result we do not get anything other than a very unpleasant feeling that we spent as a gullible children. Agree to feel cheated, circled around the finger, especially in situations of acute financial difficulties - it is very difficult emotionally.

No less often we are invited to various online casinos. By the way, you do not catch the eye hype, in which an anonymous voice-overs downright devotes novice into all the details of the process and reveals to him, near the basic secrets of winning? And following are comments about how easy it is to capitalize on this principle even to a child. Do not believe in this technology - they create all the same owners of the online casinos, online enthusiasts looking for easy money.

Such gimmicks on the Internet there are many, and all of them are designed for the eternal human desire to make a lot at once, and without spending process itself effortlessly. But the bulk of such tempting offers - this is just a fishing rod, with which a clever fraudster will pull you out of your money and leave the memory of the bitter experience of disappointment opportunity to earn an income on the Internet. But not all so sad. Just need to immediately clear about the risks and understand that the so-called freebies nowhere. Therefore, you pay just so no one is going.

 Can I really make money online

The most common myths about the Internet

Mistaken are those who believe that the network can make money quickly and easily. This is not true, but the same part with your money online scammers really help effortlessly and almost instantaneously. After all, their technology was originally designed for the average person to love a quick profit.

Pre-programmed to failure and those people who believe that the network provides multiple perspectives for the so-called lazy earnings. Unless, of course, these people are among the most unscrupulous deceivers, pull at us with you our money. Remember the good old wisdom that easily, and fish from the pond do not catch? This applies whether it is possible to make money online. Of course, yes, you can, if you are willing to refer to this kind of activity as a serious work, and not to see it as a way to get rich without much effort.

The third myth about the possibility of getting money online is that you say in unnecessary upfront investment. It is not true from the first to the last word. Even if you really, in some cases there is no need to transfer any money you have to spend your own time, use existing skills and knowledge, and sometimes undergo paid training. That's the fourth debunked the myth that online job requires perseverance. It requires not only her, but also the ability to organize and serious attitude.

Another misconception concerns the confidence of many people is that the Internet can make everyone, because it does not need to have any knowledge or intelligence. Yes, some activities in the network does not provide special skills, we will discuss them in the following sections of this article. But most of the proposals on the work still requires a minimum package of Knowledge: fluency in PC literacy, quick orientation in a large flow of information and so on. Therefore we should not delude ourselves that the Internet will be able to earn any.

The final myth is as follows: income from activity on the network can ensure the satisfaction of all your needs during the year. This is largely untrue, do not all work decently paid because of the existing competition. In the recent past, when the Internet was not yet available as it is now, some very advanced users did find ways to fairly weighty earnings. At the time, actively created today's popular sites, so those who just realized all the benefits of Internet technology, were able to earn good money and still get good dividends. But when it comes to the simplest forms of employment, in particular rely on a huge profit just not worth it.

This is the magic word "freelance"

In recent years, as soon as it comes to whether it is possible to make money online to mind immediately comes the word "freelance". In English it refers to the concept of military business and represents ordinary volnonaemnika, that is a person who has been serving for the money. The modern interpretation of the word sounds like a staff member with a free schedule. It should be noted that the work of a freelancer is initially connected to the Internet was not. Such a man was getting a job is just a personal meeting with the employer, perform it at home, passed to the customer, for which the latter paid the previously agreed fee.

Agree, the technology is very convenient, because neither tied to a particular office mode and schedule or early rises, no aimless of sitting in the office, it does not provide. And with the wide spread of the Internet in general it makes it possible to receive jobs from the comfort of home, and send them the same way. Payment is made either by electronic money, or transfer to a bank account or in the form of mobile phone recharge. Tempting, is not it?

But there are here and its "pitfalls". At first, freelancing - a kind of income-generating activities. Therefore, it is necessary to pay taxes. They know about it all, and those who are aware of such necessity often neglected because state control is still relatively poorly developed. Secondly, any work over the Internet without a personal acquaintance with the customer registration of the relevant documents has increased the risks to be unpaid. And to complain usually useless, because no actual materials in the hands of a freelancer there except Internet correspondence, and even then not always. In addition to these two aspects there are still a number of "cons":

  • independent search for customers;
  • inequality of incomes, which entails the need to clearly plan and budget;
  • difficulties in obtaining consumer credit, because it is difficult to assure the solvency of the bank;
  • with the official registration as an individual entrepreneur must be more or less oriented in terms of deposit accounts;
  • the absence of social guarantees, if the activity is illegal;
  • the need to equip your own workplace, as well as costs for the purchase of equipment.

But people who want to earn money without leaving your home walls, all these seeming disadvantages and costs, do not stop. To understand them, you can, after all, positive moments in the civilian personnel is enough. For one of the most significant self-selection should include work schedules, comfort, the ability to do just that really brings satisfaction, the lack of visual inspection by the customer.

Why are many reputable companies and not very willing to work with freelancers? Firstly, many tempted by the prospect of payment for specific performance of the job, not the time to "kill" in the office. Secondly, through the Internet, you can draw specialists not only from his native city, but from all regions of the country. Often the capital is more profitable to cooperate with the employer provincial who know their business better than local professionals, because often he has to pay less.

But its complexity, in this case, and lie in wait for the customer himself: it is required the most precise formulation of tasks, supporting documentation often leaves much to be desired, there is a risk of a poor quality product, frequent violation of terms of work, and the ability to somehow punish unscrupulous hired employee is often lacking. But the world does not stand still, the labor market is undergoing some changes, so remote work - this is quite a common phenomenon.

Who can become a freelancer? In general, the people of the free professions are programmers, designers, designers, translators, copywriters, content managers, specialists of IT-sphere, the advertising business, and so on. However, in recent years their numbers swell active teachers, engineers and sales consultants. As you can see, the presence of special education is still necessary. But in principle, to work remotely via the Internet can any creative person with a great potential - most importantly, to the customer satisfied with the results, and to execute and submit jobs did not require personal contact.

Where to look for jobs freelancer? Currently, there are many sites to help such professionals to find a potential buyer of the results of their activities. These resources are referred to as exchanges of freelancing. They each person can to sell their achievements to the one they are interested in, he offered to mutually beneficial cooperation.

But to be successful you need to be active and purposeful personality, own word, to show the willingness to work and a lot of quality, and to provide the so-called portfolio - examples of completed orders. I must say that the real aces in the business, carry out their activities through the Internet, earning very well. But they all began, as a rule, small, gradually reaching a higher level and the corresponding reputation.

 is it possible to earn on the Internet

Earnings on viewing advertising

Do not despair if you do not yet have the necessary knowledge and skills to profitably to "sell" themselves to a potential customer. Internet, fortunately, provides ample opportunity to make even a novice. However, the income from such activities would be very small, but you will be able to quickly learn and choose the most attractive destination for further professional development and growth.

So, as the most simple form of work in the network should immediately mention watching commercials. First money beginner can make a patient after a few minutes after the start. A huge "plus" of this class is the absence of any experience, so it is available to everyone. What is the job? Internet users need to register on the advertiser's site, called the sponsor. This will allow to receive daily number of different links and view them, of course, for a fee. Sponsors are divided into Clicks (from the English click - click), surfing (surfing - slip) and e-mail. The name depends on how you are invited to open the clip.

In the first case it is enough just to click on the link to a new window page will be a necessity. After the expiration of twenty to thirty seconds watching you counted and charged a fee. That's all, now you can close the page and move on to the next one. By the way, the number of references is limited to a certain number per day, so a lot of make you fail.

As for surfing the sponsor, in this case the user needs to open links in a strict sequence, or to move (slide) through the pages of each of them. Sometimes it performs for you program (autosurf). But such work is negligible, so to actually earn anything, it is necessary to exercise great patience. Post sponsors, as you might guess, send a link to your email address. Discovering all of them, one after the other, you get a reward. In order that the work was paid for, you just need to have a virtual wallet system WebMoney. As you can see, everything is elementary.

If we turn to search engines to the network, your attention will open a lot of ambiguous opinions about whether you can really make a viewing advertising. Someone begins to paint before you bright prospects, while others, on the contrary, disappoint penny amounts. And those other people and about the same number. In most cases, experienced users recommend to deal with foreign resources, supporting the Russian language. Basically, you should be clear that "clicks" can not be a fortune, but it's a good experience for the beginner.

Pay profiles, file sharing, comments and reviews

As another method, though a bit, but still really earn on the Internet, can be viewed and answers expelled questionnaire-based questionnaire. However, in our country enough customers willing to pay for this work reasonable money. Those who tried to work in this way are advised to search for resources by foreign sponsors that promise is really good for a newcomer award. In some cases, there are sites that support the Russian language. The essence of the operation is very simple. You are invited to respond to a certain number of simple questions.
