Factors contributing to the increase of the effect of brewer's yeast
The skin condition, its healthy, fresh look not only emphasizes the natural beauty of a woman's face, but also testifies to the general good health. If there is a skin rash, acne on the face and other parts of the body, boils - all symptoms of some internal disorders. Most often, pimples on the face are symptoms of incorrect activity of the digestive or hormonal systems. If the hormonal failure in the body imposed some form of dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of abundant eruptions of acne simply can not be avoided. Just in this case, can help acne brewer's yeast - preparation sold in a convenient form for the reception and helps restore bacterial balance in the stomach and intestines.
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The principle of operation of brewer's yeast
Brewer's yeast is sold to medical and cosmetic purposes is a complex preparation, ie they have different areas of action on the body. However, the main effect that they produce, of course, is to normalize the intestinal microflora. Since ancient times people have noticed that with drinks made of fermented (kvass, beer, etc.), can be very effective to establish the digestive processes in the body. This happens due to the fact that the very fermentation is only possible thanks to the active mycobacterial activity, which subsequently helps to activate the reproduction of friendly microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.
Modern scientists have nutritionists have decided to use brewer's yeast for acne in a more efficient manner than cooking vzbrozhennyh drinks.
Due to special dosage forms the main element of the product - yeast - goes directly into the digestive system and active influence on the normalization of its activities.
In addition, the developers of the drug used modern technological capabilities to saturate it with other nutrients - vitamins and trace elements, which also contribute to the healing effect on the skin. For example, brewer's yeast for acne contain large amounts of selenium, biotin, vitamin E, PP, as well as B vitamins and other nutrients that contribute to the renewal and improvement of the skin. Due to the presence of these vitamins and minerals is not only getting rid of many skin problems, but also significantly improves the condition and appearance of hair and nails, which is also very important for female beauty.
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How to use brewer's yeast Acne
Instructions for use of the drug is very simple, because it comes in the form of conventional tablets. Different manufacturers, of course, have their own secrets and nuances in the formation of the composition of their products. Thus, it is possible to acquire barm adding some additional elements, such as sulfur. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the correct way of taking the drug, ie, study the instructions, necessarily attached to each pack of pills.
In general, the use of brewer's yeast against acne is very simple character. You just have to carefully study the instructions of those items, which normalized the dosage, the time of adoption of tablets and duration of the general course of their reception. In addition, you need to carefully examine all possible contraindications that necessarily indicated in the information accompanying the drug. Usually such contraindications are diabetes, kidney problems, as well as some dysfunction or gastrointestinal disease.
Another important recommendation of dieticians is that it is not necessary to interrupt the reception of brewer's yeast, if the first or second week did not significantly marked improvement, ie pimples do not disappear.
Moreover, in the first week of the rash may increase, which often scares users of the drug. Doctors emphasize that the increase in acne lesions in the early days of taking the pills yeast is quite acceptable and indicates the body's response to drug use. However, it is best not only to follow the instructions supplied with the tablets, but also to consult a dietitian.
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Factors contributing to the increase of the effect of brewer's yeast
Finally it should be noted that each of us can enhance the effect that produces the anti-acne drug. First of all it is, of course, on the mode of supply. If the main action of yeast producing bacteria to the digestive tract, it is natural that the consumption of large amounts of fat, fried, sweet food will hinder the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, during its use should be restricted to itself in the consumption nedieticheskih products. This does not mean that you need to sit on a rigid diet. No, you need to eat properly, so that the body gets all the set of essential nutrients that are important including to restore a healthy and beautiful appearance of the skin.
Also, do not interfere with an active and healthy lifestyle. This means that you need to avoid the maximum stress and fatigue, which can be obtained both at work and during unsupervised entertainment (disco, drinks, etc.) But the physical training load will not hurt. Light jogging and exercises contribute to revitalization of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems that improve the body's metabolism and, therefore, will lead to a healthier skin. In carrying out such recommendations, you can really be very effective to fight acne using a special preparation - brewer's yeast.
Reasons for thinness
Bug fixes
Build muscle mass
How to increase body fat
Useful tips for everyone who wants to get better
As a rule, all the girls tend more to get rid of unnecessary kilograms; However, there is a category of women who, on the contrary, do not know how to gain weight and make your figure more attractive and feminine, because excessive thinness has no decorated. The need for such kind of diet occurs when the body does not begin to get muscle mass and necessary for the female body fat. What do you do in this situation?
Surprisingly, the easiest and most simple method - "eat more fatty and high-calorie food," - there is no longer working. After all, as a rule, a lack of muscle and fat is associated with certain health problems that poor diet exacerbates. Remember that any hasty diet may entail consequences are not the best, so first we need to go to the doctor and only after consultation begins to actively lose weight or gain weight.
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Reasons for thinness
There are two main reasons that explain the appearance of excessive thinness. The first reason can be called scoliosis, or, in other words, curvature of the spine. It is worth noting that today, "boast" of such a disease can practically everyone, but all of it is at a different stage. At the same time, not all who have twisted spine lean. Thinness leads to a strong scoliosis that develops in some parts of the spine, responsible for the work of the thyroid gland and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, if a girl is genetically predisposed to leanness, the probability of severe weight loss in scoliosis increases in her times.
How to gain weight in this case? First of all it is necessary to treat the very warp, what an excellent job experts on yoga and osteopaths. You can also contact the surgeon who will write you a referral to a special physiotherapy exercises for the spine. The sooner you see your doctor, the sooner decide problem. Self-medication - not an option in this situation.
The second reason is the strong thinness - problems with the stomach or intestines. If digestion is impaired, the food is digested very slowly. In addition, it lost appetite and appears sickly pallor and thinness. Many, seeing the thin girl that absorbs cake with gusto, sincerely envy her, not knowing that in fact it does not benefit from its natural and disease associated with excess cortisol - a special hormone responsible for the breakdown of tissues. People with this problem are eating a lot, but do not add weight, because everything burns cortisol.
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Bug fixes
All the people who tend to gain weight at home without professional help, make the same mistakes. The first of them - the transition to power much high-calorie, fatty foods or sweets. In particular, this applies to those who are in real life had no need for such power and used only low-calorie food. As a result, a set of weight will depend not on how much you eat and how much your body time to digest. For this reason, it is not necessary to resort to drastic changes in diet - a way to "eat better" will not help. As not help, and a late dinner.
Note that in the case of eating the food to digest bad. When the stomach is full of all the nutrients absorbed by the body very weak, so it will be difficult to gain weight. The main rule: eat in moderation, do not wait for the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Remember that if your food has too much margarine or butter, then the only thing you will achieve - is elevated cholesterol and as a result - problems with blood vessels and heart.
Another wrong strategy - a lot of sweets. Of course, sometimes one can pamper yourself candy or cookies, but eat only sweets - is a direct path to increased levels of sugar and failures in metabolic processes. So what to eat to gain weight?
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Build muscle mass
To the weight of a well was typed by muscle mass, you need to know that half of the success will depend not so much on food as a way of life in general and in particular on training. Often, women do not take into account the most elementary rule of muscle building: heavy exercise and food intake by 20% more than burned.
Anyone who seeks to build up muscles and thus get better, you need to know and what any heavy training - is primarily exercises with weights. You must perform ten or twelve repetitions, no more, so try to trim perfect weight. If you will be using light weights, the muscles will not grow. And here is the right way to approach such a muscle building most quickly and efficiently.
It is easy to recover the house and by the diet, but it has to be thought out to the smallest detail. Its effect is to create a "building material", which will restore the muscle fibers, as well as carbohydrate fuel, without which the process is impossible. Therefore it is important to observe this rule: both proteins and carbohydrates in the diet should be present during each meal.
How to calculate the required calorie to gain muscle mass? Of course, all the individual calculations. For daily energy (including the need to take into account the training), add 20-30% - as a result you will get the necessary calorie your diet. And about 40% of those calories should be provided in protein, 50% - carbohydrates, and only 10% - a source of fat. Of course, eating this way, you need to forget about the cream, butter or lard.
Now consider an example menu for the girls who are worried about how to gain weight and muscle mass at home. For breakfast you can eat a little bit of buckwheat (200 grams) and 100 grams of boiled chicken (breast should be used). At lunch, immediately after exercise, eat apples and bananas, as well as the gainer. For lunch, eat a serving of pasta, add the tomato sauce, and one serving of grilled fish (choose fatty), and any fruit.
Menu for the second lunch: banana and yogurt, an apple and cottage cheese. At lunch you can drink a smoothie or fruit-based live yogurt, and protein shake. For dinner, cook for a couple of beef with vegetables and potatoes. This diet will be effective only when you completely give up all sorts of processed foods and alcoholic beverages.
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How to increase body fat
Another way to gain weight - that's an increase in body fat. How can this be achieved? Those girls who regularly lose weight, this diet may seem absurd or strange - like, say, in general, you can choose to weight gain? Increasing the fat layer is important in the case where a woman's hormonal problems, which could be triggered by exhausting strict diets.
You may not know this, but adipose tissue - a measure of the reproductive health of women. If this layer is not enough, the possibility of pregnancy tends to zero. Often, gynecologists even advised to eat more and move less to intentionally increase the fatty tissue and thus increase their chances of becoming a mother.
What nutritionists recommend eating at home, to getting fat? First of all, increase the number of meals. Review your diet, making it more diverse. Add the more fat, but only useful. Increase caloric gradually every week by adding 5% to the standard calorie diet.
Using this method, it is possible to provide quality of micronutrient uptake and substances from food, respectively, can be quickly recovered. You must use 30% of the proteins, the same amount of fat and 40% carbohydrates, but the percentage of animal fat should take no more than 10% of the total diet. Include meals nuts, cheeses, fish, bread and honey.
What should be the menu to increase the percentage of fat tissue and help you get better? For breakfast, drink cocoa with milk and oatmeal cookies (four to five pieces) for lunch, eat some almonds, you can with honey, as well as apple and tea. You can drink tea with milk, but only if your body is easy to carry. The dinner is better to stop the choice on the soup, cooked in meat broth, as well as porridge with meat or fish. Do not forget about vegetables.
The second meal - cereal plus dried fruit, milk. For dinner, you can safely eat fish and meat, and potato or pasta salads. Just before bedtime, you can pamper your body and any fruit yogurt. Limitations in physical activity is not: Exercise at home, outdoors or in the fitness center, do not forget about the complex care of your body.
Every morning, better do light exercise, likely to wake up and come in tone, or you can give preference to yoga - choose to your taste. Activities will strengthen muscles, improve appetite and normalize not only physical, but also mental state - of stress and you forget to think!
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Useful tips for everyone who wants to get better
You should consider some moments, without which it will be very difficult to increase your weight:
Change diet
Maximum fill your diet these products that, on the one hand, a positive impact on health, but on the other - will help to get better. Eat not less than four times a day. At each time interval between meals include a small snack. There are ideal nuts or dried fruits and cereals, which at home can be done independently, and sweet fruits.
Eating one's fill is not necessary - just tight bite. First, eat a dish, the largest in scope. That is, for example, first you eat the second, and only then - the first. Soups are better cooking broth (meat), and use a spicy seasoning to awaken the appetite.
Serving size - large
All girls who want to get fat, have to eat portions that are to be more than they used to so far. Perhaps it may seem difficult at first, but eventually you get used to. Usually people that are poorly gaining weight, eat very small portions - you'll have to forget about it, to get the shape you want.
Negative factors
Answering the question of how to gain weight, is said about the negative factors that prevent better. Of course, it is bad habits. Both alcohol and cigarettes adversely affect metabolism in general. It is known that if a person can not lose weight or, conversely, to add weight, it suffers from problems with metabolism. If you abuse alcohol metabolism rate will not come for a long time. So you have to choose what is more important: an extra cocktail or attractive shapes.
Down with stress
There is a category of people who are capable of doing all of the problem. That they are influenced by stress, which is known to burn calories entering the body, preventing weight gain. It's no wonder they say that the thinner a person, so it angrier. Naturally, it is possible to argue, however, it has been repeatedly pointed out that people, torturing himself to death, and then are in depression and nervous breakdowns. You're comfortable with that prospect? Hardly. Therefore, your goal - to learn how to avoid stress and all kinds of experiences. Once in your life there is a problem, try to solve it, and not just indulge in feelings on the matter.
Fitness Tips
You can gain weight and instant cocktails. How to gain weight this way and the usefulness of the method? First, head to the special sports or fitness store, which you can find at every self-respecting fitness center. Now it is small - buy a perfect product. The taste of these cocktails can be quite different. There are options for both men and women. The peculiarity of this drink - fiber, vitamins and protein structure - a real complex to solve your problem! Previously you should talk to your coach to help you buy the "right" for the way you drink.
If you think that a diet will be enough, you are mistaken. In order to gain weight properly, you need to make no less effort than others need to lose weight. Note the power load, which will distribute entering the body kilograms uniformly and, accordingly, your figure simulates. Prefer dumbbells and barbells.
Do not forget to warm up before you start heavy loads - the body needs warming up. Ideally, your fitness trainer should be tailored to you to choose a program that will figure in your order. Weight gain should take place without all sorts of injuries and emerging health problems, and here, too, can not do without the help of a specialist.
The above rules - this is the key to get better quite quickly and efficiently and without damage to health. If you are puzzled by the question of how to gain weight or lose weight, then once again assess the situation and decide: Do you really need it or is it just your guess, or a manifestation of self-doubt? The human body needs to be in perfect form: it should not be too fat or too thin, so any diet should be used only when this is really necessary. Carefully treat yourself, and then your appearance will delight you always!