Many of us for some reason do not like getting out under the first rays of a warmer sun freckles on her nose, and someone concerned about the liver spots and pigmentation. Every spring, the women go on the warpath with these skin imperfections. Unfortunately, they are not all removed cosmetic methods. It happens that these spots indicate diseases of various organs.
Therefore, if possible, it is best to consult a doctor who can provide a complete assessment of the state of the body and prescribe treatment that will get rid of stains, without resorting to cosmetic procedures. However, this is only true for marks caused serious problems. For "surface" of cases, there are proven methods that can be used independently.
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Whitens the face of the house
Bleaching person at home, in principle, it is not a difficult procedure. From ancient times, milky-white skin with a matte glow was considered a sign of beauty, grace and gentility. Tan came into fashion only in the twentieth century, after the turbulent events seriously reshape Europe. Accordingly, the recipes for skin whitening in the previous century had accumulated preizryadno. And now that the white skin back into fashion, these methods could not be more relevant.
Of course, if you wish, you can use ready-made cosmetics, which are mostly found in specialty stores. But in their composition, typically include chemicals such as mercury or bismuth, since they contribute to whitening of skin. But, alas, these substances can also easily cause allergies, so better to use homemade lotions and masks - made them yourself, you can manually control the composition, thereby avoiding possible unpleasant consequences.
The main principle in the use of masks, the following - do they need before going to bed, or at least after the completion of all cases that require going outside. Typically, these procedures are several weaken skin's natural defenses, and within a few hours after the elections need to protect it from sunlight. In the summer and spring, the day after the application of masks for skin whitening experts recommend to apply sunscreen.
Please note that before using any of the masks need to check himself allergy to any of the components. Of course, there is a strictly neutral ingredients such as oatmeal, external application which is unlikely to cause even mild allergic reaction, but any controversial component is better to check.
This should be done as follows: apply a very small amount of a substance on the issues of the inner surface of the elbow (where the skin is tender), leave for half an hour. If during this time you have any discomfort, irritation or redness of the smallest, it means that you unfortunately have to turn our gaze on some other mask ingredients and test it. Do not risk unnecessarily, better to be safe, especially because it concerns a person.
The simplest procedure
There are several major bleaching agents, they are all easily extracted in an urban setting and very easy to use. The main thing is not to overdo them, these procedures do not spend too much. Typically, whitening agents little, but still dry skin. A very dry skin quickly loses smoothness, youth and elasticity. If you have this type of skin, spend such procedures are not more often than once a week and a half. If your skin type is the normal or mixed, bleach it no more than once a week, and if you are the owner of oily skin, twice a week. The same applies to the bleaching of masks, which will be discussed further.
First on our list is deservedly a grapefruit, it is not only rich in vitamins and trace elements, is tasty and dietary products, but also has bleaching properties. Take a few frozen slices of grapefruit juice (preferably, of course, freshly squeezed) and wipe their face in the morning instead of washing.
For a wonderful citrus in our list is his brother sour lemon. With him everything is easier, you can just wipe the face with a slice of the fruit, but do not leave the juice on your face for more than ten minutes - this may excessively dry the skin.
If you are allergic to citrus or your skin is already too dry, use a decoction of common parsley. It is easy to manufacture (a bunch of greens steamed cup boiling water and let stand) and use (it should be applied to "spotted" areas with the help of sticks for the ears or cotton disc).
Instead, you can use parsley rice water. To do this, boil the rice in plenty of water, and this broth to wash at night.
You can use the following lotion: water, vinegar and lemon juice, taken in equal proportions, how to mix. The resulting solution wash your face at night.
Melon in a pure form, without any additives, is also very good bleach. You can take a slice of melon, cut into small pieces and a little warm over low heat until the juice, then cool, put on the face and leave for 5-15 minutes, and then process the skin moisturizer.
The above are the most simple and effective methods - then we detail the multi-whitening facial masks. In some cases it is the presence of several ingredients to reduce the drying effect of such masks, but even allowing for this, do not abuse them.
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Masks for skin whitening
Bleaching facials to do, observing certain rules. All masks are applied to the cleaned surface of the skin from cosmetics; unless specified otherwise, the mask must be applied, cover the top of a thin cloth or gauze on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes (at this time to relax and think about something good), and rinse with cool water after a specified time. It is best to alternate whitening mask with nutritious, not to harm the skin.
Please note: The mask should be used immediately; if you store them, even in the refrigerator, use of stretching for several times, the good of it will not be absolutely no. And all because of all the nutrients tend to disappear, and the miraculous fresh compositions during storage simply lose their power.
We have completed all the rules, you can achieve remarkable results by any of these masks:
Of sour milk, oatmeal and lemon juice
Ingredients: half a large spoon of crushed Hercules flakes, half a teaspoon of lemon juice, two large spoons of sour milk. Gently wipe the face with lemon juice, carefully avoiding the mucous membranes, then put on the face of a layer of gauze to put on top of a preformed slurry of cereal and milk, cover with a second layer of gauze.
From Hercules flakes and egg white
Ingredients: half a large spoon crushed into flour Herculean flakes, egg white. Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture on the surface of the skin. Rinse contrast.
Cabbage and milk products
Ingredients: half a large spoon of porridge cabbage leaves, half a large spoon of yogurt, sour milk or yogurt. Mix the ingredients, put on face.
Carrot, egg yolk, Herculean flour and citrus juice
Composition: two and a half large spoon grated carrot, egg yolk, Herculean teaspoon of flour, half a spoon of lemon juice or grapefruit. Grind the ingredients, put on the face. Rinse, alternating between cool and hot water.
From cottage cheese, honey, sour cream and hydrogen peroxide
Composition: three teaspoons of homogenized cheese, large spoon of honey, the same amount of sour cream, three or four drops of three percent hydrogen peroxide. Mix the components applied to the surface of the skin.
From dandelion flowers
Ingredients: half a cup of boiling water, two large spoons of dandelion flowers. The flowers are steamed with boiled water and to insist on a water bath, then cooled properly. Apply on face flower weight and leave for twenty minutes, then wash your face strained infusion.
Of sour milk, flour and horseradish herculean
Ingredients: half or two tablespoons of sour milk or yogurt, a tablespoon of flour herculean, half a spoon of grated horseradish. Apply to the face covered with gauze on top cover with another layer of gauze. After removing the mask to process the face moisturizer.
Honey and lemon
Ingredients: four large enough spoons of liquid honey, the juice of a small lemon. Mix and apply on the skin surface.
Cucumber and cream or cream
Ingredients: not very large cucumber, a small spoon of whipped cream or nourishing cream. Grate the cucumber, add a second component. This mask is suitable for dry skin.
Cucumber and vodka
Ingredients: medium-sized cucumber, a teaspoon of vodka. Grate the cucumber, add vodka and leave at least for forty minutes. This mask is ideal for oily skin.
Cucumber, lemon and borax
Ingredients: medium-sized cucumber, a teaspoon of borax, a teaspoon of lemon juice. Grate the cucumber, add the remaining ingredients.
From lemon, honey, cream and flour
Ingredients: a teaspoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of liquid honey, a large spoonful of whipped cream, a little flour (for thickening composition). Mix the wet ingredients, add the flour to form a slurry. Apply on the face. If you have oily skin, from the mask you can remove the cream.
Potato starch and lemon juice
Ingredients: potato starch, lemon juice, bottled or filtered water. Mix and apply on face for twenty minutes. This mask is especially well to get rid of freckles.
Of course, all the above recipes are good not only for the person to do whitening at home, they can be used to improve the color and décolleté and neck. After sparing formulations that are suitable for the skin, certainly will not be bad for the rest, not so delicate skin. With the help of these masks can be adjusted tan when he suddenly went bad; In addition, they help to eliminate under-eye circles, and generally improve the appearance.
As usual, the best results can only be achieved with regular procedures. Whiten the skin at home is not difficult, but it is best to use for this purpose a number of ways, alternating between them at will and capabilities. The main thing, as mentioned above, check yourself in allergic reactions, not to bleaching procedures too often and keep a positive attitude - and then aristocratic pallor may appear not only in the fall or winter, but even in the middle of the summer sun.