cupping massage cellulite

  • Cup massage cellulite. The benefits of the procedure
  • How can massage acts on cellulite?
  • Principles can massage
  • Which banks choose?
  • How is a session can massage?
  • Technique and rules execution can massage
  • Cupping cellulite massage at home
  • Anti-cellulite massage oil for vacuum
  • Harmful if cupping massage?
  • Contraindications to the use of canned massage
  • How to build on the success?

The issue of how to get rid of cellulite, is given a lot of women over the last several decades. The fact is that cellulite is a skin defect recognized not so long ago, and some doctors even today do not include it in the category of diseases.

Cellulite has 4 stages of development, in which the first three more can and should be overcome with the help of their own efforts, but the fourth requires medical intervention.

Massage - one of the most effective methods to combat the "orange peel" (as has often called cellulitis), but it can massage cellulite more effectively.

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Cup massage cellulite. The benefits of the procedure

One of the important advantages can massage is that, compared to other procedures, this method is more than available. The cost of the banks to massage the low and affordable for everyone.

To master the skills and techniques can massage is also not so difficult. The means by which makes massage, diverse and accessible. To your taste, you can choose a variety of essential oils, creams, or simple Vaseline. You can also use funds from the warming effect that enhances the effects of massage treatments, improving blood flow to the massaged area of ​​the body.

The result in this massage is achieved very quickly and is already apparent after the first course of treatment. And if the effect achieved to consolidate anti-cellulite diet, the "orange peel" can never you not to worry.

One of the important benefits is the lack of age restrictions, except infants and elderly.
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How can massage acts on cellulite?

To begin with let us specify what is a cellulite. We know him as a skin condition in which it becomes uneven, with mounds and hollows. If you speak the language of medical terms, it is changing the structure of subcutaneous fat layer and cause such changes to a violation of microcirculation and lymph drainage. Experts use different terms for the names of such changes - "liposkleroz" or "lipodystrophy".

Now back to the question of how the cupping massage cellulite.

The primary objective of massage banks - make the lymph move actively, and, therefore, actively remove toxins and waste products from the body. Under the influence of such a procedure is enhanced production of enzymes that speed up biochemical processes in tissues. These enzymes are called enzymes. From these molecules it depends our health since they stimulate the metabolism of the organism and is reduced at the cellular level.

Cup massage is done using silicone banks, which at the moment of touching the skin creates a negative pressure due to the vacuum formed inside. Such positive effects not only for the subcutaneous fat, but also for the skin itself, it makes it taut and toned.

 can massage against cellulite
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Principles can massage

Like any other massage against anti-cellulite, cupping doing strictly bottom-up or clockwise (depending on the massaged area).

Not recommended for massaging: inguinal region, the region of the popliteal cavity and the upper inner thighs, as it is in these places are the lymph nodes, which can lead to serious violations of lymph flow.

For the best effect, and slide shows use of special anti-cellulite cosmetic creams or oils.

It is very important for a positive outcome regularity and number of procedures carried out. Of course, much depends on the individual, the stage of cellulite, etc. But if we take the average, the figures regularity vacuum massage banks will be about such:

  • The time of one procedure - 5-20 minutes.
  • Number of sessions of massage in one year - 10-20
  • The number of courses - depending on the results and must be repeated.
  • The break between courses - at least 1 month.

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Which banks choose?

Today pharmacies offer a wide range of massage cans. Which bank to choose a question, rather, of personal preference, since there is no significant difference. On sale is a silicone rubber, banks, as well as glass with a rubber suction cup.

The only difference cans - machinery use. Glass jar with suction cup allows you to adjust the force of impact on a massed site that makes use of such banks in the delicate areas possible without severe pain. Silicone rubber and banks are suitable for massage in any other places.
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How is a session can massage?

Can massage session can be divided into three stages. Duration of one session depends on the massaged area. At the hip and abdomen it took about 20 minutes to the area of ​​the buttocks - 15 minutes.

  • Relaxing the preparatory stage.
  • In the first phase masseuse soft and smooth movements massaging the skin, relaxing the muscles and ligaments.
  • Vacuum massage
  • In the second stage involve vacuum jar.
  • Cellulite can massage brings some pain, but they are quite tolerant.
  • Soothing massages
  • After treatments with banks massaged smooth soothing, gentle massage.

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Technique and rules execution can massage

Cup massage cellulite always make a clean body, preferably immediately after a shower or bath. Unlike other anti-cellulite treatments, the skin does not require pre-steaming.

To reduce the pain, before the massage should be thoroughly warm up the body at the site where it is planned. This can be done using traditional massage.

To slip the banks applied to the skin cellulite remedy.

With compression works to ensure that the bank stuck to the body. A prerequisite of massage is to limit the depth of absorption. The margin - 1.5 cm.

Next, the wizard starts to massage the procedure itself. If it is finite, the bank move from the bottom up, in the course of the venous outflow, if, for example, the stomach - clockwise. If the Bank is moving with great effort, it is necessary to weaken it, letting a little air.

Movement of the bank may be varied: circular, spiraling, "eight", zigzag or straight.

When the skin on the massaged area becomes reddish, massage complete Carefully remove the jars, holding the hand skin.

Next, the wizard conducts a soothing massage, covers anything massaged and provides an opportunity to calm down and relax in the area of ​​half an hour.

Some experts recommend to buy any product with venotonic properties and decongestants to treat at the end of the procedure body and thus prevent the appearance of swelling and bruising. It can be such angioprotectors as lioton, detraleks or troksevazin.

Cup massage against cellulite can not be called a pleasant procedure, so have a little patience. But as you will soon see the results, it becomes clear that the discomfort is felt during a massage - nothing compared to the effect achieved.

 cellulite massage cupping

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Cupping cellulite massage at home

Women who lack free time and can not afford to take a course of anti-cellulite massage at experts canned or do not have enough free cash can spend such a procedure themselves at home.

  • Technology and technique of massage at home is no different from the above.
  • Buy Bank of massage can be in almost any drugstore.
  • Next - cellulite base. It can be purchased or if there is a desire and the opportunity to cook their own. But it is worth remembering simple rules of cooking.
  • Utensils for mixing have to be clean and dry.
  • Essential oils are added to the base, not vice versa.
  • Oils that mix should be compatible and enhance the effect, but not canceled.
  • Here are some affordable and easy-to-prepare recipes:
  • The basis in all cases - 50 g olive or linseed oil.
  • The base is added to 5 ml of anise, orange and grapefruit essential oils.
  • Add 5 ml of the basis of essential tea tree oil and 2 ml of red pepper. This option will add oil to your warming effect.
  • The base is added to 5 ml of essential oils of lemon, mandarin and fennel.
  • To attach the basis of 3 ml of oil of fennel, juniper, cypress, lemon and tea tree.
  • To the base, 5 ml of oil vetiver and 3 ml of essential oils of lemon, mandarin and cypress.

The duration of treatment for one area of ​​the body - 5 minutes. With each subsequent procedure time can be prolonged for 1-2 minutes. One massage course should consist of 10-20 sessions, then break, at least one month, and the rate, if necessary, can be repeated.
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Anti-cellulite massage oil for vacuum

Complex application of oils and massage shown by all the leading experts in the field of vacuum massage banks. But by mixing a large assortment of essential oils does not always give a positive result. Before self-catering basis for a massage, you need to understand what effect a particular essential oil. Most recommended oil for the base:

  • geranium oil - the most effective among the ethers. It can even under the most severe stasis activate the lymph flow and remove excess liquid, pull the skin that gives it a taut and toned;
  • juniper oil reduces swelling, increases metabolism and removes toxins, that is, acts on cellulite from the inside;
  • grapefruit oil due to the diuretic action activates the lymph flow. In addition to combat cellulite, it is widely used in the fight against obesity;
  • cedar oil nourishes the skin cells with oxygen, improves blood circulation and removes swelling and stagnation;
  • Cypress oil has beneficial effects on tissue regeneration and elasticity of the skin by reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • Essential oils have many properties of oranges, the main of which are necessary and important in the fight against cellulite. This saturation of the skin with vitamins and oxygen, removing toxins and regeneration of the skin.

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Harmful if cupping massage?

There is a view that can massage is harmful, especially for the capillaries, since it destroys them, thus are vascular "stars". But such a grid can be to those who have never done this massage.

This phenomenon - the result of extreme lymphostasis in which the blood stagnates in the small veins. Their walls expand under pressure edema and pressed against the surface of the vessel block blood flow. This grid is visible edema, but not so clearly to be highly visible. After vacuum massage reduces swelling and "stars" show through to the outside. That is why the capillary net is sometimes considered a side effect of the massage banks.

 correct cupping massage cellulite

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Contraindications to the use of canned massage

  • Inflammation of the skin.
  • Extensive pigmentation.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Malignant tumor.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Rheumatism in acute stage.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Acute infectious diseases.

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How to build on the success?

By itself, the anti-cellulite cupping massage - a procedure is certainly effective, but do not forget about the causes of the "orange peel".

It would be useful to review the diet. Remember, fat, smoked and sweet - the best friends of cellulite. Sweet drinks and alcohol also contribute to its manifestation, causing swelling and skin problems.

Be sure to follow the water-salt balance. Drink a day not less than 1.5 liters and eat less salt.

Also try, if possible, move more. Outdoor games, cycling or walking, training in the gym will not only help in the fight against cellulite, but in the fight for the well-being and good health.

 The best way to get rid of cellulite
