tonic for the person at home


  • Cooking tonics home
  • The use of herbal concoctions

Complete cleansing facial skin - a mandatory part of the program of care for each girl. And one of the stages of any program is the cleansing toning, whose purpose - to improve the effect of cleansing gel or foam and prepare the skin for moisturizing. Today we will discuss how to make a tonic for the person at home, using affordable and simple ingredients.

Tonics and lotions are effective in disinfecting the skin, clean it and get rid of excess sebum and dirt accumulated during the day. Owners of oily skin tonic will help narrow the pores, and those girls whose skin is very dehydrated, on the contrary, it will help moisturize and soften.

Tonic for oily skin in its composition may include alcohol, such as vodka or wine, but in the case of dry skin, on the contrary, it is recommended to prepare alcohol-free, softer lotions. Whatever it was, for the manufacture of such tonics need components that can be found in any home.

 facial toners at home

Cooking tonics home

Now on to the recipes themselves, but above all remember a few key features. Pets are not stored for a long time tonics. If lotions do not contain alcohol, the use of them can not be more than two days. If the alcohol in the composition is still available, it is possible to increase the shelf life of up to two weeks. But herbal infusions and decoctions are stored for about a week.

Tonics for normal skin

Normal skin is not too demanding for care - to cleanse the face, you can use all sorts of ingredients in different proportions, without fear or moistened skin retain moisture. Here are some effective tonics that are easy to prepare:

  • Peach, watermelon tonic

For the preparation you will need about 50 ml of watermelon and peach juice as well as three milliliters of lemon ether. Tonic is preparing very simple - mix the ingredients until smooth liquid consistency. Use every day, rubbing the face with a cotton pad soaked in the lotion.

  • Cucumber tonic with narcissus

Extremely useful for the skin tonic, which is composed of 40 ml of cucumber juice and just a couple of drops of essential oil Nartsissova. Mix the ingredients, and the vehicle is ready. Cucumber juice is perfectly tones skin, refreshing it and making it more tender and soft and matte.

  • Tonic with oatmeal and milk

Take a couple of big spoonfuls of oatmeal combined with milk (230 ml) and a spoonful of honey. Crush cereal and pour the boiled milk. Let the mixture infuse for ten minutes and strain, then add honey. All carefully mix. It is recommended to apply it morning and evening.

  • Lime Lotion

For such a large spoon tonic useful lime color and a bit of honey and 250 ml of water. Pour lime-blossom water (it should be quite hot) and leave it for about one hour and then strain. Now add to the infusion of honey and stir. This lotion will provide not just a good toning, and moisturizing skin deep.

  • Hop Lotion

One of the most effective recipes for which you need chopped drunken cones and 250 ml of water. First of all the bumps fill with boiling water. Give them a real twenty to twenty-five minutes and strain. Before you start using the lotion, it should be well cool.

  • Tonic rosehip

Another prescription lotion for normal skin. Take a spoonful of chopped rose hips and rose petals, as well as 120 ml of mineral water and the same amount of vodka. All petals pour vodka in combination with mineral water and leave for fourteen days, then strain. Rub skin lotion swab dipped in. You will be satisfied with the result!

Tonic for oily skin

Oily skin requires thorough, more serious care, and nothing in this case does not fit better than folk remedies. As a rule, this type of tonics for skin contain vodka, honey, lemon juice, and grapefruit juice, orange and aloe - all these components dries the skin, reducing the allocation of skin secretions. Oily skin needs daily toning in the morning and evening. If the skin is very shiny, the tonic is recommended further use in the daytime.

  • Tonic with Grapefruit

Press about half a glass of grapefruit juice. These add a large spoonful of lemon juice and about the same amount of vodka. Stir mixture and pour into a small bottle, tightly corked it. Give tonic brew time - just two days. Each time before using shake the mixture in the bottle.

  • Tea Lotion

It is known that tea is effective against cutaneous fat. Use as a base for a tonic green teas need just one glass already cooled drink, where you want to add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or vodka. After rubbing lotion so the skin becomes matte and delicate shine disappears.

  • Tonic with strawberries

To produce the strawberry lotion should be to stretch a little more than half a glass of fresh strawberries - must stand out from the berries juice. Now add in a glass of 200 ml of vodka and close lid. The mixture should insist for about thirty days. Then strain it and add a little boiling water here - it will make the tonic less concentrated.

  • Lemon Lotion

Cut a large lemon identical slices, place them in a jar. Right bank lemon mash with a spoon and add to the several large spoons of vodka. Close the jar and leave the lotion a week. Then strain the mixture and add half a glass of mineral water in a jar. By the way, as the perfect tonic for the skin type of fat suitable white wine, preferably dry - wipe them daily skin.

Tonic for the skin of the combined type

Mixed Skin is characterized by dryness in the cheeks and fat in the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). In this case, care also involves some of the nuances. Those lotions, in which there is an alcohol used for fat areas and without at the alcohol used for the cheeks.

  • Lotion salt

In one glass of cool boiled water, add a little sea salt (a teaspoon). The salt should be completely dissolved in water. When this happens, you can apply the lotion for skin care - it will prevent the formation of acne and blackheads. If there is sea salt, use normal. If the skin on the cheeks is very dry, add a little glycerin.

  • Grapefruit Lotion

Grapefruit is ideal for combination skin. You will need a fresh peel of the fruit. Put it in a ceramic dish and cover with water (about a half cup). The water should be cold. Just slice the peel in the water and let the mixture infuse for a couple of days. Wipe face in the morning and before bedtime.

  • Lotion with parsley

Parsley - a great tonic and bleach. Furthermore, it narrows the pores. Useful couple large spoonfuls of chopped parsley - can take dry or fresh, it is not as essential. Pour green cup boiling water and soak the mixture on the fire for about twenty minutes. Now cool the resulting mass and add one teaspoon of lemon juice.

  • Watermelon tonic

A good tonic can be prepared on the basis of watermelon. This tool will make your skin fresh and give it a natural natural glow. Squeeze the juice of half a watermelon and pour it into the special molds for ice. Freeze. Wipe the skin with ice each morning.

Mild care for dry skin

  • Strawberry Tonic

Since dry skin needs a good hydration, it is important to carefully select the ingredients. In this case, we use strawberry or strawberry. Pour a glass of boiled water berries. If the skin is too dry, take the milk. Leave the berries in water / milk for one hour, then strain. The remaining mixture, add a small spoon of glycerin.

  • Cabbage Lotion

Use cabbage skin has long been known - it is used for the manufacture of various creams and serums. Grind the three or four large cabbage leaf, fill them with hot milk (0, 5 cups). Now, cover and let sit for thirty minutes. Drain the cabbage leaf and apply the remaining milk to wipe the face, morning and evening.

  • Vegetable oils

Average oil can serve as an excellent lotion flaky, sensitive and dry skin. Pay attention to the olive oil, wheat, grape seed oil, peach kernel oil or coconut oil. Make sure that their structure was natural.

  • Lotion of oatmeal

Rolled oats are not only useful for oily or normal skin, but also in the dry. Take a couple of spoonfuls of cereal and fill them with two cups of boiling hot water. If a strong peeling, use milk. Cover with a lid and allow the mixture to cool.

  • Egg tonic

It is known that egg yolk effectively helps dry skin, struggling with peeling, allergies and redness. Take one egg yolk and rub it with olive oil (one big spoon). In this mass moisten a cotton pad and wipe his skin. After twenty minutes pass after applying a tonic, wash your face with warm water.

 homemade facial toner

The use of herbal concoctions

Beauticians recommend today in caring for a person to use the most natural cosmetics. If a tonic we use natural tonics without chemical components, in the form of primary cleaning means better use decoctions. Of course, do not forget about the professional care, but the more you pamper your skin with simple non-chemical means, the more you will please his own reflection in the mirror.

Broth supplement tonic effect, and prepare them well, very easy! To care for oily, acne-located or acne skin doctors are advised to opt for the decoction of chamomile, sage, wormwood, nettle, and St. John's wort. For preparation of such concoctions need no more spoons one of these herbs, or combinations thereof. Just pour boiling water and allow time to cool. That's it - the broth is ready!

If skin combined, prepare herbal teas based on mint or sage. In the case of dry skin it is also recommended to use sage and mint, and moreover, linden blossom, fennel, hips or rose petals. Not bad moisturizes the skin and a decoction of elder. All of these components are prepared in the same manner as in the first case.

In the case of combination and dry skin can be used milk broth, which take a few leaves mother and stepmother (large spoon) and fill them with just boiled milk. Cover the mixture lid and wait until the cool down. Gently wash your face in this broth, and thirty minutes after the useful substances from broth and soak will act, wash off the remains of his face.

If the skin is irritated greatly, constantly suffering from rashes, acne or pimples, use a decoction of marshmallow root. Take a couple of spoons of crushed root and fill with warm water. Means should insist night, after which they can begin to enjoy. Soon your skin will be softer on it and there will be no trace of irritation.

The above recipes are more than enough to keep a person in excellent condition - you have to choose from. It is not necessary to spend fabulous sums of money to look great - make your choice on natural cosmetics and do not doubt that the result of its use will not disappoint you!

 How to make your own facial toner: simple and effective recipes
