face mask with avocado


  • Avocado: Seven problems - one answer
  • Patience and hard work will lead to the beauty ...
  • Recipes for radiance of your skin

Preparation of domestic natural cosmetic masks for the face - it is a simple and inexpensive way to give a fresh and youthful appearance of their skin. Such masks of the components of natural origin in systemic and integrated approach can solve a lot of problems, including those for the decision which it first applied only to the professional beauty. Of course, homemade facial mask is unlikely to completely be removed, such as scars, but to soothe, moisturize, to "feed" your skin they are quite capable. Give it shine, smooth and prevent wrinkles - yes, all of this can wonder face masks made from natural ingredients.

Avocado: Seven problems - one answer

But here arises a natural question: where to take natural products for the mask in the winter? Yes, dairy products are not going anywhere. But seasonal fruit in the winter afternoon with fire not find. More precisely, they have something on the shelves of supermarkets, but greenhouse "plastic" fruit except the bright appearance of nothing more useful to do not differ. Only one way out: to look at the exotic overseas. After all, just at this time, the ocean and you have to harvest, so we are at home we get the most useful fruit! One of these is the avocado fruit megapoleznyh and face mask with avocado - miracle elixir for the health of your skin.

Avocado, a part of the mask, it has a truly unique set of nutrients. First of all, the fruit contains a huge number of "beauty vitamin" - A (retinol) and E (tocopherol), which is an excellent antioxidant. Additionally, avocados, or "alligator pear" - a storehouse of vitamins B and C, D, K, PP, and a plurality of elements of the periodic table. But the most important feature of this fruit - it is one-third of the fat - just ensure its effective operation in masks.

The reason is simple: vitamins A and E are just not digested without the presence of fat, that is, not penetrate the layers of skin and does not affect its state. A avocado, inter alia, still contains fat and not any harmful and unsaturated fatty acids, which themselves are required by the body, and in combination with vitamins and minerals can even solve problems such as acne and acne.

 Avocado Mask for face

Patience and hard work will lead to the beauty ...

Regular use of the mask of avocado face will affect your appearance, your face is literally transformed. And this transformation you can not only see in the mirror, and you hear about it from your friends who vied with each other will throw you give your phone requests your new wonder-cosmetologist. After all, a unique natural composition of avocado with constant use of his masked face allows you to achieve staggering results:

  • Hydration and nourishment;
  • The disappearance of inflammation in dermatitis or acne;
  • The growth rate of regeneration of skin cells;
  • Smoothing of small wrinkles and preventing the emergence of new ones;
  • The healing of small inflammations;
  • Postponement of the natural aging of the skin.

The versatility of the fruit for cosmetic applications is also that it can be used in the raw state, without additives - to absolutely all skin types. That is, in order to make you liked a face mask, there is no urgent need to study your skin type (often on their own to do this is not possible due to our joint insufficient awareness of Dermatology), so as not to hurt yourself use contraindicated components.

And it can not but rejoice! After all, if you are under twenty years old when cosmetics skin care products to use even not necessary, in order to not have to in the future, it hastily purchase ahead of time, you can make a mask with avocado for young skin, especially in the frosty time of the year . If you are concerned about the persistent inflammation and flaking on the face mask of avocado - just what the doctor ordered!

If you are already a little over thirty, and you can say that your face in the morning in the mirror does not look quite as "juicy peach", then just need to pamper yourself with masks on the basis of avocado. The result was not long in coming, as the efforts definitely bring desired "effect is obvious" - the skin will get healthy and radiant and fit. And if you can classify themselves as ladies-Berry, who for ... and your skin naturally looks parched, dull and tired, then give it vitality and cheer again help mask this green miracle fruit.

Let's open a little secret: Avocado oil - the perfect remedy for the care and the skin around the eyes.

 Useful face mask with avocado

Recipes for radiance of your skin

Given the universal effect of the avocado mask, we present only those that are created for purposeful action to overcome the poor condition of the skin, as well as to maintain a healthy and blooming of the skin of a certain type. And remember that only regular and correct approach to the use of domestic avocado face masks will give you a young, well-groomed and healthy skin.

  • Honey-almond royal cleansing mask with avocado

Take a tablespoon PRESSURE pulp ripened avocado, 0, 5 tsp lukewarm honey and 1 tsp frayed almond nuts. All miksuem and get a thickish mass Apply on face for fifteen to twenty minutes. After standing waiting times normal wash off the mask with warm water.

  • The mask helps to narrow pores

Knead the pulp of avocado, add the egg protein, which had previously beat until its transformation into a thick foam. Now this mixture you need to add article. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and a little olive oil. Action masochki - twenty minutes and then wash it with cool water.

  • Milk and oatmeal mask of avocado for sensitive skin

Mix 1 tablespoon oatmeal boiled (boil water, milk will not work here) and spoon the pulp pressure "alligator pear". Adding weight to this 4 tbsp milk and get put on the mask on your face for fifteen minutes, after which wash off under running water.

  • Fortified by an avocado mask for mature and dull skin

Necessary ingredients: one fully ripe avocado fruit, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 2 tablespoons. spoons of yogurt and a few drops of natural essential oils. Grind the avocado pulp, this weight should be added to all the remaining ingredients, except the ester and stir. After adding an essential oil and mix again and then place the mask to cool for 12 hours. After this time it is applied to clean skin for ten minutes, and then washed off with lukewarm water.

  • Soothing Mask with avocado and potato for owners of dry, irritated and flaky skin

Cooking unsalted mashed potatoes, add frayed flesh ripened avocado, a little (literally polozhki dining room) of sour cream and a teaspoon of olive oil, stir carefully, put on 15 minutes, and now we wash with plain water and enjoy the effect.

  • Deeply nourishing and moisturizing mask for dry skin type

Mix a tablespoon of pulp of banana and avocado, add egg yolk and a spoonful of honey. Thoroughly mix together ingredients. Carefully put on all the face of the resulting mixture, wash off after an hour ¼.

  • The mask, which will be good for owners of oily skin

Take the item. a spoonful of chopped avocado pulp, one egg white and add some freshly squeezed lemon juice. For the best cleaning of the mask you can add a little flour, but it is necessary to closely monitor the consistency - a mask should not be too thick and viscous. Applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

  • Delicate yogurt mask from avocados to parched skin

Four tablespoons yoghurt (without flavor filler) and one tablespoon rubbed pulp ripened fruit "alligator pear" mix thoroughly and cover the skin. Thirty minutes masochku wash off with warm water.

  • Tonic mask helps to restore aging skin

Miksuem part rubbed the fruit flesh avocado ¼ cup of warmed honey, mix and give cheer to your skin. Ten minutes later, gently wash off the mask with cool water.

 Simple secrets of beauty: face mask with avocado

 face mask with olive oil


  • What is the value of olive oil
  • How to apply olive oil at home?
  • Masks with olive oil

Olive oil since ancient times is considered to be an excellent tool for skin care body and face, and hair. Today, it is widely used in cosmetics: creams, emulsions, and face masks with olive oil are a good popularity among women of all ages, with all types of skin. Beauticians recommend to use olive oil for cooking homemade cosmetics, in fact, what we have today and we'll talk.

What is the value of olive oil

First of all, it is a unique composition. It contains two main vitamin - E and A. Vitamin E is responsible for the elasticity, softness and elasticity of the skin, but vitamin A to take care of to ensure that her hydration and nutrition. This complex double effect on the epidermis.

In addition, olive oil and others are at least useful vitamins - B, K and D, - are combined with mono-unsaturated fats provide deep skin nutrition, preventing premature senescence.

It is a complex of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and minerals, which are primarily suitable for dry skin type, most in need of good hydration. Keeping moisture in the epidermis, olive oil softens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles without clogging pores. In addition, the accelerated regeneration of cells, that is, their resilience, which is manifested in the anti-aging effects.

This product is also unique in that it is hypoallergenic - feel free to use it even in the care of the most sensitive skin.

How to apply olive oil at home?

Let's look at how best to use olive oil in skin care of different types.

First of all - this is a cleansing agent, which can be used morning and evening. Gently heat the oil, put it in a container of hot water just a couple of minutes. Now soak cotton wool in warm oil and gently rub the skin. If you perform this procedure before bedtime, you can safely leave the vehicle overnight. It is suitable for those who suffer from excessive dryness of the skin. If you spend the morning cleaning, leave it on your face for 20 minutes, no more, and do not forget to wet face cloth.

It should be noted that olive oil is considered to be high-quality tool for make-up remover. It perfectly removes even waterproof mascara and eyeliner - a good alternative to expensive tools.

It is used to nourish the skin and around the eyes, which, as you know, is the most sensitive and prone to the appearance of early wrinkles. Just lubricate the skin around the eyes, a little tapping his fingers for better absorption. Can, as in the first case, means leave overnight.

 Mask of olive oil

Masks with olive oil

Of course, the most valuable olive oil used for the manufacture of masks, the recipes of which will be discussed below.

  • The first method is the simplest

This is exactly the method, which was mentioned earlier. Simply heat the oil and apply it on the skin for 25-30 minutes. It is suitable for those who suffer from increased dryness and peeling of the skin.

  • The recipe for the combined skin type

It is recommended to lubricate scaly skin 2-3 times a day, also using warm olive oil. This board will suit those who seek to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of the long-established wrinkles.

  • Fruits and olive oil

If you want to get rid of excessive dryness, prepare a mask on the basis of the olive oil, add fruit / vegetables or fresh fruit pulp.

For example, you can mix a large spoon pulp of fruits and vegetables with a spoon of oil. The mixture was left on the face for 15-25 minutes.

Note that fruit and olive mask fit, in general, for all skin types. The only difference in the composition of masks.

Which fruits and vegetables are best suited? Here, we pay attention to the type of skin. Banana, melon, gooseberry, lingonberry or persimmons are suitable for dry skin. Not less effectively manifest itself here potatoes, radishes, peppers and carrots.

But in the case of combined or normal skin type is best to mix the oil with kiwi, orange or grapefruit, apple or peach. Also suitable raspberry, currant and mountain ash.

  • Mask based on cottage cheese and eggs

This recipe is ideal for dry skin. Here, you will need: fat cottage cheese - 1 large tablespoon olive oil - 2 large spoons, egg yolk - one.

Just as soon as you wash away this mask, you will notice how great your skin feels. This tool is one of the best!

  • Saving aging skin

For skin with deep wrinkles it is recommended to use honey. Just mix one spoon (tablespoon) of olive oil with a teaspoon of honey every. Apply for 20-30 minutes.

  • Clear the normal and combination skin

Here we use the oil in combination with the flour. One soup spoon of flour (wheat or rice) Stir in the olive oil. Got a lot of paste-like species. Apply on skin for fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.

  • Oily skin

It might seem like you can use the oil, which in itself is fat, in order to care for skin prone to the appearance of excessive secretion and acne? It is quite possible, because the olive is irreplaceable irritations, rashes and inflammations.

Take these ingredients: starch - a teaspoon of olive oil - a teaspoon of tomato juice - a little. Initially, mix tomato juice, preferably freshly squeezed, and starch. Ideally, you should get a fairly thick paste. Now add here Olivier and again mix well to obtain a homogeneous mass.

This olive-starch mask reduces pores, smooth skin, and prevent the emergence of the hated comedones or blackheads.

  • Relieves irritation of sensitive skin

In this case, using banana (one-quarter) and cucumber (tsp) in combination with the olive. Primarily mash banana, then mix with the mass of gruel cooked from cucumber. Now, add the olive oil and mix again. Apply the mixture on the skin for half an hour, then wash with cool water.

You will immediately notice how your face is prettier: no irritation, dryness disappeared, appeared healthy glow.

  • Cosmetic clay and olive for all skin types

Everyone knows about the amazing properties of kaolin, cosmetics clay. Why not combine it with equally beneficial olive oil? So, take the following items: kaolin - a teaspoon of olive oil - a big spoon, water - little to dilute clay.

Firstly, dilute kaolin in water. Stir until until the mixture becomes a thick, like cream. Water should definitely be warm. After that, add the olives, mix everything again. Keep the mask on your face for about fifteen minutes.

This is a great option for a skin problem that needs to be dry and improve its overall appearance. In general, this recipe is quite effective - reduces wrinkles and blackheads and pimples are not as noticeable.

  • For freshness and radiance of the skin

Great Mask of honey (a couple of teaspoons), grated apple and olive oil. Cook the mixture is very simple - mix all the ingredients. Now in a circular motion to spread the weight of the face and wash it off after just 10 minutes. That's it - you look perfect!

Recipes masks presented above, we have repeatedly had to prove its effectiveness. They are no less useful than expensive cosmetic brands promoted. Why not take advantage of what nature has given us? Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

 Skin Care: facial mask with olive oil
