kefir face mask


  • The amazing properties of kefir
  • Masks from the yogurt for normal skin
  • Kefir mask for dry skin
  • Masks for oily skin
  • How to make kefir whitening mask

Truly a "divine drink" which is yogurt, is able to treat not only inside but also outside. Beauticians confidently say that yogurt is very beneficial for the hair and skin of the face and hands. Sometimes, to improve color simply wipe it regularly swab that drenched in yogurt.

Kefir Mask become an indispensable assistant in cleansing the skin, restoring its structure. In addition, such masks a lot of advantages: they are prepared as simply as possible, have a reasonable price and thus high efficiency. Such masks are good also because kefir well with a host of other products, for example, with herbs, honey, fruits, vegetables and egg white. This makes it possible to prepare a doubly effective tool. Experimenting with combinations of ingredients, adding to the already familiar and studied the composition of the new, useful items, you can create the most effective means for any type of skin you want, getting rid of virtually any deficiencies.

Masks made with yogurt, effective at any time of the year; however, in the summer when your skin is most affected by exposure to the sun is quite aggressive, it is particularly indispensable and indeed necessary. Knowing the different recipes like masks at home can perfectly handle a variety of skin problems, bleaching it, moisturizing or possibly eliminating the black dots.

The amazing properties of kefir

Homeland of the most popular dairy drink - the North Caucasus. Those who live in the Caucasus, people for hundreds of years believed recipe yogurt nothing but a gift of the gods, and therefore kept it a closely guarded secret. Today, the beneficial properties of this drink is known to all, and its ability to improve the state after the various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract surprise. Kefir can increase the body's immunity, relieve it of toxins.

Such properties are ensured by the presence in the drink huge amounts of vitamins and minerals in a friendly alliance capable of much. A total of yogurt has about two hundred and fifty different nutrients, including vitamins and twenty-five. In addition, for the use of yogurt is no age limit.

As for the use in cosmetics, the kefir is practically impossible to find an equal. Why are only kefir facials, presented to your attention in this article. Using our recipes, you will permanently save the unfading youth and incredible beauty.

Masks from the yogurt for normal skin

The most noticeable effect of the use of kefir mask you get in if it will pick up, in accordance with their skin type. We hope that more of the following recipes you are sure to choose something for yourself!

Universal mask

This mask is suitable for all skin types. For its production need to grate small cucumber, then decant the juice and mix it with two tablespoons of yogurt. Apply the mask should be provided solely on thoroughly cleansed face and, if you wish, the neck thin sloem.Dlya exposure necessary to leave means 20 minut.Smyvaetsya mask with water, it is recommended that it was at room temperature. This mask is filled with a variety of vitamins, so it will give the skin a pleasant, radiant color, and a well-moisten it.

Mask with oatmeal

Kefir mask is prepared with the addition of oat flour in a ratio of 1: 3. Note: If you replace the flour cereal meal, it can turn a great scrub. Cooked mask must be spread evenly over the face, and then cover it with a cloth and leave for about half an hour. Rinse off the mask is recommended to water, and if the face will still be remnants of the mask, they can be removed using a tonic.

Nourishing mask with green tea and olive oil

To nourish the skin perfectly suitable mask of yogurt, made with the addition of helpful green tea. For the preparation of the effective means to pour three spoons of yogurt shredded tea leaves (it will be enough tablespoon), then you need to add to the mixture of the spoon (tea), oat flour and olive oil. After twenty-five minutes of exposure mask and rinse it with warm water, you can enjoy a truly stunning result, because the skin will immediately become more gentle and supple.

 yogurt mask for the face

Kefir mask for dry skin

We all know that dry skin calls for a careful treatment and special care. It is characterized by a fine structure, which is why it is quite sensitive to various external stimuli and, equally sad, quite susceptible to premature aging. That is why the owners of such skin should begin to watch her from an early age, and help them in this will not at all expensive cosmetics, and the maximum available masks from yogurt, which can be easily prepared at home.

Vegetable oil

The simplest and at the same time extremely efficient variant of such a mask can be prepared by mixing the yogurt with any vegetable oil (preferably suitable olive oil) in a ratio of 2: 1. Due to the structure of the light mask is incredibly easy to apply. Keep it should be 20-25 minutes and then wash it with water, taking care not to stretch the skin.

To improve the complexion and help eliminate the taut face mask, made from two tablespoons of yogurt, to which is added a tablespoon of cottage cheese and useful carrot fresh, as well as olive oil (about a teaspoon). After applying neat movements in the face of such a mask should be left to act for about quarter of an hour, then it is best to wash it off any fresh herb broth. It is also recommended in the broth to moisten the cloth and hold it after the mask on the face for several minutes.

Mask from peeling skin

Assuming that the skin yet flaky, need to use a mask prepared from yogurt (less than 2 v. L. One fold), olive oil (enough to one soup spoon), and half of chicken egg yolk. Apply the product is recommended to cleansed face and, if desired, on the décolleté, leaving twenty minutes for the best exposure. This mask has a secret - it is very important as it is removed from the skin. It is better to use warm milk. The procedure will help get rid of dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin and be able to do not so noticeable fine lines.

 kefir face mask advice

Masks for oily skin

Oily skin delivers an incredible amount of trouble to their owners of, because it is characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands and the thick stratum corneum, in connection with which this skin is much more prone to a variety of rashes, including acne. However, the obvious advantage it has is still there - it is aging more slowly than, for example, the dry, so with proper care can be a long time to preserve youth and attractiveness of your face.

Before preparing kefir mask for this type of skin is necessary for some time to leave the yogurt in a warm place - in order to become more acidic. Alternatively, you can certainly whet ingredient in a water bath, but there should be more careful, because yogurt is a property of fold, and it does not work for the preparation of high-quality masks.

Kefir-protein mask

Will dry and gently cleanse the skin and rid it of excess sebum. Prepare a mask can be by mixing a teaspoon of honey and pure egg whites with two tablespoons of yogurt. After a quarter of an hour after applying the mask to gently rinse with lukewarm water, and then blot the face with a napkin.

Cleansing Scrub Mask

With properly prepared mask, scrub, you can clean the oily skin. For this three-day-old mix yogurt with honey, keeping the proportion of 3: 1, and then add a little oatmeal or semolina and lemon juice and ground almonds. Rub the means necessary to massage movements, leave for 5 minutes of exposure. As with most of these drugs, it should be washed off with warm water.

From acne and blackheads

To get rid of acne and blackheads, which are also common problem women with oily skin need to mix two teaspoons of baking soda half cup oatmeal, rice or wheat flour. This powder will be enough to prepare masks for some time, it must be stored in the refrigerator. When you want to make a mask, you will only dilute soda mix with yogurt to the consistency of the average fat content of sour cream. Massage movements this mass necessary to rub in the face, and then leave five minutes to ten. Ideal for removing the mask fit warm chamomile broth.

 yogurt mask for the face at home

How to make kefir whitening mask

Among other useful features, kefir is a wonderful bleaching agent that is able to rid your face of freckles and a variety of skin pigmentation. Adding to kefir parsley, you can get a mask with an excellent whitening effect, which after fifteen minutes on your face will show the desired result. Strengthen the beneficial properties of the mask can, if we replace the parsley chopped almonds to a powder that is mixed with yogurt to an average density of mass. This mask is washed off as fifteen minutes of exposure.

But to get rid of excessive pigmentation can use to add kefir alcohol or brandy, egg yolks and lemon juice. The above ingredients are mixed in a blender until a homogeneous mass, which is applied on the face for about fifteen minutes. But it is necessary to be careful with this mask because of alcohol, which is included in its composition, too often it is not necessary to use it.

As you can see, yogurt - a valuable product, given to us by nature. Use it in your diet, and used for the manufacture of masks, and your skin will always look great!

 The secret of youth - kefir face mask
