What do we know about beauty? Most often, this term refers to women. For centuries, the beauty of a different perception of mankind and praise. So, during the Stone Age were considered the standard of beauty woman whose weight surpasses 100 kilograms.
In Japan, it was thought that a clean-shaven chin and teeth blackened varnish - it's very attractive. In China women tortured soles of their feet, chaining them in wooden stocks, in order to stop their growth and to achieve a miniature size. In the XXI century, beauty was a relative term, since there is no longer any clear or ideal standard.
But today, thousands of years ago, she had to keep and care for themselves and their skin. It is unlikely that someone will turn the language to call a beautiful woman, if she has on the body or on the skin will have some flaws, defects, traces of acne. And one thing, if they appear for reasons beyond the woman, and the other - if she is to blame. One thing is clear - the beauty is made up of many factors: appearance, good figure, the inner light, sparkling with happiness eyes, dazzling, genuine smile and shining clean and healthy skin.
Naturally, in these days in urban areas with a badly polluted air and harmful external factors, it is not easy to maintain skin health. To do this, a lot of work, forget about the laziness and sorry for the person. Remember, what you have to do it for themselves.
Many of us are aware of the problem of traces of acne on the skin. Most often they can be seen in the form of scars, scars, stars from small vessels or as small red spots. One way or another, but this little beauty.
If scars us, in principle, everything is clear, how to be spotted, which stay in place a pimple? Let's try to answer the question "Why are there traces of acne? "From a scientific standpoint, but accessible language.
The main cause of this scourge is sitting in our own organisms. Name it - the pigment melanin. Acne is also inflammation but not large. The human body is designed so that at the site of inflammation begins to produce large amounts of the pigment melanin. If time does not cure acne, bad disinfect the wound, or else (God forbid) to squeeze it, it starts a defense mechanism of the skin at the site of inflammation, and are pigmented spots.
The situation was complicated by the situation with damage to the skin, the more intense will be the color of the stain. Another factor that contributes to the formation of pigmented spots on the site of acne is everyone's favorite honey. Yes, this is the source of life energy is very negative effect on our skin, especially if it is prone to staining.
Red traces of acne can be treated, so no need to "put them on the cross." The World Network is dotted with a wide variety of recipes and methods of struggle with the unpleasant phenomenon. Typically, this salon treatment, but recently priverzhenka "Natur Product" became increasingly share with us the experience of struggle with traces of acne at home.
Struggling with traces of pimples on their own
We suggest to use in the fight against this "scourge" folk recipes. As you know, the clay has a lot of positive qualities of beauty. So in this case it comes to our aid. It will help remove all traces of acne. To do this, take a teaspoon of clay and stir in two tablespoons of cold water. The resulting mass of creamy drip a few drops of essential oil (take the one you like best).
This mass gently apply to all the places where there are traces of acne on the face, and soak 10 minutes. This time is sufficient to treat the effects of acne. After using warm water rinse. Apply a moisturizer. One course of this treatment includes 4 treatments every two days. Repeat it can be about a couple of weeks.
White clay helps bring spots of acne is not only efficient, but also fast. Simply mix one teaspoon of this clay with one tablespoon of lemon juice. The resulting slurry was put on the spot and held for 15 minutes. The mask is washed off with water at room temperature. It is advisable to apply a moisturizing cream.
In the same healing effects of honey and cinnamon has a mask. For its preparation you need to grind a teaspoon of cinnamon in the same amount of honey. The mask is applied to all visible traces of acne after it and soak for about 20 minutes. It is likely that you will feel a tingling sensation. But, if the mask caused a strong burning sensation, discontinue its use. It is washed off with warm water. After apply a nourishing cream. You will notice how fast are spots on the face.
In case acne left a reminder in the form of scars, they can be derived cucumber juice. It has an excellent whitening effect. This vegetable can be used for such a procedure as grinding slurry to the state, and in the form of dots. Your chosen option cucumber funds kept on the skin for about 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Then apply a light moisturizer.
It would seem that the essential oil can make the skin? It turns out that the alternation of oils of tea tree and rosemary is an excellent remedy for acne marks. When applying them to traces of acne, it has a very strong healing effect. Sometimes they are mixed with a small amount of lemon juice. If you carry out this procedure for one week, then a positive result will be apparent. Traces of acne are very quick and painless. It should be remembered that the abuse of the use of essential oils can cause nervous system disorders and high blood pressure.
To get rid of acne scars, you try to use the popular medicinal teas. One of them is preparing simple: fill a large bunch of parsley a glass of water and boil. The resulting broth leave for a couple of hours. Then it must be poured into small containers and freeze in the refrigerator. Educated ice cubes wipe acne scars twice daily. You can also use the infusion of a glass of alcohol and two tablespoons of St. John's wort, aged in a dark place for 10 days. Scars from acne need to handle this tincture in the morning and evening every day. Trouble with skin pass fairly quickly. At night, be sure to apply a nourishing cream.
Every housewife faced with apple cider vinegar, but not everyone knows that it can be used to get rid of chronic acne marks and scars. Simply dilute it with water at a ratio of 1: 3 and wash each day. It is also possible to use the lotion impregnated in this solution for damaged areas (not hold more than 5 minutes).
Many women are aware of this problem as dark spots. Their formation is also caused by acne. In order to lighten these spots, you should use the popular recipes. Try a mask on the basis of egg yolk and 2 teaspoons lemon juice. The resultant after mixing weight put on the fate of troubled skin and kept for 20 minutes. After a rinse with warm water.
The same effect has medical and paraffin. By the way you can buy it at any pharmacy. Melted wax is applied to the acne spots, and can only be removed after drying. Used congealed mass is suitable for repeat procedures. Skin that has undergone medical treatment with paraffin, you should moisturize special cosmetics, which include vitamins A and E.
Want to get rid of the problem of the formation of acne spots, using the popular recipes? Then, the following recipe is for you. Just note that working with him will have a fairly long period of time - about a month. But the result is to say for itself. Let's get started!
In the evening, before going to bed, wash with warm water and treat the skin, for example, a mask-sauna to open the pores. A small amount of powder concoctions Pour into a ceramic bowl and dilute hydrogen peroxide to form a foam. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the skin on the principle of a scrub - all problem areas. After the entire mass is used, you need to gently wash your face with warm water with a special cosmetics.
After this procedure, the skin will be slightly annoyed, so we recommend you use a lot of nourishing cream, that is to open it with a thick layer all over the face and endure a couple of hours, then wash off with warm water. The next morning, be sure to wash with warm water. This mask should be done 2-3 times a week. In between treatments, in the morning, in addition to traditional washing, need to further purify the skin of blackheads with the help of a cosmetic tonic with a small amount of your favorite essential oil. Then apply on face cream with UV protection. The full course will take approximately 1 month. Remember that hard work is sure to bring positive results.
Cabin treatments
We all know that any drug can both help and hurt. The same principle applies to the ingredients for making medical masks at home. You never know in advance how to behave in the body in any given moment, especially if it is exposed to the outside. In order to avoid possible unpleasant side effects for the treatment of skin at home, try to obtain prior consultation with a doctor who specializes in diseases of the skin, or visit the beauty salon. It will help you get rid of the traces of pimples more radical ways.
The most common and effective way to eliminate such a defect of the skin is a so-called cleansing. Running it in different ways. And of course, working in beauty salons eternal rule - the modern treatments, the higher the price.
The most popular option is recognized as an ultrasound facial cleansing. Its action is aimed at cleansing the pores, smoothing of wrinkles and removal of dead skin cells with the help of sound vibrations. This procedure is sometimes referred to as micro massage.
For some time now, and are popular procedures such as chemical, mechanical and manual peeling of the skin. They all require specialized knowledge and skills possessed by only experts in the field of medicine and cosmetology. They will help determine what caused the problem occurs, and what kind of way of dealing with traces of pimples and blackheads fits in your individual case.
Beauty creams from stores and pharmacies
Let's say that an ordinary cosmetic cream is not the most effective options for dealing with traces of acne. But if you still want to use the cream, then have patience as the course of getting rid of age spots with it is going to be very long.
The pharmacy assortment you can find a lot of ready-made medical cream or ointment designed to deliver on the traces of pimples. As shown, the level of efficiency is slightly higher than that of cream shop. If you are interested in this option, consult directly with a pharmacist there and choose a cream that is suitable for your case.
Many people do not even think about the problem, disclosed in this article, because their skin type quite calmly and without visible signs of going through such times.
But for those who really suffer from a predisposition to the appearance of traces of pimples and blackheads most useful advice is this - just do not let the appearance of the cause and remember three simple rules: do not squeeze out, disinfected and smear remedy. Love yourself and your skin!