salicylic peels at home


  • Why do we need peeling
  • At home
  • Forbidden
  • Application
  • Good to know
  • Questions and answers

Modern woman tends always and everywhere to look stunning. This applies not only to her style, clothes or hairstyle. In this case, we are talking about the beauty of her skin. We all know that synonymous with the concept of beauty is often the youth. But the level of development of cosmetics in recent years has grown so much that these concepts are beginning to live on their own. That is, in order to look beautiful and wholesome, not necessarily to be classified as "anyone under 35 years old."

What we women worry about in the first place? That's right - on my face. Permanent facial allow slow the natural aging process and prolong the period of youth. A very effective method to rejuvenate and refresh the skin is peeling. This procedure was known in the days of ancient Egypt and its application to use the funds that could be counted on the fingers. Until today, she is in great demand among the ladies who do not care what they look like. Also today, the cosmetic industry is a huge selection of products for the chemical peeling of the skin.

Why do we need peeling?

For starters, let's see, what is the essence of the peel. This procedure is carried out using various acids and aims at deep cleansing and skin renewal. Thus, using acidic drugs, the upper layer of the epidermis is dissolved together with dead cells. This action causes the skin at an accelerated rate to produce collagen and elastin, resulting in the regeneration and the improvement of their structure.

Salicylic peels in the category of chemistry is one of the first places. It is held by means of salicylic acid and additional, auxiliary components. A feature of this formulation is that it does not penetrate deep into the skin and has a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the wide application of the peeling procedure throughout the world, was able to collect a lot of materials and comments about the degree of its effectiveness and the results of the skin.

This made it possible in advance to predict the possible consequences of peelings. In addition, it became known that this procedure applies not only to rejuvenate aging skin, but also the treatment of diseases such as seborrhea, acne (both first and second-degree), actinic hyperkeratosis, senile lentigines and disorders of the skin micro-relief.

This peel also helps eliminate the appearance of irritation and comedogenic skin. After carrying out such a procedure, normalizes the sebaceous glands and evens the complexion. When using a solution of salicylic acid concentration of 15% during a peeling, its effect is manifested only on the superficial layers of the skin. Salicylic peeling 30% solution of acid works more deeply, leading to equalization of skin topography.

Either way, any interference with the natural processes of the human body has its own pros and cons. Pregnancy, lactation, fever, violation of the integrity of the skin, exacerbation of herpes and sunburn are contraindications for peeling.

The positive side of this type of peel is that it can be eliminated age deformation of the surface of the face and photoaging, normalizes the fat glands, porous and prone to skin rashes. Salicylic peel at home is used not only for cleaning the face, but also to care for veils back of the hand, knees, elbows and other parts of the body, which has a rough skin.

This procedure refers to a series of salons. Only a professional beautician can spend it at the highest level, observing all the rules of hygiene and safety standards as well as the treatment of the surface layer of the skin with salicylic acid resulting in burns and peeling. To pay for such a pleasure to have a lot of money. In one session included pre-treatment of the skin, its degreasing and normalization of acidity, causing the drug and the neutralization of its action.

 Acid peels at home

At home

Due to the fact that the world of cosmetology presents us with more and more affordable care for themselves, it became possible to carry out peeling and at home. It's enough to buy your needs appropriate means, carefully read the instructions for its use and process their own skin. The difference between the cabin and home treatments will consist only in the intensity of the action of drugs. So remember that at home you will not be able to achieve such a result by holding the peeling of the skin, as it is done by professionals in a salon.

Special facilities for the preparation of the drug for salicylic peels can be purchased at any pharmacy. This type of skin care is very similar to any other type of acid peel. Basically, home peeling using salicylic acid aimed at normalization processes in oily skin with open pores and a tendency to the appearance of eel-like rash.


If you decide to conduct salicylic peels at home, remember a few simple safety precautions:

  • do not start peeling without the test n allergic reaction;
  • do not peel, if you suspect the presence of cardiovascular or mental illness;
  • discard the peel during the summer season;
  • avoid hyperpigmentation of the skin, eliminate the possibility of contact with the skin to sunlight after the peel;
  • Do not sunbathe for at least 7 days.


For starters, thoroughly examine the special instructions for use of your new product and make sure that all of the information set forth in it does not cause additional problems. Do not forget about the need for exposure of all stages of the procedure of salicylic peels. So, put on your face means by which it can be thoroughly cleaned and soften. The following is an antiseptic place - it will serve as protection from unwanted side effects and will act as a degreaser. Then you need to put on the skin, or a prepared solution acquired a cosmetic main ingredient is salicylic acid.

If you strictly follow the instructions, it is nothing but a light burning or tingling feel. After this amount of time in the instructions, means to remove from the skin. Treat it using a protective gel, such as with a content of aloe extract, in order to quickly restore the skin and protect it from harmful external factors.

It is also possible to subject the skin peeling home using salicylic paste. Note that this medication will not work as hard as provided in the cabin. Apply a small amount of money to the dried and cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area, and soak 15 minutes. After, wash residue with warm water and apply a neutralizing agent.

For 24 hours after this procedure in any case, do not use cosmetics or touch the face. Try to avoid contact with the treated skin to sunlight for a couple more weeks. Do not worry if after salicylic peels on your skin will be slight redness and peeling. These small defects will soon disappear, and the skin becomes smooth, fresh, more youthful and well-groomed.

We represent to your attention another way salicylic peels for it at home.

You will need 1 normal tablet of aspirin and half a teaspoon of aloe vera-based gel or liquid honey (allergic better to abandon the addition of this ingredient). Previously dissolved in water, the tablet is able to mix with the gel powder or honey. Bring this mixture until smooth and put on clean, dry skin. This peel for 1 minute should be rubbed into the skin careful circular motion along the massage lines. Avoid the eye area. Particular attention should be paid to zone enlarged pores and black spots. At the end, remove the remaining mass from the face and treat it poslepilingovym protective agent.

By this recipe acid peel at home, depending on the type of skin, the procedure can be performed several times a week. Desirably withstand one course, comprising 10 procedures. Note that this recipe is hardly suitable for owners of the thin and sensitive skin. But mostly positive results and reviews - dissolving blackheads, purification, restriction and clarification then, improve the complexion, improving elasticity and leveling the surface of the skin.

Each procedure salicylic peels can trigger the appearance of redness, but in the end - peeling of the skin for a week. Depending on the individual type of skin, its intensity may vary. You should not worry too much about it - all the undesirable consequences of the procedure will take place soon, the main thing that did not help. In no case do not remove yourself lagging skin flakes.

In addition to his own formulation and for salicylic peels can be used ready-made beauty remedies available to a broad market. Some companies in the cosmetic composition of such means include not only the basic salicylic, but also many kinds of fruit acids such as citric, malic, tartaric, lactic, glycolic and mandelic which in turn accelerate the peeling of corneous cells. Sugar cane extract, blueberry and grape leaf, which is part of cosmetics, improves the structure of the epidermis and smoothes the skin color.

Ready funds are mainly used for deep cleansing of oily and problem skin, but do not have anti-aging effect. Using cosmetic peels at home requires exposure above the three-step procedure. Application time - no more than 5 minutes. Complete the procedure should be by washing with warm water and cool gadgets from the infusion of succession, or green tea.

 salicylic peels at home tips

Good to know

Also important that peeling at home can be used not only for the skin, but also in other problem areas of the body.
So, with the help of pumice and nail files can be very easy and quick to clean up the skin on the soles of the feet. If there is some neglect, is very helpful to use:

  • sea ​​salt with olive oil;
  • a mixture of 10 grams of finely ground oatmeal, 25 grams of liquid honey and the juice of half a lemon;
  • Grind carrot with oat flakes in a ratio of 1: 3.

To lips were red as a child, they should also be subjected to peeling. But since this part of the body is covered with very delicate layers of the skin, you should be extremely careful when using special tools. The safest way to be applying to the lips a little candied honey. After 15 minutes, it should be gently wipe with a soft cloth.

Questions and answers

Now back to our salicylic peels. The most asked question on this topic is "how often should expose your skin salicylic peel at home? ". The answer is - it depends on your skin type. In addition, this type of peeling, and even made at home can be attributed to the mild. For oily and combination skin is allowed to use salicylic peels once a week. But dry skin can withstand only 1 treatment for 2 weeks.

To achieve stunning results, take the full course, and it is neither more - nor less than 10-15 procedures. But the cleaning, disinfection, narrowing the pores, the normalization of the sebaceous glands, the prevention of acne and acne, smooth complexion will be provided to you.

For treatment of skin diseases in the home should be interesting to keep the following information. For the treatment of acne and seborrhea to do peeling pomoschyu15-25% solution of salicylic acid 1 every 1-2 weeks for 4 months. To get rid of hyperkeratosis, evenly 7 salicylic peel treatments for 2 months. Hyperpigmentation of the skin will be less noticeable if 8 times for 2, 5 months for peeling use 25% salicylic acid and lightening cream.

Salicylic peel is suitable for different age groups, both women and men. Furthermore, it is shown for all patients having skin problems. It is absolutely safe for use on dark skin. All the effects of salicylic acid has long been studied and possible side effects are not dangerous to human health.

In connection with this, try to begin to care for their skin already from a young age, because it is every day exposed to very harmful factors. The return of skin health, beauty and former youth - is a serious matter and laborious. We hope that our advice will be very helpful for you.

 Salicylic peels at home - doing the right thing
