how to make a face mask at home


  • Tricks simple solutions
  • Recipes for face masks for all occasions

Since ancient times, women of all ages attach great importance to their appearance, putting a lot of effort to look beautiful and uhozhennymi.Borba conducted on all fronts: it is important for us not only to dress fashionably, but also to keep the shape, skin, hair, nails in perfect condition. We are using all means and methods, sparing no time and money, sometimes forgetting the simplest and most accessible assistants. For example, to skin complexion us happy enough to accustom yourself to do on a regular basis mask at home from improvised. We are able to use their own kitchen and bath, not only directly, but also as a beauty parlor.

Cosmetic facial masks at home are one of the most accessible and useful treatments for a women of any age, income and marital status. Based on the skin condition and the number of years, the charming lady can always choose among a huge variety of just such action in which they are most interested. Masks are: cleansing, softening, whitening, nourishing, anti-inflammatory, toning, moisturizing. In addition, the masks are distinguished for the young and aged skin. When you select the mask you need to be guided to your skin type: oily, dry, combination, normal and sensitive they will be different.

Tricks simple solutions

All the girls agree that caring for a particular pleasure to not only see the result. It's also time that we give and dedicate myself fully, beloved. In their own home this is even more important. After all, here we behave most naturally: can play their favorite tunes that will hear during procedures, dressed in comfortable clothes for us, or even to stay in a negligee. We are completely free in their actions and vozmozhnostyah.Odnako, before embarking on a course of religious rite procedure for skin at home, ask us, what are subtleties in this enjoyable experience.

  • Regularity and duration

To achieve and maintain the best results, enter a rule delatmaski regularly. You can even make for themselves a sign to help, not to forget the sequence of the done and the number of masks. For example, in a week you need sdelatodnu cleansing mask, two whitening, nourishing and moisturizing three. Remember that any procedures for skin care is preferable to carry out the course. If you select a specific recipe nourishing mask, spend at least ten procedures before starting the use of other prescription with the same effect of the action. Except when it became clear from the first time that the mask does not fit: as an option, with the appearance of allergic reactions.

  • Cleansing

Do not forget that a person should be prepared to cosmetic manipulations: it should not be a makeup. Gather the hair so that they will not interfere and does not get dirty on the mask applied to the skin. Then you can wipe the face an additional cleanser: lotion tonikomili micellar water. You can make a pre-peel or scrub the skin, but without abuse: one or two times a week should be sufficient.

  • Technique of preparation, application and removal

Be sure to use only the freshest and quality ingredients to use in their future mask. Since all the proportions are roughly by eye, you can get the amount in excess of the required. Next time, reduce the amount of used products, and dispose of the excess without regret or store. Harm the mask, it is not likely to cause, but the benefits of it after several hours of storage had to wait too meaningless. In addition, many masks may simply solidify or dry out, which makes it impossible to use them. Therefore it is best to use a home-cooked mask (especially fresh fruit and vegetables) is better immediately after their creation. For the manufacture of face masks is better not to use an iron or wooden utensils. For them, more suitable glass, earthenware or plastic container.

Mask applied to the skin by massaging gently, and not against them: this way, you will avoid improper influence and stretching that will not provoke the emergence morschinok.Ispolzuyte to apply their own fingers or pick up a brush. Make sure that all this has always been perfectly clean. Do not apply a mask for facial skin around the eye area and gub.Eti quite tender, thin and have chosen a slightly different care. For ever possible at this time to put cotton pads soaked in a decoction or tea. Be careful: they should not be too hot.

Remove mask soft and accurate movements, also avoiding aggressive effect on the skin relaxed. Use, if necessary, water the most comfortable temperature for you, but not goryachuyu.Posle you have removed the remnants of the mask from the face, the skin is not necessary to wipe dry - let it dry naturally. You can even sprinkle it with broth added herbs or thermal water. It will only benefit. After the skin is dry, apply on her face cream, suitable for your skin type, or time of day.

  • Aura

Despite the fact that you are going to care in the home, make yourself a magical atmosphere: dim the lights and light the candles, turn on soft music and aroma lamp, lie down on the couch, or directly into the foam-filled bath, relax. At this time, you can turn away from the madding crowd and worries about daily bread - it's your and only your vremya.Kosmeticheskie masks do not last long - you are secluded from the world for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. That's how much time is necessary for the impact of the mask on your face to get the claimed effect, so keep it longer on the skin does not make sense. Do not be lazy to make masks and other beauty treatments at home, creating an appropriate atmosphere itself: to choose the right ambiance is very beneficial to the bottom line.

 how to make a face mask

Recipes for face masks for all occasions

Now that you know all the nuances of how to conduct sessions of face masks at home, and the case remained for small. Do you already want to choose the most suitable for you recipes and start acting. We are ready to share our knowledge with you and tell you about the most interesting and effective for facial masks.

Cucumber mask

To often hear from their home, and all the other people in your address compliments that you are fresh as a cucumber, start to make him face masks. With the help of cucumber juice and pulp can be perfectly refresh the complexion, clean skin, giving it tone and narrow pores.

  1. The cleaning effect you get if you try to do the following procedure: simply remove the cucumber with the skin, chop it blender or using a fine grater, add the egg white and mix until smooth mass, then apply it on the face.
  2. Pale skin shine age, if you mix the chopped cucumber pulp with a teaspoon of honey. Unfortunately, this mask should not do ladies and individual intolerance of honey, as well as those who suffer from rosacea.
  3. Your skin suffers from acne? You deal with it easily even at home as follows: chopped cucumber pulp is mixed with lemon juice, then apply the mixture on-site rash. Soon this problem will no longer bother you, pimples will go unnoticed, and then finally disappear.
  4. Fresh and healthy complexion you get through the use of cucumber pulp, which you need to chop and mix with about 1 tablespoon of white clay. You should have the consistency of the thickening cream to mask did not flow down to the skin.

Banana mask

Now it is quite usual for us fruit, not something exotic. We were able to not only love the delicate and sweet taste of bananas, began to respect them for a set of nutrients that are needed by the body, and now we can appreciate in the home of his remarkable cosmetic properties.

  1. Your skin needs nourishment - it's time to clean up the state of the pulp banan.Razomnite homogeneity, pour 2 tablespoons cream of any fat and put 1 tablespoon of honey. Once again all mix well. After the mask, you will see that the small wrinkles smoothed, the complexion has improved.
  2. To cope with increased fat content skin helps us banana mixed with egg white and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mask also has the ability to slightly brighten our face. If you replace the lemon juice to orange, the mask will have a tonic effect, which makes it possible to apply the girls with any type of skin.
  3. Mask with rejuvenating effect can be made from banana and the following products: 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and crushed oatmeal. All components should be mixed until a thick plastic mass, which will be pleased to put on the face.
  4. For the happy owners of normal skin can be at home to do a course of masks from the banana and one of the following milk products: sour cream, yogurt or kefir. For ladies with skin prone to dryness, in this mask, you can add the yolk.

Apple mask

You want your cheeks were like filler apple? Then you useful masks based on this tasty fruit. The availability of this product at our table almost year round making it possible to use it for their own care in any home, each family. In the manufacture of masks remember that Apple quickly begins to get dark, so you should show skill and speed when using these helpful treatments.

  1. Apple should rub and quickly mixed with a teaspoon of sour cream, then put on your skin. This mask is designed for women with normal to dry skin. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes it.
  2. Girls suffering from severe dry skin, just have to try to imagine the following recipe for beauty: Grate the apple, peeled, add the vegetable oil is about a couple of teaspoons, mix and apply the mixture to the prepared person. Experiment with olive, sesame, linseed, apricot, peach kernel oil and avocado oil or macadamia nuts.
  3. Do you like cottage cheese with fruit, such as apple? It's just beautiful. The next time you do yourself is healthy dish, grate the apple a little more than you need to add to the meal. Add to a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese - and you get a great mask that is able to moisturize the skin of any type very quickly.
  4. All the ladies without exception suitable mask from apples, cooked according to the following formula: well washed apples need to bake, cool, take off his skin and remove the seeds. Pulp knead thoroughly and add the beaten egg. Velvety and soft my skin is very appreciate you, and you will definitely want to repeat the procedure several times.

List in a single article all the recipes of masks that can be done at home, of course, is not possible. We believe that among the stories told in this article recipes you will choose for themselves the most necessary and effective. Do not postpone it indefinitely - start a course of masks today. Within a few days you will see the first pleasing results, as you say, and admiring glances.

 Beauty Lessons: How to make a face mask at home
