Began to notice wrinkles on the skin, and maybe they have long settled in your beautiful little face? In any case, it is not a reason to buy huge amounts of expensive creams and masks to mark Anti-Age or resort to plastic surgery. Correct this unpleasant situation will help effective anti-aging facials, prepared independently.
In this article we will share with you effective recipes masks, consisting of access to affordable products that are easy to perform at home. Of course, from a single application once all the wrinkles are not smoothed, so please be patient. Smooth, toned and radiant skin is definitely worth it to fight for it and invest their time in the care of her.
Recipes masks for the face, tightens and smoothes the skin
Mature skin or skin, which only began to show signs of aging, needs regular nutrition and hydration. Special mask with rejuvenating effect not only tighten the skin and rid it of fine lines, but also improve the complexion, adding a healthy glow.
We picked for you the simple but effective recipes for smoothing and tone masks that you can easily replicate at home, because most of the ingredients you are directly in the refrigerator. To achieve the desired result be sure before applying the mask thoroughly cleanse the skin.
Super-mask on the basis of turmeric
Turmeric is used not only as a spice for cooking, but also as a useful component of cosmetics. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, has a positive effect on the skin. This spice has a healing, rejuvenating and lifting effect, so actively used by many women to rejuvenate the skin, improve its structure and color.
Preparation: Cosmetic clay (necessarily white) in the amount of two Art. Mix spoons with liquid yogurt or milk (one of Art. spoon), add a few drops of essential oil of lavender flowers and a little turmeric (on the tip of a spoon). The consistency should resemble a mask of sour cream. Hold it on the face five or ten minutes and rinse first with water, then yogurt or milk (for bleaching, as a little turmeric skin color). To post a mask on his face did not remain the yellowish plaque, when washing, wipe the skin with a sponge.
Do this procedure twice a week. The ingredients are simple, so you can easily make a mask at home. Using this recipe regularly, you can get rid of wrinkles and visibly tighten the facial contour.
Mask based on banana
Preparation: mash with a fork-third of a banana and spread the resulting puree 1 tsp milk. The mask rests on the face for 1/4 hour, then removed with a sponge soaked in the cool milk. It is quite simple, but very effective mask - it will saturate the skin with nutrients and "wipe" fine wrinkles.
Rejuvenating mask with parsley
Preparation: chop bunch of fresh parsley, mixed with fresh cheese or sour cream (Art. Spoon) .All ingredients you can find in the fridge at home. Rinse with boiled water after a quarter of an hour. Parsley leaves contain a large amount (greater than our favorite citrus fruits), vitamin C, which is responsible for the youth of the skin, as well as vitamins PP, K, B2 and B1. Mask with parsley results in skin tone, allowing a little bleach it and remove pigment spots.
The mask on the basis of peach oil and aloe juice
Preparation: Mix in a bowl for one item. spoon baby cream, aloe juice and peach butter. Before you lubricate the skin, slightly heat the resulting mixture. Keep it on the face for 1/4 hour, then rinse with boiled water. The mask is easily made at home, and its effectiveness will be pleased with you. Oil well softens the skin, aloe vera moisturizes, refreshes and soothes and baby cream promotes better penetration of useful components in the skin mask. As a result, the mask refreshes and rejuvenates your face.
Double mask to give skin tone
Ingredients: egg, lemon, a little vegetable oil. For the preparation of the first (preparatory) mask to thoroughly whipped egg white of one egg, add tsp. Lemon juice squeezed. Keep the mask for a couple of minutes.
For the second mask mix yolk with 10 drops of lemon juice squeezed and half hours. Spoon oil (peach, vegetable and so on). Leave the mixture on the skin for 1/4 hour and then rinse with boiled water. Because of this double exposed skin gets elasticity, fine lines disappear. This proves once again that in the home actually succeed in prolonging youth.
Mask based on semolina
Preparation: warm semolina, boiled in milk (two of Art. Spoon) must be connected to h. Spoon of honey, salt (half tsp.), Egg yolk and a pair of Art. spoons of juice pressed from apricot. If you can not squeeze the juice, you can just chop a couple of apricots and a little boiled water to dilute the sauce.
Time exposure mask - 20 minutes. It is perfectly tones up flabby skin, removes signs of irritation and dryness. In the early summer, when the apricots are sold in almost every store, to make such a rejuvenating mask at home there is no trouble.
The mask on the basis of aromatic medicinal herbs
Ingredients: linden flowers, yarrow, plantain, leaves, currants and strawberries. Some of these components can be found at his dacha, and some - over the counter. A mixture of these herbs in the amount of 3-4 tablespoons. spoon, spread a little boiling water. When the mask is obtained has cooled, it can be spread on the skin and leave a ¼ hour. After this procedure, your skin fragrant significantly posvezheet, get healthy color, it becomes more flat and smooth - and all this can be done at home on their own!
Mask based on blackcurrant
Preparation: some pureed berries black currant connected to one item. spoonful of sour cream and a thick item. spoon pulp of fresh cucumber. This super-hold on the face mask for 1/4 hour and then removed with a damp cotton pad and wash with mineral water.
Currants well refreshes tired skin, evens out its color and fights the signs of aging. Its composition much pectin and organic acids, a large amount of zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, barium, iron, calcium, ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin PP, H, E and group B. Such saturated cocktail after several applications noticeably smoothes , giving it radiance and tone.
Rejuvenating mask based on fish oil
Ingredients: You will need one hour. Spoonful of cod liver oil, and honey, one item. spoonful of boiled water. Mix the ingredients and keep the resulting mixture on the face for about ten minutes. A simple structure of the mask makes it easy to apply it at home.
It is especially important for mature skin because it has a good firming and toning effect, perfectly smooths existing wrinkles on the skin. You can recommend this mask for young women, to prevent the appearance of premature, Adds age wrinkles.
Super-mask based on gelatin
With conventional powdered gelatin at home you can make a much greater effect than when using cosmetic finished products containing collagen. Collagen molecules that are present in almost all the industrial part of anti-aging creams and masks are too large to "walk" to the deeper layers of our skin. For this reason, their action is reduced only to the formation of a protective film that prevents the loss of skin moisture.
The gelatin also contain collagen, but it is presented in the form of a split and thereby capable digested skin. Gelatin masks are easy to make and do not require much work, so every woman can easily do them at home. Gelatine is able to drastically transform flabby, loss of elasticity of the skin - to try to mask the gelatin, you forget about expensive cosmetic products ever!
Preparation: ½ tsp. Of conventional powdered gelatin without additives Pour ½ cup of boiled cold water and let it swell, then add the juice of one cucumber and put the resulting liquid for a few hours in the refrigerator to thicken. The mask is applied to the face for half an hour. Do it twice a week and your skin is visibly rejuvenate.
Mask based on potato
Preparation: Boil the potatoes without adding salt, mash, add egg yolk and a little milk. The mask is applied in the form of heat and held for half an hour. It is easy to make at home, since all the ingredients can be found on any kitchen. The positive effect is not long to wait - you will see noticeable results after just a few treatments.
Beautiful skin is the result of a regular and thorough care. If you do not find time for myself today, your youth will disappear faster than you think. Do any of our recommended masks whenever staying home. This not only benefits to the skin, but also a reason to relax and get away from everyday worries.
However, keep in mind that anti-aging face masks - this is just one of the keys to the preservation of beauty. In addition, it is important to stick to a healthy diet and do not neglect physical exercise. Only if all three of these components can achieve really significant results in the fight for youth.