face mask of curd


  • How useful dairy products?
  • How to choose the right cheese for the manufacture of a mask?
  • Recipes for face masks on the basis of cottage cheese
  • The results of applying curd mask

Milk - a valuable product that is created by nature itself. Dairy products are one of the most favorite treats both children and adults. Besides their use can not be overestimated. The composition of milk has more than 300 different nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, which blends perfectly with the human body.

Moreover, the milk - it's not only delicious food, but also an excellent tool for preserving youth and beauty. This conclusion was the people who lived before our era. Oriental philosopher and physician Avicenna devoted entire treatises miraculous properties of milk and treating these people drink. Especially useful it is believed milk of those animals that nurture their young as much time as men. Therefore, he singled out for the healing properties of cow's milk.

A popular anti-aging agent, and the milk was considered in women of ancient Rome. Emperor Nero's wife kept a herd of donkeys, and on long journeys even took with them a baggage of these animals. She can not imagine my life without dairy products and considered them the best way to maintain the beauty and attractiveness.

Of course, one can not forget about the famous beauty Cleopatra. It is rightly called the founder of many beauty recipes. Indeed, the ancient Egyptian queen has a lot of production resources in order to maintain the beauty. She wrote several books on cosmetics. Widely known for Cleopatra's bath from whey and honey, with which it maintained youth and beauty. According to legend, Queen of Egypt took a milk bath every day, so her skin was supple and velvety.

How useful dairy products?

What is the secret of the popularity of dairy products? First of all, the uniqueness of the substances within them. Dairy products contain an enormous amount of valuable components that are beneficial for the skin. This vitamins and lactic acid, and dairy fat. Vitamins A and E make the skin smooth and velvety. Milk sugar works as an excellent moisturizer. Thanks to him, you can avoid dry skin. Lactic acid belongs to the utility of AHA acids. It helps retain moisture and has an exfoliating action.

Scientists have found that milk protein contains a unique composition of amino acids, which play a very important role in energy supply of skin tissue. Milk is also rich in cytokines - enzymes that stimulate cell division. And also lactoferrin - a potent immunomodulator and antioxidant. Lysozyme and lactoperoxidase have excellent antibacterial properties.

Speaking of useful substances that make up the milk, particular attention should be paid to milk fat. It is strikingly distinguished among similar organic compounds. The fact is that a drop of milk more than 100 million of the smallest particles. Such a large fragmentation or, in scientific terms, "dispersibility" promotes deeper penetration of fat into the layers of skin and better absorption.

The above substances and trace elements are part of many modern expensive cosmetics. But look beautiful can afford to every woman. One has only to make a little effort. For every kitchen there will whole milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, buttermilk, yogurt or cottage cheese. And all of these products can be easily prepared various masks. After all, valuable trace elements and vitamins contained in each of them.

Separately focus on the manufacture of masks for the face of the cheese. Like whole milk, it contains a unique set of amino acids and vitamins A and E, that maintain beauty.

 nice facial mask of curd

How to choose the right cheese for the manufacture of a mask?

First, of course, it must be fresh curd. By purchasing it, pay attention to the date. Many believe that the cheese, which is no longer suitable as a food product is suitable as a component of the mask. After a long wandering in the refrigerator decide to put it on the skin. This is a misconception. This cheese loses all its useful properties. Therefore, this mask not only bring benefits but also can ruin your appearance.

Probably, it is possible not to mention the fact that for the manufacture of cheese with their hands Cosmetics should be selected without additives. No syrkovoy weight is not suitable. It should be a natural product without flavorings and vegetable fats.

Often, buying cheese in shops and supermarkets, we can not be sure of its quality and freshness. In this case, the product can be prepared independently, but always from whole milk. Powder substitutes use is not recommended. Curd is very quick and easy. It can be used as sour milk, and fresh.

In the first case, the milk is heated in a water bath until until serum. Then the mass is cooled and filtered. The fresh milk for cheese must add calcium chloride (20 ml ampoule 500 ml milk). Heat the milk until the curd and strain. Such curd particularly good use for the manufacture of masks, since it is further fortified with calcium.

With regard to the fat content of the product, it should be selected according to the type of skin. The fatter the facial skin, the less should be the percentage of fat in the curd.

Recipes for face masks on the basis of cottage cheese

Cheese - a versatile base for masks. From it you can prepare a moisturizing, whitening, firming, smoothing, regenerating cosmetic for all skin types. And even effective mask scrub. You can just put cheese on your face and leave for 20 minutes. If the product is too thick, it is better to add the milk, cream or serum. Through this procedure, the person will look more fresh and attractive. To increase the effect and get more positive results in the curd add various natural ingredients, which can also be found right in your own kitchen.

Nutritional curd mask for dry skin

Peel and chop the banana. 2 teaspoons of fruit pulp, mix with 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons milk. The mask is applied on the skin for half an hour, then wash it off with warm water. Instead of milk, you can use sour cream or cream, but instead of a banana - persimmon.

Refreshing mask for skin prone to fat

Chop the leaves and stems of sorrel. Mix 1 tablespoon of herbs with the same amount of cheese. Add 1 protein, a little honey, a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Thoroughly mix the components. The mask is applied on the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse it is better not to warm, and more cool water.

Mask to narrow pores

To do this, you need a cosmetic product mix 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons cranberries and 1 teaspoon honey. The mask is washed off after 15 minutes with warm water, then rinse face freshly green tea.

The mask of curd, eliminating inflammation

Prepare a decoction of chamomile. A few pinches of dried flowers pour 1 cup boiling water and leave in a tightly sealed container to cool. 30 ml ready strained broth, mix with 2 teaspoons of curd. The mask is applied on the face for about 20 minutes. Rinse it with cool water.

The mask of curd to remove freckles and age spots

For the production of this mask is best to use fresh juice or broth of parsley. Prepare it will not be difficult. 4 teaspoons of greens pour 1 cup boiling water and soak for a very low heat for about 30 minutes. 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese mixed with the juice or broth of parsley in a ratio of 1: 1. You can use and simply chopped green plants, but the effect of this mask will be less noticeable. Apply the mixture on your face, paying special attention to areas of the skin with freckles. After 20 minutes, rinse.

Clarifying Mask of cheese for all skin types

1 medium sized cucumber peel and rub on a small grater. 2 teaspoons vegetable pulp, mix with the same amount of cheese. If the mass is turned thickish, add 2 tablespoons of yogurt, sour cream or cream. For oily skin mass pour a little lemon juice. The mask is applied on the skin for 20 minutes. After wash it off with warm water.

Peeling masks for the face of the curd

For the production of thick scrub required by sleeping coffee. Take equal parts cheese and coffee grounds and mix thoroughly. Mask-Scrub is applied to the pre-cleaned and steamed face. Massage the skin for 2-3 minutes with light movements, leave the mask on your face for fifteen minutes, then gently rinse with warm water. Instead of coffee grounds for such a mask, you can use sea salt or a little chopped oatmeal.

The mask of curd for aging skin

Take 20 grams of cheese, half a tablespoon strong brewed green tea and the same amount of linseed oil. All very good mix. Apply the mask on your face and wait 15 minutes. Remove makeup with a cotton swab, pre-moistened in broth parsley, then thoroughly rinse your face with cool water. If the mask is done on a regular basis, then fit and elasticity of the skin rather quickly come back to you again.

Curd toning mask

Mix 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of table salt shallow. This mask rests on the face of no more than 7 minutes. After this time, rinse with water at room temperature.

 Useful facial mask of curd

The results of applying curd mask

Through the use of curd mask your skin will look fresh and flawless radiant. Lactic acid, which is in it, will help to normalize the moisture balance in the dermis and perfectly moisturize the face. Dairy fats will smooth the skin and make it more elastic. Cottage cheese mask excellent job with freckles and pigmentation, contributing to skin lightening.

Applying curd masks will not leave indifferent any woman who care about their beauty. Treat yourself to cosmetic breast, because it's so easy! You do not have to visit beauty salons and have a thick wallet. Everything you need there exists just in your refrigerator. It is only necessary to overcome laziness and find time for myself!

 Face mask of curd: always on guard of your beauty
