At all times, women want to look attractive. For this, they invent all sorts of ways to maintain youth and beauty. More BC, it was known that skin and hair need not only cleansing, but also in the hydration and nutrition.
Modern beauties maintain the attractiveness is much easier and simpler. Beauticians have invented a myriad of different ways to care for face and body. In addition, stores a rich assortment of cosmetics for the independent conduct procedures to facilitate the maintenance of beauty at home.
To cleanse the skin using foams, lotions, gels for washing, for nourishment and hydration - creams and a variety of masks for toning - lotions and tonics. But all of the above that the action of cosmetics was more effective, we should not forget about such an important process, as chemical peels at home.
Why do you need peeling?
Peeling (from the English. To peel «peeled" or "Hull") - deep cleansing of the skin, at which the peeling of the upper stratum corneum. What is it for? The fact that the cells of the dermis are periodically updated. But not all the dead skin layers are completely removed by yourself. Their complete disappearance promotes peeling.
Thanks to this procedure, small wrinkles disappear and the face looks fresh and attractive. It should also be noted that after the deep cleaning of all cosmetics are much more efficient, as the dead cells do not interfere with their deep penetration into the skin's layers. It is important to remember that not only requires peeling face. Deep cleansing is useful to do for the whole body, and even the scalp. After this procedure, the sebaceous glands will produce less fat, and the hair will grow much faster.
What are the different kinds of peeling?
Depending on the manner in which peeling is carried out and how deep to the skin, allocate some of its varieties. It is necessary to know the features of each of them.
Laser peels can be done only in specialized salon. This is a very deep and painful method of biological purification, which equates to a surgical intervention. Yes, and the process of rehabilitation after peeling varieties long enough, perhaps even complications. Therefore, for him not to call more often than 2 times a year, and only at great need.
A more popular types of peels are physically and chemically. They act on the upper and middle layers of the skin, so to such procedures may be resorted to quite often. For their use of cosmetic products as special, or simply products that are always there in the kitchen. For example, the popular physical exfoliation with salt. The small crystals, which are in every home, help cleanse the skin surface.
Chemical peels are usually performed in the salons. At home, this procedure is more difficult to organize. However, nothing is impossible for a woman who dreams of being attractive. Many are afraid of the term "chemical peel". After all, for us, the chemistry associated with something alien and harmful to. To some extent, it is. With this kind of peeling should be cautious. However, with the necessary information, you will extract from this procedure only for the benefit of their appearance.
Useful chemical peels at home
To carry out a chemical peel, you can use the funds provided by various cosmetic concerns. In any store you can find a lot of scrubs, masks and exfoliation for your skin type. In its composition they have a different set of chemical elements. Most often it is phenol, glycolic acid and fruit.
You just have to choose the right cosmetic. But beware: the poor-quality goods can cause burns to the skin and lead to disastrous results. To avoid fakes, buy cosmetic products only in specialized stores. An alternative cosmetics store could become a means for peeling, which you can do yourself. In this case, you can be exactly sure of their quality and safety.
How to choose a peeling?
It must be remembered that the means of peeling must be chosen correctly. Before the cleaning at home is best to consult with an experienced beautician. If this is not possible, do not purchase cosmetics with high concentration of acids. Their improper use may lead to irreversible consequences.
Women with very greasy, seborrheic skin type is recommended peeling beta gidrokislotami. Very effective cosmetics with salicylic acid. Useful for oily skin and glycolic acid. Owners of dry and sensitive skin is better to choose a more benign components. They are suitable means to alfagidrokislotami, whose second name "fruit peels."
The presence of rash on the face and inflammatory elements completely eliminates the possibility of a deep cleaning. Before the procedure is necessary to bring the skin in order to avoid complications.
Simple recipes for chemical peels
Peeling based concoctions and hydrogen peroxide
Peeling with concoctions is the most popular varieties of chemical treatment of the skin. This procedure can be done in the salon and at home. Concoctions - a freshwater plant that performs the function of a biological purifier in nature. Similarly, it influences the skin. Bodyagi long been caught from freshwater rivers and lakes and used in cosmetology. Now, this plant can be easily purchased at any pharmacy ready for use in powder form.
Before the procedure, clean the face suitable for your skin type means: facial wash, lotion or cosmetic milk. Then it should be steam. Owners of oily skin it can be done on the steam tray. Women with dry skin is enough to warm the face with hot wet towel. Remove hair under a scarf, wear rubber gloves. To prevent discoloration of the eyelashes, eyebrows, lips, and parts of the skin around the eyes, as well as to save them from aggressive components mask, grease them with Vaseline.
Pour into a small container 2 tablespoons of powder concoctions and gradually pour in a three-percent hydrogen peroxide. Mix thoroughly until the mixture is creamy and acquire begins to foam. The finished mass immediately quickly put on dry face, gently rubbing the mixture in a circular motion along the massage lines. Within 20 minutes, hold the mask on the face, then rinse with warm water. Blot with a tissue skin and powder the talc.
Peeling with concoctions designed for multiple procedures. It should be carried out every day until until a slight peeling. Sometimes it is enough and the two masks, but may need three or more procedures. Before the second and subsequent application of the skin is not steamed, but only wipe two percent solution of salicylic alcohol.
During the procedure, avoid direct sunlight. UV light can damage the skin. Do not use any cosmetics. You can only be lubricated with petroleum jelly face. After the second procedure is recommended to do a soft facial massage. Then applied to the skin soothing mask, prepared independently on the basis of natural ingredients: honey, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and herbs.
Salicylic peels
Salicylic acid has an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. This material is soft on the skin without irritating it. Through this means it becomes smooth, narrow pores, black spots disappear, normalizes the sebaceous glands. For very oily skin problems using solution tridtsatiprotsentnym acid content. Women with normal to dry skin prone, you must use pyatnadtsatiprotsentny salicylic alcohol.
This procedure, like any other peeling, carried out in three stages. First, the person must be free of surface contamination. Then the skin can cause dopilingovy cream that will produce a softening effect, and prepare to face the upcoming procedure.
The second stage - the application of salicylic acid directly. Do not be alarmed if the person will be a little pinch. This is normal. However, if you feel discomfort, immediately wash. Means keep on the face no more than 5 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
The final step is to neutralize the effect of slightly acid. To do this, apply to face a special protective cosmetic. Well proven creams, which include aloe. This plant will accelerate the process of tissue regeneration and protects against harmful environmental factors.
Soft Peeling with calcium chloride
Purchase at the pharmacy a ten percent solution of calcium chloride. The vials with a capacity of 10 ml is enough for one treatment. Wash your face and pat dry. Good solution soak a cotton pad and lubricate the skin. Leave to dry completely. This will require no more than 2 minutes. Repeat twice. But after the third application of the solution of calcium chloride does not wait until it dries. Quickly hand soap baby soap and massage your face in circular motions. You will immediately notice exfoliated dead skin skin cells. After wash your face gently with warm water, pat the towel and apply a barrier cream.
Classic chemical peels
Rub on a small grater good bath soap without fragrances and preservatives. Add in the 10 grams of boric acid, 30 milliliters of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of ten percent of ammonia, 2 tablespoons of three percent hydrogen peroxide and 2 tablets gidroperita. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass of foam. Apply the product to cleansed face, hold to dry for 7-10 minutes. Then wash with a previously made ten percent solution of calcium chloride and thoroughly rinse with water. Blot the face cloth, brush protective cosmetics. It should be noted that the ready-mix for such peeling can be stored in the refrigerator for three months in a tightly sealed container.
Fruit peeling with AHA - acids
This type of peel is considered the most gentle and suitable for frequent use and for women with dry and sensitive skin. Cosmetics with ANA - acids have long been used to preserve the beauty and youth. They are part of the fruit that is available to everyone. Therefore, holding the fruit peel the strength to implement any woman. Here are some simple recipes.
Peeling "Garden"
Take 1 cup red currant and a half cup of any grape. Crush the fruit in a mortar, strain through cheesecloth. The resulting juice lubricate the face with a cotton swab. Leave to dry for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Peeling "Multifruit"
For this mask will need exotic fruits. In equal parts mixed and pulverized using a blender peeled banana, pineapple and kiwi. Apply the product to the face, wait 15 minutes and rinse.
Peeling "Lemon"
Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil and rosehip oil. Add the liquid 1 teaspoon lemon juice squeezed out immediately before use. Slightly warm the resulting liquid and apply on the face with a cotton pad. This mask is not necessary to keep a long time. Suffice it for 5 minutes. After that, the composition is washed off with cool water.
Any woman who does not even have a thick wallet afford to be young and beautiful for years to come. Do not be lazy, take care of your face and body. And not necessarily to go to this expensive beauty salons. Use chemical peels at home and be beautiful!
We recommend that read: peeling glycolic acid at home