Every woman is inherent desire to be beautiful and desirable. However, to keep youth and attractiveness - not an easy task. It is necessary to take care of your skin every day to preserve and increase its beauty for years to come. Modern beauticians offer a wide variety of ways and means to preserve the appeal. In any salon specialists will conduct the procedures for purification, rejuvenation and skin lightening complexion. The range of shops is rich in all kinds of cosmetics. Here you can find everything: the cleansing milk and facial wash and scrub, and a variety of masks and creams and tonics ...
The question arises: Do I have recourse to experts and factories for the production of cosmetics? After all, any means of skin care possible to prepare yourself and in your own kitchen. And they will be no worse than those who offer us stores of cosmetics, and perhaps even better. Independently can be carried out and the procedure for cleansing the skin using natural formulations suitable for you. In this article we will talk about how to make fruit peels at home using a variety of ingredients to achieve the most effective results.
Cosmetologists believe that the peeling procedure has a deep cleansing is needed for every woman, especially after 25 years. It is doing it is necessary to cleanse the skin from dead cells, saturate the skin with oxygen and, consequently, contribute to its rejuvenation. After this procedure, the action of creams, lotions, masks and amplified, since all useful moisturizers and nutrients much more quickly absorbed into the epidermis.
What is the fruit peels?
The most popular tool in the fight for the beauty of the skin is considered a fruit peels. This is one of the most effective and gentle way to deep cleanse the upper layers of the skin. The advantage of the fruit peel is that during the meeting are not affected by the updated live cells. This method of cleaning a soft affects exclusively on dead skin layers of the skin.
This procedure is done using fruit acids, which are called alfagidrokislotami or abbreviated - AHA acids. They are produced not only fruits but also synthetically. Most often used in cosmetics glycolic acid, which is produced from sugar cane. It promotes the most effective elimination of keratinized skin. Lactic acid works well as a moisturizer, malic and tartaric increase the elasticity of the skin and stimulates collagen lemon. Perfect fruit peels - is the one that combines all of the above alfagidrokisloty.
The history of this procedure
There is a version that fruit peels - the invention of modern cosmetology. However, this is not so. It is known that more BC women of ancient Greece and Rome made masks of different fruits. A famous Queen Cleopatra, famous for its beauty, washed with milk and sour wine. In those days people did not know the scientific rationale for why these products have a beneficial effect on the appearance of a woman. But, despite this, the beauties have successfully used the mask of fruit and dairy products.
Scientists have discovered AHA acids relatively recently, about 20 years ago. Initially, these biological substances used in medicine for therapeutic purposes. Later they began to use successfully in cosmetology for the treatment of acne, eczema, dandruff. For the skin, they are valuable because they increase its smoothness, reduce wrinkles and eliminate dark spots.
Peeling fruit acids offer almost all beauty salons. Not everyone can afford this procedure. But that is no reason to abandon it. Fruit peels can be carried out easily at home. This kind of purification is needed especially owners of oily skin type, blackheads, large pores, age spots and dull complexion.
Rules of the fruit peel homes
To peel fruit acted properly and did not cause harm when conducting necessary to follow a few simple recommendations.
Prepare everything you need: a container for mixing the components (better to take a small enamel bowl), cotton swabs, brushes for applying the mask, clean towel.
Wash your face and wipe tonic, store bought or made yourself. It is necessary to get rid of the remnants of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands to peel acted more effectively. In the absence of the necessary hand cosmetics simply wash with warm water.
Remember that a mixture of peeling should be prepared immediately before use, because over time, organic acids lose their properties. Therefore, in this case to mix the components of several procedures can not forward.
Do not get carried away by this procedure. The skin on the face is very delicate and sensitive. Deep cleaning is recommended no more than twice a week, and for dry skin - once every 10 days.
When applying the mask is required to avoid the area around the eyes, rinse with cool water mixture only.
After the procedure face pat dry with a towel, wipe with a decoction of sage or oak bark. These plants have a good tanning properties that improve the effect of the procedures done. After necessarily apply to the skin nourishing cream.
During the first 2-3 days, the skin should not be cleaned with alcohol-based tonics, prohibited use on the face honey or essential oils. At this time, it is best to wipe the skin with tea or milk.
How to choose the right components for peeling?
Each category has fruit in its composition certain AHA acids. As mentioned above, they all have different effects on the skin. When selecting components for a mask, should be guided by what result you would like. Glycolic acid, a more effective and deep cleaning, for example, contained in a green grapes. Lactic acid, which moisturizes, has apples and blueberries. Citric acid, which promotes collagen and improving skin elasticity, is in citrus.
Thus, choosing any one piece of fruit, we are working on the skin in a certain way. And to achieve the most positive outcome is better to combine several components, that is, mixed fruit containing a different AHA acids.
Recipes skin peeling fruit acids in the home
For this need peeling papaya fruit. This exotic fruit in some cities are not so easy to find on store shelves. However, it is worth to try, because it contains acid that effectively influence the state of the epidermis. Mix 200 grams of pineapple and papaya 100 grams. Fruits of the pre-wash and chop. Add the resulting mixture 2 tablespoons of honey. Bee products must necessarily be natural. Check the quality of the purchased product. Apply a thin layer of the mask on the face. If this procedure is carried out for the first time, rinse with a mixture of 3 minutes after application. Subsequently, treatment time can be increased to 5 minutes. Mask wash off with cool water.
Take 200 grams of purified crushed pineapple and mix with 2 tablespoons liquid honey. For the viscosity can be added to it a little oat flour, which can be purchased at the store or make your own. This mask is considered to be more gentle. It can be kept on your face for 10 minutes.
Based on the following recipe as the previous two - exotic fruits. Pulp 1 banana whip with peeled and chopped kiwi fruit and 200 grams of pineapple. The resulting mass is put on the face and keep for 15 minutes. After this time, rinse with cool water.
Olive oil and rosehip oil mix in a 1: 1 ratio. Add a little lemon juice. The resulting liquid-heat. Make sure that it does not become hot. The weight should be slightly warm. Lubricate the resulting compositions face with a cotton swab, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse.
Orange peels are preparing by mixing fruit pulp from the coffee grounds and a small amount of liquid honey. The resulting mass is put on the face, gently massaging. Leave for 5 minutes, then rinse. AHA acids that make up an orange, make the skin soft and supple.
One can prepare a mask, similar to the number 5, but using apricot. Its fruits include malic acid, stimulates metabolism in cells.
For dry skin is well suited strawberry peeling. Mix 4 tablespoons of the pulp of the berries with 1 egg and 2 teaspoons of coffee grounds. Apply the resulting composition to the face with soft massage movements. Rinse with cool water after 10 minutes.
4-5 large grapes get rid of bones and mash in a shallow dish. Owners of dry and combination skin is recommended to add to the fruit pulp a few drops of olive oil. Apply the mixture to damp cleansed skin along the massage lines. Tartaric acid in grapes, has exfoliating and whitening properties.
Features skin care after peeling
Even after such a gentle way to deep clean the skin as fruit peels, the face needs special care. After this procedure is somewhat destroys the surface layer of the epidermis. Do not worry if after the peeling of the skin will be a slight reddening. This is normal. After the procedure, avoid direct sunlight and about two days did not go to the solarium. Also, if possible, do not use cosmetics 1-2 days. Let the skin "breathe" and were filled with nutrients.
Contraindications to the fruit peel
In contrast to the more rigid procedures, which is carried in the cabin, fruit peels at home does not have a large number of contraindications. First of all it is necessary to know, it does not cause any allergic reaction fruit. To perform this simple test: apply a little of the prepared mixture in a small area of the skin inside of your arm. If no negative effects (itching heavy reddening) will not be possible to put the mask on the face. Not recommended fruit peels women with very dry skin. AHA acid can cause unnecessary irritation and peeling. It can not be carried out in the presence of open wounds and sores on the skin.
Do you need to peel fruit regularly, about 1 time a week. Results fruit peels conducted even at home, will please any woman. After this procedure, the skin looks fresh and supple. The pores are cleaned and brighten after the third procedure, and after the fourth - significantly narrowed. Normalizes the sebaceous glands, pores are cleaned, small signs of aging disappear. This effect does not give you any one mask.
Take care of your skin and be beautiful!
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