how to save on food


  • Cooking tasty and inexpensive
  • Organization of procurement budget

It is no secret that almost half of the usual monthly income of an average family spent on food. We leave the money in large supermarkets, markets and shopping in nearby stores. And often we do it lightly, in a hurry, so we spend much more than they otherwise would. But, according to statistics, good planning of expenditure on food can save up to thirty percent of the monthly household budget. Agree, a decent amount. Especially in these difficult times, when the crisis makes us constantly think about the day to come, and leaving no room for careless attitude toward money.

How to buy and at the same time to save? How to get out of the store with food for a week and still be glad that in your wallet still have money? And is it possible at all? After all, eating should be varied and nutritious, especially when it concerns children. Of course, we often save on clothes, and it sounds simple affair. But the question of delicious food for many of us is always in first place, and to reduce the cost of the products do not always want to. In any process there are some nuances and subtleties. So let's try to figure out and understand how you can not only reduce the cost of food, but do it for the benefit of the organism. So we save properly and thus improve and diversify the diet!

 save on food

Cooking tasty and inexpensive

Councils, which provide experienced hostess, at a certain time Faced with the need to save money the family set. Some of them are aimed precisely at the correct organization of cooking. They not only allows you to save the family budget, but also to help make your family's diet is more varied and, of course, useful. Here are the basic rules of how to relate to food, to spend less money on it.

Rule one: domestic semifinished best shops

Do not buy in supermarkets ready-frozen foods. We do not argue, it's convenient, fast and relatively inexpensive. But let's face it: in addition to the obvious advantages, this food there are significant drawbacks. And the main one - is the composition of such products. As a rule, the quality leaves much to be desired, because instead of the meat filling in dumplings and dumplings are usually present and soybean oil, the same applies to the finished pancakes, burgers and meatballs. Think not primarily about how to abandon the food in order to save, and over whether all your family members, especially children.

It is better not to be lazy and weekends with his own prepared from natural and high-quality meat like workpiece and freeze them. And to help you in this will be able to children and spouse, for example, under your leadership to stick home dumplings and dumplings. With its own blanks you will be able always to please loved ones fast and above all, quality meal.

For fun, you can calculate the cost of products for your cooking convenience foods. I think you will be surprised when you realize that for the same money, which had to spend on store counterparts, get more yield home. And how much use in a food, however.

Rule two: pastries, chips and crackers are preparing themselves

Do not buy ready-made cakes, pastries and other sweets with a short shelf life. Firstly, you can not know exactly the conditions in which that food is stored, and run the risk of food poisoning. And secondly, the ingredients of the finished candy is not always natural and is therefore not suitable for children. Of course, each has its own supermarket, confectionary department, a kind of paradise for the sweet tooth. And the hand itself stretches for cake, cookies or other temptation.

Instead, learn to save and try to bake apple pie with apples or chocolate cake yourself. The recipes of these dishes are so simple that a child cope. And benefit from them will be much more than from purchased analogues with heavy butter cream. So you not only save money on food, but will please the home fragrant pastries without harm to their health.

Do not buy chips, crackers, salted nuts and other junk food. If you can not do without these products, make them yourself. As for the chips, it can not be abused, but sometimes both want to eat something harmful, right? Believe me, there is nothing easier than to prepare them at home. We just need to slice the potatoes thinly and quickly fry it in sunflower oil.

Crackers are prepared even simpler: any stale bread cut into squares or stripes, prisolit and drain in the oven. You can sprinkle them with spices to taste. So you will find a good use of stale bread products, which certainly would have gone to waste, and to prepare from them delicious crackers, to give pleasure to the family.

Nuts are also more profitable to buy a large package raw and roast in the oven or pan. Thus saving possible and on the other favorite food. Do not be afraid to experiment and try new recipes.

Rule three: Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables and do conservation

Do not buy summer vegetables and fruits in winter, and winter - summer. This simple rule will not only save money, but also will protect the health of your family from nitrates and chemicals, which are full of food out of season. Therefore, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cabbage and the rest should be bought in line for their ripening season.

The same goes for fruit and berries. And in general, when choosing these products try to give preference to those that are grown in our country or in the near abroad. Since it is domestic fruits and vegetables are the most useful for us. By the way, pediatricians generally prohibit the use of orange in the summer, as imported citrus fruits often cause severe allergic reactions.

Do not buy shopping preservation. This also applies to popular pickles and jam, and the rest of the food of a similar category. To save, but do not deny yourself the canned products, they are cheaper and more profitable to make itself the summer and early autumn. Especially that home-made are much more useful.

And if in your family once had a tradition of collecting wild mushrooms and berries, then it is time to return to it. After all this food - not only a great way to diversify the menu, but also a good excuse to relax with your family from the city and breathe the fresh forest air. But do not forget of caution and collect only those mushrooms, which are well known to you.

Rule Four: meat and fish better than meat products

Avoid sausages in any form. This food is practically no meat, but a lot of substitutes and flavors, and its price is not that low. It is better to buy chicken, pork and beef, which can not only cook, but also delicious baked. It's not only a good way to save, but also the ability not to use harmful food.

Do not buy meat and fish lightly if you want to save. For example, if you decide to prepare the ear, then pay attention not to expensive fillets, and fish head. Quality stock a win and save money. The same goes for meat. A whole chicken will result in a cheaper than each part separately. If the menu is planned burgers, you should not buy a cutting, do you not get the savings. It is better to buy, say, a part of the scapula.

Rule Five: prefer juices, fruit drinks and fruit

Avoid sweet drinks - its damage to the body for a long time is a proven fact. It is better to cook compotes, fruit drinks and make fresh juices. In winter, they can be prepared from previously frozen preparations and seasonal fruits. If you calculate the cost of a liter of homemade compote, it would be two times lower than the cheapest sweet drinks.

It is also worth mentioning an ordinary drinking water, which we have long been accustomed to buy in the store. But there are well-room, where it can collect for free. And many companies are now offering high-quality delivery of water to the house, however, this service also costs money, but in any case would be cheaper than buying in the supermarket.

 how to save on eating right

Organization of procurement budget

In the matter of saving on food plays an important role and the right approach to their selection and acquisition. Therefore, people who want to reduce the cost of food, should pay attention to the basic principles that will help to learn how to do the necessary grocery purchases. Here are some tips for those who want to save on food.

Tip One: visit a supermarket less, do it with a list and on a full stomach

Teach yourself to need to shop only once a week. This will consume all the products and not to throw away spoiled food in the garbage. Going to the store, bring only cash, credit card and leave the house. This will help you understand how much you have spent. By the way, to global procurement good breakfast or lunch, or the thought of food will not be allowed to save, forcing to make a lot of extra expenses.

Before you go to the store or on the market, consider the menu for next week and carefully make a list of needed products. Not more than for you to be kind and conduct price monitoring to determine the most favorable in this respect supermarket. However, remember that a trip to the grocery store with the lowest cost may sometimes not be as profitable than buying in the near Market. It is necessary to take into consideration the travel costs. Do not forget about the discount card and coupon codes. They will help you save money and purchase products at a better price.

Tip Two: Know the measure, remember shelf life and do not forget about the market

Keep in mind that there is a supermarket and its own system of waste-free sales. So choose those dairy products, which are at the back of the racks. And do not be lazy to look at the bottom and top shelves, because the eye level is a more expensive product with an earlier date of manufacture. Play it safe and give preference to a fresh food.

Do not take a lot of products with a limited shelf life. Their number should be equal to the needs of your family, because you can not save money if you constantly throw out spoiled food. On the other hand, durable goods, such as cereals, sugar, sunflower oil, is to buy in bulk. It is cheaper and thus more profitable. Feel free to bring friends to this procurement may be one of them knows the small wholesale base with excellent prices, but alone can not save money by taking advantage of such a useful finding. And to cooperate, it is quite possible to do.

Walk to the market, especially for seasonal fruit and vegetables. Remember that good discounts on food The local merchants are willing to offer in the afternoon, in the evening. Of course, the choice at this time is not particularly large, but the benefit will, in any case, and the number of buyers significantly reduced, which will safely select the desired item.

Do not forget that you can save money on food, not only at home but also at work. For example, give up drinks from coffee machines. Instead, buy good coffee and cook it yourself. This will not only save money but also improve the quality of the drink consumed. Prefer home eating a sandwich instead of buying lunch break dubious quality cakes in the nearest cafe.

There are, of course, and another tip for those who want to save. It is to eat less. No, do not go hungry, and prepare as much as is required for a full meal the whole family. It often happens that like everything is full, but do not want to leave extra food for the next time - and we are constantly eats. Try to cook less, and maybe you do not have to sit on a regular diet, because extra weight melt magically without good effort.

Perhaps the first attempt to follow at least a number of the above-described methods of saving, you immediately feel the positive results. For example, relatives often will admire your culinary talents. Or the time that your family will spend in the kitchen, participating in the process of cooking and helping you to be much larger than it was before.

And to your family does not raise questions about why we save, the results of the first two successful months demonstrate the amount of the deferred money and offer to spend it on new clothes or entertainment. Motivations such as this, surely contribute to the further process of rationalization of the budget expenditures of your family.

 How to save on food: eat properly and do not spend too much

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