scrub of honey and salt


  • Why cook scrub their hands
  • Features a scrub their hands
  • Tips before using scrub
  • How to use the miracle scrub

Our skin every day requires careful maintenance. For the daily effort and the attention it pays to us the beauty and health. An important component of this care is the stage of cleansing. Dermatologists after a number of studies have found that the cells that form the top layer of skin, live only 30-35 days.

If they are not addressed, they begin to accumulate on the face and body, resulting in dull colors and deterioration of the skin in general, pimples and irritation. To cleanse the skin and improve its circulation for many centuries used scrubs to help keep young and attractive skin of the body for many years.

Use a good, suitable for your skin scrub is all year round, but especially in the summer, this procedure is necessary. At this time, the skin is contaminated quickly due to increased perspiration and sebum. The usual shower gel and sponge will not be able to clear it in so far as it is necessary. Here come to the aid of scrub that, as a great exfoliator, well improves blood circulation and tones the skin. Many people use them as an additional protection against the cellulite.

Dead skin cells can also prevent sunburn to go smoothly. For good measure a beautiful tan, try to use the scrub before the first access to the beach. The same rule applies to the artificial bronzers - they are best used on the cleaned skin of the body.

Of course, the health of the skin should use products containing natural ingredients. This will not only improve the state, but also prolongs youth for its beautiful skin. In our time in the stores are well represented body scrubs, seaweed, essential oils, sugar, natural extracts of fruits and other products of plant origin.

 Mask of honey and salt

Why cook scrub their hands?

Now in stores you can buy any scrubs who only wish your soul. But if you compare the quality of exfoliants for the face and body shop with home-made, you can easily make sure that the remedy made by their own hands, not worse purchased, and his cooking takes very little time.

In addition, a homemade scrub significantly saves money. A component to create it easy to find in your kitchen. And the main advantage of such tools made with your own hands - you will be completely sure that it is a natural product and not another "chemistry".

Each consists of a scrub exfoliating particles and the substrate. As a final performance in the home are taken honey, vegetable oil, dairy products, milk, sour cream. And exfoliating particles serve coffee grounds, oatmeal, salt, egg shells, dried lemon peel or orange, chopped nuts, crushed dry tea, wheat bran. We take a closer look at the honey and salt for reasons of their presence is absolutely in every kitchen and are particularly useful for the skin as the face and body.

What is so useful for external use honey? It not only moisturizes, nourishes and softens. This wizard has a strong bactericidal and regenerating effect on our skin and stimulating the fat and water-salt metabolism in the cells, improves skin tone and elasticity.

Salt perfectly polishes the skin of the body, removing all dead skin cells and allowing it to "breathe", noticeably returns it elasticity and healthy beautiful view. But there is a contraindication: sensitive or irritated skin. In the second case fit trays and wiping decoction of chamomile, succession, oak bark. They are great to relieve irritation of the skin in a short period of time. And after a full recovery - use homemade scrub on health.

It should be remembered that during the preparation means all components should be thoroughly stirred. Scrub is applied to damp skin of the face and body with light massage movements. Strongly rub or press it into the skin, especially the face, you can not. After 5 minutes, wash off with warm water means.

Especially good to apply the scrub on your skin after a hot relaxing bath. Apply massaging and leave to soak for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Your skin will delight you with its velvety and tenderness.

To enhance the effect can be applied after using a scrub lotion or body cream. Once you have cleared the body skin of old cells, nutrients cream to better penetrate the skin. Usually, this procedure is performed before an important event or as a rapid withdrawal, when there is no time for long sittings in the salons.

 Mask of salt and honey

Features a scrub their hands

First, prepare the equipment: ceramic bowl, a wooden spoon and glass jar with a lid, which will store the scrub. After that you need to prepare the ingredients necessary for a particular recipe, and comply with the basic requirements for the preparation of a cleaning agent.

  1. Thoroughly mix the dry ingredients in a ceramic bowl.
  2. If the scrub includes honey, pour it into a bowl and stir again all.
  3. For mixing, you can use a blender.
  4. If the scrub includes oil, pour in half the required volume and mix until the mixture until the ingredients do not get wet. And only then pour the remainder of the oil and natural supplements (if they are listed in the recipe).
  5. Put the mixture into a glass jar.
  6. The obtained mixture was stored in a refrigerator in a tightly closed vessel.

Tips before using scrub

There are contraindications for the use of any cosmetics containing the honey in their components:

  • if there is excessive growth of hair on the face;
  • If the face has an asterisk and extended capillary vessels;
  • if there is a disease of diabetes.

Before you can use on your skin scrub containing honey, check yourself for an allergic reaction to this product. Put a little honey on hand and watch this area of ​​skin for a while. If there is no discomfort, itching, redness - flush honey and safely use the scrub. It will do you good!

Scrub honey and salt: basic recipe


This scrub is suitable for all skin types. To make it, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 teaspoon of table salt large;
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon;
  • half a tablespoon of olive oil.

If you did not have honey, you can replace it with syrup for making pancakes, in the absence of olive oil use in any other, for example, sunflower, from him will be a similar effect. Ideal for cooking salt, sea salt scrubs considered because of its mineral composition, but in its absence, you can use the usual fine table salt.

Stages of preparation:

  • In a bowl or other container with a fork stir salt, honey and butter.
  • Put a spoonful of the mixture on your hands.
  • Evenly apply a light massage on the skin weight.
  • Wait about 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Try to carry out the procedure every 3 weeks, while beautiful and radiant skin you provided.

Scrub Honey and Salt: Express Care


  • 1 cup sea salt (if available - Dead Sea salt powder);
  • 2 tablespoons powdered milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of blue clay;
  • one-third cup honey;
  • one-third cup of jojoba oil.

Blue clay has a soothing and anti-cellulite effect, it clears acne, wrinkles and whitens skin. Jojoba oil accelerates the regeneration of cells, prolonging youthfulness of the skin. Also, this oil penetrates deep into the skin, forming a film on the original cells, which retains moisture, thus preventing dryness or scaling of the skin. This scrub is often used as a scrub - face mask.

Scrub - a facial mask with cream cheese

This mask is suitable for all skin types.


  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese (preferably home, for oily skin - with a smaller percentage of fat, dry - with a lot).

Stages of preparation:

  1. Spread the cheese milk to form a liquid curd mass.
  2. Add the honey and salt.
  3. Mix the ingredients and apply the scrub on face massage.

After 15 minutes, rinse with a mixture of warm water. After lightly apply a moisturizer. Mask helps to smooth wrinkles and soften the skin.

Scrub Mask for Dry Skin

This mask is suitable for dry and with the first signs of wilting mature skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt.

Preparation and application are the same as in the scrub face mask with curd. Mask improves the elasticity of the skin and the complexion. The same can be done and mask for oily skin, but will need to replace the vegetable oil 4 tablespoons of yogurt.

Scrub mask ladle

The mask is suitable for all skin types except oily.


  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of thick cream of wheat with milk;
  • half raw egg yolk.

Preparation and application are the same as in the scrub face mask with curd. The mask has nourishing and smoothes the skin and complexion effect.

Mask of honey acne

Many do not realize that the usual mask of honey can effectively fight acne. But the fair sex, preferring proven traditional methods, this fact is proved by their own example. And how could it be otherwise? Honey, which is part of the mask is a powerful natural antiseptic and almost completely eliminates this cosmetic problem. This mask, with the regular use of it, will save you from acne without drying or thinned skin.


  • 1 tablespoon liquid honey;
  • 1 egg.

Mix honey with egg and apply this mixture on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask of honey will help to improve the complexion and make your skin supple and soft in a short period of time.

Miraculous scrub "Lakshmi"

Scrub under the fanciful name of "Lakshmi" differs simply miraculous properties. It has for many centuries enjoyed Indian women. Its name this unique and useful in composition scrub was in honor of the ancient Indian goddess Lakshmi, wealth and success. It is best to put it on after a steaming bath, sauna or bath face and body. In India, it is used by both women and men.

Because of that so extol the recipe of a foreign scrub? Because of its effectiveness and a comprehensive approach to the purification and recovery of the body! "Lakshmi" helps to effectively fight cellulite and toxins, not only tightens, but also rejuvenates the skin, improves the tone of the body and removes excess fluid. In addition, it has an unusually pleasant fragrance, which aligns the psycho-emotional state. It sounds fantastic, right? Already you want to try for yourself?

The ingredients needed to prepare this scrub:

  • 1 cup honey;
  • half cup of fine sea salt;
  • half cup sugar;
  • half cup of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter;
  • 7-9 drops of essential oils of eucalyptus and juniper;
  • 4-6 stuff cardamom;
  • 5 Stars cloves (previously ground in the mortar);
  • a pinch of coriander;
  • a pinch of turmeric;
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon;
  • 2 pinches of dried ginger.

The essential oil to choose to either one, or make a composition of oils. Cinnamon with turmeric need to treat pimples on the back and remove the peeling of the skin. Average ghee not only struggling with dry skin, but also removes toxins, it treats pain in the feet and hands. This scrub is an assistant for the maintenance of beauty, and for health promotion. And yet, before using this scrub containing many potent natural ingredients, pass the test for allergies.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Mix the salt and sugar, add the olive oil in an amount to impregnate the ingredients (they should not float in the oil). Stir the resulting mixture.
  2. Add the essential oils and mix again.
  3. Be sure to cover with a mixture of polyethylene, so as not evaporated oil.
  4. We put on a steam bath honey, which will need to melt the liquid consistency.
  5. During warm honey add spice to it. When you feel the flavor, remove from heat honey.
  6. Add the honey mixture of sugar, oil and salt. Mix the resulting mass.
  7. If you wish or need to add the melted butter.
  8. The resulting scrub insist during the day.

 facial mask honey and salt

How to use the miracle scrub?

First, take a dip without the use of soap, but with the help of a pea or oatmeal. It is unusual, but natural and healthy. Go to the steam room / sauna / bathroom. Apply a layer of steamed tonyusenkoy skin exfoliation, light massage movements rub it into the skin of the face and body.

Keep the mixture on the skin for about 10 minutes and rinse again without using soap or oatmeal pea. Keep the scrub in a jar of dark glass.

Try to imagine these simple and proven by thousands of women recipes. You will notice that your skin is the body has become even clearer and more beautiful. Being beautiful is simple - you need only a little time to devote to themselves. And you'll be irresistible everywhere and always.

 Scrub Honey and Salt: beauty, accessible to everyone
